Unequal width of classes in the frequency distribution do not cause an...
Unequal width of classes in the frequency distribution does not cause any difficulty in the construction of histograms. A histogram is a graphical representation of a frequency distribution, where the data is grouped into intervals or classes and the frequency of each interval is plotted against the corresponding interval.
Construction of Histograms with Unequal Width of Classes
The following points explain why unequal width of classes does not cause any difficulty in the construction of histograms:
1. The area of each rectangle in a histogram represents the frequency of the corresponding class. The height of each rectangle is proportional to the frequency density of the class, which is calculated by dividing the frequency of the class by the width of the class. Hence, the height of the rectangle is adjusted automatically to reflect the unequal width of the classes.
2. The x-axis of the histogram represents the range of the data, and the y-axis represents the frequency or frequency density. The width of each rectangle on the x-axis is proportional to the width of the corresponding class, and the height of each rectangle on the y-axis is proportional to the frequency density of the corresponding class.
3. In histograms with unequal width of classes, the x-axis is divided into intervals or classes of unequal widths, and the frequency or frequency density of each class is represented by the height of a rectangle. The width of each rectangle on the x-axis is proportional to the width of the corresponding class, and the height of each rectangle on the y-axis is proportional to the frequency density of the corresponding class.
4. The construction of a histogram with unequal width of classes requires the determination of suitable class intervals or widths based on the range of the data and the purpose of the analysis. The choice of class intervals or widths can affect the shape and interpretation of the histogram, and therefore should be made carefully.
In conclusion, the unequal width of classes in the frequency distribution does not cause any difficulty in the construction of histograms. The histogram is a flexible and effective graphical tool for displaying the distribution of data, and can be used to analyze the shape, center, and spread of the data. The construction of a histogram with unequal width of classes requires careful choice of class intervals or widths, and the interpretation of the histogram should be based on the context of the data analysis.
Unequal width of classes in the frequency distribution do not cause an...