In which operation carry is obtained?a)Subtractionb)Additionc)Multipli...
In addition, carry is obtained. For example: 1 0 1 + 1 1 1 = 1 0 0; in this example carry is obtained after 1st addition (i.e. 1 + 1 = 1 0). In subtraction, borrow is obtained. Like, 0 – 1 = 1 (borrow 1).
In which operation carry is obtained?a)Subtractionb)Additionc)Multipli...
Obtaining Carry in Addition
When performing addition, the carry is obtained when the sum of two digits in a particular position exceeds the base of the number system being used. For example, when adding two binary numbers, if the sum of two bits in the same position is 2 (10 in binary), a carry of 1 is generated and added to the next higher position.
+ 1011
In this example, when adding the rightmost bits (1 + 1), the sum is 10, which results in a carry of 1 to the next higher position.
Carry in Subtraction
In subtraction, the concept of borrowing is used instead of carrying. When subtracting a larger digit from a smaller one, borrowing is required to perform the operation.
- 0110
In this example, when subtracting the second digit from the first digit, borrowing is needed to perform the subtraction operation.
In the operation of addition, the carry is obtained when the sum of two digits exceeds the base of the number system. In contrast, borrowing is used in subtraction when subtracting a larger digit from a smaller one. Therefore, carry is obtained in the addition operation.