For a network graph having its fundamental loop matrix Bfand its sub-m...
Fundamental loop: A fundamental loop is a closed path of a given graph with only one Link and the rest of them as twigs.
The number of fundamental loops for any given graph = b – (n – 1) = number of Links
These fundamental loop currents are called Tie set currents and the orientation of the tie set currents governed by the link.
Number of fundamental loops = 6 – 4 + 1 = 3
Fundamental loop 1 is a, b, e with b and e as twigs and a as Link. i1 is Tie set current and the direction as same as link ‘a’.
Similarly, loop2 → b, c, d → i2
loop3 → a, e, f → i3
Tie set matrix:
- It gives the relation between tie set currents and branch currents.
- The rows of a matrix represent the tie – set currents.
- The columns of a matrix represent branches of the graph.
- The order of the tie set matrix is (b – n + 1) × b
- A tie-set matrix can be assumed to be comprised of two submatrices.
Where, Bt and Bl are the sub-matrices of tie-set matrix (Bf) corresponding to twigs and links of a connected graph, respectively.
The elements of tie set matrix [M] = [aij]
[aij] = +1, If jth branch current is incident at ith tie set current at oriented in the same direction.
= –1, if jth branch current is incident at ith tie set current at oriented in the opposite direction.
= 0, If jth branch current is not incident with ith tie set current.
For the above graph, the tie set matrix is given by
We can rearrange the matrix as given below.
Tie set currents and branch currents together form an identity matrix as marked in the above Tie set matrix.
Now, from the above matrix, it is clear that,
- The submatrix corresponding to twigs (Bt) is not an identity matrix
- The submatrix corresponding to twigs (Bl) is an identity matrix
- The rank of tie set matrix is b – (n – 1) i.e. 3 for the above matrix