Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computer...
Microprocessors as switching devices are for all generations of computers.
First Generation Computers:
- The first generation of computers used vacuum tubes as their primary switching devices.
- Vacuum tubes were large, fragile, and consumed a lot of power.
- They were also prone to failures and generated a significant amount of heat.
- These computers were very slow and had limited memory capacity.
Second Generation Computers:
- The second generation of computers used transistors as their primary switching devices.
- Transistors were smaller, more reliable, and consumed less power than vacuum tubes.
- They allowed computers to be smaller, faster, and more efficient.
- These computers were still quite large and expensive.
Third Generation Computers:
- The third generation of computers introduced integrated circuits (ICs) as their primary switching devices.
- Integrated circuits were made by placing multiple transistors and other electronic components onto a single chip.
- This greatly increased the speed and performance of the computers.
- These computers were smaller, more reliable, and less expensive than their predecessors.
Fourth Generation Computers:
- The fourth generation of computers brought the invention of microprocessors.
- Microprocessors are integrated circuits that contain the entire central processing unit (CPU) of a computer on a single chip.
- They combined the functions of the CPU, memory, and input/output devices into one package.
- These computers were much smaller, faster, and more powerful than previous generations.
- Microprocessors revolutionized the computer industry and paved the way for the modern computing era.
- Microprocessors as switching devices have been used in all generations of computers.
- They have played a crucial role in advancing the capabilities and performance of computers over time.
Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computer...
Microprocessors further revolutionized the development of computers. Personal microcomputers were possible due to the microprocessors. The first microprocessor called Intel 4004 was developed by American Intel Corporation in 1971. Microprocessors are used in the computers of fourth generation computers.