How did early humans discover the benefits of fire?a)By rubbing stones...
Discovery of Benefits of Fire by Early Humans
Fire has been an important discovery for human beings. It has provided warmth, light, protection, and a means to cook food. But how did early humans discover the benefits of fire? Let's explore the answer in detail.
By Accident
The most likely way early humans discovered fire was by accident. It is believed that early humans may have seen the effects of fire after lightning strikes or volcanic eruptions, but they probably did not know how to create fire themselves. It is more likely that they stumbled upon fire accidentally while foraging for food or experimenting with different materials.
Evidence for this theory comes from the fact that the ability to make fire did not appear in the archaeological record until much later than the evidence for the use of fire. Early humans may have used natural fires or fires caused by lightning strikes before they learned how to make fire themselves.
The accidental discovery of fire may have happened in several ways:
- Early humans may have found a burning tree or a patch of dry grass, and realized that they could use the fire to cook food or keep warm.
- They may have noticed that fire could be started by rubbing two sticks or stones together, and then experimented until they figured out how to create fire themselves.
- They may have accidentally started a fire while cooking food or using tools, and then learned how to control and use the fire for their own purposes.
In conclusion, the discovery of the benefits of fire by early humans is believed to have happened by accident. Early humans may have stumbled upon fire accidentally while foraging for food or experimenting with different materials. They may have noticed the effects of fire after lightning strikes or volcanic eruptions, but they probably did not know how to create fire themselves.
How did early humans discover the benefits of fire?a)By rubbing stones...
Early humans discovered the benefits of fire when a tree was struck by lightning and set on fire, and the people hiding in the nearby cave saw the burning tree.