Which of the following is not the function of the National Human Right...
The specific legislation called the Protection of Human Rights Act was enacted by the Parliament in 1993, which in turn established the National Human Rights Commission as an independent institution with powers and functions to promote and protect human rights. The Commission is vested with the following functions:
- The Commission may, with the permission of the court, intervene in court proceedings concerning human rights violations.
- The Commission may also visit any jail or other governmental institutions, where prisoners are lodged or detained, to study the living conditions of the inmates and make recommendations to the government.
- The Commission can undertake and promote research in the field of human rights as well as spread human rights literacy among various sections of society.
Lastly, the Commission can encourage and support the efforts of non-governmental organizations and institutions involved with human rights work.
Thus, the National Human Rights Commission does not have the right to either penalize the guilty of human rights violation or to provide any financial assistance to the victim.
Which of the following is not the function of the National Human Right...
Function of the National Human Rights Commission:
- To provide economic compensation to any human rights violation victim: This is not a function of the National Human Rights Commission. The Commission's main role is to protect and promote human rights, investigate complaints of violations, and make recommendations to the government for action. However, the Commission does not have the authority to provide economic compensation to victims of human rights violations. This responsibility usually falls under the jurisdiction of the courts or other relevant authorities.
- To promote research in the field of human rights: One of the functions of the National Human Rights Commission is to promote research in the field of human rights. By conducting research and studies, the Commission can gain a better understanding of human rights issues, trends, and challenges, which can help in formulating effective policies and interventions.
- To interfere in the proceedings related to any human rights violation case pending in the court: The National Human Rights Commission has the authority to intervene in legal proceedings related to human rights violations. This may include monitoring the progress of cases, providing legal assistance to victims, and ensuring that justice is served in a timely and fair manner.
- To protect the human rights of prisoners: Another important function of the National Human Rights Commission is to protect the human rights of prisoners. This includes monitoring prison conditions, investigating complaints of abuse or mistreatment, and advocating for the rights of prisoners to be respected and upheld.
In conclusion, providing economic compensation to human rights violation victims is not a function of the National Human Rights Commission. Instead, the Commission focuses on investigating complaints, promoting research, intervening in legal proceedings, and protecting the rights of individuals, including prisoners.