Are there any reservations or quotas for specific categories in the va...
Reservations and Quotas in IBPS PO Exam
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts the Probationary Officer (PO) Exam to recruit candidates for various public sector banks in India. The exam follows a specific set of guidelines regarding reservations and quotas for different categories. Let's explore the details below:
Reservation Policy:
- The reservation policy of the Government of India is strictly followed in the IBPS PO Exam. It aims to provide equal opportunities to candidates from different categories.
- The reservations are applicable for Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC), Economically Weaker Sections (EWS), and Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD).
- The percentage of reservations may vary from state to state based on the government norms and policies.
Category-wise Reservations:
- Scheduled Castes (SC): Candidates belonging to the SC category are eligible for reservation as per the government guidelines. A certain percentage of vacancies are reserved for SC candidates in the IBPS PO Exam.
- Scheduled Tribes (ST): Similarly, candidates belonging to the ST category are eligible for reservation. A certain percentage of vacancies are reserved for ST candidates.
- Other Backward Classes (OBC): OBC candidates are also eligible for reservation in the IBPS PO Exam. A specific percentage of vacancies are reserved for OBC candidates.
- Economically Weaker Sections (EWS): In accordance with the government's EWS reservation policy, a certain percentage of vacancies are reserved for candidates falling under the EWS category.
- Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD): PwBD candidates are provided reservation in the IBPS PO Exam. The reservation percentage varies based on the type of disability.
Reservation Quotas:
- The reservation quotas for different categories are fixed by the government. These quotas ensure representation and opportunities for candidates from various categories.
- The exact percentage of vacancies reserved for each category is determined based on the government guidelines and the population ratio of different categories in a particular state or region.
- The quotas may vary from year to year or exam to exam, depending on the government's current policies and amendments.
In conclusion, the IBPS PO Exam follows a reservation policy to ensure equal opportunities for candidates from different categories. The reservations are applicable for SC, ST, OBC, EWS, and PwBD candidates. The specific percentage of vacancies reserved for each category is determined based on the government guidelines and population ratios. It is important for aspiring candidates to be aware of these reservations and quotas while preparing for the exam.