What topics are covered in CBSE Class 2 Mathematics?
CBSE Class 2 Mathematics Topics:
1. Numbers:
- Counting numbers up to 1000.
- Number names up to 1000.
- Comparison of numbers.
- Place value of numbers.
- Expanded form of numbers.
- Skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s.
- Identifying odd and even numbers.
- Writing numbers in words and figures.
- Number patterns and series.
- Roman numerals up to 50.
2. Addition:
- Addition of one-digit numbers.
- Addition of two-digit numbers without regrouping.
- Addition of two-digit numbers with regrouping.
- Addition of three-digit numbers without regrouping.
- Word problems involving addition.
3. Subtraction:
- Subtraction of one-digit numbers.
- Subtraction of two-digit numbers without regrouping.
- Subtraction of two-digit numbers with regrouping.
- Subtraction of three-digit numbers without regrouping.
- Word problems involving subtraction.
4. Multiplication:
- Introduction to multiplication as repeated addition.
- Multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4, and 5.
- Multiplication by 10.
- Word problems involving multiplication.
5. Division:
- Introduction to division as sharing and grouping.
- Division facts of 2, 3, 4, and 5.
- Division by 10.
- Word problems involving division.
6. Measurement:
- Length measurement using non-standard units.
- Length measurement using standard units (centimeters and meters).
- Weight measurement using non-standard units.
- Weight measurement using standard units (grams and kilograms).
- Capacity measurement using non-standard units.
- Capacity measurement using standard units (liters and milliliters).
- Time measurement (hours, minutes, and seconds).
- Money (identifying and counting coins).
7. Geometry:
- Introduction to basic shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle, square).
- Identification of 2D and 3D shapes.
- Recognition of lines (straight, curved, and zigzag).
- Identifying and drawing lines of symmetry.
8. Data Handling:
- Pictographs (reading and interpreting).
- Bar graphs (reading and interpreting).
- Tally marks.
- Collecting and organizing data.
9. Patterns:
- Completing given patterns.
- Creating patterns using shapes, colors, and numbers.
10. Fractions:
- Introduction to halves and quarters.
- Identification and representation of halves and quarters.
These are the main topics covered in CBSE Class 2 Mathematics.