Which one of the following schools has not accepted anumana (inference...
Charvaka has not accepted anumana (inference) as a valid source of knowledge. Charvaka, also called Lokayata (Sanskrit: Worldly Ones), is a philosophical Indian school of materialists who rejected the notion of an afterworld, karma, liberation (moksha), the authority of the sacred scriptures, the Vedas, and the immortality of the self.
Which one of the following schools has not accepted anumana (inference...
Charvaka School and Anumana (Inference)
The Charvaka school of Indian philosophy, also known as Lokayata, is a materialistic and atheistic school that does not accept anumana (inference) as a valid source of knowledge. The Charvakas believed in the direct perception as the only means of knowledge and rejected the notion of inference.
Other Schools and Anumana (Inference)
- Advaita Vedanta, Visistadvaita, and Sankhya are other schools of Indian philosophy that do accept anumana as a valid source of knowledge.
- Advaita Vedanta, founded by Adi Shankaracharya, acknowledges anumana along with other pramanas (means of knowledge) such as pratyaksha (perception) and shabda (scriptural testimony).
- Visistadvaita, propounded by Ramanujacharya, also considers anumana as a valid means of knowledge, along with pratyaksha, shabda, and upamana (comparison).
- Sankhya, attributed to Sage Kapila, recognizes anumana as a pramana for acquiring knowledge about the world and the self.
In summary, while schools like Advaita Vedanta, Visistadvaita, and Sankhya accept anumana as a legitimate source of knowledge, the Charvaka school stands out for its rejection of inference as a means of acquiring knowledge. Each school of Indian philosophy offers unique perspectives on epistemology and metaphysics, contributing to the diverse tapestry of philosophical thought in India.