What are the topics or subjects covered in the crash course for DSSSB ...
Crash Course for DSSSB TGT/PGT/PRT Exam
1. General Awareness
- Indian History
- Indian Polity
- Indian Economy
- Geography
- Current Affairs
- Science and Technology
- Environmental Studies
- Books and Authors
- Sports and Games
2. General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability
- Analogies
- Classification
- Series
- Coding-Decoding
- Blood Relations
- Direction Sense Test
- Logical Venn Diagrams
- Alphabet and Number Test
- Ranking and Arrangement
3. Arithmetical and Numerical Ability
- Number System
- Simplification
- Average
- Ratio and Proportion
- Percentage
- Profit and Loss
- Time and Work
- Pipes and Cisterns
- Time and Distance
- Problems on Trains
4. Hindi Language and Comprehension
- व्याकरण (Grammar)
- शब्द रचना (Word Formation)
- वाक्य रचना (Sentence Formation)
- पाठ बोधन (Comprehension)
- पर्यायवाची शब्द (Synonyms)
- विपरीतार्थी शब्द (Antonyms)
- मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ (Idioms and Proverbs)
5. English Language and Comprehension
- Grammar and Usage
- Vocabulary
- Reading Comprehension
- Sentence Correction
- Fill in the Blanks
- Error Spotting
- Synonyms and Antonyms
- Idioms and Phrases
- One Word Substitution
6. Teaching Methodology and Pedagogy
- Theories of Learning
- Teaching Techniques and Strategies
- Classroom Management
- Lesson Planning
- Evaluation and Assessment
- Educational Psychology
- Child Development and Pedagogy
- Inclusive Education
- ICT in Education
7. Concerned Subjects
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Science
- English Language
- Hindi Language
- Sanskrit Language
- Computer Science
- Physical Education
- Music
- Drawing
This crash course aims to cover all the essential topics and subjects required for the DSSSB TGT/PGT/PRT exam. It includes subjects like General Awareness, General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability, Arithmetical and Numerical Ability, Hindi Language and Comprehension, English Language and Comprehension, Teaching Methodology and Pedagogy, and Concerned Subjects.
The General Awareness section covers various topics such as Indian History, Polity, Economy, Geography, Current Affairs, Science and Technology, Environmental Studies, Books and Authors, and Sports and Games.
The General Intelligence and Reasoning Ability section tests the candidate's logical and analytical skills through topics like Analogies, Classification, Series, Coding-Dec