A.C.S.R conductor having 7 steel strands surrounded by 25 aluminium co...
Representation of ACSR Conductor:
A standard conductor is represented as A/S/D for ACSR conductor.
A is the number of aluminum strands.
S is the number of steel strands.
D is the diameter of each strand.
Example: If the ACSR conductor having 7 steel strands surrounded by 25 aluminum conductors will be specified as 25/7.
Additional Information
Calculation of the number of strands in a stranded conductor:
If there are ‘n’ layers of strands in a stranded conductor.
Number of strands of the conductor = 3n2 - 3n + 1
Calculation of overall diameter of a stranded conductor:
If d mm is the diameter of a single strand in the conductor.
The overall diameter of the conductor = (2n + 1) d unit