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Although many transposons, DNA sequences that move within an organism's genome through shuffling or duplication, have become corrupted and inactive over time, those from the long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) family appear to remain active in the genomes of some species. In humans, they are functionally important within the hippocampus, a brain structure that supports complex cognitive processes. When the results of molecular analysis of two species of octopus—an animal known for its intelligence—were announced in 2022, the confirmation of a LINE transposon in Octopus vulgaris and Octopus bimaculoides genomes prompted researchers to hypothesize that that transposon family is tied to a species' capacity for advanced cognition.
Which finding, if true, would most directly support the researchers' hypothesis?
  • a)
    The LINE transposon in O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides genomes is active in an octopus brain structure that functions similarly to the human hippocampus.
  • b)
    The human genome contains multiple transposons from the LINE family that are all primarily active in the hippocampus.
  • c)
    A consistent number of copies of LINE transposons is present across the genomes of most octopus species, with few known corruptions.
  • d)
    O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides have smaller brains than humans do relative to body size, but their genomes contain sequences from a wider variety of transposon families.Correct Answer: A
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?
Verified Answer
Although many transposons, DNA sequences that move within an organisms...
Choice A. This is the best choice. The text says that LINE transposons are important in the human hippocampus, which supports complex cognition. If the LINE transposon found in octopuses is active in a similar part of their brain, that would suggest that LINE transposons support complex cognition in octopuses too, which in turn supports the hypothesis that LINE transposons are linked to advanced cognition in general.
Choice B. This choice doesn't support the hypothesis. It doesn't include anything about how LINE transposons function in species other than humans.
Choice C. This choice doesn't support the hypothesis. It doesn't include anything about how the LINE transposon in octopuses might support advanced cognition.
Choice D. This choice doesn't support the hypothesis. It doesn't include anything about how the LINE transposon in octopuses might support advanced cognition.
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Most Upvoted Answer
Although many transposons, DNA sequences that move within an organisms...

Background Information:
- Transposons are DNA sequences that can move within an organism's genome.
- LINE transposons are still active in some species, including humans.
- They play a role in the function of the hippocampus, a brain structure important for cognitive processes.

Supporting the Hypothesis:
- If the LINE transposon in O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides genomes is active in an octopus brain structure similar to the human hippocampus, it would directly support the hypothesis.
- This suggests a functional importance of the transposon in the cognitive abilities of octopuses.

- The presence and activity of the LINE transposon in the octopus brain structure could explain the advanced cognitive capabilities observed in these animals.
- This finding would strengthen the link between the activity of LINE transposons and cognitive function across species.
Therefore, option A, which states that the LINE transposon in octopus genomes is active in a brain structure similar to the human hippocampus, would most directly support the researchers' hypothesis about the relationship between LINE transposons and advanced cognition in octopuses.
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Question based on the following passage.This passage is adapted from Horace Mann, “Twelfth Annual Report to the Secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Education," given in 1848.Our means of education are the grandmachinery by which the “raw material” of humannature can be worked up into inventors anddiscoverers, into skilled artisans and scientific(5) farmers, into scholars and jurists and into thegreat expounders of ethical and theologicalscience. By means of early education, theseembryos of talent may be quickened, whichwill solve the difficult problems of political and(10) economical law.It may be safely affirmed that the CommonSchool* may become the most effective and benignof all the forces of civilization. In the first place,there is a universality in its operation, which(15) can be affirmed of no other institution whatever.And, in the second place, the materials uponwhich it operates are so pliant and ductile as to besusceptible of assuming a great variety of forms . . .The necessaries and conveniences of life(20) should be obtained by each individual for himself,rather than accepted from the hand of charity.True statesmanship and true political economy,not less than true philanthropy, present thisperfect theory as the goal, to be more and more(25) closely approximated by our imperfect practice.Now, surely, nothing but Universal Educationcan counter-work the tendency to the dominationof capital and the servility of labor. If one classpossesses all the wealth and the education, while(30) the residue of society is ignorant and poor, thelatter will be the servile subjects of the former.But if education be equably diffused, it willdraw property after it, by the strongest of allattractions; for such a thing never did happen,(35) and never can happen, as that an intelligent andpractical body of men should be permanentlypoor. Property and labor, in different classes, areessentially antagonistic; but property and labor,in the same class, are essentially fraternal. The(40) people of Massachusetts have, in some degree,appreciated the truth, that the unexampledprosperity of the State, is attributable to theeducation which all its people have received;but are they sensible of a fact equally important?(45) Namely, that it is to this same education that twothirds of the people are indebted for not being,today, the vassals of as severe a tyranny, in theform of capital, as the lower classes of Europe arebound to in the form of brute force.(50) Education, then, beyond all other devicesof human origin, is the great equalizer of theconditions of men—the balance-wheel of thesocial machinery. I do not here mean that itso elevates the moral nature as to make men(55) disdain and abhor the oppression of theirfellow-men. This idea pertains to another of itsattributes. But I mean that it gives each man theindependence and the means, by which he canresist the selfishness of other men. It does better(60) than to disarm the poor of their hostility towardsthe rich; it prevents being poor. The spread ofeducation, by enlarging the cultivated class orcaste, will open a wider area over which thesocial feelings will expand; and, if this education(65) should be universal and complete, it would domore than all things else to obliterate factitiousdistinctions in society.The affairs of a great nation are complicatedand momentous, and the degree of intelligence(70) that superintends, should be proportioned to themagnitude of the interests superintended. Butin the possession of this attribute of intelligence,elective legislators will never far surpass theirelectors. By a natural law, like that which(75) regulates the equilibrium of fluids, elector andelected, appointer and appointee, tend to thesame level . . . [However], political proselytismis no function of the school; all indoctrinationinto matters of controversy between hostile(80) political parties is to be elsewhere sought for, andelsewhere imparted. Thus, may all the childrenof the Commonwealth receive instruction in thegreat essentials of political knowledge, in thoseelementary ideas without which they will never be(85) able to investigate more recondite and debatablequestions—instead of perpetuating old errors—not by violence, nor by proscription, but by themore copious inflowing of the light of truth.*universal public schoolQ.The central idea of the final paragraph (lines 68–88) is that

Question based on the following passage.This passage is adapted from Horace Mann, “Twelfth Annual Report to the Secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Education," given in 1848.Our means of education are the grandmachinery by which the “raw material” of humannature can be worked up into inventors anddiscoverers, into skilled artisans and scientific(5) farmers, into scholars and jurists and into thegreat expounders of ethical and theologicalscience. By means of early education, theseembryos of talent may be quickened, whichwill solve the difficult problems of political and(10) economical law.It may be safely affirmed that the CommonSchool* may become the most effective and benignof all the forces of civilization. In the first place,there is a universality in its operation, which(15) can be affirmed of no other institution whatever.And, in the second place, the materials uponwhich it operates are so pliant and ductile as to besusceptible of assuming a great variety of forms . . .The necessaries and conveniences of life(20) should be obtained by each individual for himself,rather than accepted from the hand of charity.True statesmanship and true political economy,not less than true philanthropy, present thisperfect theory as the goal, to be more and more(25) closely approximated by our imperfect practice.Now, surely, nothing but Universal Educationcan counter-work the tendency to the dominationof capital and the servility of labor. If one classpossesses all the wealth and the education, while(30) the residue of society is ignorant and poor, thelatter will be the servile subjects of the former.But if education be equably diffused, it willdraw property after it, by the strongest of allattractions; for such a thing never did happen,(35) and never can happen, as that an intelligent andpractical body of men should be permanentlypoor. Property and labor, in different classes, areessentially antagonistic; but property and labor,in the same class, are essentially fraternal. The(40) people of Massachusetts have, in some degree,appreciated the truth, that the unexampledprosperity of the State, is attributable to theeducation which all its people have received;but are they sensible of a fact equally important?(45) Namely, that it is to this same education that twothirds of the people are indebted for not being,today, the vassals of as severe a tyranny, in theform of capital, as the lower classes of Europe arebound to in the form of brute force.(50) Education, then, beyond all other devicesof human origin, is the great equalizer of theconditions of men—the balance-wheel of thesocial machinery. I do not here mean that itso elevates the moral nature as to make men(55) disdain and abhor the oppression of theirfellow-men. This idea pertains to another of itsattributes. But I mean that it gives each man theindependence and the means, by which he canresist the selfishness of other men. It does better(60) than to disarm the poor of their hostility towardsthe rich; it prevents being poor. The spread ofeducation, by enlarging the cultivated class orcaste, will open a wider area over which thesocial feelings will expand; and, if this education(65) should be universal and complete, it would domore than all things else to obliterate factitiousdistinctions in society.The affairs of a great nation are complicatedand momentous, and the degree of intelligence(70) that superintends, should be proportioned to themagnitude of the interests superintended. Butin the possession of this attribute of intelligence,elective legislators will never far surpass theirelectors. By a natural law, like that which(75) regulates the equilibrium of fluids, elector andelected, appointer and appointee, tend to thesame level . . . [However], political proselytismis no function of the school; all indoctrinationinto matters of controversy between hostile(80) political parties is to be elsewhere sought for, andelsewhere imparted. Thus, may all the childrenof the Commonwealth receive instruction in thegreat essentials of political knowledge, in thoseelementary ideas without which they will never be(85) able to investigate more recondite and debatablequestions—instead of perpetuating old errors—not by violence, nor by proscription, but by themore copious inflowing of the light of truth.*universal public schoolQ.Horace Mann uses the terms “pliant” and “ductile” in line 17 in order to make the point that

Question based on the following passage.This passage is adapted from Horace Mann, “Twelfth Annual Report to the Secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Education," given in 1848.Our means of education are the grandmachinery by which the “raw material” of humannature can be worked up into inventors anddiscoverers, into skilled artisans and scientific(5) farmers, into scholars and jurists and into thegreat expounders of ethical and theologicalscience. By means of early education, theseembryos of talent may be quickened, whichwill solve the difficult problems of political and(10) economical law.It may be safely affirmed that the CommonSchool* may become the most effective and benignof all the forces of civilization. In the first place,there is a universality in its operation, which(15) can be affirmed of no other institution whatever.And, in the second place, the materials uponwhich it operates are so pliant and ductile as to besusceptible of assuming a great variety of forms . . .The necessaries and conveniences of life(20) should be obtained by each individual for himself,rather than accepted from the hand of charity.True statesmanship and true political economy,not less than true philanthropy, present thisperfect theory as the goal, to be more and more(25) closely approximated by our imperfect practice.Now, surely, nothing but Universal Educationcan counter-work the tendency to the dominationof capital and the servility of labor. If one classpossesses all the wealth and the education, while(30) the residue of society is ignorant and poor, thelatter will be the servile subjects of the former.But if education be equably diffused, it willdraw property after it, by the strongest of allattractions; for such a thing never did happen,(35) and never can happen, as that an intelligent andpractical body of men should be permanentlypoor. Property and labor, in different classes, areessentially antagonistic; but property and labor,in the same class, are essentially fraternal. The(40) people of Massachusetts have, in some degree,appreciated the truth, that the unexampledprosperity of the State, is attributable to theeducation which all its people have received;but are they sensible of a fact equally important?(45) Namely, that it is to this same education that twothirds of the people are indebted for not being,today, the vassals of as severe a tyranny, in theform of capital, as the lower classes of Europe arebound to in the form of brute force.(50) Education, then, beyond all other devicesof human origin, is the great equalizer of theconditions of men—the balance-wheel of thesocial machinery. I do not here mean that itso elevates the moral nature as to make men(55) disdain and abhor the oppression of theirfellow-men. This idea pertains to another of itsattributes. But I mean that it gives each man theindependence and the means, by which he canresist the selfishness of other men. It does better(60) than to disarm the poor of their hostility towardsthe rich; it prevents being poor. The spread ofeducation, by enlarging the cultivated class orcaste, will open a wider area over which thesocial feelings will expand; and, if this education(65) should be universal and complete, it would domore than all things else to obliterate factitiousdistinctions in society.The affairs of a great nation are complicatedand momentous, and the degree of intelligence(70) that superintends, should be proportioned to themagnitude of the interests superintended. Butin the possession of this attribute of intelligence,elective legislators will never far surpass theirelectors. By a natural law, like that which(75) regulates the equilibrium of fluids, elector andelected, appointer and appointee, tend to thesame level . . . [However], political proselytismis no function of the school; all indoctrinationinto matters of controversy between hostile(80) political parties is to be elsewhere sought for, andelsewhere imparted. Thus, may all the childrenof the Commonwealth receive instruction in thegreat essentials of political knowledge, in thoseelementary ideas without which they will never be(85) able to investigate more recondite and debatablequestions—instead of perpetuating old errors—not by violence, nor by proscription, but by themore copious inflowing of the light of truth.*universal public schoolQ.The “perfect theory” (line 24) is primarily a theory about the value of

Question based on the following passage.This passage is adapted from Horace Mann, “Twelfth Annual Report to the Secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Education," given in 1848.Our means of education are the grandmachinery by which the “raw material” of humannature can be worked up into inventors anddiscoverers, into skilled artisans and scientific(5) farmers, into scholars and jurists and into thegreat expounders of ethical and theologicalscience. By means of early education, theseembryos of talent may be quickened, whichwill solve the difficult problems of political and(10) economical law.It may be safely affirmed that the CommonSchool* may become the most effective and benignof all the forces of civilization. In the first place,there is a universality in its operation, which(15) can be affirmed of no other institution whatever.And, in the second place, the materials uponwhich it operates are so pliant and ductile as to besusceptible of assuming a great variety of forms . . .The necessaries and conveniences of life(20) should be obtained by each individual for himself,rather than accepted from the hand of charity.True statesmanship and true political economy,not less than true philanthropy, present thisperfect theory as the goal, to be more and more(25) closely approximated by our imperfect practice.Now, surely, nothing but Universal Educationcan counter-work the tendency to the dominationof capital and the servility of labor. If one classpossesses all the wealth and the education, while(30) the residue of society is ignorant and poor, thelatter will be the servile subjects of the former.But if education be equably diffused, it willdraw property after it, by the strongest of allattractions; for such a thing never did happen,(35) and never can happen, as that an intelligent andpractical body of men should be permanentlypoor. Property and labor, in different classes, areessentially antagonistic; but property and labor,in the same class, are essentially fraternal. The(40) people of Massachusetts have, in some degree,appreciated the truth, that the unexampledprosperity of the State, is attributable to theeducation which all its people have received;but are they sensible of a fact equally important?(45) Namely, that it is to this same education that twothirds of the people are indebted for not being,today, the vassals of as severe a tyranny, in theform of capital, as the lower classes of Europe arebound to in the form of brute force.(50) Education, then, beyond all other devicesof human origin, is the great equalizer of theconditions of men—the balance-wheel of thesocial machinery. I do not here mean that itso elevates the moral nature as to make men(55) disdain and abhor the oppression of theirfellow-men. This idea pertains to another of itsattributes. But I mean that it gives each man theindependence and the means, by which he canresist the selfishness of other men. It does better(60) than to disarm the poor of their hostility towardsthe rich; it prevents being poor. The spread ofeducation, by enlarging the cultivated class orcaste, will open a wider area over which thesocial feelings will expand; and, if this education(65) should be universal and complete, it would domore than all things else to obliterate factitiousdistinctions in society.The affairs of a great nation are complicatedand momentous, and the degree of intelligence(70) that superintends, should be proportioned to themagnitude of the interests superintended. Butin the possession of this attribute of intelligence,elective legislators will never far surpass theirelectors. By a natural law, like that which(75) regulates the equilibrium of fluids, elector andelected, appointer and appointee, tend to thesame level . . . [However], political proselytismis no function of the school; all indoctrinationinto matters of controversy between hostile(80) political parties is to be elsewhere sought for, andelsewhere imparted. Thus, may all the childrenof the Commonwealth receive instruction in thegreat essentials of political knowledge, in thoseelementary ideas without which they will never be(85) able to investigate more recondite and debatablequestions—instead of perpetuating old errors—not by violence, nor by proscription, but by themore copious inflowing of the light of truth.*universal public schoolQ.Mann refers to the “equilibrium of fluids” (line 75) in order to

Although many transposons, DNA sequences that move within an organisms genome through shuffling or duplication, have become corrupted and inactive over time, those from the long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) family appear to remain active in the genomes of some species. In humans, they are functionally important within the hippocampus, a brain structure that supports complex cognitive processes. When the results of molecular analysis of two species of octopus—an animal known for its intelligence—were announced in 2022, the confirmation of a LINE transposon in Octopus vulgaris and Octopus bimaculoides genomes prompted researchers to hypothesize that that transposon family is tied to a species capacity for advanced cognition.Which finding, if true, would most directly support the researchers hypothesis?a)The LINE transposon in O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides genomes is active in an octopus brain structure that functions similarly to the human hippocampus.b)The human genome contains multiple transposons from the LINE family that are all primarily active in the hippocampus.c)A consistent number of copies of LINE transposons is present across the genomes of most octopus species, with few known corruptions.d)O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides have smaller brains than humans do relative to body size, but their genomes contain sequences from a wider variety of transposon families.Correct Answer: ACorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?
Question Description
Although many transposons, DNA sequences that move within an organisms genome through shuffling or duplication, have become corrupted and inactive over time, those from the long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) family appear to remain active in the genomes of some species. In humans, they are functionally important within the hippocampus, a brain structure that supports complex cognitive processes. When the results of molecular analysis of two species of octopus—an animal known for its intelligence—were announced in 2022, the confirmation of a LINE transposon in Octopus vulgaris and Octopus bimaculoides genomes prompted researchers to hypothesize that that transposon family is tied to a species capacity for advanced cognition.Which finding, if true, would most directly support the researchers hypothesis?a)The LINE transposon in O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides genomes is active in an octopus brain structure that functions similarly to the human hippocampus.b)The human genome contains multiple transposons from the LINE family that are all primarily active in the hippocampus.c)A consistent number of copies of LINE transposons is present across the genomes of most octopus species, with few known corruptions.d)O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides have smaller brains than humans do relative to body size, but their genomes contain sequences from a wider variety of transposon families.Correct Answer: ACorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? for SAT 2025 is part of SAT preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the SAT exam syllabus. Information about Although many transposons, DNA sequences that move within an organisms genome through shuffling or duplication, have become corrupted and inactive over time, those from the long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) family appear to remain active in the genomes of some species. In humans, they are functionally important within the hippocampus, a brain structure that supports complex cognitive processes. When the results of molecular analysis of two species of octopus—an animal known for its intelligence—were announced in 2022, the confirmation of a LINE transposon in Octopus vulgaris and Octopus bimaculoides genomes prompted researchers to hypothesize that that transposon family is tied to a species capacity for advanced cognition.Which finding, if true, would most directly support the researchers hypothesis?a)The LINE transposon in O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides genomes is active in an octopus brain structure that functions similarly to the human hippocampus.b)The human genome contains multiple transposons from the LINE family that are all primarily active in the hippocampus.c)A consistent number of copies of LINE transposons is present across the genomes of most octopus species, with few known corruptions.d)O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides have smaller brains than humans do relative to body size, but their genomes contain sequences from a wider variety of transposon families.Correct Answer: ACorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? covers all topics & solutions for SAT 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for Although many transposons, DNA sequences that move within an organisms genome through shuffling or duplication, have become corrupted and inactive over time, those from the long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) family appear to remain active in the genomes of some species. In humans, they are functionally important within the hippocampus, a brain structure that supports complex cognitive processes. When the results of molecular analysis of two species of octopus—an animal known for its intelligence—were announced in 2022, the confirmation of a LINE transposon in Octopus vulgaris and Octopus bimaculoides genomes prompted researchers to hypothesize that that transposon family is tied to a species capacity for advanced cognition.Which finding, if true, would most directly support the researchers hypothesis?a)The LINE transposon in O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides genomes is active in an octopus brain structure that functions similarly to the human hippocampus.b)The human genome contains multiple transposons from the LINE family that are all primarily active in the hippocampus.c)A consistent number of copies of LINE transposons is present across the genomes of most octopus species, with few known corruptions.d)O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides have smaller brains than humans do relative to body size, but their genomes contain sequences from a wider variety of transposon families.Correct Answer: ACorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?.
Solutions for Although many transposons, DNA sequences that move within an organisms genome through shuffling or duplication, have become corrupted and inactive over time, those from the long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) family appear to remain active in the genomes of some species. In humans, they are functionally important within the hippocampus, a brain structure that supports complex cognitive processes. When the results of molecular analysis of two species of octopus—an animal known for its intelligence—were announced in 2022, the confirmation of a LINE transposon in Octopus vulgaris and Octopus bimaculoides genomes prompted researchers to hypothesize that that transposon family is tied to a species capacity for advanced cognition.Which finding, if true, would most directly support the researchers hypothesis?a)The LINE transposon in O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides genomes is active in an octopus brain structure that functions similarly to the human hippocampus.b)The human genome contains multiple transposons from the LINE family that are all primarily active in the hippocampus.c)A consistent number of copies of LINE transposons is present across the genomes of most octopus species, with few known corruptions.d)O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides have smaller brains than humans do relative to body size, but their genomes contain sequences from a wider variety of transposon families.Correct Answer: ACorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? in English & in Hindi are available as part of our courses for SAT. Download more important topics, notes, lectures and mock test series for SAT Exam by signing up for free.
Here you can find the meaning of Although many transposons, DNA sequences that move within an organisms genome through shuffling or duplication, have become corrupted and inactive over time, those from the long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) family appear to remain active in the genomes of some species. In humans, they are functionally important within the hippocampus, a brain structure that supports complex cognitive processes. When the results of molecular analysis of two species of octopus—an animal known for its intelligence—were announced in 2022, the confirmation of a LINE transposon in Octopus vulgaris and Octopus bimaculoides genomes prompted researchers to hypothesize that that transposon family is tied to a species capacity for advanced cognition.Which finding, if true, would most directly support the researchers hypothesis?a)The LINE transposon in O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides genomes is active in an octopus brain structure that functions similarly to the human hippocampus.b)The human genome contains multiple transposons from the LINE family that are all primarily active in the hippocampus.c)A consistent number of copies of LINE transposons is present across the genomes of most octopus species, with few known corruptions.d)O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides have smaller brains than humans do relative to body size, but their genomes contain sequences from a wider variety of transposon families.Correct Answer: ACorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? defined & explained in the simplest way possible. Besides giving the explanation of Although many transposons, DNA sequences that move within an organisms genome through shuffling or duplication, have become corrupted and inactive over time, those from the long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) family appear to remain active in the genomes of some species. In humans, they are functionally important within the hippocampus, a brain structure that supports complex cognitive processes. When the results of molecular analysis of two species of octopus—an animal known for its intelligence—were announced in 2022, the confirmation of a LINE transposon in Octopus vulgaris and Octopus bimaculoides genomes prompted researchers to hypothesize that that transposon family is tied to a species capacity for advanced cognition.Which finding, if true, would most directly support the researchers hypothesis?a)The LINE transposon in O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides genomes is active in an octopus brain structure that functions similarly to the human hippocampus.b)The human genome contains multiple transposons from the LINE family that are all primarily active in the hippocampus.c)A consistent number of copies of LINE transposons is present across the genomes of most octopus species, with few known corruptions.d)O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides have smaller brains than humans do relative to body size, but their genomes contain sequences from a wider variety of transposon families.Correct Answer: ACorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?, a detailed solution for Although many transposons, DNA sequences that move within an organisms genome through shuffling or duplication, have become corrupted and inactive over time, those from the long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) family appear to remain active in the genomes of some species. In humans, they are functionally important within the hippocampus, a brain structure that supports complex cognitive processes. When the results of molecular analysis of two species of octopus—an animal known for its intelligence—were announced in 2022, the confirmation of a LINE transposon in Octopus vulgaris and Octopus bimaculoides genomes prompted researchers to hypothesize that that transposon family is tied to a species capacity for advanced cognition.Which finding, if true, would most directly support the researchers hypothesis?a)The LINE transposon in O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides genomes is active in an octopus brain structure that functions similarly to the human hippocampus.b)The human genome contains multiple transposons from the LINE family that are all primarily active in the hippocampus.c)A consistent number of copies of LINE transposons is present across the genomes of most octopus species, with few known corruptions.d)O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides have smaller brains than humans do relative to body size, but their genomes contain sequences from a wider variety of transposon families.Correct Answer: ACorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? has been provided alongside types of Although many transposons, DNA sequences that move within an organisms genome through shuffling or duplication, have become corrupted and inactive over time, those from the long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) family appear to remain active in the genomes of some species. In humans, they are functionally important within the hippocampus, a brain structure that supports complex cognitive processes. When the results of molecular analysis of two species of octopus—an animal known for its intelligence—were announced in 2022, the confirmation of a LINE transposon in Octopus vulgaris and Octopus bimaculoides genomes prompted researchers to hypothesize that that transposon family is tied to a species capacity for advanced cognition.Which finding, if true, would most directly support the researchers hypothesis?a)The LINE transposon in O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides genomes is active in an octopus brain structure that functions similarly to the human hippocampus.b)The human genome contains multiple transposons from the LINE family that are all primarily active in the hippocampus.c)A consistent number of copies of LINE transposons is present across the genomes of most octopus species, with few known corruptions.d)O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides have smaller brains than humans do relative to body size, but their genomes contain sequences from a wider variety of transposon families.Correct Answer: ACorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? theory, EduRev gives you an ample number of questions to practice Although many transposons, DNA sequences that move within an organisms genome through shuffling or duplication, have become corrupted and inactive over time, those from the long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) family appear to remain active in the genomes of some species. In humans, they are functionally important within the hippocampus, a brain structure that supports complex cognitive processes. When the results of molecular analysis of two species of octopus—an animal known for its intelligence—were announced in 2022, the confirmation of a LINE transposon in Octopus vulgaris and Octopus bimaculoides genomes prompted researchers to hypothesize that that transposon family is tied to a species capacity for advanced cognition.Which finding, if true, would most directly support the researchers hypothesis?a)The LINE transposon in O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides genomes is active in an octopus brain structure that functions similarly to the human hippocampus.b)The human genome contains multiple transposons from the LINE family that are all primarily active in the hippocampus.c)A consistent number of copies of LINE transposons is present across the genomes of most octopus species, with few known corruptions.d)O. vulgaris and O. bimaculoides have smaller brains than humans do relative to body size, but their genomes contain sequences from a wider variety of transposon families.Correct Answer: ACorrect answer is option 'A'. 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