Exceptional children are those who deviate from the normal population and need special education services to meet their needs. It includes children who are gifted, backward, creative, learning disabled, educationally retarded, etc.
The above-mentioned characteristic is related to 'Educationally retarded children' as a class consists of students with varying learning abilities as some learn fast and some learn slowly.
'Educationally retarded children':
- An educationally retarded child is not mentally retarded or physically disabled.
- He may have a neurological handicap or emotional disorder which hinders their abilities.
- Appropriate training is required to make educationally retarded children learn some self-care and communication skills.
- Educationally retarded children show the inability to do the work of the class below that which is normal for their age.
So, it could be concluded that if a child 'who is in the middle of his school (that is about ten and half years) is unable to do the work of the class below that which is normal for his age" is known as 'Educationally retarded children'.
Mental retardation: It refers to an intellectual disability characterized by low Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and impairments in adaptive daily life skills.
Moron: A child with mild intellectual disability and an IQ of (51-70).
Idiot: A child with the least intelligence on the IQ scale (0-25).