Deferred Revenue Expenditure to the extent of not written off, is show...
Deferred Revenue Expenditure is that expenditure that is for the time being deferred from being charged against income. So long as deferred revenue expenditure has not written off, this is shown on the asset side of the Balance Sheet under the head "Miscellaneous expenditure".
Deferred Revenue Expenditure to the extent of not written off, is show...
Deferred Revenue Expenditure and its Treatment in the Balance Sheet
Deferred revenue expenditure refers to expenses incurred by a company that are treated as an asset because they provide benefits over a period of time beyond the current accounting period. These expenses are not immediately written off as expenses in the income statement but are spread over a certain period of time.
Treatment of Deferred Revenue Expenditure
Deferred revenue expenditure is initially recorded as an asset on the balance sheet and then gradually written off over the period during which the benefits are received. The treatment of deferred revenue expenditure depends on the accounting policies and practices followed by a company.
Balance Sheet Presentation
Deferred revenue expenditure that has not been fully written off is shown in the balance sheet under the head "Miscellaneous Expenditure". This is because deferred revenue expenditure is considered a type of expense that is not directly related to the acquisition of fixed assets or the financing of a company's operations.
Reasons for Classification as Miscellaneous Expenditure
1. Non-Physical Nature: Deferred revenue expenditure does not result in the acquisition of any physical asset. It pertains to the expenses incurred for intangible benefits that accrue to the company over a period of time.
2. Periodic Write-Off: As deferred revenue expenditure is gradually written off over a certain period, it does not fit into the category of fixed assets or current liabilities which are typically presented at their full value on the balance sheet.
3. Non-Recurring Nature: Deferred revenue expenditure is typically a one-time expense incurred for a specific purpose and is not expected to recur.
Example of Deferred Revenue Expenditure
An example of deferred revenue expenditure is the expenditure incurred on advertising and promotional activities of a company. The benefits of advertising and promotion are expected to be realized over a period of time and not immediately. Therefore, the expenses incurred on advertising and promotional activities are treated as deferred revenue expenditure.
In conclusion, deferred revenue expenditure is shown in the balance sheet under the head "Miscellaneous Expenditure" because it does not fit into the categories of fixed assets, current liabilities, or capital. It is treated as an asset initially and gradually written off over the period during which the benefits are received.