The Q band in the vibrational spectrum of acetylene is observed in the...
Rotational–vibrational spectroscopy is a branch of molecular spectroscopy concerned with infrared and Raman spectra of molecules in the gas phase. Transitions involving changes in both vibrational and rotational states can be abbreviated as rovibrational (or ro-vibrational) transitions.
Q bands in vibrational spectrum of acetylene is observed in C-C scratching mode.
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The Q band in the vibrational spectrum of acetylene is observed in the...
Acetylene is a linear molecule consisting of two carbon atoms and two hydrogen atoms. The vibrational spectrum of acetylene includes various modes of vibration, including stretching, bending, and twisting modes. The Q band in the vibrational spectrum of acetylene is observed in the CC stretching mode.
CC Stretching Mode:
In CC stretching mode, the carbon-carbon bond length is increased and decreased in a periodic manner, resulting in the stretching of the bond. This mode is characterized by a strong and sharp absorption band in the vibrational spectrum of acetylene. The frequency of the CC stretching mode is in the range of 2100-2260 cm-1.
Other Modes:
The CH symmetric and antisymmetric stretching modes appear as two distinct peaks in the vibrational spectrum. The bending mode is observed in the range of 600-1000 cm-1.
In conclusion, the Q band in the vibrational spectrum of acetylene is observed in the CC stretching mode, which is characterized by a strong and sharp absorption band in the range of 2100-2260 cm-1.
The Q band in the vibrational spectrum of acetylene is observed in the...
I am new to this topic so i might be wrong, but in my opinion Q band arises due to perpendicular vibration and if we bend the molecule only then C(infinity) i.e. principal axis of symmetry is lost, which suggests that bending mode is perpendicular. So C should be right option.
And on the other hand if we stretch the molecule then principal axis doesn't change, which suggests that stretching is parallel and parallel vibrations give rise to PR branch.