Needed a Test for political science class12 chapterwise? Related: P...
Chapter-wise Test for Political Science Class 12 (XII) - CBSE and NCERT Curriculum
Chapter 1: The Cold War Era
1. What were the main causes of the Cold War?
2. Explain the concept of bipolarity in the Cold War.
3. Discuss the major events and crises during the Cold War period.
Chapter 2: The End of Bipolarity
1. Describe the factors that led to the end of the Cold War.
2. Explain the impact of the disintegration of the Soviet Union on international politics.
3. Discuss the role of Mikhail Gorbachev in the end of the bipolar world.
Chapter 3: US Hegemony in World Politics
1. Define the concept of hegemony and explain the factors that contribute to the hegemony of a state.
2. Discuss the challenges to US hegemony in contemporary world politics.
3. Analyze the role of non-state actors in challenging US hegemony.
Chapter 4: Alternative Centres of Power
1. Identify and explain the emerging centers of power in the contemporary world.
2. Discuss the role of regional organizations in challenging the dominance of traditional powers.
3. Analyze the impact of the rise of China and India on the global power structure.
Chapter 5: Contemporary South Asia in International Politics
1. Describe the major issues and conflicts in South Asia and their implications for international politics.
2. Discuss the role of external powers in shaping the political dynamics of South Asia.
3. Analyze the prospects and challenges of regional cooperation in South Asia.
Chapter 6: International Organizations
1. Explain the functions and significance of international organizations in global governance.
2. Discuss the role of the United Nations in maintaining international peace and security.
3. Analyze the challenges faced by international organizations in the contemporary world.
Chapter 7: Security in the Contemporary World
1. Define the concept of security and discuss the changing nature of security threats in the contemporary world.
2. Analyze the role of nuclear weapons and arms race in shaping global security dynamics.
3. Discuss the challenges to human security and the role of non-traditional security threats.
Chapter 8: Environment and Natural Resources
1. Explain the concept of sustainable development and its relevance in the context of environmental challenges.
2. Discuss the global efforts towards environmental conservation and the role of international cooperation.
3. Analyze the impact of climate change on international politics and the challenges in addressing it.
Chapter 9: Globalization
1. Define globalization and discuss its impact on the economy, politics, and culture of nations.
2. Analyze the criticisms and challenges to globalization.
3. Discuss the role of regional integration in the era of globalization.
Chapter 10: Challenges of Nation-Building
1. Explain the concept of nation-building and its challenges in diverse societies.
2. Discuss the role of state-building in promoting national unity and development.
3. Analyze the impact of ethnicity, religion, and regionalism on nation-building efforts.
Chapter 11: Era of One-Party Dominance
1. Describe the
Needed a Test for political science class12 chapterwise? Related: P...
But im in class 11