The product of the units, tens, and hundreds digits of the positive 3-...
Correct Answer :- d
Explanation : If the product of the three digits is 42 then the possible set of three digits is 2,3,7 or 6,7,1
Numbers from 2,3,7 are 237,273,327,372,723,732
Numbers from 6,7,1 are 167,176,617,671,716,761
Numbers less than 300 are 237,273,167,176 so x can be both even or odd- Insufficient.
Tens digit is 7
Numbers can be 273,372,671,176.. x can be both even and odd -Insufficient
Taking both the statements together
Number <300 and tens digit is 7 nos are 273,176 both even and odd possible so Insufficient