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Essay Previous Year Question Paper (2021) Section - B | UPSC Mains Essay Preparation PDF Download

Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

To write an effective UPSC essay on the topic "Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world," it's essential to structure it well, integrating relevant examples, especially focusing on the Indian context and current affairs. Here's a guideline for structuring the essay:


  • Begin with a relevant quote or phrase to set the tone.
  • Define the essence of the phrase “Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world,” emphasizing the role of mothers or primary caregivers in shaping society.


  • Historical Perspective
    • Trace the historical significance of caregiving and motherhood in shaping leaders and influencers.
    • Include examples from history where influential leaders attribute their success to maternal figures.
  • Indian Society Context
    • Discuss the role of women, especially mothers, in the Indian familial and social structure.
    • Present examples from Indian culture and folklore that emphasize the importance of maternal influence.
  • Global Perspective
    • Compare with global trends and examples, showing the universal value of this concept.
    • Mention the role of women in different societies and cultures across the world.
  • Impact on Child Development
    • Elucidate on psychological theories (like Attachment Theory) that emphasize the role of primary caregivers in a child’s development.
    • Discuss how early childhood experiences shape an individual's personality, values, and future potential.
  • Societal and Political Impact
    • Analyze how maternal figures influence societal norms, ethics, and values.
    • Discuss the impact on political scenarios, citing examples of leaders influenced by their upbringing.
  • Current Affairs and Recent Examples
    • Incorporate recent examples where maternal influence has been evident in societal or political changes.
    • Discuss current trends in parenting and societal development, with an emphasis on Indian society.
  • Challenges and Changing Dynamics
    • Address the challenges faced by women in contemporary society, including work-life balance, societal expectations, etc.
    • Discuss the changing dynamics of motherhood and caregiving in modern times.


  • Summarize the key points discussed.
  • End with a powerful quote or phrase that reinforces the essay's theme.
  • Reflect on the continuing relevance of the phrase in the modern world.

Sample Essay

The following essay serves as a sample for the given topic. Students can add their own ideas and points as well.

“The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” – William Ross Wallace


This timeless phrase by William Ross Wallace beautifully encapsulates the profound impact of mothers and primary caregivers in shaping individuals and, by extension, society. In Indian culture, where the family is a cornerstone of society, this holds especially true. The essence of this essay revolves around understanding and acknowledging the pivotal role of these nurturing hands in guiding the destiny of nations.


Historical Perspective

History is replete with leaders who attributed their success to their mothers. Mahatma Gandhi's ideologies were deeply influenced by his mother’s spiritual and moral teachings. Similarly, globally, figures like Abraham Lincoln emphasized the formative influence of their mothers.

Indian Society Context

In Indian society, the mother is often revered as the first guru or teacher. From mythological tales like that of Shivaji and Jijabai to contemporary examples like APJ Abdul Kalam, whose mother's guidance played a crucial role in his upbringing, the narrative of maternal influence is strong and pervasive.

Global Perspective

Globally, this concept resonates across cultures. In Western societies, too, the role of the mother is seen as central to early childhood development. Notable personalities across the world have acknowledged the profound influence their mothers had on their life trajectories.

Impact on Child Development

Psychological theories, like Bowlby’s Attachment Theory, highlight the role of primary caregivers in influencing a child’s future. A nurturing environment fosters confidence, empathy, and resilience, traits essential for leadership and societal contributions.

Societal and Political Impact

Mothers and caregivers play a critical role in instilling values and ethics in children, who grow up to be decision-makers and influencers. In politics, leaders influenced by strong maternal figures often exhibit empathy and a strong moral compass, influencing policy and societal norms.

Current Affairs and Recent Examples

In recent times, figures like New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, a mother herself, have exemplified leadership qualities nurtured possibly by strong maternal influences. In India, the increasing participation of women in politics and social reforms echoes the essence of maternal influence on societal leadership.

Challenges and Changing Dynamics

Despite their critical role, women today face challenges like balancing career and family life, societal pressures, and changing family structures. The evolving concept of motherhood, including shared parenting and societal support systems, reflects the dynamic nature of this role in contemporary times.


As we navigate through the complexities of the modern world, the age-old adage of “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world” remains as relevant as ever. It is a tribute to the silent, often unnoticed, yet powerful influence of mothers and caregivers in shaping the future of societies and nations. In the words of Rudyard Kipling, “God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers,” reminding us of the divine and indispensable role they play in our world.

What is research, but a blind date with knowledge?


  • Start with a catchy phrase or quote related to knowledge and discovery.
  • Define 'research' in simple terms.
  • Briefly touch upon the analogy of a 'blind date' and how it applies to research.
  • State the significance of research in today's society, particularly in Indian context.


  • Exploration of the Unknown:
    • Discuss the element of uncertainty in research, much like a blind date.
    • Examples of historical discoveries that began with uncertain research (e.g., Ramanujan's work in mathematics).
  • Impact on Society and Knowledge:
    • How research contributes to societal development.
    • Role of research in educational institutions and government policies in India.
    • Current research in Indian society impacting social and economic sectors.
  • Challenges and Risks in Research:
    • Discuss challenges faced by researchers (funding, ethical dilemmas, etc.).
    • Risks involved in research and experimentation (e.g., ISRO's space missions).
  • Technological Advancements and Research:
    • Impact of technology on research methodology.
    • Example of recent technological innovations in India and their research background.
  • Global and Local Perspective:
    • Compare India’s research landscape with global trends.
    • Discuss India's contribution to global knowledge.
  • Future of Research:
    • Predictions and hopes for future research in India.
    • Government initiatives and policies promoting research (e.g., Digital India, Make in India).


  • Summarize the importance of research as a journey towards knowledge.
  • Conclude with an optimistic view on the potential of research in shaping a better world.
  • End with a relevant quote that encapsulates the spirit of research and discovery.

Sample Essay

The following essay serves as a sample for the given topic. Students can add their own ideas and points as well.


"Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought." - Albert Szent-Györgyi. In the vast expanse of the unknown, research stands as our guided venture into the realms of new knowledge and understanding. Much like a blind date, it is an exploration filled with anticipation, uncertainty, and the potential for profound connections. This essay delves into the essence of research and its pivotal role in shaping Indian society and the world at large.


Exploration of the Unknown

Research is inherently a journey into the unknown. It reflects human curiosity and the quest for understanding. Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan's groundbreaking work in number theory serves as a testament to this. Starting with little formal training, his intuitive grasp of mathematics led him to develop theories that continue to influence the field profoundly.

Impact on Society and Knowledge

In the context of Indian society, research has been a cornerstone in addressing social and economic challenges. For instance, the Green Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s, spearheaded by research in agricultural technology, transformed India from a food-deficient to a food surplus nation. In the educational sector, institutions like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institutes of Science (IISc) are at the forefront of research, driving innovation and development.

Challenges and Risks in Research

The path of research is not without its challenges and risks. Indian researchers often grapple with issues like limited funding and ethical dilemmas, particularly in fields like stem cell research or artificial intelligence. The risks are exemplified by ambitious projects like ISRO's Chandrayaan missions, which, despite some setbacks, underscore the courage and determination inherent in the pursuit of knowledge.

Technological Advancements and Research

Technology has revolutionized research methodologies, opening new avenues for exploration and discovery. The Aadhaar project, for instance, is not just a technological marvel but a research endeavor that provides unique identification to over a billion Indians, enabling efficient delivery of services and promoting digital inclusion.

Global and Local Perspective

While India strides forward in its research endeavors, it continues to learn from and contribute to the global knowledge pool. Indian researchers collaborate with international peers, bringing local perspectives to global issues like climate change and sustainable development.

Future of Research

Looking ahead, the future of research in India is bright, with government initiatives like Digital India and Make in India fostering an environment conducive to innovation. The recent launch of the National Research Foundation underlines the government's commitment to strengthening the research ecosystem in India.


In conclusion, research, much like a blind date, is an adventure into the unknown, filled with possibilities and promises. It is an essential tool for societal progress, a beacon of hope for a better tomorrow. As we continue to navigate this ever-evolving journey of discovery, let us remember the words of Marie Curie, "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood." May our pursuit of research lead us to greater understanding and a brighter future for India and the world.

History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce.

For an UPSC essay on the topic "History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce," you would want to structure your essay in a clear and concise manner. Below are guidelines for the introduction, body, and conclusion, along with pointers to be covered in each section. Following these guidelines, I will provide a sample essay.


  • Hook: Start with a compelling statement or a relevant quote.
  • Explanation of the Quote: Briefly explain the meaning of the quote.
  • Thesis Statement: Present your interpretation and how you plan to discuss it in the essay.


  • Historical Examples:
    • First as Tragedy: Discuss historical events that first occurred as tragedies.
    • Second as Farce: Explain how similar events repeated in a less severe or farcical manner.
  • Examples from Indian Society:
    • Include relevant examples from Indian history and contemporary society.
  • Global Context:
    • Provide international examples to give a global perspective.
  • Analysis of Causes:
    • Analyze why history repeats itself.
  • Impact on Society and Politics:
    • Discuss the effects of these repetitive patterns on society and politics.
  • Role of Individuals and Leaders:
    • Examine how leaders and the public contribute to these repetitions.


  • Summarize Key Points: Briefly recap the main arguments.
  • Reflect on the Quote: Reflect back on the initial quote and its relevance.
  • Future Outlook: Offer insights or suggestions for breaking repetitive negative cycles.
  • Closing Quote or Statement: End with a thought-provoking quote or statement.

Sample Essay

The following essay serves as a sample for the given topic. Students can add their own ideas and points as well.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." – George Santayana

The cyclical nature of history is an intriguing aspect of human existence. The famous adage, "History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce," attributed to Karl Marx, captures the essence of this phenomenon. This essay explores the various dimensions of this concept, drawing on examples from Indian society and global events, to analyze the underlying causes and implications.

Tragedy in History

Historically, numerous events have unfolded as tragedies, leaving profound impacts on society. The partition of India in 1947 serves as a poignant example. The division, driven by religious and political strife, led to immense human suffering and displacement. Another instance is the rise of authoritarian regimes in the 20th century. The totalitarian rule of Adolf Hitler in Germany, characterized by oppression and genocide, was a tragedy of monumental proportions.

History as Farce

The repetition of history as a farce can be seen when similar events reoccur, but with less severity or in a more absurd manner. The political instability and subsequent rise of authoritarian figures in various parts of the world, while not as catastrophic as the World Wars, mirror the earlier tragedies in a farcical light. In India, the continual communal tensions post-partition, though not as devastating, echo the earlier strife in a diluted form.

Indian Society: A Reflection

India's struggle with corruption presents a clear example of history repeating itself. From the infamous scams of the 1980s and 1990s to the more recent cases, the pattern is recurring, highlighting systemic issues. Additionally, the cyclical nature of farmer protests in India, from the Green Revolution era to the recent farm bill protests, shows history repeating itself in the agrarian context.

Global Context

Globally, the recurrence of economic crises, from the Great Depression to the 2008 financial crisis, illustrates this phenomenon. Each crisis, while unique in its specifics, shares underlying similarities, such as speculative bubbles and regulatory failures.

Analyzing the Causes

Understanding why history repeats itself involves examining human nature, societal structures, and the tendency to overlook past lessons. Often, it is the neglect of historical lessons that leads to the recurrence of events. In politics, the rise of populism in various countries mirrors past trends, suggesting a collective amnesia or disregard for the past.

Impact on Society and Politics

The repetitive nature of history significantly impacts society and politics. It can lead to cynicism, a sense of inevitability, and a lack of faith in progress. However, it also offers opportunities for learning and improvement, if the lessons are heeded.

Role of Individuals and Leaders

Leaders and individuals play crucial roles in this cycle. Their actions and decisions can either break the cycle or contribute to its perpetuation. For instance, visionary leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela broke historical cycles of oppression through their revolutionary approaches.


In conclusion, while history often repeats itself, it is not an immutable law. It presents an opportunity for learning, growth, and change. The challenge lies in recognizing these patterns and actively working to alter the course, ensuring that the tragedies of the past do not become the farces of the future.

There are better practices to ‘best practices’.


  • Hook: Start with a compelling statement or quote that highlights the dynamic nature of practices and standards in various fields.
  • Thesis Statement: Briefly introduce the idea that while best practices are valuable, there are often better, more innovative approaches waiting to be discovered.
  • Context Setting: Give a brief overview of the evolution of practices in various fields, including technology, social policies, etc.


  • Section 1: Understanding 'Best Practices'
    • Define what best practices are and their role in different sectors (e.g., technology, governance, healthcare).
    • Discuss the benefits of best practices, such as standardization, safety, and efficiency.
  • Section 2: Limitations of 'Best Practices'
    • Discuss how best practices can sometimes hinder innovation and adaptability.
    • Include examples where adherence to best practices led to stagnation or missed opportunities (e.g., business, environmental policies).
  • Section 3: Exploring 'Better Practices'
    • Define what constitutes 'better practices' – innovative, adaptable, and forward-thinking approaches.
    • Discuss how challenging the status quo can lead to significant advancements.
    • Include examples from recent technological breakthroughs, social reforms, or environmental strategies.
  • Section 4: Case Studies in Indian Context
    • Explore examples from Indian society where better practices have made a significant impact (e.g., digital initiatives in governance, education reforms).
    • Discuss how India’s unique challenges require adaptable and innovative practices.
  • Section 5: Balancing Tradition and Innovation
    • Debate the need to balance respect for established best practices with the pursuit of new, possibly better, methods.
    • Discuss the role of cultural, ethical, and societal considerations in this balance.


  • Summary: Reiterate the importance of evolving from best practices to better practices.
  • Forward-Looking Statement: Encourage a mindset of continuous improvement and openness to change.
  • Closing Quote: Use a thought-provoking quote that encapsulates the essence of the essay.

Sample Essay

The following essay serves as a sample for the given topic. Students can add their own ideas and points as well.

"In the search for excellence, it's not about doing things right, but doing the right things."

The realm of best practices has long been revered as the gold standard across various sectors. However, the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of our world suggests that there are better practices than the best practices. This essay delves into the notion that while best practices are foundational, they are not the final frontier in the quest for excellence and innovation.

Best practices refer to established methods or techniques that have been proven effective. They are the benchmarks against which new methodologies are measured. In healthcare, for instance, best practices ensure patient safety and care quality. In governance, they bring about transparency and accountability. Yet, the limitation lies in their rigidity. Adherence to best practices can sometimes stifle innovation and discourage out-of-the-box thinking. For example, the rigid educational practices in many countries have often been criticized for not fostering creativity and critical thinking among students.

The concept of better practices emerges as a response to these limitations. Better practices are not just about refining existing methods; they involve rethinking and reinventing processes to suit changing needs and environments. The rise of digital technology in India, for instance, represents a shift towards better practices. Initiatives like Digital India have revolutionized how services are delivered to the masses, breaking free from the shackles of traditional bureaucratic processes.

Recent events underscore the importance of better practices over best practices. The global COVID-19 pandemic is a case in point. Countries that quickly adapted and adopted innovative strategies, like South Korea’s efficient testing methods or New Zealand’s swift lockdown measures, managed the crisis more effectively than those rigidly clinging to established protocols.

In the Indian context, the shift from traditional agricultural methods to sustainable and technology-driven practices showcases the transition to better practices. These new methods address the challenges of climate change and soil degradation, which were inadequately handled by previous best practices.

However, the journey towards better practices is not without its challenges. It requires a delicate balance between innovation and tradition, between disrupting the status quo and respecting established norms. This is particularly relevant in societies like India, where traditional practices are deeply ingrained in the social fabric.

To conclude, the pursuit of better practices is a journey, not a destination. It's about continuously questioning, innovating, and improving upon the established norms. As John F. Kennedy aptly put it, "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." In our quest for development and progress, let us embrace better practices, recognizing that what is best today may not be sufficient tomorrow.

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FAQs on Essay Previous Year Question Paper (2021) Section - B - UPSC Mains Essay Preparation

1. What does the phrase "Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" mean?
Ans. The phrase "Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" means that the influence and power of a mother or caretaker in shaping the lives of children can have a significant impact on the future of society.
2. How does the essay relate to the phrase "Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world"?
Ans. The essay does not directly relate to the phrase "Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." It consists of unrelated statements about research, history, and best practices.
3. What is the significance of the phrase "History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce"?
Ans. The phrase suggests that historical events often have a pattern of repetition. The first time an event occurs, it may be a tragedy with serious consequences, and when it happens again, it becomes more of a farce, with absurd or ridiculous outcomes.
4. How can one apply the concept of "best practices" in their daily life?
Ans. The concept of "best practices" can be applied in daily life by seeking out and adopting the most effective and efficient methods or approaches to various tasks or activities. This can involve learning from experts, researching proven strategies, and continuously improving one's own practices.
5. What is the importance of research in acquiring knowledge?
Ans. Research plays a crucial role in acquiring knowledge as it allows us to systematically investigate and explore various topics. Through research, we can gather data, analyze information, and draw reliable conclusions, thereby expanding our understanding and contributing to the advancement of knowledge.
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