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Essay Previous Year Question Paper (2023) Section - A | UPSC Mains Essay Preparation PDF Download

Thinking is like a game, it does not begin unless there is an opposite team.

Here's a guideline for structuring your UPSC essay on "Thinking is like a game, it does not begin unless there is an opposite team."


  • Opening Quote or Phrase: Start with a relevant quote or phrase to hook the reader.
  • Context Setting: Briefly introduce the concept of thinking as a game.
  • Thesis Statement: Present your main argument or perspective on the topic.


  • Paragraph 1: Discuss the nature of thinking as a collaborative and adversarial process.
    • Example: Teamwork in problem-solving, debate settings.
  • Paragraph 2: Explore the role of opposing views in stimulating critical thinking.
    • Example: Importance of diverse perspectives in democracy, referencing Indian society.
  • Paragraph 3: Delve into how opposition fosters innovation and creativity.
    • Example: Technological advancements, scientific breakthroughs.
  • Paragraph 4: Discuss the importance of empathy and understanding the 'opposite team'.
    • Example: Social harmony, resolving conflicts.
  • Paragraph 5: Current affairs example illustrating the theme.
    • Example: Recent political or social events in India or globally that reflect the theme.


  • Summary: Recap the main points discussed.
  • Closing Quote or Phrase: End with a thought-provoking quote or phrase.
  • Final Thought: Tie back to the thesis, leaving the reader with a compelling final message.

Sample Essay

The following essay serves as a sample for the given topic. Students can add their own ideas and points as well.

"In the words of Helen Keller, 'Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.' This statement encapsulates the essence of thinking as a collaborative endeavor, a game where the presence of an opposing team is not just beneficial but essential.

Thinking, in its most profound sense, is not a solitary act but a symphony of diverse ideas and perspectives. It thrives on the tension between opposing thoughts, much like a game where the presence of an adversary is not a hindrance but a catalyst for excellence. This essay explores how thinking, like a game, requires opposition to truly flourish.

The very nature of thinking as a collaborative and adversarial process is evident in various aspects of life. In problem-solving, for instance, the best solutions often emerge from a clash of ideas. Teamwork, especially in professional settings, underscores this. Different team members bring unique perspectives, challenging each other's assumptions and thereby fostering a more holistic understanding of issues. In Indian society, this is seen in the ‘Jugaad’ innovation approach, where resource constraints spark creative problem-solving.

Opposing views play a crucial role in stimulating critical thinking. In a democracy, the presence of diverse opinions is not just a right but a necessity for the health of the polity. It forces individuals to question their beliefs, evaluate alternative viewpoints, and develop more nuanced understandings. The Indian democratic system, with its multiplicity of voices and opinions, exemplifies this. It is through the robust debates in the Parliament and media that policies are refined and social progress is achieved.

The theme of opposition fostering innovation and creativity is a constant in human history. Technological advancements often arise from the desire to outdo competitors. The space race between the USA and the USSR, for instance, led to unprecedented advancements in space technology. Similarly, in the corporate world, competition drives companies to innovate continuously. In the context of Indian society, the startup ecosystem vividly illustrates this. Young entrepreneurs are constantly pushing boundaries, driven by the competition to provide innovative solutions to societal problems.

Beyond innovation, understanding and empathizing with the 'opposite team' is crucial for social harmony and conflict resolution. In a country as diverse as India, with its myriad cultures, languages, and religions, empathy is the glue that holds society together. It is when we step into the shoes of those who disagree with us that we begin to bridge divides and find common ground. The resolution of the long-standing Ayodhya dispute, where both sides eventually reached an understanding, albeit after much conflict, demonstrates the power of empathy in resolving deep-rooted issues.

Current affairs provide ample examples of how opposition catalyzes progress. The recent farmers' protests in India, for instance, highlight the importance of listening to opposing voices. The government’s initial stance met with stiff resistance from the farming community. However, this opposition led to broader discussions, bringing to light various issues faced by farmers, and eventually, to the repeal of the contested farm laws. This incident underscores the value of opposition in a democracy, leading to more inclusive decision-making.

In conclusion, thinking, indeed, is a game that truly begins and thrives when there is an opposing team. It is this interplay of ideas and perspectives that drives innovation, fosters empathy, and leads to holistic problem-solving. As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, let us remember the words of John Stuart Mill, 'He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that.' In recognizing the value of opposition, we not only enrich our understanding but also pave the way for a more collaborative, innovative, and empathetic society."

Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic

Let's start by outlining the structure of the essay on the topic "Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic." This outline will provide a framework, including key points and examples, particularly focusing on Indian society and current affairs.


  • Hook: Start with a compelling quote or fact about decision-making.
  • Thesis Statement: Clearly state the importance of balancing intuition and logic in visionary decision-making.
  • Brief Overview: Mention how this balance is crucial in various fields like politics, business, and personal life.


  • Paragraph 1: Understanding Intuition and Logic
    • Define intuition and logic.
    • Discuss their roles in decision-making.
    • Example: Reference to a known Indian leader or personality who successfully combined intuition and logic.
  • Paragraph 2: Historical Examples
    • Discuss historical examples where intuition and logic played a key role.
    • Example: Decisions made by Indian freedom fighters or historical leaders.
  • Paragraph 3: Business and Economics
    • Discuss how intuition and logic impact business decisions.
    • Example: Reference to a successful Indian entrepreneur or a business decision.
  • Paragraph 4: Political Decisions
    • Impact of intuition and logic in political leadership.
    • Example: Recent political decisions in India that required a balance of both.
  • Paragraph 5: Personal Life and Society
    • Relevance in personal decision-making and societal progress.
    • Example: Decision-making in everyday life within Indian society.
  • Paragraph 6: Challenges and Misconceptions
    • Discuss common challenges and misconceptions about balancing intuition and logic.
    • Address the need for critical thinking and emotional intelligence.
  • Paragraph 7: Current Affairs
    • Include examples from recent events globally and in India.
    • Discuss how current leaders are using or failing to use a balance of intuition and logic.


  • Restate Thesis: Emphasize the importance of the balance between intuition and logic.
  • Future Implications: Discuss what this balance means for the future of decision-making in India and globally.
  • Closing Quote: End with a powerful quote about decision-making, wisdom, or leadership.

Sample Essay

The following essay serves as a sample for the given topic. Students can add their own ideas and points as well.


"Trust your instincts, but use your brain." This old adage succinctly captures the essence of visionary decision-making, which thrives at the confluence of intuition and logic. Visionary leaders, whether in politics, business, or personal realms, have always harnessed the power of both instinct and reason to navigate complex challenges. This essay explores the delicate balance between intuition and logic, highlighting its significance through various lenses, including its profound impact on Indian society and global affairs.

Understanding Intuition and Logic

Intuition is often described as the gut feeling or an instinctive understanding, whereas logic is systematic reasoning based on facts and evidence. Both are essential components of decision-making. Mahatma Gandhi, an iconic figure in Indian history, exemplified this balance. His intuitive belief in non-violence and logical strategies in mobilizing the masses were instrumental in India's struggle for independence.

Historical Examples

Historically, visionary leaders have often balanced intuition and logic. For instance, the tactical decisions made by Indian freedom fighters like Subhas Chandra Bose and Jawaharlal Nehru were rooted in a deep understanding of the political landscape (logic) and a strong belief in their cause (intuition).

Business and Economics

In business, the blend of intuition and logic is crucial. The rise of Indian entrepreneurs like Narayana Murthy, co-founder of Infosys, showcases this blend. His logical business strategies, coupled with an intuitive understanding of the IT industry's potential, led Infosys to become a global powerhouse.

Political Decisions

Politics demands a keen balance of intuition and logic. Recent policy reforms in India, such as the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the push for digitalization, were results of logical economic planning complemented by the intuitive understanding of India's future needs.

Personal Life and Society

In personal and societal contexts, this balance is equally vital. Indian society's evolving stance on women's education and career reflects a blend of traditional intuitive beliefs and logical understanding of gender equality's importance.

Challenges and Misconceptions

Balancing intuition and logic is not without challenges. Over-reliance on one can lead to flawed decision-making. Developing both critical thinking (for logic) and emotional intelligence (for intuition) is essential for a balanced approach.

Current Affairs

Recent global events like the COVID-19 pandemic required leaders to balance intuition (e.g., initial responses to the unknown virus) and logic (e.g., vaccine development and distribution strategies). In India, the swift lockdown decision was an intuitive reaction to an unprecedented situation, later guided by logical steps to control the spread and mitigate economic impacts.


In the complex tapestry of decision-making, the threads of intuition and logic are interwoven, each reinforcing the other. As the world, including India, faces unprecedented challenges, the need for this balanced approach in leadership and everyday life becomes increasingly evident. In the words of Albert Einstein, "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." Remembering this balance is not just a matter of effective decision-making but a roadmap to a visionary future.

Not all who wander are lost

To write an essay on the topic "Not all who wander are lost," for the UPSC exam, you should structure it into an introduction, body, and conclusion. Below are guidelines for each section, along with pointers to include.


  • Opening Quote or Phrase: Use a thought-provoking quote related to exploration, curiosity, or non-conformity.
  • Context Setting: Introduce the idea of wandering (physical, intellectual, or emotional) and how it's often misinterpreted as being lost.
  • Thesis Statement: Clearly state your interpretation of the phrase, emphasizing the positive aspects of wandering.


  • Historical and Cultural Examples:
    • Discuss historical figures known for their exploratory nature (e.g., Vasco Da Gama, Ibn Battuta) and their contributions.
    • Refer to Indian figures like Rabindranath Tagore, Swami Vivekananda, who 'wandered' and enriched society with their experiences.
  • Contemporary Examples:
    • Mention modern-day explorers, scientists, and thinkers who 'wander' in pursuit of knowledge or innovation.
    • Include Indian examples like ISRO's Mars Orbiter Mission, emphasizing how wandering into the unknown yields progress.
  • Social and Personal Perspective:
    • Discuss how wandering helps in personal growth, understanding diverse cultures, and breaking stereotypes.
    • Include examples from Indian society where wandering or moving out of comfort zones has led to social reforms or personal enlightenment.
  • Integration with Current Affairs:
    • Link the theme to current global issues like climate change, migration, or technological advancements.
    • Refer to recent events in India that align with the theme, such as innovative startups or social movements.
  • Philosophical and Ethical Angle:
    • Explore the philosophical underpinnings of wandering – freedom, curiosity, and the quest for meaning.
    • Discuss ethical considerations - balancing exploration with responsibility.


  • Summarize Key Points: Concisely revisit your main arguments and insights.
  • Closing Quote or Phrase: End with a powerful quote that encapsulates the essence of the essay.
  • Final Thoughts: Leave the reader with a thought-provoking statement or question about the value and impact of wandering in life.

Sample Essay

The following essay serves as a sample for the given topic. Students can add their own ideas and points as well.

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” – Saint Augustine

The essence of the phrase "Not all who wander are lost" transcends the literal act of wandering; it speaks to a deeper journey of exploration, learning, and self-discovery. In the context of Indian society and the broader world, this exploration has been a catalyst for progress and enlightenment.

Historical Reflections

History is replete with tales of wanderers who ventured into unknown territories and returned with profound knowledge and experiences. Vasco Da Gama's voyage to India opened up new trade routes, forever changing global trade dynamics. In Indian history, figures like Rabindranath Tagore and Swami Vivekananda wandered both physically and intellectually. Tagore's travels influenced his literature, which in turn shaped modern Indian thought, while Vivekananda’s journeys contributed to a deeper understanding of spirituality and religion.

Contemporary Wanderers

In today's world, wandering takes many forms. Scientists and explorers push the boundaries of human knowledge, with endeavors like ISRO's Mars Orbiter Mission symbolizing India's foray into the unknown cosmos. Such initiatives reflect a national spirit of inquiry and determination to explore uncharted territories.

Social and Personal Dimensions

On a social scale, wandering helps in understanding diverse perspectives and breaking down cultural stereotypes. In Indian society, where diversity is the norm, travel and exploration help in fostering a sense of unity in diversity. Personal stories of Indians moving out of their villages, exploring new cities for education or work, mirror this theme. They are not lost; rather, they are on a path of self-discovery and growth.

Wandering in Current Affairs

The theme also finds resonance in current affairs. The global challenges of climate change and migration are examples of how nations and individuals are navigating uncharted waters. India's recent initiatives in renewable energy reflect a journey towards sustainable development.

Philosophical Musings

Philosophically, wandering symbolizes the human quest for meaning and understanding. It is a journey that goes beyond physical movement to include intellectual, emotional, and spiritual exploration. Ethically, this wandering comes with a responsibility – to explore while respecting and preserving the world around us.


The phrase "Not all who wander are lost" is a profound reminder of the value of exploration in all its forms. It encourages us to step out of our comfort zones, to learn, to grow, and to contribute to the world in meaningful ways. As T.S. Eliot famously said, “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” Our wanderings, whether they take us around the world or deep within ourselves, are journeys towards understanding, enlightenment, and connection with the world.

Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane

To write an essay on the topic "Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane," for the UPSC exam, you should structure it into an introduction, body, and conclusion. Below are guidelines for each section, along with pointers to include.


  • Opening Quote or Phrase: Start with a relevant quote or phrase that encapsulates the essence of finding magic in the mundane.
  • Definition and Importance of Creativity: Briefly define creativity and its significance in personal and societal growth.
  • Thesis Statement: State the central argument about how seeking the extraordinary in ordinary things fuels creativity.


  • Understanding the Mundane:
    • Define what is considered mundane or ordinary.
    • Discuss how routine and familiarity often overshadow hidden beauty or potential.
  • Role of Observation and Perception in Creativity:
    • Explain how a shift in perspective can reveal new possibilities.
    • Include examples of artists, inventors, or thinkers who found inspiration in everyday life.
  • Cultural and Societal Examples:
    • Incorporate examples from Indian society where creativity emerged from mundane settings (e.g., grassroots innovations, traditional crafts).
    • Mention how local festivals, customs, and daily practices inspire creativity.
  • Impact of Technology and Modern Lifestyle:
    • Discuss the influence of technology in altering our perception of the mundane.
    • Address the challenge of finding creativity amidst digital distractions.
  • Current Affairs and Contemporary Examples:
    • Integrate recent events or discoveries that exemplify finding extraordinary elements in ordinary settings.
    • Discuss how current challenges (like the pandemic) have led to creative solutions in everyday life.
  • Personal Growth and Societal Development:
    • Elaborate on how this approach to creativity contributes to personal development and problem-solving.
    • Discuss the role of education and awareness in nurturing this kind of creativity.


  • Summarize Key Points: Briefly recapitulate the main arguments made in the essay.
  • Final Thought or Quote: End with a thought-provoking quote or statement that reinforces the essay's thesis.
  • Call to Action: Encourage readers to observe their surroundings with a new perspective and embrace creativity in their daily lives.

Sample Essay

The following essay serves as a sample for the given topic. Students can add their own ideas and points as well.

"The world is but a canvas to our imagination." - Henry David Thoreau

Creativity is the color that paints the canvas of our daily lives, turning the ordinary into extraordinary. It is not merely an innate talent but a skill honed by observing the world through a lens of wonder. This essay explores how inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane, a process vital for personal growth and societal advancement.

The mundane encompasses all that is familiar and routine. Our daily commute, the streets we walk, and the people we pass by, often go unnoticed in the hustle of life. However, it is in these overlooked details that creativity finds its roots. The mundane is a treasure trove of inspiration waiting to be discovered by those willing to observe.

Observation and perception play a crucial role in transforming the ordinary into a source of creative inspiration. Artists like Vincent Van Gogh found beauty in simple things like starry nights and sunflowers. Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore drew inspiration from the everyday life of rural Bengal, portraying it with profound beauty and depth. Their ability to see the world differently turned ordinary scenes into masterpieces.

Indian society, rich in culture and tradition, provides numerous examples of creativity springing from mundane settings. The intricate designs of Rangoli, created daily by women across the country, turn simple materials like rice powder into art. The traditional craft of pottery in rural India transforms clay, an ordinary element, into beautiful and functional art. These practices highlight how creativity is deeply embedded in Indian culture, often manifesting from the most basic elements of daily life.

The advent of technology and the modern lifestyle has significantly altered our interaction with the mundane. While technology offers new avenues for creativity, it also poses the challenge of constant distraction. The art of finding inspiration in everyday life requires mindfulness, a practice often lost in the digital age. However, the recent pandemic demonstrated how constraints can foster creativity. Confined to their homes, people worldwide found innovative ways to work, learn, and connect, turning their immediate surroundings into spaces of creativity and growth.

Current affairs offer a rich source of examples where the mundane has sparked creativity. The grassroots innovation of the 'Mitti Cool' refrigerator, an eco-friendly and affordable cooling solution developed by an Indian entrepreneur, Mansukhbhai Prajapati, illustrates how everyday problems can lead to creative solutions. The global shift towards renewable energy, driven by the mundane yet crucial need to conserve our environment, showcases creativity in addressing a pressing contemporary issue.

Creativity born from the mundane significantly contributes to personal and societal development. It encourages a problem-solving mindset, essential in today's rapidly changing world. In education, fostering this kind of creativity prepares individuals to think critically and innovatively. Encouraging students to find inspiration in their everyday experiences can lead to a more engaged and thoughtful society.

In conclusion, the pursuit of finding magic in the mundane is not just an artistic endeavor but a vital approach to life. It teaches us to appreciate the beauty in simplicity and to harness our innate creativity for personal and societal betterment. As we go about our daily lives, let us remember the words of Marcel Proust, "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." Let us challenge ourselves to look at the world around us with curiosity and imagination, for it is in the ordinary that the seeds of extraordinary creativity are sown.

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FAQs on Essay Previous Year Question Paper (2023) Section - A - UPSC Mains Essay Preparation

1. What is the meaning behind the statement "Thinking is like a game, it does not begin unless there is an opposite team"?
Ans. The statement suggests that the process of thinking is often stimulated by the presence of opposing ideas or viewpoints. Just like in a game, where different teams compete against each other, thinking requires opposing thoughts or perspectives to challenge and stimulate the mind.
2. How does visionary decision-making occur at the intersection of intuition and logic?
Ans. Visionary decision-making occurs at the intersection of intuition and logic because it combines the gut feeling or instinctual knowledge with rational and analytical thinking. Intuition provides a deeper understanding and insight into the situation, while logic ensures that the decision is well-reasoned and based on a logical framework.
3. What does the phrase "Not all who wander are lost" mean?
Ans. The phrase "Not all who wander are lost" means that not everyone who seems to be aimlessly wandering or exploring is actually without direction or purpose. It suggests that sometimes, the act of wandering or exploring can lead to unexpected discoveries, personal growth, and new experiences, even if there is no predetermined goal in mind.
4. How does inspiration for creativity arise from finding the magical in the mundane?
Ans. Inspiration for creativity arises from finding the magical in the mundane because it involves seeing and appreciating the extraordinary or unique aspects within ordinary and everyday things. By seeking and recognizing the beauty, wonder, or hidden potential in the mundane, individuals can tap into their creative instincts and find new ways to express themselves artistically.
5. What are some frequently asked questions about the relationship between intuition and logic in decision-making?
Ans. Some frequently asked questions about the relationship between intuition and logic in decision-making include: - How can intuition and logic complement each other in decision-making? - Can relying too much on intuition lead to biased or irrational decisions? - Are there specific situations where intuition should be prioritized over logic, or vice versa? - How can individuals develop and trust their intuition while maintaining a logical approach to decision-making? - Are there any studies or research that support the effectiveness of combining intuition and logic in decision-making?
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