Card: 3 / 38 |
True or False: Morality guarantees consistent action in accordance with one's beliefs. |
Card: 4 / 38 |
False: Morality does not guarantee consistent action as actual behavior may deviate from one's morals. |
Card: 6 / 38 |
Ethics denotes the theory of right action and the greater good, while morals indicate their practice at the individual level. |
Card: 7 / 38 |
Fill in the blank: A defense attorney must adhere to professional ethics even if they believe that ___ is a reprehensible act. |
Card: 10 / 38 |
False: Morals may change over time and can vary across cultures and societies. |
Card: 12 / 38 |
Broader ethical rules can inform an individual's morals, guiding their understanding of right and wrong based on collective societal principles. |
Card: 13 / 38 |
Fill in the blank: Those who are indifferent to right or wrong are referred to as ___. |
Card: 16 / 38 |
Ethics govern the conduct of members of a profession, such as lawyers, who must act ethically even when their personal morals may conflict with legal requirements. For instance, a lawyer may personally believe theft is wrong but must defend a client accused of theft, as per their professional ethics. |
Card: 17 / 38 |
True or False: Slavery was universally considered unethical in historical societies. |
Card: 18 / 38 |
False. Slavery was often accepted as a normal part of life and even considered a measure of prestige in many societies. |
Card: 19 / 38 |
An individual's morals may lead him to treat his slaves ___ even if slavery is accepted in society. |
Card: 21 / 38 |
Fill in the blank: In the past, slavery was often viewed as a measure of ___ rather than a moral failing. |
Card: 23 / 38 |
What societal reaction might an individual face for considering slavery to be wrong? |
Card: 25 / 38 |
Fill in the blank: Today, slavery is considered ___ and is abolished in most parts of the world. |
Card: 27 / 38 |
True or False: It was uncommon for individuals in the past to have moral objections to slavery. |
Card: 28 / 38 |
True. While some individuals may have objected, such views were often not widely accepted in society. |
Card: 30 / 38 |
It was viewed as a normal part of life and often associated with social status. |
Card: 33 / 38 |
True or False: Morals are objective principles that guarantee consistent behavior across all contexts. |
Card: 35 / 38 |
The key difference between ethics and morals is that ethics refers to the ___ of right action, while morals refer to the ___ of those principles at an individual level. |
Card: 37 / 38 |
True or False: An individual may consider an act immoral yet engage in that act due to situational pressures. |