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GS Paper - III Model Answers (2020) - 2 | UPSC Mains Answer Writing: Practice PDF Download

Q11: Explain the rationale behind the Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to states) act of 2017. How has COVID-19 impacted the GST compensation fund and created new federal tensions? (UPSC MAINS GS3 2020)
The rationale behind the GST Act of 2017

  • The concept of Goods and Services Tax came in 2005 when the Vijay Kelkar-led task force submitted its report and recommended the replacement of all indirect taxes with GST. 
  • The dream became a reality when the new tax was introduced at the midnight of June 30 and July 1, 2017. 
  • It was introduced as the biggest tax reform for indirect taxes. GST is a comprehensive, multistage, destination-based tax that is levied on every value addition. 
  • It is a single domestic indirect tax law for the entire country. 
  • In the earlier indirect tax regime, there were many indirect taxes levied by both the state and the centre. 
  • With the previous tax system, there were multiple taxes added at each stage of the supply chain, without taking credit for taxes paid at previous stages. 
  • As a result, the end cost of the product did not clearly show the actual cost of the product and how much tax was applied. That cascading structure was too complex and inefficient. COVID-19 impacted the GST compensation fund and created new federal tensions As the Covid-19 pandemic hit the globe, India’s botched response resulted in becoming one of the worst impacted countries economically. 
  • This was a federal crisis like no other. The corona virus pandemic severely affected economy. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) revenue collection was impacted by nationwide lockdown. The shortfall in the tax collection was estimated at 2.35 lakh crore, for fiscal 2021. 
  • This in turn impacted GST compensation to states. The relation between the Centre and the states has reached its nadir with the controversy over the GST compensation payment. 
  • However, the Union government showed an unwillingness to borrow the necessary amount and make it available to the cess fund . 
  • It was feared that such a large borrowing will push up the interest rate. Then the solution will be to monetize the debt. That’s what governments all over the world were doing. 
  • Also, it was much more convenient for the Centre to borrow to meet the shortfall in the cess fund. The cost of borrowing by states would be higher by 1-2 percentage points. The states’ fiscal deficit ceiling would have to be raised.

Analyzing the situation, it seems that it is Far from the “co-operative federalism” that was promised, it appears that this coercive fiscal pressure may undermine the basis of any federalism at all, and in the future, it will impact the center- state cooperation.

Q12: What are the major factors responsible for making rice-wheat system a success? In spite of this success how has this system become bane in India? (UPSC MAINS GS3 2020)
The rice-wheat rotation is the principal cropping system in south Asian countries that occupies about 13.5 million hectares in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of which 10 million hectares are in India. This system covers about 33% of the total rice area and 42% of the total wheat area and account for one quarter to one third of the total rice and wheat production. This cropping system is dominant in most Indian states, such as Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, and contributes to 75% of the national food grain production.
Major factors responsible for making rice-wheat system a success: 

  • Although this is an irrigated cropping system yet yield are dependent on climatic situation in India mainly on south west monsoon. 
  • Green fodder is easily available in rice-wheat cropping system and this in turns helps to support large livestock population. 
  • With the introduction of improved high yielding, input responsive, short duration rice and wheat varieties, the rice-wheat pattern became feasible and saw both crops grown in the same year. 
  • In this pattern, rice is grown during the summer months followed by wheat in the winter months. It is now found as a major system throughout the IGP. Both crops are grown in one calendar year. 
  • The environmental requirements for the growth and development of both rice and wheat crops are contrastingly different. Rice grows best under stagnant water conditions, while wheat requires a well-pulverized soil with a proper balance of moisture, air and thermal regime. 
  • A dominating feature of the rice-wheat cropping system is the annual conversion of soil from aerobic to anaerobic and then back to aerobic conditions. 
  • This post green revolution technology will depend on farmer adoption and investment. Increasing and improving stakeholder participation in experimentation and fine-tuning of the technology will be a key to success. 
  • Irrigation is a common feature of this system either from extensive surface canal systems or from shallow wells and tube wells .Rainfed rice-wheat also exists, but the majority of farmers apply at least one irrigation for wheat and many a full irrigation schedule. Issues related to Rice-wheat cropping system. 
  • Declining underground water table: The excessive pumping of ground water for irrigation purposes in intensively cultivated areas of Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh has caused lowering down of the ground water table in certain pockets. Declining water tables not only raise production costs due to higher energy requirements for pumping water from greater depths but such rapid rates of decline spark serious questions about the long-term sustainability of rice-wheat system itself in these areas. 
  • Diverse weed flora: Diverse weed flora and excessive weed pressure is an important issue in the way to sustainable agriculture. Due to intensive cultivation of rice–wheat sequence, the weed flora simplified with grasses. Weeds compete with the main plants for light, water and nutrients and in turn decrease overall land productivity of the system as a whole. 
  • Ground water pollution: Excessive use of the fertilizers/insecticides in RWCs pollutes the underground water quality. Application of this poor quality water to the agricultural and dairy sector leads to emergence of several severe diseases in animals and decreased the grain quality which ultimately affect the human health. 
  • Outbreak of diseases and insect-pest: Both wheat and rice crops are grown under lavish environment. The green crops with higher dose of N-fertilizers and wet conditions because of frequent irrigations are the paradise for the outbreak of insect-pest and diseases. 
  • Degrading soil structure: Rice is conventionally established through tillage under wet conditions with an aim of reducing percolation losses, ease transplanting and suppress weeds. However, its negative effects through structural degradation on upland crops are of concern. Apart from extensive labour requirement repeated puddling of coarse and medium textured soils in the state has led to the sub-surface compaction which has been proving detrimental for the upland crops like wheat. 
  • Unsustainable practices: Slow agricultural growth is emerging as a concern for government and policymakers as two-thirds of India’s people depend on rural employment for a living. The current adopted agricultural practices are neither economically nor environmentally sustainable. 
  • Residue management: On farm residue management be the major issue in the prevailing RWCS. Among rice and wheat straw residue, wheat residue is used in the animal husbandry sector butthe higher silica content in rice straw make it inappropriate to be used in the dairy sector. Also farmers generally burnt the rice residue on to their fields to get rid of it and to ensure timely sowing of the wheat crop as delayed sowing decreases the final grain yields. 
  • Labour shortage: Rice–wheat cropping system is water-, energy-, capital- and most importantly labour intensive as transplanting, spraying and harvesting of paddy require intense labour. Labour shortage is an emerging issue in the prevailing Rice- wheat cropping system(RWCS) due to narrow window period and legal binding to transplant paddy. 
  • Rice-wheat cropping system is known for plenty of methane generation and its contribution to global warming. 

Rice-wheat cropping system in India has contributed immensely to fill the increasing empty stomachs but has consequently led to many sustainability issues. Hence, alternate tillage and establishment methods must be invented, tested and recommended for the sustainable establishment of rice–wheat cropping system as a whole including the intervening period so that land and water productivity, soil health and environment must be improved for overall lifting of the livelihoods of the farmers.

Q13: Suggest measures to improve water storage and irrigation system to make its judicious use under depleting scenario. (UPSC MAINS GS3 2020)
India is a country whose majority proportion of economy is agriculture based, but the diverse soil and moisture content in the soil makes irrigation as a needed aspect. To minimize dependence on monsoon which is being erratic, development of irrigation becomes essential. For instance, farmers in Odisha, Bihar are poverty stricken due to lack of irrigation in farm fields. Judicious use of irrigation enhances the productivity thus raising the yield per hectare.
Like China in the same plot produces 3 time more crops than India due to its efficient irrigation. Also the country’s economic, social and agricultural background makes it utilize the prospect promised by irrigational practices. This artificial means to fulfil the water and moisture requirement of crops is important for India.
Some important storage systems in India: 

  • Wells: Irrigation by wells is present in India from the time immemorial. In 1950-51, there were around five million wells and now, their number has been increased to about 12 million. Uttar Pradesh has the largest area of land under good irrigation, followed by Rajasthan, Punjab, and Madhya Pradesh. 
  • Tube wells: Tube wells are deeper well from which water is lifted through pumping set operated by an electric motor or a diesel engine. Tamil Nadu with around 11 lakh tube wells has the largest number in the country followed by Maharashtra, 
  • Tanks: They are commonly used in Andhra Pradesh, Deccan Plateau, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. Irrigation through tanks offers a host of benefits such as providing drinking water for rural communities and livestock, replenishing groundwater levels, conserving top-soil and others. 
  • Canals: In India, canals are the main source of irrigation. Canals are big water sources or channels derived from rivers to provide water to places far away from the river. Ways to improve water storage. Reduce conveyance losses by lining channels or, preferably, by using closed conduits. Reduce direct evaporation during irrigation by avoiding midday sprinkling. Minimize foliar interception by under-canopy, rather than by overhead sprinkling. Reduce runoff and percolation losses due to over irrigation. Reduce evaporation from bare soil by mulching and by keeping the inter-row strips dry. Reduce transpiration by weeds, keeping the inter-row strips dry and applying weed control measures where needed. 

Some important irrigation system in India: 

  • Surface irrigation is the creation and distribution of water in an area by way of the gravity flow of water over the soil surface. 
  • The soil acts as the developing medium in which water is saved and the conveyance medium over which water flows as it spreads and infiltrates. 
  • Common floor irrigation structures used are rill irrigation, border or furrow irrigation. 
  • Subsurface irrigation makes use of a community of polyethylene pipes positioned just beneath the floor’s surface to use disinfected effluent inside the root area of plants, preventing airborne drift and declining runoff. 
  • This method of irrigation requires much less protection than surface irrigation, and there may be additionally much less hazard of surface saturation and effluent runoff. 
  • By decreasing the threat of human contact, it additionally drastically reduces public health risks. 
  • Drip irrigation is the most efficient and recommended water and nutrient delivery system for growing crops. 
  • It helps to deliver water and vitamins directly to the plant’s roots region accordingly the right and time, thereby each plant receives precisely what it desires, whilst it wishes it, to grow optimally. 
  • With this method of irrigation, farmers can produce higher yields even as saving on the water as well as fertilizers, electricity and even crop protection merchandise. 
  • Sprinkler Irrigation is a technique of applying irrigation water that is similar to rainfall. 
  • Water is distributed through a gadget of pipes generally by way of pumping. 
  • It is then sprayed into the air and irrigated complete soil surface via spray heads so that it splits up into tiny water drops which fall to the floor.

Important measures to improve water storage and irrigation system to make its judicious use under depleting Scenario: 

  • Increase cropping Intensity: The rainfed areas are mostly single cropped with scanty rainfall, prone to frequent droughts, soil erosion, and characterized by fragile pasture lands. Presently 76% of agricultural land in the country remains unused for half of the productive period due to lack of access to meet the crop water requirement. 
  • Large public and private investment for expanding the irrigation system to accelerate agricultural growth and to meet the needs of food security. 
  • Improvement in the utilization of irrigation potential and expansion of rural electrification in the eastern region and replacement of high-cost diesel pump sets. 
  • The original Gadgil formula, which, earmarked 10 per cent of the total resource to the State Plans for major and medium irrigation and power projects should be revived; 
  • A major part of saving of fertilizer subsidy be given to States as grant for irrigation expansion. 
  • Suitable incentives be extended for advancing hi-tech irrigation systems like the microprocessorbased drip irrigation technology that has proven ability to save 25 per cent chemical fertilizers, halve the water used and nearly double the yields; 
  • Sprinkler device is a specific irrigation system, designed to make sure maximum water saving, combining excessive pleasant, affordability and simplicity of installation. 
  • Farmers stakes in irrigation work be raised by conferring on them some degree of. Co-ownership the irrigation system; and 
  • A comprehensive watershed management plan need to be formulated and effectively implemented. 
  • Best Utilization of Rain Water: By having the surface irrigation systems, helps to shape your farm in a way to where natural water flow reliably irrigates your plants. Because of this reason, surface irrigation plots are very effective at making use of rainwater; the land has already been optimized for water flow. 
  • The Government has created a dedicated Micro Irrigation Fund with NABARD. This fund aims to facilitate the States in order to mobilize the resources for expanding coverage of Micro Irrigation in the country. 
  • Rainfed Area Development Programme (RADP) is an initiative which aims to increase agricultural productivity of rainfed areas in a sustainable manner by adopting appropriate farming system-based approaches. 

The agriculture being an important of Indian economy and society, so irrigational practices and its element should be utilized and developed wisely keeping in mind long term requirement and sustainability. Community based scheme in the region with less or no irrigation should be indeed targeted to provide irrigation. Drip irrigation or sprinkler system to be promoted. Schemes like per drop more crop are a good step. Also Assured irrigation is important for diversification to high value crops and doubling of farm income by 2022.

Q14: COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented devastation worldwide. However, technological advancements are being availed readily to win over the crisis. Give an account of how technology was sought to aid management of the pandemic. (UPSC GS3 2020)
Epidemics and pandemics such as SARS, H1N1, Ebola and now COVID-19 have been threatening the human race time and again. COVID-19 pandemic, which has impacted the whole world, has tested the technological expertise of the human civilization very well. It has transformed the lifestyle of individuals as well as the society. However, technology has countered the pandemic and remarkablyreduced its impact on the human civilization. Technology has helped to prevent the spread, educate, warn, and empower those on the ground to be aware of the situation.
Role of technology in COVID-19 management and mitigation of is impact 

  • Fighting misinformation: Misinformation about the number of fatalities, diagnosis and treatment options, vaccines, medicines, government policies, etc., created more panic and anxiety among the population during lockdown. 
  • The result was widespread leading to chaos, panic buying, hoarding of essential commodities, price rise, violence on the streets, discrimination, conspiracy theories, and so on. 
  • Companies like Google, Facebook, and YouTube worked tirelessly to guide people to the right, verifiable information such as that published by WHO or local authorities and government. 
  • It led to delivery of accurate information available to everybody and a transparent scenario created and the people can be informed about the right steps to take. 
  • Finding Drugs: Artificial Intelligence is playing important role in suggesting components of a vaccine by understanding viral protein structures, and helping medical researchers to invent vaccine for COVID-19 at a greater pace. 
  • For Example: Google DeepMind has invented Alpha Fold which is essentially a cutting-edge system that predicts the 3D structure of a protein based on its genetic sequence. 
  • Increasing traceability and transparency: Technologies such as mobile, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have been used for clear messaging to the populace which is critical to make sure they are informed and reminded to use appropriate precautions. 
  • For example: Microsoft Bing launched an interactive COVID-19 map to provide widespread disease news. 
  • Social platform like Tik Tok partnered with WHO on COVID-19 to help keep their users knowledgeable with correct, timely facts, along with a live stream from the WHO where. 
  • Users will be able to ask questions and seek answers. 
  • Facial recognition and Big Data Analysis: Facial Recognition coupled with Big Data Analysis helped in quickly identifying infected individuals. 
  • It helped to connect with them and track person who came in contact with them. Facial recognition technologies along with data can accurately identify people even if they are masked. 
  • Contact-less movement and deliveries through autonomous vehicles, drones and robotsenabled free flow of goods and services. 
  • It includes Self-driving cars, drones; robots can all help at a time when the need is to avoid human contact. 
  • Robots have been used for delivering grocery, cooking means, sterilizing hospitals and patrolling the streets. 
  • Drones have been used for food deliveries, tracking population, carrying test kits and medicines to quarantine locations, thermal imaging to identify infected people, spraying disinfectant. 
  • Body Temperature monitoring: The wireless thermometer guns and other similar infrared body temperature measuring devices have become the most important medical equipment during pandemic. 
  • These equipments were used in to measure body temperature without coming in contact with others. 
  • Remote Working Technologies: Remote working technologies helped in maintaining social distancing by enabling people to work from home. It also enabled IT companies and other technology sector to work without fear during pandemic days. 
  • Advancement in vaccine technology: Technological advancement in the area of virology has helped world to develop vaccine as early as possible which was not the case in 50’s. Conclusion: COVID-19 pandemic testified the efficiency of emerging technologies and signified their role in our day to day life. It has helped in effective management of pandemic during lockdown while reducing the impact of pandemic on human lives. 
  • It has also proved the efficiency of ‘Industry 4.0’ and future course of human civilization characterized by ‘Digital Education’, ‘E-Pharmacy and consultation’, ‘Remote working’, and most important sustainable development.

Q15: Describe the benefits of deriving electric energy from sunlight in contrast to the conventional energy generation. What are the initiatives offered by our Government for this purpose? (UPSC Mains GS3 2020)
It has been known for more than 150 years that light can have an effect on the electrical properties of some materials. This is called the photoelectric effect. In 1921, Einstein received the Nobel Prize for his work explaining this. Photovoltaic cells are based on a related phenomenon called the photovoltaic effect, and they convert light directly into electricity.
Benefits of obtaining electric energy from sunlight 

  • Impact on the Environment: Solar energy has the least negative impact on the environment compared to any other energy source. It does not produce greenhouse gases and does not pollute the water. 
  • Reduce Your Energy Bill: Generating your own electricity means that you will be using less from the utility supplier. This will immediately translate to savings on your energy bill. Plus, you can also make money by selling the unused electricity, which you have generated, back to the grid. 
  • Solar Energy Is Applicable Everywhere: As long as there is sunshine, solar energy can be deployed anywhere. This is particularly useful for remote regions with no access to any other source of electricity. There is a vast amount of people around the world with no access to electricity. 
  • Less Electricity Lost During Long-Distance Transport: Having solar panels on the roof or in the yard significantly reduces this distance, therefore increasing the efficiency of the solar panels. 
  • Improves Grid Security: The grid is less vulnerable to blackouts if there are many power plants which are spread out. A grid with high penetration of solar energy has thousands of energy production centres which are widely spread out. This improves the security of the grid in case of overload, natural or human-caused disasters. 

Disadvantages of obtaining electric energy from conventional sources 

  • Pollution: The primary drawback of these conventional sources is they purpose excessive pollutants. The burning of firewood and fossil fuels result in air pollutants. This may be prevented by means of using those non-conventional resources 
  • Exhaustible: The major problem while the use of conventional sources in particular fossil fuels is that they may be exhaustible resources. It takes tens of millions of years for them to be renewed and replenished. But non-traditional resources are renewable resources that do not get exhausted. 
  • Risky: Non-conventional power extraction is safer. Many injuries arise at the same time as extracting strength from mines. 
  • High value: The extraction of these electricity assets is very pricey both economically and environmentally. The cost of electricity production and extraction is lots lesser for non-traditional resources if the initial cost of establishment is borne. 

Initiatives offered by our Government for this purpose 

  • Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission: The aim of JNNSM mission is not limited to offering large-scale grid-connected power but also transform India’s rural economy. The quick spread of solar lighting systems, water pumps, and other solar power-based applications will change India’s rural economy. The mission is to expand and establish India as a global leader in solar energy sector. 
  • Rooftop Scheme: Under the rooftop scheme executed by SECI (Solar Energy Corporation of India), 200 MW of projects has been allocated, out of which 45 MW of capacity have been commissioned. Addition to this, special schemes including 73 MW for warehouses and 50 MW for the CPWD (Central Public Works Department) have been launched. 
  • Solar Park Scheme: The Solar Parkis a concentrated zone of development of solar power generation projects. The implementation agency would be SECI on behalf of Government of India. The state will be able to reduce its carbon footprint by avoiding emissions equivalent to the solar park’s generated capacity. 
  • VGF (Viability Gap Funding) Scheme: VGF support will be provided for setting up of gridconnected solar PV projects of a minimum 2000 MW capacity by solar power developers on build own operate basis. 
  • UDAY Scheme: UDAY or Ujjwal Discom Assurance Yojna was launched in November 2015 as a revival package for electricity distribution companies of India initiated by the Government of India with the idea to find permanent solar power solutions to the financial mess that the power distribution was facing at that time. It aims at reforming the power sector, operational improvement, and development in renewable energy, reduction of cost of generation of power, energy efficiency, and conservation. 

Solar power is an immense source of directly useable energy and ultimately creates other energy resources: biomass, wind, and hydropower and wave energy. Most of the Earth’s surface receives sufficient solar energy to permit low-grade heating of water and buildings, although there are large variations with latitude and season. At low latitudes, simple mirror devices can concentrate solar energy sufficiently for cooking and even for driving steam turbines.

Q16: What are the key features of the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) initiated by the Government of India? (UPSC MAINS GS3 2020)
According to the, World Air Quality Report 2019,the 21 Indian cities are among the world’s 30 most polluted cities of the world and the level of the pollutant PM 2.5 and PM 10 are often well above the World Health Organisation’s recommended level of exposure and this leads to serious respiratory problem for those exposed to it.
In pursuance of its commitment, towards the 2015 Paris agreement as the inflection point, where India committed to cut the green house gas emissions intensity of its GDP by 33-35 per cent over the 2005 levels by 2030, the Indian Government started the National Climate Action Programme (NCAP).
The National Clean Air Programme is a pollution control initiative that was launched by the Ministry of Environment with the intention to cut the concentration of coarse PM 2.5 and PM 10 by at least 20% in the next five years, with 2017 as the base year for comparison. It is a national level strategy to tackle the air pollution problem across the country in a comprehensive manner.
Features of the NCAP 

  • Time bound strategy: The National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) is a long-term, time-bound, national level strategy to tackle the air pollution. 
  • Reduction in Particulate Matter: It targets to achieve 20% to 30% reduction in Particulate Matter concentrations by 2024 keeping 2017 as the base year for the comparison of concentration. 
  • Non-attainment cities: Under NCAP, 122 non-attainment cities have been identified across the country based on the Air Quality data from 2014-2018. 
  • City specific plans: The city specific action plans have been prepared for strengthening the monitoring network, reducing vehicular/industrial emissions, increasing public awareness etc. 
  • Implementation of the plan: Implementation of the city specific action plans are regularly monitored by Committees at Central and State level namely Steering Committee, Monitoring Committee and Implementation Committee. 
  • Monitoring of plans: Air quality of cities is monitored by State Pollution Control Boards which publishes their results from time to time. Some Smart Cities have established Integrated Command and Control Centres (ICCCs) which are also connected to Air Quality Monitors (AQMs) for effective monitoring. 

The Programme is aimed at reducing the level of pollution but a number of challenges dilute the effectiveness of the programme. The lack of strong legal backing to take action against nonimplementation, lack of sector wise specific targets, a meager budget allocation and lack of clarity of funding provisions are some of the issues which reduce the efficiency of the programme. Recently, NGT also urged government to reduce the time line of the programme from 2024 along with the raise in the reduction targets of Particulate matter from 20%-30%. The better results could be obtained only after removing all the challenges and adopting better implementation measures.

Q17: Discuss the recent measures initiated in disaster management by the Government of India departing from the earlier reactive approach. (UPSC GS3 2020)
Disaster Management can be defined as the organization and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters.
Recent measures related to disaster management show that the government now deals with the disasters in a pre-emptive-cum-proactive way rather than a reactive way: 

  • India presented a practical approach and roadmap with the launch of a global Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) to make the infrastructure resilient in the face of disasters. 
  • Indian Coast Guard with the assistance of ICG Remote Operating Centres (ROC) and Stations (ROS), NAVTEX warning (Navigational Text Message) and ISN (International Safety Net) activated one week in advance by Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centres (MRCCs) prevented the loss of fishermen lives and reduced impact from Cyclone Amphan and Nisarga. 
  • IMD is to launch a dynamic, impact-based cyclone warning system aiming at minimising economic losses. NDMA took up a project named National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP) in which a Web-based Dynamic Composite Risk Atlas (Web-DCRA) would be developed. 
  • Building dedicated institutions like the National Fire Service College (NFSC) and the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) Academy is about how to control a situation rather than just respond to it. 
  • NDRF is said to have achieved all benchmarks under Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. 
  • Capacity building of locals- Govt has focused on training locals as they are first to respond. 

Recent measures initiated in disaster management by the Government of India 

  • Housing for all programme and smart cities: All development sectors must imbibe the principles of disaster risk management. This will ensure that all development projects airports, roads, canals, hospitals, schools; bridges are built to appropriate standards and contribute to the resilience of communities they seek to serve. 
  • Jan DhanYojana and the Suraksha Bima Yojana: work towards risk coverage for all – starting from poor households to small and medium enterprises to multi-national corporations to nation states. 
  • Involvement and leadership of women: encourage greater involvement and leadership of women in disaster risk management. Women are disproportionately affected by disasters. They also have unique strengths and insights. 
  • Invest in risk mapping globally: For mapping risks related to hazards such as earthquakes we have widely accepted standards and parameters. Based on these, in India, we have mapped seismic zones, with five as highest seismic risk and two as low risk. 
  • Leverage technology: to enhance the efficiency of our disaster risk management efforts. 
  • Network of universities: develop a network of universities to work on disaster issues. After all, universities have social responsibilities too. Over the first five years of the Sendai Framework, we should develop a global network of universities working together on problems of disaster risk management. 
  • Build on local capacity and initiative: The task of disaster risk management, particularly in rapidly growing economies, is so huge that formal institutions of the state can at best be instrumental in creating the enabling conditions. 

Drawbacks of previous measures 

  • Fragile Institutions: The National Policy on Disaster Management, prepared by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), approved in 2009 was formulated with a vision to build a safe and disaster resilient India. Central, state and district level authorities are established. Also Disaster Response Fund and Disaster Mitigation Fund were set up. But all these are not active and well operated. We must explore ways to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery of services, minimizing inordinate delays, red tape, pressure for excluding real victims and accommodating false claimants. 
  • Weak compliance of policies: The follow up actions expected from nodal agencies in preparing plans and corrective actions to address the critical gaps in the existing policies are not initiated. Community based organizations and NGO’s can play an important role in creating a level playing field for victims affected by disasters. 
  • Systemic inefficiencies influencing process: The random audits of proposals on affected areas and fixing the accountability for financial losses on erring officials is the reason. 
  • Need to adopt innovative systems, techniques and technologies: Some of them are Geographical Information System (GPS), Global Positioning System (GPS), Global Pocket Radio Service (GPRS), Remote Sensing, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP), Radio over Internet Protocol (ROIP), Scenario Analysis &Modelling, Digital Elevation Models and Bathymetry for tsunami, Early warning systems, Doppler radar etc. Information in the local dialects will be more helpful. A judicious mix of traditional knowledge with technology is required. 

The current “non-system” for providing information for disaster management is not effectively utilizing a wealth of information that resides with various organizations. Existing technologies could deliver to disaster managers important new information products that could save lives, reduce damage to property, and lessen the environmental impacts of natural disasters. Continued improvements in technology should help make information more widely, quickly, and reliably available and at less cost.

Q18: What are the determinants of left-wing extremism in Eastern part of India? What strategy should Government of India, civil administration and security forces adopt to counter the threat in the affected areas?
Left Wing Extremism or Naxal Movement has been the source of extreme violence in some parts of the country specially in Eastern part. These extremists are internally waging wars against the state. It is considered to be the most important security concern. These extremist movements have disconnected several tribal villages from the national main stream. They want abolition of state to establish the rule of people. These extremists attack the symbols of the country’s power such as the police, schools and other government institutions.
Spread of Naxalism The Spread occurred in three phases 

  • The first phase started in Darjeeling in West Bengal from where it spread to Odisha, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The phase ended with the Emergency period seeing the arrest of most of the Maoist cadres. 
  • The second phase started when the movement emerged in a more violent form after the emergency and spread from West Bengal again to Bihar, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Chattisgarh. 
  • The third phase started with the formation of CPI (Maoist) in 2004. Thus Naxalism spread in eastern India often referred to as the ‘Red Corridor’, a narrow but contiguous strip connecting Karnataka and West Bengal through Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Odisha, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Factors responsible for the rise of Naxalism in Eastern India Rise of Naxalism is attributed to the gross lack of development even after being mineral-rich areas combined with other socio-economic problems. 

These can be summarised as 

  • Developmental Deficit: the Naxal affected areas face rampant poverty and unemployment. The areas also lack education and health facilities. There is also a deficit of infrastructures such as roads, bridges and communication facilities. 
  • Governance Deficit: there is a lack of routine administration with incompetent, ill-trained and poorly motivated personnel. There are corruption and mismanagement of government schemes and poor implementation of special laws. Electoral politics is perverted and the working of local government is unsatisfactory. 
  • Social Exclusion and Alienation: there are human rights violations and the dignity of life is not ensured. There is a disconnect with the mainstream society which all leads to the discontent against the government. 
  • Jal-Jangal-Jameen: the issues of land, forest and water rights. There is an evasion of land ceiling laws and unlawful encroachment and illegal occupation of community lands. The traditional rights are not recognised and there is unfair land acquisition without any compensation or proper rehabilitation. The tribe- forest relations are also disrupted. Such conditions make it easier for an ideology like Maoism to take root. The government and the capitalist class are identified as the perpetrators of the backwardness of the region and the youth are motivated to take up arms against them. 

Current Situation 

  • Events of Left Wing Extremism (LWE) violence came down from 2258 in 2009 to 833 in 2018. 
  • The number of affected districts have also come down to 60 in 2018 from nearly 100 in 2010. 
  • Official data also reveal that it is on a decline in Bihar and Odisha with Odisha declaring almost 10 districts free from Naxalism. However, Odisha Chief Minister still flagged it as a critical menace that needs close monitoring. 
  • Developmental efforts and security measures are seeing success in eliminating the Naxal problem as more and more Naxalites are surrendering and giving up violence o join the electoral process. 

Way forward Developmental Strategy/Government Strategy/Civil administration 

  • Political security and accelerated Socio-economic development should be ensured in a holistic way. 
  • Better infrastructure like roads, electricity and communication to be installed. 
  • Potential youth should be weaned away from the ideology by the decentralised and participatory democratic process. 
  • There needs to be effective coordination between departments, police and security forces in implementing the development schemes. 
  • Psychological must be done to delegitimize the movement, change the public perception and engage with the civic society and NGOs to restore public faith in the government machinery. 
  • Measures to curb financial support to Naxal movement, peace talks, to promote proper criminal justice system, administration of forest laws etc should be taken. 

Security Strategy 

  • Hardcore Ideologues should be sternly dealt with a policy of bullet against a bullet. These people do not want development and use the underdevelopment and governance deficit to achieve selfish goals and vested interests. 
  • Common people and youth especially should be weaned away from hardcore Naxalites 
  • Some of the measures to be taken include – professional dominance by security forces, special training, modernisation of weapons and technical equipment, special forces along the lines of AP Greyhounds model, collective approach and police coordination by the states since it is an interstate issue, rationalisation of surrender policy etc. 

It is the belief of the Government of India that through a holistic approach focussing on development and security-related interventions, the LWE problem can be successfully tackled. However, it is clear that the Left Wing Extremists do not want root causes like underdevelopment to be addressed in a meaningful manner since they resort to targeting school buildings, roads, railways, bridges, health infrastructure, communication facilities etc in a major way. They wish to keep the population in their areas of influence marginalized to perpetuate their outdated and failed ideology.
Consequently, the process of development has been set back by decades in many parts of the country under Left Wing Extremists influence. This needs to be recognised by the civil society and the media to build pressure on the Left Wing Extremists to eschew violence, join the mainstream and recognise the fact that the socio-economic and political dynamics and aspirations of 21st Century India are far removed from the Maoist world-view.

Q19: What are the determinants of left-wing extremism in Eastern part of India? What strategy should Government of India, civil administration and security forces adopt to counter the threat in the affected areas?
Left Wing Extremism or Naxal Movement has been the source of extreme violence in some parts of the country specially in Eastern part. These extremists are internally waging wars against the state. It is considered to be the most important security concern. These extremist movements have disconnected several tribal villages from the national main stream. They want abolition of state to establish the rule of people. These extremists attack the symbols of the country’s power such as the police, schools and other government institutions.
Spread of Naxalism The Spread occurred in three phases 

  • The first phase started in Darjeeling in West Bengal from where it spread to Odisha, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The phase ended with the Emergency period seeing the arrest of most of the Maoist cadres. 
  • The second phase started when the movement emerged in a more violent form after the emergency and spread from West Bengal again to Bihar, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Chattisgarh. 
  • The third phase started with the formation of CPI (Maoist) in 2004. Thus Naxalism spread in eastern India often referred to as the ‘Red Corridor’, a narrow but contiguous strip connecting Karnataka and West Bengal through Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Odisha, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Factors responsible for the rise of Naxalism in Eastern India Rise of Naxalism is attributed to the gross lack of development even after being mineral-rich areas combined with other socio-economic problems. 

These can be summarised as 

  • Developmental Deficit: the Naxal affected areas face rampant poverty and unemployment. The areas also lack education and health facilities. There is also a deficit of infrastructures such as roads, bridges and communication facilities. 
  • Governance Deficit: there is a lack of routine administration with incompetent, ill-trained and poorly motivated personnel. There are corruption and mismanagement of government schemes and poor implementation of special laws. Electoral politics is perverted and the working of local government is unsatisfactory. 
  • Social Exclusion and Alienation: there are human rights violations and the dignity of life is not ensured. There is a disconnect with the mainstream society which all leads to the discontent against the government. 
  • Jal-Jangal-Jameen: the issues of land, forest and water rights. There is an evasion of land ceiling laws and unlawful encroachment and illegal occupation of community lands. The traditional rights are not recognised and there is unfair land acquisition without any compensation or proper rehabilitation. The tribe- forest relations are also disrupted. Such conditions make it easier for an ideology like Maoism to take root. The government and the capitalist class are identified as the perpetrators of the backwardness of the region and the youth are motivated to take up arms against them. 

Current Situation 

  • Events of Left Wing Extremism (LWE) violence came down from 2258 in 2009 to 833 in 2018. 
  • The number of affected districts have also come down to 60 in 2018 from nearly 100 in 2010. 
  • Official data also reveal that it is on a decline in Bihar and Odisha with Odisha declaring almost 10 districts free from Naxalism. However, Odisha Chief Minister still flagged it as a critical menace that needs close monitoring. 
  • Developmental efforts and security measures are seeing success in eliminating the Naxal problem as more and more Naxalites are surrendering and giving up violence o join the electoral process. 

Way forward Developmental Strategy/Government Strategy/Civil administration 

  • Political security and accelerated Socio-economic development should be ensured in a holistic way. 
  • Better infrastructure like roads, electricity and communication to be installed. 
  • Potential youth should be weaned away from the ideology by the decentralised and participatory democratic process. 
  • There needs to be effective coordination between departments, police and security forces in implementing the development schemes. 
  • Psychological must be done to delegitimize the movement, change the public perception and engage with the civic society and NGOs to restore public faith in the government machinery. 
  • Measures to curb financial support to Naxal movement, peace talks, to promote proper criminal justice system, administration of forest laws etc should be taken. 

Security Strategy 

  • Hardcore Ideologues should be sternly dealt with a policy of bullet against a bullet. These people do not want development and use the underdevelopment and governance deficit to achieve selfish goals and vested interests. 
  • Common people and youth especially should be weaned away from hardcore Naxalites 
  • Some of the measures to be taken include – professional dominance by security forces, special training, modernisation of weapons and technical equipment, special forces along the lines of AP Greyhounds model, collective approach and police coordination by the states since it is an interstate issue, rationalisation of surrender policy etc. 

It is the belief of the Government of India that through a holistic approach focussing on development and security-related interventions, the LWE problem can be successfully tackled. However, it is clear that the Left Wing Extremists do not want root causes like underdevelopment to be addressed in a meaningful manner since they resort to targeting school buildings, roads, railways, bridges, health infrastructure, communication facilities etc in a major way. They wish to keep the population in their areas of influence marginalized to perpetuate their outdated and failed ideology.
Consequently, the process of development has been set back by decades in many parts of the country under Left Wing Extremists influence. This needs to be recognised by the civil society and the media to build pressure on the Left Wing Extremists to eschew violence, join the mainstream and recognise the fact that the socio-economic and political dynamics and aspirations of 21st Century India are far removed from the Maoist world-view.

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