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GS Paper - IV Model Answers (2018) - 2 | UPSC Mains Answer Writing: Practice PDF Download

Q7: Rakesh is a responsible district level officer, who enjoys the trust of his higher officials. Knowing his honesty, the government entrusted him with the responsibility of identifying the beneficiaries under a health care scheme meant for senior citizens.
The criteria to be a beneficiary are the following:
(a) 60 years of age or above.
(b) Belonging to a reserved community.
(c)  Family income of less than 1 Lakh rupees per annum.
(d) Post-treatment prognosis is likely to be high to make a positive difference to the quality of life of the beneficiary.

One day, an old couple visited Rakesh's office with their application. They have been the residents of a village in his district since their birth. The old man is diagnosed with a rare condition that causes obstruction in the large intestine. As a consequence, he has severe abdominal pain frequently that prevents him from doing any physical labour. The couple has no children to support them. The expert surgeon whom they contacted is willing to do the surgery without charging any fee. However, the couple will have to bear the cost of incidental charges, such as medicines, hospitalization, etc., to the tune of rupees one lakh. The couple fulfils all the criteria except criterion 'b'. However, any financial aid would certainly make a significant difference in their quality of life.

How should Rakesh respond to the situation?    (250 words)

Ans: Rakesh is an esteemed, honest, and reliable officer. In his role, his primary responsibility is to adhere to the officially prescribed qualifications for identifying beneficiaries of the healthcare scheme. Not only is it a civil servant's duty to meticulously follow the established criteria, but it is also essential for maintaining transparency, integrity, and ensuring just and equitable governance.

However, civil servants often find themselves at the grassroots level and may encounter situations where the given criteria, especially the second criterion, prove insufficient to cover all deserving beneficiaries. In such cases, Rakesh should explore the scope for employing discretion or alternative methods to assist those in need while staying within the framework of official provisions.

Rakesh may uncover provisions for exceptions and discretion within the healthcare scheme to consider extremely vulnerable patients. Although these possibilities may not be evident from the conditions outlined above, a trustworthy and conscientious officer in his position can request exceptions and support from higher authorities on compassionate and humanitarian grounds. Senior officials, particularly the relevant department head, minister, or Chief Minister, may oblige. Initially, he should explore potential solutions through the internal departmental channels before pursuing alternative options.

If relaxation within the health scheme is not feasible, Rakesh should investigate other avenues, such as the Chief Minister's Relief Fund or even the Prime Minister's Relief Fund, after obtaining endorsements from the local MLA and MP. These funds often provide assistance for the treatment of severe diseases to a certain number of individuals each year.

Lastly, the most crucial aspect is the treatment of the elderly, unemployed, and needy patient, rather than including them in the list of beneficiaries. Therefore, an active civil servant who commands respect can engage with the local community in his personal capacity, urging them to offer assistance to the elderly man in need or mobilize local crowdfunding efforts. In such cases, the civil servant should actively participate, rather than merely facilitating the crowdfunding process. This approach has been successful in some instances for local infrastructure or facilities development, and it may work in this case as well.

Two individuals who qualified for IIT from Phagwara district in Punjab, but lacked the funds for admission, received help from a man who mobilized more than the required funds overnight through a blog and community contributions. However, it is crucial to exercise care and caution in ensuring that the process remains transparent and free from official involvement.

Furthermore, it is essential to acknowledge the selfless service of the doctor before the society and the community. Through social media, the model can be acknowledged as an inspiration and a benchmark for socially desirable goals.

Q8: As a senior officer in the Ministry, you have access to important policy decisions and upcoming big announcements such as road constructions projects before they are notified in the public domain. The Ministry is about to announce a mega road project for which the drawings are already in place. Sufficient care was taken by the planners to make use of the government land with the minimum land acquisition from private parties. Compensation rate for private parties was also finalized as per government rules. Care was also taken to minimize deforestation. Once the project is announced, it is expected that there will be a huge spurt in real estate prices in and around that area.

Meanwhile, the Minister concerned insists that you realign the road in such a way that it comes closer to his 20 acres farmhouse. He also suggests that he would facilitate the purchase of a big plot of land in your wife name at the prevailing rate which is very nominal, in and around the proposed mega road project. He also tries to convince you by saying that there is no harm in it as he is buying the land legally. He even promises to supplement your savings in case you do not have sufficient funds to buy the land. However, by the act of realignment, a lot of agricultural lands has to be acquired, thereby causing a considerable financial burden on the government, and also the displacement of the farmers. As if this is not enough, it will involve cutting down of a large number of trees denuding the area of its green cover.

Faced with this situation, what will you do? Critically examine various conflicts of interest and explain what your responsibilities are as a public servant.    (250 words)
Ans: This scenario exemplifies a case of political interference and a conflict of interest if the civil servant utilizes inside information for personal gain.

Using inside information is considered a conflict of interest, even if one is not a direct beneficiary. A Civil Servant is mandated to prioritize the broader public interest, conserve government resources whenever feasible, and contribute to the realization of sustainable development goals. It is imperative for the civil servant to continue with the planned road project rather than succumbing to the pressure exerted by the minister or being enticed by potential personal gains. This aligns with the principles of good governance, which requires the civil servant to remain committed to their oath of service, uphold constitutional values, and serve society, the nation, and its people faithfully.

Nevertheless, civil servants are human beings and may succumb to ministerial pressure or be swayed by offers of personal gain with the minister's involvement. To adhere to the highest standards of good governance, which demand selfless service and probity, a civil servant needs to exhibit integrity, courage, sincerity, and honesty.

Secondly, the civil servant may yield to the minister's demands out of fear, resulting in the alteration of the road plan for the minister's benefit. This is an unfavorable option. There is no need to fear any pressure for two primary reasons: (a) the constitution and the law support honest civil servants, and (b) as long as a civil servant is resolute and not easily swayed, there are ample provisions to empower them to uphold the principles of good governance. Only those civil servants who are unwilling to exercise their authority to fulfill their constitutional duty and have personal interests or ulterior motives in their career should be afraid.

The last option of "going along with the flow" may be enticing because altering a system in which powerful individuals like ministers are highly regarded is a nearly impossible task for a single civil servant. One individual's actions alone cannot bring about substantial change.

Complying with the minister's wishes may improve the civil servant's prospects, and the minister may offer future assistance in various ways. However, such greed and collusion are undesirable, as they disregard the interests of the people and the nation, resulting in the loss of arable land and destitution. It also leads to a drain on the government's finances and hampers sustainable development through increased deforestation and the loss of farmers' livelihoods.

Moreover, such collusion for personal gain by the civil servant and the minister constitutes white-collar crime and fosters systemic corruption. If both parties are found to be engaged in such corrupt practices, it would bring profound shame and stigma. Hence, this option is inadvisable in every aspect.

Q9: It is a State where prohibition is in force. You are recently appointed as the Superintendent of Police of a district notorious for illicit distillation of liquor. The illicit liquor leads to many death, reported and unreported, and causes a major problem for the district authorities.

The approach till now had been to view it as a law and order problem and tackle it accordingly. Raids, arrest, police cases, and criminal trials - all these had only limited impact. The problem remains as serious as ever.

Your inspections show that the parts of the district where the distillation flourishes are economically, industrially and educationally backward. Agriculture is badly affected by poor irrigation facilities. Frequent clashes among communities gave boost to illicit distillation. No major initiatives had taken place in the past either from the government's side or from social organizations to improve the lot of the people.

Which new approach will you adopt to bring the problem under control?    (250 words)
Ans: In addition to traditional law enforcement methods, I will implement strategies involving 'social policing' and 'community policing' to achieve a comprehensive and efficient solution to the problem. The use of conventional policing methods, such as raids, arrests, filing of police cases, and criminal proceedings, has not yielded the desired results in curbing illegal distillation and alcohol consumption.

Despite my role as a police superintendent, responsible for maintaining law and order and taking measures to combat illegal and criminal activities, contemporary policing faces multifaceted challenges rooted in socio-economic disparities and developmental deficiencies. These issues include agricultural and industrial underdevelopment, inadequate infrastructure, limited employment opportunities, and insufficient access to healthcare and education.

A police officer must possess awareness and sensitivity to understand the socio-economic context of crimes and unlawful activities. Therefore, I will undertake the following approaches:

  • Establish open channels of communication and interaction with the community and local residents to comprehend their struggles and to educate them about legitimate and ethical livelihood opportunities.

  • While adhering to conventional policing, I will prioritize maintaining a humane and sensitive approach, avoiding the use of coercive tactics unless absolutely necessary.

  • I will engage with other stakeholders, including district magistrates, Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs), and Members of Parliament (MPs), to ensure the efficient implementation of development programs. The aim is to eliminate deprivation and developmental deficits that drive individuals toward illegal distillation and its associated adverse consequences.

  • Social and community policing can only be effective when all stakeholders work together. I will involve community elders in raising awareness and campaigns to deter illegal distillation and criminal activities.

  • Seek permission from higher authorities to provide incentives to young individuals willing to transition away from illegal distillation and pursue self-employment or legal entrepreneurial opportunities. Incentives to cooperating youth will not only help reduce criminal activities but also promote positive change and progress.

  • Collaborate with schools and universities to educate and raise awareness about the negative effects of illegal distillation and highlight the potential for better livelihood opportunities and a more dignified life. This approach will positively impact a substantial number of families and youth.

Q10: A big corporate house is engaged in manufacturing industrial chemicals on a large scale. It proposes to set upon the additional unit. Many states rejected its proposal due to the detrimental effect on the environment. But one state government acceded to the request and permitted the unit close to a city, brushing aside all opposition.

The unit was set up 10 years ago and was in full swing till recently. The pollution caused by the industrial effluents was affecting the land, water and crops in the area. It was also causing serious health problems to human beings and animals. This gave rise to a series of agitation thousands of people took part, creating a law and order problem necessitating stern police action. Following the public outcry, the State government ordered the closure of the factory.

The closure of the factory resulted in the unemployment of not only those workers who were engaged in the factory but also those who were working in the ancillary units. It also very badly affected those industry which depended on the chemicals manufactured by it.

As a senior officer entrusted with the responsibility of handling this issues, how are you going to address it?    (250 words)
Ans: In my capacity as a senior government official and civil servant, my concern extends beyond mere law and order maintenance or halting economic activities that result in pollution and other harmful consequences. My objective is to explore better alternatives or arrangements that allow businesses to operate with minimal or no adverse impacts on natural resources and the well-being of the people. In contemporary, independent India, government officers and civil servants are viewed not only as administrators responsible for enforcing the rule of law, but also as development managers and agents of change and progress. In line with this ethos, I will not opt for one-sided solutions that favor either businesses or the people; resolving this issue necessitates a balanced approach.

Businesses contribute to wealth and employment, but they can also be the source of pollution and destitution if they fail to adhere to the principles of corporate social responsibility and corporate ethics. Therefore, my approach will be as follows:

  • I will proactively engage with the directors and CEOs of the chemical unit to explore how business activities can be harmonized with the welfare of the people and the principles of sustainable development. Instead of issuing a directive or order for closure, I will seek to find a mutually beneficial solution.

  • When addressing the concerns of the local residents who are protesting against the chemical project, I will maintain empathy but refrain from making unilateral decisions regarding the fate of the chemical units. Instead, I will invest time in negotiation and communication with community representatives to convey the significance of the chemical industry in terms of employment opportunities and raising the standard of living, emphasizing its backward and forward linkages.

  • To facilitate ongoing collaboration and dialogue between businesses, the local population, and government officials in order to identify and address the evolving challenges arising from the chemical and other industries in the vicinity, I will establish a tripartite platform. It is worth noting that local political figures often exacerbate people's protests in such situations. Therefore, I will convene a meeting with them to emphasize the importance of balanced development and the need to address adverse effects through viable alternatives rather than shutting down industrial units based on flimsy or political grounds.

  • Finding effective solutions that allow the chemical industry to continue operating while minimizing adverse effects will require expert input. As such, I will seek assistance from experts to develop practical and workable solutions. These solutions may be time-consuming and challenging to negotiate with various stakeholders. However, I will refrain from resorting to hasty or impulsive decisions.

  • I firmly believe that taking the more arduous path can lead to comprehensive solutions for complex problems. I will invest my utmost effort and resources into reaching a resolution that enables development with minimal real costs and adverse effects, while maximizing income, output, and employment opportunities.

Q11: Dr. X is a leading medical practitioner in a city. He has set up a charitable trust through which he plans to establish a super-speciality hospital in the city to cater to the medical needs of all sections of the society. Incidentally, that part of the State had been neglected over the years. The proposed hospital would be a boon for the region.

You are heading the tax investigation agency of that region. During an inspection of the doctor's clinic, your officers have found out some major irregularities. A few of them are substantial which had resulted in considerable withholding of tax that should be paid by him now. The doctor is cooperative. He undertakes to pay the tax immediately.

However, there are certain other deficiencies in his tax compliance which are purely technical in nature. If these technical defaults are pursued by the agency, considerable time and energy of the doctor will be diverted to issues which are not so serious, urgent or even helpful to the tax collection process. Further, in all probability, it will hamper the prospects of the hospital coming up.
There are two options before you:
1 . Taking a broader view, ensure substantial tax compliance and ignore defaults that are merely technical in nature.
2. Pursue the matter strictly and proceed on all fronts, whether substantial or merely technical. As the head of the tax agency, which course of action will you opt and why? (250 words)

Ans: As a civil servant, I firmly believe that adherence to the law is essential, and the intention to perform good deeds or acts of benevolence does not absolve a law-breaking citizen from the consequences of non-compliance. It is important that the legal process takes its course in cases of non-compliance, and government and society can separately collaborate with citizens who intend to engage in commendable actions. The law treats these two aspects as distinct and unrelated.

However, within the judicial and administrative domains, there exists the discretion to exercise leniency when confronted with individuals who harbor good intentions and engage in virtuous deeds, thus affording a fair opportunity to foster goodness and the overall welfare of the public. Having made this assertion, I would opt for the first approach, as it encourages significant tax compliance. The doctor's violations mainly pertain to technicalities that do not significantly impact tax compliance or revenue collection for the exchequer.

Moreover, given my awareness of the doctor's noble intentions to establish a super-specialty hospital in the city, catering to all sections, especially the underprivileged and needy, I would adopt a broad perspective and be tolerant of non-consequential technical breaches. This choice serves the dual purpose of optimizing tax collection and fostering public welfare through the establishment of a super-specialty hospital in the city.

In circumstances where substantial gains in tax compliance or the establishment of a negative precedent through leniency in grave technical violations are assured, I would readily embrace the second option, displaying strictness and wholeheartedly pursuing the inspection report and case through to its lawful and logical conclusion. In this case, the defaults are purely of a technical nature, and pursuing them would neither enhance tax compliance nor contribute to the exchequer's revenue. Instead, it would deplete the doctor's time and energy, which are better directed towards realizing the vision of a super-specialty hospital.

Nonetheless, it is imperative that a broad and lenient approach is exercised with vigilance and discretion, without compromising the principles of non-discrimination and equality before the law, while concurrently fostering Good Samaritan endeavors. Typically, these two objectives are perceived as independent, and performing virtuous acts does not absolve an individual from legal transgressions.

Nevertheless, principles of jurisprudence allow for leniency when an offender exhibits good intentions and a track record of social and community contributions, including philanthropic efforts. This principle, as observed in the case of Rajat Gupta's iconic insider trading failures in a U.S. court ruling, may find judicious application in the realm of good governance. It must, however, be applied with significant discretion and care in the broader interest of society.

Q12:  Edward Snowden, a computer expert and former CIA administrator, released confidential Government documents to the press about the existence of Government surveillance programmes. According to many legal experts and the US Government, his action violated the Espionage act of 1971, which identified the leak of State secret as an act of treason. Yet, despite the fact that he broke the law, Snowden argued that he had a moral obligation to act. He gave a justification for his "whistle blowing" by stating that he had a duty "to inform the public as to that which is done in there name and that which is done against them."

According to Snowden, the Government's violation of privacy had to be exposed regardless of legality since more substantive issues of social action and public morality were involved here. Many agreed with Snowden. Few argued that he broke the law and compromised national security, for which he should be held accountable.

Do you agree that Snowden's actions were ethically justified even if legally prohibited? Why or why not? Make an argument by weighing the competing values in this case (250 words)
Ans: Edward Snowden can be examined within two distinct paradigms, each offering a unique perspective on his actions. The first paradigm revolves around his loyalty to his official duties, compliance with the country's laws, adherence to a professional code of conduct, and expressions of patriotism. The second paradigm is centered on the broader public interest, encompassing concerns related to privacy, freedom, justice, and fairness.

In the earlier phase of his life, Edward Snowden conformed to the first paradigm, effectively integrating within the established system. However, in the latter part of his life, he opted to transition into a more autonomous and ethically concerned individual. He embraced the role of a whistleblower advocating for the larger public interest and positioned himself as an international citizen advocating for a just and equitable global order.

Comparing and determining which of these two paradigms stands as a superior and more appropriate choice relies on individual value judgments. In the initial paradigm, during his tenure within the government and the CIA, Snowden was likely bound by secrecy acts, such as the Espionage Act of 1971, and expected to uphold professional codes of conduct – obligations he did not honor. This is the basis upon which critics accuse him of breaching confidentiality and loyalty while also charging him with treason against the state.

In the context of governance, surveillance and monitoring – whether of the general public or external state and non-state actors – are deemed necessary for the sake of national interests. Here, national interest takes precedence, with ethical and moral concerns often taking a backseat. The realms of diplomacy and intelligence operations operate under this premise. Officers in government are obligated to maintain confidentiality and loyalty to their respective offices, a commitment Snowden failed to uphold.

However, when Snowden exposed government covert surveillance practices, thereby revealing ethical breaches and moral transgressions that infringed upon privacy, he argued that he was acting in line with his moral duty. This perspective signifies a paradigm shift in an individual's life, potentially driven by the voice of conscience and a commitment to justice and fairness. Snowden's argument, "that which is done in their name and which is done against them," underscores the significance of unveiling the truth to establish a just and equitable system for the people and promote a fair global order.

Breach of privacy is inherently intertwined with the encroachment on individual freedom and dignity. Snowden's actions may have technically violated the law, but they upheld the principles of freedom, dignity, justice, and fairness. In situations where the state becomes intrusive, seeking to clandestinely monitor and regulate citizens' lives, it transforms into an autocratic, anti-people, and unscrupulous entity. Such practices undermine democracy and subdue public will.

Therefore, I believe that Snowden's actions were morally justified, aligning with the values of freedom, democracy, justice, and fairness. Instances in history when individuals defy the state's unfair practices and transgress state dictates for a profoundly noble cause equate them to figures like Socrates or Gandhi. However, if these actions are undertaken for populist or self-serving motives, they should be strongly condemned and punished severely. While the two paradigms are distinct and valid in their own right, determining their relative worthiness is a complex endeavor. From a legal perspective, Snowden may have erred, but from a moral standpoint, he emerges as a force for what is right and just.

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