It is an iron-porphyrin compound. It is the prosthetic group embedded in the packet like structure formed by folding of the hemoglobin tertiary structure.
Porphyrin is a complex compound with a tetrapyrrole ring structure. Pyrrole is a heterocyclic compound having the following structure.
This porphin is substituted by different groups at positions numbered from 1-8 to form the porphyrin. Depending upon the groups (methyl, acetyl, propyl, butyl or venyl) present on these positions different types of porphyrins are identified, that will be seen during the synthesis of heme.
1. They act both as acids (-COOH) and bases (-NH2).
2. Their isoelectric pH is between 3-4.5.
3. Porphyrins are fluorescent and coloured due to presence of alternating double bonds.
4. Porphyrinogens are colourless.
Early stage of erythrocyte cells contain porphyrin, during the course of their development, porphyrin is converted to heme by addition of iron and then to hemoglobin by addition of protein, globin. The type of porphyrin present in heme is protoporphyrin-III (also known as No. IX).
It is synthesized starting from glycine and succinyl-CoA. Given below is the diagrammatic representation of biosynthesis of Heme where ‘A’ stands for acetyl group, ‘P’ stands for propyl group, ‘M’ for methyl group, and ‘V’ for venyl group.
i. Succinylacetone (SA) is an inhibitor of heme synthesis that acts on the enzyme aminolevulinic acid dehydratase.
ii. N-methyl mesoporphyrin IX blocks iron insertion into protoporphyrin IX and thus acts as an inhibitor of heme synthesis.
iii. Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH) is an inhibitor of 6-aminolevulinic acid synthase.
Porphyria’s are a group of diseases in which there is an increased excretion of porphyrins or porphyrin precursors (intermediates of porphyrin synthesis). About 85% of heme synthesis occurs in erythrocyte precursors and 15% in liver. Therefore porphyria’s are classified into two types (1) Erythropoietic and (2) Hepatic. Some of them are inherited while others are acquired.
There are some derivatives of normal Hb that arise due to metabolic changes in the RBC.
The various hemoglobin derivatives are:
The main function of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen from the lung to the tissues. In lungs the partial pressure of oxygen is 100 mm of Hg, at this pressure hemoglobin is 95-96% saturated with oxygen. On binding with O2 in the lungs hemoglobin is converted to oxy-hemoglobin (Hb02). O2 is bound to heme iron.
Hb + O2 → HbO2
Oxy-hemoglobin moves to the tissue where the partial pressure of O2 is 26 mm of Hg due to which oxygen is released into the tissues and in turn H+ binds to Hb and forms reduced hemoglobin.
HbO2 + H+ → HHb + O2
Hemoglobin also binds to CO2 in the tissues. CO2 is bound to the α-amino group at the N-terminal end of each of the four polypeptide chains of hemoglobin to form carbaminohemoglobin. As one CO2 binds O2 is released.
In RBC the iron of hemoglobin is normally in ferrous (Fe2+) form, but it is readily oxidized to the ferric (Fe3+) form by hydrogen peroxide formed by RBC cell metabolism, to yield met-hemoglobin. Ferric iron is incapable of binding O2 therefore the functions of hemoglobin are disturbed. Normally 1.7 to 2.4 % of total hemoglobin will be in the form of met-hemoglobin. Increase in the percent of met-hemoglobin is prevented by the peroxidase action of a naturally occurring peptide known as glutathione present in the RBC. Met-hemoglobin is dark brown in colour.
The percent of met-hemoglobin can increase if the person consumes drugs like ferricyanide, nitrite, quinines, hydroxylamine’s, acetanilide and sulfonamide. Higher levels of met-hemoglobin is observed clinically in factory workers who inhale (or contact through skin) aromatic nitro and amino compounds and in patients taking large amounts of acetanilide and sulfonamides. The symptoms are cyanosis (blue skin) and dyspnoea (labored breathing).
Met-hemoglobin can be used to overcome cyanide poisoning. By injecting met-hemoglobin it combines with cyanide to form cyanomethemoglobin preventing cyanide poisoning.
Oxy-hemoglobin can bind to carbon monoxide (CO). Even normal, non- oxygenated hemoglobin can bind with CO to form carboxyhemoglobin. [Hb + CO → HbCO]. CO has got an affinity of 200 times more than that of O2 towards Hb. Hemoglobin can bind more readily to CO than to O2. Even if there is a little amount of CO in air, it can displace oxyHb to form carboxyHb. Due to this there will be tissue hypoxia because the oxygen binding capacity is reduced and there is also reduced O2 releasing capacity i.e. it cannot release O2 though it may be bounded to O2.
City dwellers have at least 1% of carboxyhemoglobin which can increase to 8% depending upon the pollution. Over traffic can increase carboxyHb to 40% which leads to death. Clinically such patients show cherry red colour of skin. CO poisoning can be treated if high amount of O2 is provided continuously at high pressure, then at such high concentrations and pressure HbCO is dissociated forming HbO2 + CO. When treatment continues for 2 hours CO is expelled out.
There are three types of hemoglobin’s that are normally found in human beings, they are:
Each chain is synthesized by the information obtained from the gene for hemoglobin, α chain is synthesized from a genes of hemoglobin, β chain from β genes of hemoglobin likewise y and 8 from their respective genes. There are 2 pairs of a genes but only one pair each of β, γ and δ genes.
Abnormal hemoglobin’s arise due to mutation in the gene for the hemoglobin synthesis. There are about 300 abnormal hemoglobin’s. Some of them are those which have defect in α genes and some are with defective β chains.
Sickle cell hemoglobin (HbS) arises due to the defect in β chain in which glutamic acid present at the 6th position is replaced by valine. Valine is also present naturally at position one. These two valine residues form hydrophobic interaction producing a sticky patch on HbS. Due to this replacement there is a sticky patch on HbS which appears on the oxy HbS. There is a complementary site to this sticky patch on deoxy HbS and also on deoxy HBA.
The mechanism of biconcave RBC converting to sickle shape is given here under:
When hemoglobin molecules combine together in chains they form precipitates of HbS. The precipitate formed in the RBC sinks down and the biconcave shape of RBC is converted to sickle shape.
The life span of RBC is reduced to less than half (about 30 days). HbS is very unstable, due to which there is excessive hemolysis. This results in anemia called sickle cell anemia. The physiological changes observed in sickle cell anemia are – physical exertion, weakness, short of breath, leukemia and heart murmurs.
The defect lies both in α and β chains. This is due to replacement of histidine residue in 58th position in α chain and 63rd position in β chain. Due to this replacement, the iron (Fe) present in the ferrous state is oxidized to ferric state. This ferric iron cannot bind oxygen. Therefore the oxygen carrying capacity is disrupted leading to anemia and hypoxia (low O2 to tissues).
The defect in thalassemia’s is the decreased rate of synthesis of one of the polypeptide chains of the globin molecule. One of the chains is synthesized in less amounts than the other due to the defect in DNA.
G6PD deficiency manifests itself in a number of ways:
The diagnosis is generally suspected when patients from certain ethnic groups develop anemia, jaundice and symptoms of hemolysis after challenge to any of the above causes, especially when there is a positive family history.
Generally, tests will include:
Heme, synthesized in the bone marrow's reticuloendothelial cells, involves erythropoietin stimulation. The first enzyme, ALA synthase, is a key regulator inhibited by heme, the end product. Inhibitors such as succinylacetone, N-methyl mesoporphyrin IX, and isonicotinic acid hydrazide can disrupt heme synthesis.
Metabolic changes in red blood cells lead to various hemoglobin derivatives:
Three types of hemoglobins are found in humans:
Several abnormal hemoglobins, arising from gene mutations, lead to conditions such as sickle cell anemia, methemoglobinemia, thalassemias, and G6PD deficiency.
Understanding the intricacies of hemoglobin, its derivatives, types, and abnormalities is crucial for comprehending the intricate processes within red blood cells, influencing oxygen transport and overall health. This comprehensive exploration provides valuable insights into the biochemistry and functions of hemoglobin in health and disease.
181 videos|346 docs
1. What is the composition of hemoglobin? |
2. How is heme synthesized in the body? |
3. What are some substances that inhibit heme synthesis? |
4. What are some disorders related to abnormalities in the synthesis of porphyrins? |
5. Why is methemoglobin important in the body? |