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NCERT Summary: Summary of Biology - 10 | Science & Technology for UPSC CSE PDF Download

(l) Flamingo

The flamingo can be found in many parts of the world including AfricaAsiaNorth AmericaCentral AmericaSouth America, and Europe. They live near large, shallow lakes or lagoons. They are best know for their pink color. They also have distinctive long legs and neck, and a curved, pink bill colored black on the end. 

(m) Falcon

The falcon is a species of raptor found on every continent, except Antarctica. They live in a wide variety of habitats from tropicsdeserts, and maritime to the tundra. They have excellent vision allowing them to see prey from high in the sky. Once spotting its prey, the falcon dives down after it. Falcons have thin tapered wings enabling them to fly at high speed and to change direction rapidly. Peregrine Falcons can dive at speeds over 200 miles per hour (322 km/hr), making them the fastest-moving animal on Earth. 


The earliest known bird, Archaeopteryx lithographica, lived about 150 million years ago during the Jurassic Period. Birds are not the only animals that are capable of flight.

Flight is not a characteristic restricted to birds. Bats, which are mammals, fly with great agility and insects, which are arthropods, were fluttering through the air several million years before birds Birds do not have teeth. The largest of all birds is the ostrich.



Mammals have several unique characteristics that differentiate them from other animals. Most mammals have hair, or fur, covering their body. They are also capable of regulating their body temperature. The mammals metabolism controls heat production, and the sweat glands help cool the body. These allow the mammal to maintain a constant body temperature, regardless of the environmental temperature. One other difference is that mammals give birth to fully formed babies, and the female mammals produce milk to feed their young. Most mammals walk on 4 legs, with only the humans walking upright on 2 legsAquatic mammals have flippers, or fins, for swimming rather than legs. Common mammals  include: primates, such humans and monkeys; marsupials; rodents; whales; dolphins; and, seals

(a) Marsupials

Marsupials are best known for the Australian members of the family, the kangaroowallaby and the koala. The only marsupial native to North America is the Virginia opossum. There are also some marsupials native to Central America and South America. Marsupials are members of the mammal family. However, they are different from other mammals because they have an abdominal pouch to carry their young. The marsupial female gives birth very early and the baby animal climbs from the mother’s birth canal to her pouch. Here the baby marsupial continues to develop for weeks, or even months, depending on the species. At birth, marsupial babies are not fully developed. The baby’s hind legs are just nubs. The baby lives and continues to develop in the mother’s pouch. The pouch, or marsupium, also has the mother’s mammary glands for feeding the baby. A baby kangaroo may live in its mother’s pouch for 6 monthsKoalas and wombats are a little different from Kangaroos. The kangaroo’s pouch is on the front, while the koala and wombat pouches are on the back. 

(b) Kangaroo

The kangaroo is native to Australia. It is the largest of the marsupials, and a national symbol of Australia. As a marsupial, the kangaroo differs from other mammals in having a pouch on its stomach for carrying its young. Early European explorers in Australia said the kangaroo had a head like a deer (without antlers), stood upright like a man, and hopped like a frog. Kangaroos have large, powerful hind legs, and large feet, well adapted for jumping. They can hop along at 25 miles per hour, and are capable of reaching speeds up to 45 miles per hour for short distances. 

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What is the distinguishing characteristic of marsupials?
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(c)  Primates

  1. Primate Family:

    • Humans are part of the primate family, which also includes monkeys, baboons, orangutans, chimpanzees, and gorillas.
    • Most primates, excluding humans, inhabit tropical or subtropical regions of the Americas, Africa, and Asia.
  2. Distinctive Features of Primates:

    • Primates have well-developed hands and feet with fingers and toes, and an opposable thumb for grasping objects.
    • Forward-facing eyes provide stereoscopic vision for judging distances.
    • Large, highly developed brains contribute to intelligence, allowing primates to control and manipulate their environment.
    • The visual center of the brain is highly developed, aiding in color distinction.
    • Monkeys and apes can walk on all four limbs, but some may run upright using only their hind legs.
  3. Birth and Parental Care:

    • Primates are born fully formed, but they have a relatively long gestation period in their mother's womb.
    • Parental care and education for the young extend for a longer duration compared to other animals, creating strong bonds between offspring and parents.
    • Primates are highly social animals and tend to form strong bonds with family and friends.
  4. Differences Between Humans and Other Primates:

    • The human brain is more than twice the size of other primates, making humans the most intelligent primate.
    • Humans possess highly developed communication, language, and reasoning skills.
    • Humans can make and use complex tools to control their environment.
    • Humans walk upright on two legs, a distinctive feature that sets them apart from other primates.

(d) Rodents: Squirrels, Mice, Porcupines and Others

The largest family of mammals are the rodents. These mammals are named rodent, which means “gnawing animal,” because of their large incisor teeth and the way they eat. The two long pairs of incisors are used like chisels to gnaw on hard foods like nuts and wood. These incisors must grow continuously since they are worn down by gnawing. There are 3 major types of rodents, represented by squirrels, mice and porcupines.

Squirrel-like rodents such as the squirrel and gopher, have bushy long tails and large eyes. They can live in trees or underground in tunnels. They may hibernate during the winter. Mouse-like rodents include the mouse, rat and hamster. Some have a long, thin tail with short legs. Others have a short tail. They mostly live above ground, although some burrow under ground. They may also hibernate during the winter. Rats and mice often live near humans, sometimes in their buildings, so they can live off human food and garbage. Porcupines differ from other mammals because they have long, sharp quills on their backs for protection.

(e) Whales and Dolphins

Although they live in the water — whales, dolphins and porpoises are mammals. Since whales and dolphins are mammals, they cannot breathe under water. They must come to the surface to breathe air. They breathe through a blowhole, or nostrils, on the top of their head. Babies are born under water and must be pushed to the surface, by the mother, so that they can take a breath. Whales and dolphins also look different from many other mammals because they don’t have fur. Although, they do have a sparse covering of hair. The circulatory and respiratory systems have adapted to living in water. Whales and dolphins can dive deep in the water on a single breath.Whales and dolphins also have a highly developed brain. They are consider to be very intelligent. Dolphins, and some whales, can use echolocation to find food and identify objects around them. TThey make loud clicking and squeaking sounds that bounce off objects and echo back to the dolphin. This echo tells the dolphin about the nearby object 

(f) Whale

The whale is a marine mammal found many ocean areas from arctic and sub-arctic to warmer waters. Whales are best known for their size, which can be up to 110 feet long. The Blue Whale is the largest known mammal to ever live, up to 110 feet long and weighing 150 tons. The whale breathes air into its lungs through a blowhole on the top if its head. 

(g) Orca

The Orca, also known as the Killer Whale, is the largest of the dolphin family. It can be found in most of the world’s oceans. Orca’s have very distinction coloring with a black backwhite chest and sides, and a white patch above and behind the eye. The orca is considered very intelligent and trainable. The orca’s playfulness and sheer size make them a popular exhibit at aquariums and aquatic theme parks. 

(h) Dolphin

Although dophins live in the water, they are a mammal. They are related to the whale and porpoise. They breathe air through a blow hole on the top of their head. They must routinely return to the surface for air. Dolphins are very friendly to humans, and are considered to be very intelligent 

(i) Seals, Seal Lions and Walrus

The seals are marine mammals. The seal family includes the sealsea lion and the walrus. A seal’s respiratory system is adapted for water. A seal can go for 40 minutes without a breath. This allows them to dive to a depth of over 2,000 feet. Seals are well designed to swim in water. Their bodies are very streamlined and their flippers propel them quickly through the water. Seals also spend considerable time lying around on rocky islands and beaches. But they are clumsy and move slowly on land using their flippers. Baby seals are born on land after a long, 12 month gestation period. The pups develop rapidly, with some able to swim within a few hours of birth. Walruses differ from seals in that they are larger and have large tusks. They can be over 10 feet long and over 3,000 pounds. 

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Which bird is known for its distinctive pink color, long legs, and curved pink bill?
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Facts About Mammals 

The first Mammals are tetrapods. Mammals have four limbs, a characteristic that places them among the group of animals known as tetrapods. It should be noted that although some mammals such as whalesdugongs, and manatees have lost their hind limbs during the course of evolution, they are tetrapods by descent. mammals appeared approximately 200 million years ago during the Jurassic Period. Mammals are warm-blooded. All mammals have hair. The Cenezoic Era is the ‘Age of Mammals’. The largest mammal is the blue whale. The smallest mammal is the bumblebee bat 

The Basics of Vertebrate Evolution 


  • Evolution
  • Vertebrates Vertebrates are a well-known group of animals that includes mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. The defining characteristic of vertebrates is their backbone, an anatomical feature that first appeared in the fossil record about 500 million years ago, during the Ordovician period 

Jawless Fish (Class Agnatha)

The first vertebrates were the jawless fish (Class Agnatha). These fish-like animals had hard bony plates that covered their bodies and as their name implies, they did not have jaws. Additionally, these early fish did not have paired fins. The jawless fish are thought to have relied on filter feeding to capture their food, and most likely would have sucked water and debris from the seafloor into their mouth, releasing water and waste out of their gills

The jawless fish that lived during the Ordovician period all went extinct by the end of the Devonian period. Yet today there are some species of fish that lack jaws (such as lampreys, and hagfish). These modern day jawless fish are not direct survivors of the Class Agnatha but are instead distant cousins of the cartilaginous fish.  

Armored Fish (Class Placodermi)

 The armored fish evolved during the Silurian period. Like their predecessors, they too lacked jaw bones but possessed paired fins.  The armored fish diversified during the Devonian period but declined and fell into extinction by the end of the Permian period. 

Cartilaginous Fish (Class Chondrichthyes)

Cartilaginous fish, better known as sharksskates, and rays evolved during the Silurian period. Cartilaginous fish have skeletons composed of cartilage, not bone. They also differ from other fish in that they lack swim bladders and lungs. 

Bony Fish (Class Osteichthyes)

Members of the Class Osteichthyes first arose during the late Silurian. The majority of modern fish belong to this group. Bony fish diverged into two groups, one that evolved into modern fish, the other that evolved into lungfishlobe-finned fish, and fleshy-finned fish. The fleshy finned fish gave rise to the amphibians. 

Amphibians (Class Amphibia)

Amphibians were the first vertebrates to venture out into land. Early amphibians retained many fish-like characteristics but during the Carboniferous period amphibians diversified. They retained close ties to water though, producing fish-like eggs that lacked a hard protective coating and requiring moist environments to keep their skin damp. Additionally, amphibians underwent larval phases that were entirely aquatic and only the adult animals were able to tackle land habitats. 

Reptiles (Class Reptilia)

Reptiles arose during the Carboniferous period and quickly took over as the dominant vertebrate of the land. Reptiles freed themselves from aquatic habitats where amphibians had not. Reptiles developed hard-shelled eggs that could be laid on dry land. They had dry skin made of scales that served as protection and helped retain moisture. Reptiles developed larger and more powerful legs than those of amphibians. The placement of the reptilian legs beneath the body (instead of at the side as in amphibians) enabled them greater mobility. 

Birds (Class Aves)

Sometime during the early Jurassic, two groups of reptiles gained the ability to fly and one of these groups later gave rise to the birds. Birds developed a range of adaptations that enabled flight such as feathershollow bones, and warm bloodedness. 

Mammals (Class Mammalia)

Mammals, like birds, evolved from a reptilian ancestor. Mammals developed a four chambered heart, hair covering, and most do not lay eggs and instead give birth to live young (the exception is the monotremes). 

Progression of Vertebrate Evolution

The following table shows the progression of vertebrate evolution (organisms listed at the top of the table evolved earlier than those lower in the table).

NCERT Summary: Summary of Biology - 10 | Science & Technology for UPSC CSE

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FAQs on NCERT Summary: Summary of Biology - 10 - Science & Technology for UPSC CSE

1. What are some interesting facts about birds?
Ans. Birds are warm-blooded vertebrates that have feathers, beaks, and lay eggs. Here are a few interesting facts about birds: 1. Birds have hollow bones, which make them lightweight and enable them to fly. 2. They have a high metabolic rate, allowing them to generate heat and maintain their body temperature. 3. Birds have excellent eyesight, with some species being able to see ultraviolet light. 4. They have a highly efficient respiratory system, with air sacs that help them extract oxygen from the air more effectively. 5. Birds come in a wide variety of sizes, from the tiny bee hummingbird to the ostrich, which is the largest living bird.
2. How do birds fly with hollow bones?
Ans. Birds have hollow bones that are lightweight and filled with air. This adaptation allows them to fly more efficiently. The hollow bones help reduce the bird's overall weight, making it easier for them to take off and stay airborne. Additionally, the air-filled bones provide a greater surface area for the attachment of flight muscles, allowing birds to generate more power for flight. The hollow bones also serve as a part of the bird's respiratory system, allowing for efficient oxygen exchange during flight.
3. Why do birds lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young?
Ans. Birds lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young because their reproductive system is adapted for flight. Laying eggs allows birds to be more lightweight and agile. Additionally, eggs provide a protective environment for the developing embryos. Birds have a hard shell surrounding their eggs, which helps protect them from external threats and allows for gas exchange. The eggs are also easier to transport and incubate, enabling birds to continue their activities without being burdened by the weight of developing offspring.
4. How do birds have excellent eyesight?
Ans. Birds have excellent eyesight due to several adaptations. Their eyes are relatively large compared to their head size, allowing for a greater field of vision. Birds also have a higher density of photoreceptors in their retinas, which enhances their visual acuity and color perception. Additionally, some bird species have an additional cone cell in their eyes, allowing them to see ultraviolet light, which is invisible to humans. Birds can also quickly adjust the focus of their eyes, enabling them to accurately judge distances while flying or hunting.
5. What is the purpose of air sacs in birds' respiratory system?
Ans. Birds have a unique respiratory system that includes air sacs. These air sacs serve multiple purposes. Firstly, they act as reservoirs of fresh air, allowing birds to have a continuous flow of oxygen during both inhalation and exhalation. This efficient oxygen exchange is crucial for birds, especially during flight when they require a constant supply of oxygen. Secondly, the air sacs provide buoyancy, assisting birds in maintaining their balance and stability while flying. Lastly, the air sacs also aid in thermoregulation, helping birds dissipate excess heat generated during strenuous activities like flying.
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