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NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11 PDF Download


Q1: If the mass of the bob in a simple pendulum is increased to thrice its original mass and its length is made half its original length, then the new time period of oscillation is x / 2 times its original time period. Then the value of x is:    [2024]
(a) √3
(b) √2
(c) √2
(d) 4
The period of oscillation, T, of a simple pendulum is determined by the formula:
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

  • L is the length of the pendulum
  • g is the acceleration due to gravity

The mass of the bob does not factor into the equation for the period.
Let's first denote the original length of the pendulum as L and the original period of oscillation as T1. Hence,
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
When the length of the pendulum is halved, the new length L' would be L / 2. Thus, the new period T2 can be calculated as:
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
We are given that the new period T22 is NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11. Therefore, we can set up the equation:
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
To find the value of x, we solve for x:
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
Multiplying both sides by 2:
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
Simplify to:
x =√2
Hence, the correct answer is:
Option B: √2

Q2: If NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11 represents the motion of a particle executing simple harmonic motion, the amplitude and time period of motion, respectively, are    [2024]
(a) 5 cm, 2 s
(b) 5 m, 2 s
(c) 5 cm, 1 s
(d) 5 m, 1 s

Ans: (b)
In the equation for simple harmonic motion (SHM), NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11, the general form NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11 can be used to identify the parameters of SHM, where:

  • A is the amplitude.
  • ω (omega) is the angular frequency.
  • φ (phi) is the phase constant.
  • t is the time.

Comparing the given equation with the standard form:

  • The amplitude A is 5 m, as that is the coefficient of sine in the equation.
  • The angular frequency ω isπ rad/s.

The angular frequency ω is related to the time period T of the motion through the formula:
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
Given that ω=ππ, we can substitute and solve for T:
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
Hence, the amplitude of the motion is 5 m and the time period is 2 s. Thus, the correct answer is:
Option B: 5 m, 2 s


Q1: The x-t graph of a particle performing simple harmonic motion is shown in the figure. The acceleration of the particle at t = 2 s is     [2023]
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11(a) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(b) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(c) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
Ans: (d)
Solution: Position of particle as function of time
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11


Q1: Match List-I with List-II       [2022]

NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(a) (a) - (iii), (b) - (ii), (c) - (i), (d) - (iv)
(b) (a) - (iv), (b) - (ii), (c) - (iii), (d) - (i)
(c) (a) - (iv), (b) - (iii), (c) - (ii), (d) - (i)
(d) (a) - (i), (b) - (iv), (c) - (iii), (d) - (ii)
(a) Amplitude of oscillation is continuously decreasing. It means bob of pendulum oscillate with air friction.

NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

(b) F = -kx (restoring force of a spring) 

NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

(c) Amplitude of oscillation is remains same. It means bob of pendulum is oscillating under negligible air resistance.

NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

(d)  NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

Q2: Identify the function which represents a non-periodic motion.                      [2022]
(a) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

(b) e-ωt

(c) sinωt
(d) sinωt + cosωt
Here, sinsinωt and NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11 sin(+4) clearly suggest a periodic sinusoidal function (SHM)
And NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11 sin+cos=2sin(+4) is also a periodic sinusoidal function (SHM)
While, = is an exponentially decreasing function and thus does not have periodicity.

Q3: Two pendulums of length 121 cm and 100 cm start vibrating in phase. At some instant, the two are at their mean position in the same phase. The minimum number of vibrations of the shorter pendulum after which the two are again in phase at the mean position is:      [2022]
(a) 9 
(b) 10 
(c) 8 
(d) 11 
Ans: (d)

NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11


Q1: A body is executing simple harmonic motion with frequency 'n', the frequency of its potential energy is:    [2021]
(a) 3n
(b) 4n
(c) n
(d) 2n
Displacement equation of SHM of frequency 'n' x = Asin(ωt) = Asin(2πnt) Now,
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
So frequency of potential energy = 2n

Q2: A spring is stretched by 5 cm by a force 10 N. The time period of the oscillations when a mass of 2 kg is suspended by it is:     [2021]
(a) 3.14 s
(b) 0.628 s
(c) 0.0628 s
(d) 6.28 s


F = kx
10 = k(5 × 10–2)
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
= 2 x 102
= 200 N/m
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11


Q1: The phase difference between displacement and acceleration of a particle in a simple harmonic motion is :
(a) 3π/2 rad
(b) π/2 rad
(c) Zero
(d) π rad                           [2020]

NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11


Q1: Average velocity of a particle executing SHM in one complete vibration is:    [2019]
(a) Aω/2
(b) Aω
(c) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(d) Zero
In one complete vibration, displacement is zero. So, average velocity in one complete vibration
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

Q2: The displacement of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is given by y = A0+ Asinωt + Bcosωt
Then the amplitude of its oscillation is given by :    [2019]
(a) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(b) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(c)NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(d) A + B
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
y = A0+ Asinωt + Bsinωt
Equate SHM
y' = y – A0 = Asinωt + Bcosωt
Resultant amplitude
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

Q3: The radius of circle, the period of revolution, initial position and sense of revolution are indicated in the fig.
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
y - projection of the radius vector of rotating particle P is:    [2019]
(a) y(t) = –3 cos2πt, where y in m
(b) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(c) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(d) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

At t = 0, y displacement is maximum, so equation will be cosine function.
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
T = 4s
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
y = a cosωt
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11


Q1: A pendulum is hung from the roof of a sufficiently high building and is moving freely to and fro like a simple harmonic oscillator. The acceleration of the bob of the pendulum is 20 m/s2 at a distance of 5 m from the mean position. The time period of oscillation is:-    [2018]
(a) 2πs
(b) πs
(c) 2s
(d) 1s
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11


Q1: A particle executes linear simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 3 cm. When the particle is at 2 cm from the mean position, the magnitude of its velocity is equal to that of its acceleration. Then its time period in seconds is:-    [2017]
(a) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(b) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(c) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(d) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

Q2: A spring of force constant k is cut into lengths of ratio 1 : 2 : 3. They are connected in series and the new force constant is K'. Then they are connected in parallel and force constant is k''. Then k' : k'' is     [2017]
(a) 1 : 9
(b) 1 : 11
(c) 1 : 14
(d) 1 : 6

Let us assume, the length of spring be l.
When we cut the spring into ratio of length 1 : 2 : 3, we get three springs of lengths NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11 with force constant,

NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

When connected in series,

NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

When connected in parallel,

NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11


Q1: A body of mass m is attached to the lower end of a spring whose upper end is fixed. The spring has negligible mass. When the mass m is slightly pulled down and released, it oscillates with a time period of 3s. When the mass m is increased by 1 kg, the time period of oscillations becomes 5 s. The value of m in kg is      [2016]
(a) 3/4
(b) 4/3
(c) 16/9
(d) 9/16
The time period of oscillation is given by
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

On dividing :

NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11


Q1: A particle is executing SHM along a straight line. Its velocities at distances x1 and x2 from the mean position are V1 and V2, respectively. Its time period is:    [NEET /AIPMT Cancelled Paper 2015]
(a) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(b) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

(c) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(d) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
Ans: (c)

NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

Q2: When two displacements represented by y1 = a sin(ωt) and y2 = b cos(ωt) are superimposed the motion is:    [NEET /AIPMT Cancelled Paper 2015]
(a) simple harmonic with amplitude (a+b)/2
(b) not a simple harmonic
(c) simple harmonic with amplitude a/b
(d) simple harmonic with amplitude  NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
where  c2 = a2 + b2  [since  a+ b2 = c2 cos (φ) + csin (φ) = c2 ]
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
The superimposed motion is simple harmonic with amplitude NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

Q3: A particle is executing a simple harmonic motion. Its maximum acceleration is α and maximum velocity is β. Them, its time period of vibration will be       [NEET / AIPMT 2015]
(a) β2/ α
(b) 2πβ / α
(c) β2/ α2
(d) α / β
As, we know, in SHM

NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11


Q1: The oscillation of a body on a smooth horizontal surface is represented by the equation,
X = A cos (ωt)
Where X = displacement at time t
ω = frequency of oscillation
Which one of the following graphs shows correctly the variation ‘a’ with ‘t’?    [2014]
(a) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(b) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(c) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11
(d) NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

Here, a = acceleration at time ‘t’ and T = time period
NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11

The document NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations | Physics Class 11 is a part of the NEET Course Physics Class 11.
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FAQs on NEET Previous Year Questions (2014-2024): Oscillations - Physics Class 11

1. What is the formula for the time period of an oscillating spring-mass system?
Ans. The formula for the time period of an oscillating spring-mass system is T = 2π√(m/k), where T is the time period, m is the mass of the object, and k is the spring constant.
2. How does the amplitude of oscillation affect the energy of a system?
Ans. The amplitude of oscillation does not affect the total energy of a system in simple harmonic motion. The total energy remains constant and is equal to the sum of kinetic and potential energies.
3. What is the relationship between the frequency and the time period of an oscillating system?
Ans. The frequency (f) of an oscillating system is the reciprocal of the time period (T), given by f = 1/T. This means that as the time period increases, the frequency decreases, and vice versa.
4. How does damping affect the motion of an oscillating system?
Ans. Damping in an oscillating system reduces the amplitude of oscillation over time. It causes the energy of the system to dissipate as heat, resulting in a decrease in the total energy of the system.
5. What is the difference between free oscillations and forced oscillations?
Ans. Free oscillations occur when a system oscillates on its own without any external force acting on it. Forced oscillations, on the other hand, occur when an external force is applied to the system, causing it to oscillate at the frequency of the external force.
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