Context: Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) achieves the target of FY 2021-22 in just 6 months.
Why is Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana in the news?
What are Jan Aushadi Kendras?
Bureau of Pharma PSUs in India (BPPI) are running Jan Aushadhi Kendras as a part of Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana. These are the centers from where quality generic medicines are made available to all. 726 districts of the country have Jan Aushadhi Kendras.
The turnover of Janaushadhi Kendras in the country touched around ₹600 crores during 2020-21. The number of kendras stood at 7,500 now. The product basket of the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana(PMBJP) has evolved from a mere 131 products in 2014 to 1,449 medicines and 204 surgical items.
What is the role of BPPI in PMBJP?
The Department of Pharmaceuticals of Government of India has established a Bureau of Pharma Public Sector Undertakings of India to support the CPSUs to coordinate the sales, marketing, supply and procurement of the generic medicines. These medicines are distributed to healthcare seekers through Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras.
The Bureau of Pharma PSUs of India (BPPI) was appraised for ensuring the supply of medicines and other pharma products like masks to people at affordable rates during Covid-19.
The scheme aims at educating the masses about generic medicines and that high prices are not always synonymous with high quality. It intends to cover all therapeutic groups and create demand for generic medicines through medical practitioners.
What are Generic Medicines?
Generic medicines are unbranded medicines that are equally safe and have the same efficacy as that a branded medicines in terms of their therapeutic value. The prices of generic medicines are much cheaper than their branded equivalent.Outreach of generic medicines –
- With developments like more and more doctors prescribing generic medicines and the opening of over 6600 Janaushadhi stores across 652 districts, awareness and availability of high-quality affordable generic medicines have increased in the country. About 10-15 lakh people benefit from Janaushadhi medicines per day and the market share of generic medicines has grown over threefold from 2% to 7%in the last 3 years.
- The Janaushadhi medicines have played a big role in bringing down the out-of-pocket expenditure of patients suffering from life-threatening diseases in India. The PMBJP scheme has led to total savings of approximately Rs.1000 crores for common citizens, as these medicines are cheaper by 50% to 90% of the average market price.
- The PMBJP is also providing a good source of self-employment with self-sustainable and regular earnings.
The PMBJP launched a mobile application in order to help people locate the Janaushadhi Kendras in the areas around them.
Since smartphones are seen accessible to all the groups of the society, the PMBJP aims to promote their affordable healthcare scheme through available technology. Affordable healthcare seeker can easily find these PMBJK and get generic medicines at a substantially low cost compared to that of the branded OTC (over-the-counter) ones.
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