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Page 1 CS (Main) Exam:2015 3TFT-W—I PHILOSOPHY Paper—I firuffcr wm: far * f£ Time Allowed : Three Hours ^TFT-T^ % frT T T cH^'ST TFFft ^ drf< ^ 3/^$W ; fff#' # 7 3 " / # , ) W F T $ v ft it &Wf & H l$ R T $ U W f^ f sffc < frff $ W t $ I wtkm ff vNr w r f £ u m $ i o VFT W 1 ^ 5 # fm WFft #' # Sr^?T # W T -^ -^ T T?F $TFT | W / ^ f # ? TF# £ 7WT ^ T T / 9r^W W f/W ! £ 3f¥ WPT^ * [ % f I m f $ urn m m $ fM wffrz fatm 3^ ytw-w ^ t o mr t, 3 ? fc m m m ?w T^r-w-^frr sfki+i $ ^ * r r t o v f P T T ^ rffrri jfccif& d m m $ yfdfteu sfh IWt m m # ' / c r # ^ tot wz 3 R > ftdft 1 WTt *¥ ?/««? {/?* * /, v f& l RPlfcfbc $f W f&Tf v fF T T w fj?% I wwf $ zmf ¥f mm wn^mz ¥t *m pfti vft wizr ^ it, uf w f t $ mm ¥f mpft c fg jx 1 < 3 / W : Rty W O T it I ¥¥W -W ~ 3 T T T - Q f < k l< P I $ W eft W ftff J O T V T 3ffl q r f P J s? Wf & ^IZT v1 1 1 1 4 if(? y I_______________________________________________________________ QUESTION PAPER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions : There are EIGHT questions divided in Two Sections and printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH. Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all. Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted choosing at least ONE from each Section. The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it. Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one. Word limit in questions; wherever specified, should be adhered to. Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off S fffo m : 250 Maximum Marks : 250 C-AVZ-O-QIMA c-Avz-o-nm i - H - f Page 2 CS (Main) Exam:2015 3TFT-W—I PHILOSOPHY Paper—I firuffcr wm: far * f£ Time Allowed : Three Hours ^TFT-T^ % frT T T cH^'ST TFFft ^ drf< ^ 3/^$W ; fff#' # 7 3 " / # , ) W F T $ v ft it &Wf & H l$ R T $ U W f^ f sffc < frff $ W t $ I wtkm ff vNr w r f £ u m $ i o VFT W 1 ^ 5 # fm WFft #' # Sr^?T # W T -^ -^ T T?F $TFT | W / ^ f # ? TF# £ 7WT ^ T T / 9r^W W f/W ! £ 3f¥ WPT^ * [ % f I m f $ urn m m $ fM wffrz fatm 3^ ytw-w ^ t o mr t, 3 ? fc m m m ?w T^r-w-^frr sfki+i $ ^ * r r t o v f P T T ^ rffrri jfccif& d m m $ yfdfteu sfh IWt m m # ' / c r # ^ tot wz 3 R > ftdft 1 WTt *¥ ?/««? {/?* * /, v f& l RPlfcfbc $f W f&Tf v fF T T w fj?% I wwf $ zmf ¥f mm wn^mz ¥t *m pfti vft wizr ^ it, uf w f t $ mm ¥f mpft c fg jx 1 < 3 / W : Rty W O T it I ¥¥W -W ~ 3 T T T - Q f < k l< P I $ W eft W ftff J O T V T 3ffl q r f P J s? Wf & ^IZT v1 1 1 1 4 if(? y I_______________________________________________________________ QUESTION PAPER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions : There are EIGHT questions divided in Two Sections and printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH. Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all. Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted choosing at least ONE from each Section. The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it. Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one. Word limit in questions; wherever specified, should be adhered to. Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off S fffo m : 250 Maximum Marks : 250 C-AVZ-O-QIMA c-Avz-o-nm i - H - f —3 T SECTION—A Q. 1 fWvTf^RT ^ t W W \ W J 150 '?T^f ^ eff 3rR frf^ftT :— Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each :— 10*5=50 Q. 1(a) 3R^J 3fhc Im TciR TT' % # e t Aristotle’s distinction between ‘actually’ and ‘potentiality’. 10 Q. 1(b) p q t ^ 3 # I esse est percipi. 10 Q. 1(c) 3T3UTWI Husserl’s notion of ‘bracketing’. 10 Q. 1(d) Strawson’s distinction between ‘M’ and ‘P’ predicates. 10 Q. 1(e) i T J 3 T C 3iK 5ffc|K I G.E. Moore’s refutation of idealism. 10 Q. 2(a) W J w f f $ f^^PT I Explain Kant’s division of categories. 20 Q. 2(b) % ^t ^ jk f ^ [ 3Fpft rTW fiW 3 ^ T C T T ^ T ^ Discuss why Heidegger introduces the concept of Dasein in his metaphysics. 15 Q. 2(c) w ^ f^ rc T % -q^rfe^ t ^ T t, s m f^o; ?T q ^ t t t i Elucidate Quine’s arguments to show that analyticity is not synonymity. 15 Q. 3(a) *TM W9T 3T feT ^ I Bring out the relationship between language games and forms of life. 20 Q. 3(b) 5t c t yfcrqifer 'arM cnw ^r' c * it w c ^ t j Explain Leibnitz’s principle of ‘identity of indiscemibles’. 15 Q. 3(c) 3 T F T W t ? ^ 3 T « f ftngM ^ W t ? I What do we understand by incomplete symbols ? What role do they play in Russell’s theory of meaning ? Discuss. 15 C - Af / Z- O- Q/ M Page 3 CS (Main) Exam:2015 3TFT-W—I PHILOSOPHY Paper—I firuffcr wm: far * f£ Time Allowed : Three Hours ^TFT-T^ % frT T T cH^'ST TFFft ^ drf< ^ 3/^$W ; fff#' # 7 3 " / # , ) W F T $ v ft it &Wf & H l$ R T $ U W f^ f sffc < frff $ W t $ I wtkm ff vNr w r f £ u m $ i o VFT W 1 ^ 5 # fm WFft #' # Sr^?T # W T -^ -^ T T?F $TFT | W / ^ f # ? TF# £ 7WT ^ T T / 9r^W W f/W ! £ 3f¥ WPT^ * [ % f I m f $ urn m m $ fM wffrz fatm 3^ ytw-w ^ t o mr t, 3 ? fc m m m ?w T^r-w-^frr sfki+i $ ^ * r r t o v f P T T ^ rffrri jfccif& d m m $ yfdfteu sfh IWt m m # ' / c r # ^ tot wz 3 R > ftdft 1 WTt *¥ ?/««? {/?* * /, v f& l RPlfcfbc $f W f&Tf v fF T T w fj?% I wwf $ zmf ¥f mm wn^mz ¥t *m pfti vft wizr ^ it, uf w f t $ mm ¥f mpft c fg jx 1 < 3 / W : Rty W O T it I ¥¥W -W ~ 3 T T T - Q f < k l< P I $ W eft W ftff J O T V T 3ffl q r f P J s? Wf & ^IZT v1 1 1 1 4 if(? y I_______________________________________________________________ QUESTION PAPER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions : There are EIGHT questions divided in Two Sections and printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH. Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all. Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted choosing at least ONE from each Section. The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it. Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one. Word limit in questions; wherever specified, should be adhered to. Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off S fffo m : 250 Maximum Marks : 250 C-AVZ-O-QIMA c-Avz-o-nm i - H - f —3 T SECTION—A Q. 1 fWvTf^RT ^ t W W \ W J 150 '?T^f ^ eff 3rR frf^ftT :— Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each :— 10*5=50 Q. 1(a) 3R^J 3fhc Im TciR TT' % # e t Aristotle’s distinction between ‘actually’ and ‘potentiality’. 10 Q. 1(b) p q t ^ 3 # I esse est percipi. 10 Q. 1(c) 3T3UTWI Husserl’s notion of ‘bracketing’. 10 Q. 1(d) Strawson’s distinction between ‘M’ and ‘P’ predicates. 10 Q. 1(e) i T J 3 T C 3iK 5ffc|K I G.E. Moore’s refutation of idealism. 10 Q. 2(a) W J w f f $ f^^PT I Explain Kant’s division of categories. 20 Q. 2(b) % ^t ^ jk f ^ [ 3Fpft rTW fiW 3 ^ T C T T ^ T ^ Discuss why Heidegger introduces the concept of Dasein in his metaphysics. 15 Q. 2(c) w ^ f^ rc T % -q^rfe^ t ^ T t, s m f^o; ?T q ^ t t t i Elucidate Quine’s arguments to show that analyticity is not synonymity. 15 Q. 3(a) *TM W9T 3T feT ^ I Bring out the relationship between language games and forms of life. 20 Q. 3(b) 5t c t yfcrqifer 'arM cnw ^r' c * it w c ^ t j Explain Leibnitz’s principle of ‘identity of indiscemibles’. 15 Q. 3(c) 3 T F T W t ? ^ 3 T « f ftngM ^ W t ? I What do we understand by incomplete symbols ? What role do they play in Russell’s theory of meaning ? Discuss. 15 C - Af / Z- O- Q/ M Q. 4(a) WIW | W W % f%# WIT f^P T ft?T F tc T T f > ? f^cPT I Explain Plato’s theory of forms. Does it entail a kind of essentialism ? Discuss. 20 Q. 4(b) w % f ^ r arat 3# jt' ffcgm t ^ «t t ^ t t t f ? f^ F T ^ f ^ ; i Does Descartes Cogito principle entail that he is an essentialist ? Discuss. 15 Q. 4(c) * rm ^ ^ afk ^ ^ m t ^rferq i w ^ ^ 3P jm , W tf® T S T % ^ f ^ ; t o ™ t W H l- Ftcft t ? Bring out the relationship between existence and essence in the case of human being. Explain the issues it gives rise to for human beings according to Sartre. 15 ^pprs—’ sr SECTION—B Q. 5 PlHfofvNd W WTW\ 150 TJrR ^ T T :— Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each :— 10x5=50 Q. 5(a) Pancavidhabheda 10 Q. 5(b) 3 1 T O I Jain concept of Dravya 10 Q. 5(c) Sfienrf^TH Alayavijnana 10 Q. 5(d) W i f e Satkaryavada 10 Q. 5(e) eft Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga. 10 Q. 6(a) tk T ^ c r o | Elaborate Nyaya-Mimamsa debate on Pramanyavada. 20 Q. 6(b) “F T T C T ITFf ^ e f Wfi 1 1 ” W W T ^ M # ‘Our knowledge is confined to gunas alone’. Examine this statement in the light of Vaisesika and Buddhist controversy. 15 C-AVZ-D-am 3 +++ Page 4 CS (Main) Exam:2015 3TFT-W—I PHILOSOPHY Paper—I firuffcr wm: far * f£ Time Allowed : Three Hours ^TFT-T^ % frT T T cH^'ST TFFft ^ drf< ^ 3/^$W ; fff#' # 7 3 " / # , ) W F T $ v ft it &Wf & H l$ R T $ U W f^ f sffc < frff $ W t $ I wtkm ff vNr w r f £ u m $ i o VFT W 1 ^ 5 # fm WFft #' # Sr^?T # W T -^ -^ T T?F $TFT | W / ^ f # ? TF# £ 7WT ^ T T / 9r^W W f/W ! £ 3f¥ WPT^ * [ % f I m f $ urn m m $ fM wffrz fatm 3^ ytw-w ^ t o mr t, 3 ? fc m m m ?w T^r-w-^frr sfki+i $ ^ * r r t o v f P T T ^ rffrri jfccif& d m m $ yfdfteu sfh IWt m m # ' / c r # ^ tot wz 3 R > ftdft 1 WTt *¥ ?/««? {/?* * /, v f& l RPlfcfbc $f W f&Tf v fF T T w fj?% I wwf $ zmf ¥f mm wn^mz ¥t *m pfti vft wizr ^ it, uf w f t $ mm ¥f mpft c fg jx 1 < 3 / W : Rty W O T it I ¥¥W -W ~ 3 T T T - Q f < k l< P I $ W eft W ftff J O T V T 3ffl q r f P J s? Wf & ^IZT v1 1 1 1 4 if(? y I_______________________________________________________________ QUESTION PAPER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions : There are EIGHT questions divided in Two Sections and printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH. Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all. Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted choosing at least ONE from each Section. The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it. Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one. Word limit in questions; wherever specified, should be adhered to. Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off S fffo m : 250 Maximum Marks : 250 C-AVZ-O-QIMA c-Avz-o-nm i - H - f —3 T SECTION—A Q. 1 fWvTf^RT ^ t W W \ W J 150 '?T^f ^ eff 3rR frf^ftT :— Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each :— 10*5=50 Q. 1(a) 3R^J 3fhc Im TciR TT' % # e t Aristotle’s distinction between ‘actually’ and ‘potentiality’. 10 Q. 1(b) p q t ^ 3 # I esse est percipi. 10 Q. 1(c) 3T3UTWI Husserl’s notion of ‘bracketing’. 10 Q. 1(d) Strawson’s distinction between ‘M’ and ‘P’ predicates. 10 Q. 1(e) i T J 3 T C 3iK 5ffc|K I G.E. Moore’s refutation of idealism. 10 Q. 2(a) W J w f f $ f^^PT I Explain Kant’s division of categories. 20 Q. 2(b) % ^t ^ jk f ^ [ 3Fpft rTW fiW 3 ^ T C T T ^ T ^ Discuss why Heidegger introduces the concept of Dasein in his metaphysics. 15 Q. 2(c) w ^ f^ rc T % -q^rfe^ t ^ T t, s m f^o; ?T q ^ t t t i Elucidate Quine’s arguments to show that analyticity is not synonymity. 15 Q. 3(a) *TM W9T 3T feT ^ I Bring out the relationship between language games and forms of life. 20 Q. 3(b) 5t c t yfcrqifer 'arM cnw ^r' c * it w c ^ t j Explain Leibnitz’s principle of ‘identity of indiscemibles’. 15 Q. 3(c) 3 T F T W t ? ^ 3 T « f ftngM ^ W t ? I What do we understand by incomplete symbols ? What role do they play in Russell’s theory of meaning ? Discuss. 15 C - Af / Z- O- Q/ M Q. 4(a) WIW | W W % f%# WIT f^P T ft?T F tc T T f > ? f^cPT I Explain Plato’s theory of forms. Does it entail a kind of essentialism ? Discuss. 20 Q. 4(b) w % f ^ r arat 3# jt' ffcgm t ^ «t t ^ t t t f ? f^ F T ^ f ^ ; i Does Descartes Cogito principle entail that he is an essentialist ? Discuss. 15 Q. 4(c) * rm ^ ^ afk ^ ^ m t ^rferq i w ^ ^ 3P jm , W tf® T S T % ^ f ^ ; t o ™ t W H l- Ftcft t ? Bring out the relationship between existence and essence in the case of human being. Explain the issues it gives rise to for human beings according to Sartre. 15 ^pprs—’ sr SECTION—B Q. 5 PlHfofvNd W WTW\ 150 TJrR ^ T T :— Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each :— 10x5=50 Q. 5(a) Pancavidhabheda 10 Q. 5(b) 3 1 T O I Jain concept of Dravya 10 Q. 5(c) Sfienrf^TH Alayavijnana 10 Q. 5(d) W i f e Satkaryavada 10 Q. 5(e) eft Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga. 10 Q. 6(a) tk T ^ c r o | Elaborate Nyaya-Mimamsa debate on Pramanyavada. 20 Q. 6(b) “F T T C T ITFf ^ e f Wfi 1 1 ” W W T ^ M # ‘Our knowledge is confined to gunas alone’. Examine this statement in the light of Vaisesika and Buddhist controversy. 15 C-AVZ-D-am 3 +++ q . 6(c) w 's p w w f e K '- t e f c r im t o t t I ? cutot | Is anyathakhyativada an adequate explanation of error ? Elaborate. 15 Q. 7(a) w afk T w p % 3?k t w i Compare and contrast the notion of Brahman in Sankara and Ramanuja. 20 Q. 7(b) “ g w WT $ ferq W ^ I State and examine the Samkhya proofs for the existence of Purusa. 15 Q. 7(c) i Explain the arguments of Carvaka to reject transcendental entities. 15 Q. 8(a) M l ? W^rfcf ^ f^T W t ? W W ^fX T| What is bondage according to yoga philosophy ? Explain the method of attaining Kaivalya in Patanjali’s yogasutra. 20 Q. 8(b) m t sfk f^Nrr ^ ^ ^rar-ftecr ^ i What do Samvara and Nirjara mean ? Explain their significance in Jaina theory of liberation. 15 Q. 8(c) ^ ffeRT # w t ? ^ ^ ^ tfTEpff ^ torFTT I What is the role of Pratityasamutpada in explaining Dukha ? Elucidate the means to overcome it. 15 e - AVZ- 0 - Q. m 4 +++Read More
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