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Physiology of Blood and it's Circulation | Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Optional for UPSC PDF Download

Understanding Blood and its Circulation: Basics of Physiology

  • Blood's Vital Functions:
    • Blood is a red, slightly alkaline fluid serving various crucial roles in the body.
    • It carries nutrients from the digestive system to tissues, transports oxygen to tissues and carbon dioxide to the lungs.
    • Acts as a transporter for hormones from endocrine glands.
    • Maintains proper water balance, aids in temperature control, and helps in the body's defense against bacteria and viruses.
    • Clotting ability provides a natural safety mechanism in case of blood vessel damage.
    • Contributes to maintaining the correct pH of tissues.
  • Circulation System:
    • Blood circulates through arteries, capillaries, and veins, driven by the pulsations of the heart.
  • Blood Composition:
    • Comprises plasma, a fluid portion where blood cells are suspended.
    • Three main types of blood cells: red blood cells (or corpuscles), white blood cells, and platelets.
  • Specific Gravity of Blood (Average Range):
    • Horse: 1.046 - 1.059
    • Cattle: 1.046 - 1.061
    • Sheep: 1.041 - 1.061
    • Goat: 1.036 - 1.051
    • Pig: 1.035 - 1.055
    • Dog: 1.045
    • Cat: 1.045 - 1.057
  • Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR):
    • ESR is a blood test assessing an animal's health.
    • Provides insights into the sedimentation rate of red blood cells and is a valuable diagnostic tool.

Understanding Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and Blood Plasma: Basics of Physiology

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

  • ESR is a measure of how quickly red blood cells settle in a tube, often used to assess an animal's health.
  • Faster settling is observed in conditions like acute infections, malignant tumors, inflammation, hypothyroidism, and pregnancy.

Blood Plasma: Composition and Functions

  • Constitutes 55-70% of blood, composed of water and various substances.
  • Three main protein groups: fibrinogen, serum-globulin, and serum-albumin.
  • Yellow to colorless, its composition remains similar across mammals.

Chemical Composition of Blood Plasma

  • Water
  • Gases: Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen.
  • Proteins: Albumin, Globulins, Fibrinogen.
  • Carbohydrates: Glucose, Lactose, Pyruvate.
  • Lipids: Fat, Lecithin, Cholesterol.
  • Non-Nitrogenous Substances: Amino acids, Urea, Uric Acid, Creatine, Creatinine, Ammonia.
  • Inorganic Substances: Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphate, Phosphate, Iron, Manganese, Cobalt, Copper, Zinc, Iodine.
  • Enzymes, Hormones, Vitamins, Pigments.

Plasma Proteins

  • Mainly albumin, fibrinogen, and globulins (including y-globulins, rich in antibodies).
  • Albumin dominates in man, sheep, goat, rabbit, dog, guinea-pig, and rat.
  • In horse, pig, and cow, albumin and globulins are almost equal or globulins may be more.

Synthesis and Functions of Plasma Proteins

  • Liver produces albumin, fibrinogen, and most globulins, while extra-hepatic cells produce y-globulins.
  • Severe liver damage or protein deficiency reduces plasma protein synthesis.
  • Functions include maintaining blood pressure, erythrocyte stability, regulating acid-base balance, providing antibodies, and transporting nutrients and therapeutic agents.

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Understanding Blood Components and Functions: Simplified Overview

Blood Composition and Separation

  • Blood is a slightly alkaline fluid that serves multiple functions in the body.
  • It carries nutrients, oxygen, hormones, and assists in maintaining temperature.
  • Blood separates into serum (liquid) and a solid fibrin clot when shed.

Blood Clotting Process

  • Coagulation turns blood into a gelatinous mass.
  • After coagulation, the clot retracts, releasing a watery fluid called serum.
  • Fibrinogen transforms into fibrin during clot formation, forming fibrino-globulin and nucleo-protein in the serum.

Plasma Components

  • Plasma contains non-protein nitrogenous materials, amino acids, urea, glucose, fats, and inorganic salts.
  • After clotting, plasma becomes serum, lacking fibrinogen but gaining fibrino-globulin and nucleo-protein.

Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)

  • Comprise about 32% of blood, appear as biconcave discs without nuclei.
  • Contain hemoglobin for oxygen transport.
  • Formed in red marrow, circulate for about three to four months before destruction.

Blood Platelets (Thrombocytes)

  • Oval discs from bone marrow, help prevent blood loss by forming clots.
  • Play a crucial role in blood clotting when vessels are injured.

Hemoglobin and Its Functions

  • Complex substance in red blood cells that absorbs oxygen in the lungs.
  • Releases oxygen to tissues, exchanges it for carbon dioxide, and facilitates gas exchange during respiration.
  • Haemolysis is the dissolution of hemoglobin from red blood cells, occurring when cells are damaged.

Serum Properties

  • Natural serum from one animal may act as a haemolytic agent when injected into another animal of a different species.
  • Agglutination is the process of blood cells clumping together under the influence of an agent called agglutinin.
  • Heat treatment can neutralize haemolytic power, emphasizing the impact of external factors on blood components.

Understanding Blood Anticoagulants and Diagnostic Calculations: Simplified Overview

Heparin as an Anticoagulant

  • Heparin is a natural anticoagulant produced by basophils and mast cells in the body.
  • It prevents blood clotting by inhibiting coagulation factors.
  • A concentration of 0.2 mg of heparin per ml of blood is commonly used as an anticoagulant.

Sodium Citrate and Other Anticoagulants

  • Sodium citrate combines with calcium ions in plasma to form insoluble calcium salts, preventing coagulation.
  • Sodium, potassium, ammonium salts of oxalates and fluorides, and chelating compounds like EDTA are also used as anticoagulants.

Role in Diagnostic Calculations

  • Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH), and Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) are important diagnostic parameters.
  • It's crucial to maintain the size of blood cells as they are in circulation when determining the Packed Cell Volume (PCV), aiding accurate diagnostic assessments.

Blood Cell Preservation and Lifespan: Simplified Overview

Anticoagulants' Impact on Red Blood Cell (RBC) Size

  • Heparin or EDTA is commonly used to maintain constant RBC size during blood analysis.
  • Ammonium salts increase RBC size, while potassium salts decrease it.
  • Specific combinations of Ammonium oxalate and Potassium oxalate help inhibit coagulation and preserve RBC size.

Fate of Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells)

  • Erythrocytes have a lifespan of 90 to 140 days, with an average of 120 days in humans.
  • As RBCs are destroyed, the iron in hemoglobin is conserved, and the pigmented part becomes bilirubin, an excretory product.
  • The liver and spleen store unused iron from destroyed RBCs, and reticulo-endothelial cells in various organs play a role in their destruction.

Haematopoiesis (Blood Cell Formation)

  • Haematopoiesis is a continuous process, requiring essential nutrients.
  • Vitamin B12, folie-acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, thiamine, biotin, and ascorbic acid, along with minerals like iron, copper, and cobalt, aid in the synthesis of red blood cells.


  • Haemoglobin is the pigment in RBCs, a complex protein containing iron.
  • Its red color comes from heme, a compound with an iron atom.
  • The synthesis involves amino acids, glycine, acetate, and a four-carbon compound from the tricarboxylic acid cycle.

Physiology of Blood and it`s Circulation | Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Optional for UPSC

Haemoglobin Formation and Types: Simplified Overview

Protoporphyrin Formation

  • Four pyrrole molecules combine to form protoporphyrin.
  • Protoporphyrin unites with iron to create heme.

Haemoglobin Composition

  • Four heme molecules combine with globin to form haemoglobin.
  • Heme is found widely in animals and plants, creating not only haemoglobin but also haemechromogen.
  • Myoglobin, found in muscles, is a combination of heme and muscle globin.

Molecular Weight and Hemolysis

  • The molecular weight of haemoglobin varies from 66,000 to 69,000.
  • Hemolysis, the release of haemoglobin into the plasma, can occur due to factors like protozoa, toxins, or chemicals.

Hemoglobin Types

  • Oxyhaemoglobin: Haemoglobin combined with oxygen.
  • Carboxyhaemoglobin: Haemoglobin combined with carbon monoxide, with a stronger affinity than oxygen.
  • Methaemoglobin: A derivative formed by the oxidation of haemoglobin, unable to carry oxygen like normal haemoglobin.

Characteristics of Hemoglobin

  • Hemoglobin levels are expressed as g/100 ml of blood.
  • Normal values range between 13 and 15 g/100 ml in most mammals.
  • Oxyhaemoglobin carries about 1.36 ml of oxygen per gram of haemoglobin when saturated.

Abnormal Hemoglobin Types

  • Carboxyhaemoglobin gives blood a bright cherry red color and can be misleading in cases of carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Methaemoglobin, formed under certain conditions or drug administration, cannot function as a respiratory pigment.

Erythrocyte Values in Blood (million/cubic mm)

  • Normal erythrocyte values vary across species (e.g., 5-6 in humans, 9-12 in pigs, 6-8 in cats).
  • Values indicate the number of red blood cells in a cubic millimeter of blood.

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Physiology of Blood and it's Circulation
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White Blood Cells: Understanding the Defenders in Blood

Identification and Characteristics

  • White blood cells are colorless bodies seen under a microscope, larger and fewer than red blood cells.
  • They possess amoeboid movement and nuclei, standing out from the red cells.

Types of White Blood Cells

  • Neutrophils:
    • Granules in the cytoplasm, staining less distinctly.
    • Varied nuclei shapes, termed polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
    • Key role in phagocytosis, engulfing bacteria and defending against infections.
  • Eosinophils:
    • Granules stain easily with eosin, a histological dye.
    • Increase in certain chronic diseases and parasitic infestations.
    • Limited phagocytic capacity, less effective against microorganisms.
  • Basophils:
    • Blue-staining granules containing histamine, released during allergic reactions.
    • Have receptors for IgE antibodies, playing a role in severe reactions to parasites.
  • Monocytes:
    • Few granules, engulf bacteria, important in less acute infections.
    • Enlarge and become macrophages when moving from blood vessels into tissues.
  • Lymphocytes:
    • Few granules, formed in lymphoid tissues (nodes, spleen, tonsils).
    • Involved in antibody formation, creating barriers against local diseases.

Conditions and Abnormalities

  • Eosinophilia: Abnormally high eosinophils, seen in severe parasitic infestations and certain diseases.
  • Basophils with IgE antibodies can cause severe reactions, releasing histamine.

Temperature Variation

  • Blood temperature varies, coolest near the surface and hottest in hepatic veins.
  • Ranges from 100 to 105°F.

Note: White blood cells play crucial roles in the body's defense against infections and diseases.

Blood Quantity: Understanding the Volume and Components

Blood Quantity in Domesticated Animals

  • It's challenging to measure the total blood amount by direct bleeding due to some left in vessels.
  • Approximate proportions of body weight dedicated to blood:
    • Horse: 1/15 or 6.6%
    • Ox: 1/13 or 7.71%
    • Sheep: 1/12 or 8.01%
    • Pig: 1/22 or 4.6%
    • Dog: 1/11 to 1/18 or 9.1% to 5.5%
  • An average-sized horse contains about 50 pints of blood.

Total Leucocytes (White Blood Cells) per Cubic mm of Blood

Quantities vary across species:

  • Horse: 8000 - 11,000
  • Cow: 7000 - 10,000
  • Sheep: 7000 - 10,000
  • Goat: 8000 - 12,000
  • Dog: 9000 - 13,000
  • Cat: 10,000 - 15,000
  • Chicken: 20,000 - 30,000

Percentage of Leucocytes by Type

Different species have varying proportions of white blood cell types:

  • Neutrophils: Primary defender against infections.
  • Lymphocytes: Involved in immune responses.
  • Monocytes: Engulf bacteria, important in infections.
  • Eosinophils: Respond to allergies and parasites.
  • Basophils: Release histamine during allergic reactions.
  • Examples:
    • In a horse:
      • Neutrophils: 50-60%
      • Lymphocytes: 30-40%
      • Monocytes: 2-5%
      • Eosinophils: 1%
      • Basophils: Not specified
    • In a Cow:
      • Neutrophils: Not specified
      • Lymphocytes: 25-30%
      • Monocytes: 5%
      • Eosinophils: 2-5%
      • Basophils: 2-5%

Regulating Heart Function: Ensuring a Steady Beat

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Sinoatrial Node (Pacemaker)

  • Main Control: A specialized heart muscle, the Pacemaker, in the right auricle.
  • Function: Emits electric impulses at regular intervals to stimulate heart muscle contractions.
  • Process: Impulses travel through auricles, then to the Atrioventricular Node, causing sequential contractions in auricles and ventricles.

Cardio-Inhibitory Centre in the Brain

  • Location: Medulla Oblongata in the brain.
  • Control: Communicates with Pacemaker via vagus nerves.
  • Action: Slows heart rate by stimulating vagus nerves, creating a sequence of contractions.

Input to Cardio-Inhibitory Centre

  • Sources: Feedback from Pacemaker, sensory surfaces, and higher brain centers.
  • Information: Includes heart rate, internal/external conditions (e.g., indigestion, temperature), and emotional states.
  • Action: Stimulates vagus nerves to decrease heart rate as needed.

Cardio-Accelerating Centre

  • Location: Medulla Oblongata.
  • Stimulation: Triggered by factors like pain sensations and anticipation of exercise.
  • Effect: Releases neurotransmitter (norepinephrine) directly to heart muscles, increasing heart rate and stroke volume.

Hormonal Influence

  • Thyroxine: From the thyroid gland, increases heart rate.
  • Epinephrine: From the adrenal medulla, increases both heart rate and stroke volume.

Regulating Blood Flow: Adapting to Changing Needs

Adjusting Blood Flow

  • Purpose: Respond to varying conditions.
  • Low Cellular Activity: During sleep, blood flow rate decreases to conserve energy.
  • Strenuous Activity: Increases blood flow rate to meet demands for material exchange during high cellular activity.

Cardiac Output

  • Factors: Product of heart rate and stroke volume.
  • Control: Sinoatrial node, cardio-inhibitory, and cardio-accelerating centers in the brain, along with thyroid and adrenal gland hormones.

Controlling Blood Flow: Navigating the Circulatory System

  • Stroke Volume and Circulatory System:
    • Closed System: Blood vessels and heart form a closed circulatory system.
    • Volume Increase: Blood expelled from the heart increases when the return rate of blood to the heart rises.
  • Artery Diameter Regulation:
    • Vasomotor Centers: Control artery diameter based on CO2 levels in the blood.
    • Emotion Influence: Brain centers controlling emotions impact artery diameter.
    • Carbon Dioxide Levels: High CO2 levels lead to arterial constriction, increasing blood pressure.
    • Emotional States: Certain emotions affect heart rate and artery diameter.
  • Blood Flow Control Mechanisms:
    • Vasomotor Centers and Emotional Centers: Transmit electro-chemical impulses.
    • Arterial Constriction/Dilation: Response to emotions and CO2 levels.
    • Veins' Blood Path: Veins collect blood from various body parts, leading to the right atrium.
  • Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation:
    • Heart Chambers: Blood circulates from right atrium to right ventricle, then to the lungs and left atrium.
    • Oxygenation: Lungs oxygenate blood, brightening its color in the arteries.
    • Systemic Circulation: Bright red arterial blood circulates throughout the body.
  • Portal Circulation:
    • From Organs to Liver: Veins from stomach, intestines, spleen, and pancreas form the portal vein to the liver.
    • Liver Processing: Liver processes food content before blood returns to the heart.
    • Maintaining One Direction: Valves in heart cavities and veins maintain blood flow direction.
  • Blood Color Differences:
    • Arterial Blood: Bright red due to higher oxygen content.
    • Venous Blood: Dull red, charged with carbon dioxide.
    • Pulmonary Artery and Veins: Dark blood goes to the lungs, bright red returns to the heart.

Blood Pathways in the Heart: A Closer Look

  • Separation of Blood in the Heart:
    • Normally, no direct connection between right and left sides of the heart.
    • Blood from the right ventricle must pass through the lungs before reaching the left atrium.
  • Blood Circulation in the Umbilical Cord:
    • Two large arteries carry blood from the foetus to the placenta for oxygen and nourishment.
    • A large vein brings this oxygenated blood back to the foetus through the umbilical cord.
  • Special Passages in Fetal Circulation:
    • Foramen Ovale: Allows communication between right and left atria in the fetal heart.
    • Ductus Arteriosus: Connects the aorta and pulmonary artery, bypassing the lungs in fetal circulation.
  • Purpose of Fetal Passages:
    • Facilitate the exchange of oxygen and nutrients in close proximity to the maternal blood in the placenta.
    • Ensure the foetus gets essential resources without relying on its own lungs.
  • Changes at Birth:
    • Extra passages close and shrink after birth.
    • Foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus close rapidly, leaving remnants in adult life.
    • In some cases, these passages may persist throughout a person's life, although it's rare.

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FAQs on Physiology of Blood and it's Circulation - Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Optional for UPSC

1. What is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)?
Ans. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a measure of how quickly red blood cells settle at the bottom of a test tube over a given period of time. It is a non-specific marker of inflammation and is often used to monitor the progression of certain diseases or to diagnose conditions such as infections or autoimmune disorders.
2. What is the role of blood plasma?
Ans. Blood plasma is the liquid component of blood that carries various substances throughout the body. It serves multiple functions, including transporting nutrients, hormones, and waste products, maintaining blood pressure and pH balance, and providing a medium for clotting factors and immune cells.
3. How do anticoagulants affect blood?
Ans. Anticoagulants are medications that prevent blood from clotting. They work by inhibiting certain enzymes or factors involved in the clotting cascade. By reducing the ability of blood to form clots, anticoagulants help prevent the formation of blood clots and reduce the risk of conditions such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and stroke.
4. How long do red blood cells typically live?
Ans. Red blood cells, or erythrocytes, have an average lifespan of about 120 days. After this period, they are removed from circulation by the spleen and liver, and new red blood cells are continuously produced by the bone marrow to replace them.
5. What are the different types of white blood cells and their functions?
Ans. White blood cells, or leukocytes, are a crucial part of the immune system and are responsible for defending the body against infections and foreign substances. The main types of white blood cells include neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. Each type has specific functions, such as neutrophils being the first responders to infections, lymphocytes playing a role in immune responses, and monocytes engulfing and destroying bacteria.

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