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Physiology of Respiration | Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Optional for UPSC PDF Download

Understanding Respiration: A Simplified Overview

  • Definition of Respiration:
    • Involves chemical and physical processes for gas exchange with the environment.
    • Mainly focuses on oxygen intake for metabolism and elimination of carbon dioxide.
  • Key Gases in Respiration:
    • Oxygen is crucial for oxidative metabolism.
    • Carbon dioxide is a vital byproduct that needs to be expelled from the body.
  • External vs. Internal Respiration:
    • External Respiration: Exchange of gases between lungs and blood.
    • Internal Respiration: Exchange that occurs at the tissue level.
  • Ventilation vs. Respiration:
    • Ventilation: Act of breathing in and out, not the same as respiration.
    • Respiration: Involves gas exchange between lungs, blood, and tissues.
  • Role of Circulatory System:
    • Delivers oxygen to tissues and transports carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs.
    • Oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange is achieved through physical diffusion.
  • Components of Respiratory Apparatus:
    • Includes lungs, airways, thorax, pleural cavity, diaphragm, and associated nerves.
    • Ensures the proper functioning of the respiratory system.
  • Structures in the Airway:
    • Nasal cavity's moist and vascular membrane warms and adds moisture to inhaled air.
    • Trachea, kept open by cartilage rings, has ciliated membrane with mucous glands for dust clearance.
  • Bronchi and Bronchioles:
    • Similar in structure and function to the trachea.
    • Bronchioles have muscular regulation by bronchoconstrictor and bronchodilator fibers.
  • Alveoli and Gas Exchange:
    • Lungs consist of elastic sacs with alveoli, increasing the internal surface area.
    • Gaseous exchange occurs across alveolar walls and capillary endothelium.

Understanding the Respiratory System: Simplified Overview

  • Oxygen Diffusion into Blood:
    • Oxygen molecules move from the respiratory air to bind with hemoglobin in a process involving several barriers.
    • These barriers include the alveolar capillary wall, blood plasma layer, and the red cell membrane.
  • Thoracic Cavity and Pleura:
    • The thoracic cavity contains the lungs and mediastinal organs, separated from the abdominal cavity by the diaphragm.
    • Pleura, two sacs lining the thoracic cavity, prevent air and fluid passage between them, ensuring lung stability.
  • Oxygen Consumption in Animals:
    • The basal oxygen requirement is not directly proportional to body weight but more closely related to body surface area.
    • Small animals have a higher oxygen consumption compared to larger animals.
  • Mechanical Considerations in Lung Design:
    • Design factors include the physical properties of air conduits during ventilation and the elastic characteristics of lung tissue.
  • Oxygen Movement through Diffusion:
    • Oxygen movement from lung air spaces to pulmonary capillary blood follows the laws of physical diffusion.
    • The total surface area for diffusion exchange in the lung is a crucial factor.
  • Lung Capacity and Air Volume:
    • Total lung capacity (maximum inflated air volume) is proportional to body weight.
    • The lung's usable surface area is linked to alveolar surface area densely packed with capillaries.
  • Air Volumes in the Lungs:
    • Minimal air refers to the volume that remains in the lung even when removed, associated with collapsed outflow airway channels.
    • Residual volume is the air remaining after a maximal expiration.
    • Vital capacity represents the maximum air expelled after maximal inspiration, with some air always remaining in normal breathing.

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Understanding Lung Volumes and Ventilation Mechanics: Simplified Overview

  • Excess Air Volume:
    • Expiratory Reserve Volume: Extra air that can be expelled after a normal breath.
  • Functional Lung Capacity:
    • Functional Residual Capacity: Sum of Expiratory Reserve Volume and Residual Volume.
    • Represents total air volume in the lungs after a normal exhale.
  • Volumes Associated with Breathing:
    • Tidal Volume: Air volume moved in and out with each breath.
    • Inspiratory Reserve Volume: Additional air that can be inhaled after a regular breath.
  • Calculating Vital Capacity:
    • Vital Capacity: Sum of Inspiratory Reserve Volume, Tidal Volume, and Expiratory Reserve Volume.
    • Reflects the maximum air capacity the lungs can handle.
  • Measuring Air Volumes:
    • Spirometer measures inspired air volume, corrected to BTPS (Body temperature, atmospheric pressure, and saturated with water vapor).
    • Gas volume varies with temperature and pressure, following Charles and Boyle's laws.
  • Ventilation Mechanics:
    • Transmural Pressure Gradient: Difference between lung pressure (alveoli) and pleural sac pressure inside the thorax.
    • Normal gradient during relaxed breathing is about 8 cm H2O.
  • Lung Expansion Process:
    • Lungs expand when a force, the transmural pressure gradient, stretches the lung walls.
    • Increasing this pressure gradient, by lowering intra-pleural pressure, allows for lung expansion.

Physiology of Respiration | Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Optional for UPSC

Understanding Breathing and Oxygen Transport Simplified

  • Descriptive Breathing States:
    • Eupnea: Normal, effortless breathing at rest.
    • Dyspnea: Labored breathing with increased rate and depth.
    • Polypnea: Rapid, shallow, panting breaths.
  • Alveolar Gas and CO2 Concentration:
    • CO2 concentration in alveolar air depends on metabolic COproduction and alveolar ventilation.
    • Doubling ventilation halves alveolar CO2, and vice versa.
  • Oxygen Transport and Hemoglobin:
    • Oxygen solubility in blood is limited, so most is carried by hemoglobin in red cells.
    • Hemoglobin molecules in red cells can bind 1 to 4 oxygen molecules.
    • Blood's oxygen-carrying capacity depends on hemoglobin concentration.
  • Oxygen Saturation (SO2):
    • SO2 represents the percentage of hemoglobin binding sites occupied by oxygen.
    • Fully saturated blood is termed oxygen-carrying capacity.
    • Measured by equilibrating blood with room air.

Physiology of Respiration | Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Optional for UPSC

Understanding Blood Oxygenation Simplified

  • Blood Position:
    • Arterial blood is marked as 'a,' and venous blood is marked as 'v.'
  • Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve:
    • Normal Reaction: Hb + O2 → HbO2 (equilibrium content K).
    • Curve Shape: Unlike myoglobin, blood hemoglobin's curve is S-shaped.
    • Multiple Stages: Oxygenation occurs in four stages (K1, K2, K3, and K4).
  • Stages of Oxygenation:
    • Hb + O2 → HbO2 (K1)
    • HbO2 → HbO2 (K2)
    • HbO2 → HbO(K3)
    • HbO2 → Hb (O2)3 (K4)
  • Affinity Changes:
    • K1 and Kare similar, but K3 is slightly greater, and K4 is 20 times greater than K1.
    • After three O2 molecules bind, affinity for the last O2 increases twentyfold.
  • Configurational Change:
    • The haemoglobin molecule undergoes configurational changes during the first three steps.
    • This results in the exposure of the last binding site through unfolding and eversion.
  • More Hemoglobin, More Capacity:
    • Increasing hemoglobin and red cells in blood enhance its oxygen-carrying capacity.

Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Exchange in Blood

  • Tissue Interaction:
    • As oxygen is released in tissues, carbon dioxide is picked up by capillary blood.
    • The Bohr effect enhances oxygen unloading due to CO2 and increased hydrogen ions.
  • Return to Lungs:
    • When venous blood returns to the lungs, CO2 is rapidly removed, lowering blood Pco2.
    • This shifts the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve up and left, enhancing oxygen loading.
    • This chemical influence is known as the Bohr effect.
  • Influence of 2, 3 DPG:
    • Intra-erythrocytic 2, 3 DPG concentration affects the curve's position.
    • Increased 2, 3 DPG enhances oxygen unloading in tissues.
    • Synthesis is stimulated by hypoxia and hypocapnia and inhibited by acidosis.
  • Temperature Impact:
    • Increased blood temperature shifts the dissociation curve down and right.
    • This effect, similar to CO2 or hydrogen ion influence, supports oxygen unloading in tissues.
  • Oxygen Diffusing Capacity:
    • During exercise, the diffusing capacity across alveolar capillaries increases significantly.
    • Diseases can reduce this capacity, leading to deficient oxygenation.
  • Carbon Dioxide Transport:
    • CO2 is more soluble than oxygen, but less than 5% is in physical solution.
    • CO2 combines with water to form carbonic acid, affecting hydrogen ion concentration.
    • Carbonic anhydrase enzyme in red blood cells accelerates this reaction, crucial for CO2 elimination and uptake.

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Carbon Dioxide Transport and Respiratory Gas Exchange

  • Equilibrium of CO2 Reactions:
    • The second equation achieves equilibrium rapidly, not a rate-limiting reaction.
  • Buffering Action of Proteins:
    • Third and fourth equations demonstrate the buffering action of proteins, especially hemoglobin.
    • Haemoglobin in red blood cells plays a crucial role in maintaining acid-base balance.
  • CO2 Absorption Curves:
    • Different curves for partially deoxygenated and oxyhemoglobin.
    • Veins have a curve for deoxygenated, and arteries have one for oxygenated blood.
  • Balancing CO2 Carrying Capacity:
    • As oxygen unloads in tissues, CO2 is loaded onto hemoglobin, balancing CO2 carrying capacity.
    • In the lungs, as oxygen loads and blood becomes more acidic, CO2 carrying power decreases, aiding COremoval.
  • Respiratory Gas Exchange Assessment:
    • Evaluate respiratory gas exchange by measuring whole-animal oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production.
    • Respiratory Quotient (RQ): Ratio of expired air volume to differences in concentrations of respiratory gases.
  • Respiratory Exchange Ratio:
    • Used for measurements in non-steady-state conditions.
  • Respiratory Cycle and CO2 Gradients:
    • CO2 pressure gradient between mixed venous blood and alveolar air drives CO2 out of the blood.
    • Bicarbonate and chloride ions exchange between red cells and plasma during the Chloride or Hamburger Shift.
    • Carbonic anhydrase enzyme speeds up these reactions, establishing a new arterial equilibrium faster than pulmonary capillary transit.

Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Exchange in the Lungs

  • Venous Blood Composition:
    • Venous blood returning to the lungs is 70% saturated with oxygen and has a partial pressure of oxygen of about 40 mm Hg.
    • Alveolar air has a higher partial pressure of oxygen (100 mm Hg), creating a gradient for oxygen of approximately 60 mm Hg, ten times that for CO2.
  • Oxygen Loading in the Lungs:
    • The relatively low solubility of oxygen limits its speed of flow into the plasma.
    • Venous blood unloads carbon dioxide more rapidly than it loads oxygen, shifting the operative oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve up and to the left due to the Bohr effect.
    • This allows more efficient loading of oxygen at the same partial pressure than without CO2 loss.
  • Oxygen Transport in Blood:
    • Oxygen must pass through the plasma and is quickly taken up into the red cell interior, associating with hemoglobin.
    • Saturation of hemoglobin causes a shift in the CO2 absorption curve through the Haldane effect, leading to extra unloading of CO2.
  • Processes in Tissues:
    • In tissues, these processes occur in reverse but follow the same principles.

Adaptations to High Altitudes

  • Long-term residents at high altitudes show chronic hyperventilation and an increased ventilatory response to carbon dioxide.
  • Adaptations include increased vital capacity, expiration reserve volume, residual volume, and functional residual capacity.
  • During exercise, the hypoxic stimulus becomes more apparent, and adaptations may include an increase in alveolar capillary diffusing area.

Physiological Adaptations to High Altitudes

  • Increase in cardiac output.
  • Increase in blood viscosity.
  • High pulmonary arterial pressure.
  • Increase in the number of red blood cells (polycythemia).
  • Increase in hemoglobin.
  • Expansion of blood volume.
  • Increased number of perfused capillaries.
  • Increase in glycolysis.
  • More ATPase activity.
  • Tissues contain higher concentrations of high-energy phosphate stores.

Regulation of Breathing

  • Breathing is initiated by rhythmic contractions of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.
  • Inspiratory activity exceeds expiratory activity under normal resting conditions, with the diaphragm and intercostal muscles being active during both inspiration and expiration.

Mechanism of Breathing

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Physiology of Respiration
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Control Centers in the Brain

  • The rhythm and limits of breathing are regulated by neuronal pools in the medulla oblongata.
  • Neuronal pools, collectively called respiratory centers, receive information from peripheral receptors, chemosensitive areas, and higher nervous centers, including the cerebral cortex.
  • Efferent impulses from these centers flow through phrenic and intercostal nerves.

Pneumotaxic Center and Respiratory Cycle

  • The pneumotaxic center in the upper part of the brain's pons converts continuous inspiratory center discharge into rhythmic patterns.
  • Both inspiratory and expiratory centers are located in the medulla.
  • There's a feedback circuit between the medulla and pons involving the inspiratory, expiratory, and pneumotaxic centers.
  • The inspiratory center sends impulses to the pneumotaxic center, and vice versa, forming a regulatory loop.

Lung and Chest Receptors

  • Vagus nerve carries impulses from lung tissue receptors sensitive to stretch.
  • The Hering-Breuer reflex, triggered by vagus activity, inhibits the inspiratory center, influencing the normal rhythm of respiration.
  • An expiratory-excitatory reflex, also involving the vagi, promotes inspiration, especially at lung volumes below functional residual capacity.
  • Intercostal muscles with muscle spindles act as length receptors and contribute to reflexes that affect inspiration.

Chemical Control of Breathing

  • The partial pressures of CO2 and oxygen are crucial stimuli for regulating ventilation.
  • Peripheral chemoreceptors in carotid and aortic bodies sense low oxygen levels.
  • CNS, specifically the medulla, responds to CO2 concentration and hydrogen ions, particularly if there's accompanying low oxygen.
  • Carotid and aortic bodies act as noniterating devices, sensing oxygen and CO2 levels in arterial blood.
  • Negative feedback control system ensures ventilation increases if levels deviate from normal, bringing them back to a balanced state.
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Carotid Body and Ventilatory Control

  • Structure of Carotid Body:
    • The carotid body consists of epithelioid cells surrounded by a network of sinusoidal blood vessels.
    • It has a rich blood supply compared to other organs.
  • Nervous Control and Inhibition:
    • Chemoreceptor cells in the carotid body are under efferent nervous control.
    • The major effect of nervous control is inhibitory.
  • CSF as a Determinant:
    • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) plays a role in ventilatory control.
    • Changes in hydrogen ion concentration in CSF lead to ventilatory responses.
    • Chemoreceptive sites on or beneath the fourth ventricle's floor respond to CSF changes.
  • CSF as Brain Fluid:
    • CSF is in equilibrium with cerebral blood, likely venous, acting as the brain's extracellular fluid.
    • Its constant hydrogen ion concentration despite blood acid-base changes suggests robust control.
  • Chemoreceptor System as Reserve Mechanism:
    • The chemoreceptor system acts as a reserve mechanism supporting the higher nervous system.
    • Chemoreceptors in the arterial blood stream serve as "error correctors" in maintaining physiological balance.
  • Role of Chemoreceptor Areas in the Brain:
    • Chemoreceptor areas in the brain, especially those sensitive to CSF composition, don't regulate ventilation in acute episodes.
    • Their response is a crucial part of the overall ventilatory control process.

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What is the role of hemoglobin in maintaining acid-base balance?
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Symbols and Abbreviations

  • P: Pressure
  • V: Volume of blood or air
  • PA: Alveolar pressure
  • VO₂: Oxygen consumption
  • VCO₂: Carbon dioxide production
  • R: Respiratory exchange ratio

Volumes and Pressures

  • STPD: Standard temperature and pressure, dry
  • BTPS: Body temperature and pressure saturated with water vapor
  • ATPS: Ambient temperature and pressure saturated with water vapor
  • Gas Concentrations:
  • PACO₂: Alveolar partial pressure of CO₂
  • FIO₂: Fractional concentration of O₂ in inspiration
  • CvCO₂: Mixed venous blood CO₂ content
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FAQs on Physiology of Respiration - Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Optional for UPSC

1. What is the main function of the respiratory system?
Ans. The main function of the respiratory system is to facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the environment. Oxygen is taken in through inhalation and transported to the body's cells, while carbon dioxide, a waste product, is removed from the body through exhalation.
2. How does respiration occur in the lungs?
Ans. Respiration in the lungs occurs through a process called gas exchange. When we inhale, oxygen-rich air enters the lungs and diffuses into the bloodstream through tiny air sacs called alveoli. At the same time, carbon dioxide, a waste product, diffuses from the bloodstream into the alveoli and is exhaled out of the body during exhalation.
3. What factors influence the rate and depth of breathing?
Ans. Several factors can influence the rate and depth of breathing. These include the level of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood, the body's metabolic needs, physical activity level, emotions, and certain medical conditions. For example, during exercise, the body's demand for oxygen increases, leading to an increase in the rate and depth of breathing.
4. How is blood oxygenated in the lungs?
Ans. Blood is oxygenated in the lungs through the process of pulmonary gas exchange. Oxygen from inhaled air diffuses across the thin walls of the alveoli into the surrounding capillaries. At the same time, carbon dioxide, a waste product, diffuses from the capillaries into the alveoli to be exhaled. This exchange of gases occurs due to differences in partial pressures and concentration gradients.
5. How is the process of breathing controlled?
Ans. The process of breathing is controlled by the respiratory center in the brain, specifically the medulla oblongata and pons. These areas receive sensory information from chemoreceptors, which monitor the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH in the blood. Based on this information, the respiratory center adjusts the rate and depth of breathing to maintain proper gas exchange and homeostasis.

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Physiology of Respiration | Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Optional for UPSC




