Table of contents | |
Introduction | |
Heritable vs. Environmental Variation | |
Inheritance of Quantitative Traits | |
Broad-Sense Heritability | |
Types of Progeny | |
Types of Selection |
In the study of plant traits, it's essential to understand the contributions of genetics and the environment to the observed phenotype. This understanding is crucial for plant breeding and cultivar improvement.
Here's a breakdown of the factors involved:
Plant breeders must be able to distinguish and understand these sources of variation to effectively select and propagate desired traits in subsequent generations. By doing so, they can develop cultivars that exhibit consistent and desirable characteristics, whether they are qualitative or quantitative traits, in a variety of environmental conditions.
The study conducted by Clausen, Keck, and Hiesey in the 1930s and 1940s involving yarrow (Achillea millefolia) and sticky cinquefoil (Potentilla glandulosa) provides a classic example of genotype × environment interaction (GxE).
Here's an overview of the study and its findings:
This study exemplifies how GxE interaction can be studied through reciprocal transplant experiments and provides insights into the adaptation of plant populations to their specific environments. It also underscores the importance of considering both genetic and environmental factors in understanding trait variation and evolution in natural populations.
Locations for experimental studies examining contributions of G, E, and GxE. Adapted from Barbour at al., 1999
They concluded each species had differentiated into genetically distinct subspecies — which they called ecotypes — that are best suited to their specific environments. In the transplant gardens, no single ecotype performed best at all altitudes. For example, genotypes that produced the tallest plants at the mid-altitude garden site grew poorly at the low and high sites. Conversely, genotypes that grew the best at the low or high sites sometimes performed poorly at the mid-altitude site. Although within a species, all populations were found to be completely interfertile, ecotypes adapted to low or mid-altitude died when transplanted to the high altitude garden, while ecotypes from high elevations along the transect survived through the winter when locally grown in the test plots. GxE interaction was observed for height, among other characters.
Response of plant ecotypes (Potentilla subspecies) to low, mid-, and high elevation transplant sites. Data from Clausen, Keck, and Hiesey, 1940, in Rauscher, 2005.
Figure 3 shows variation in phenotype between two cultivars of watermelon with regard to a quantitatively inherited trait (yield in this case) in response to variation in an environmental factor (soil salinity in this case) and illustrates the significance of genotype x environmental interaction.
Hypothetical comparisons of genetic x environment interactions (GxE) in yield of two watermelon cultivars in response to increasing levels of soil salinity
The diameter of Gaillardia pulchella flowers is a quantitative trait. Photo by DanielCD; CC-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
The inheritance of quantitative traits is governed by the interaction of multiple genes (polygenes) rather than single, distinct genes. These genes collectively influence the trait's expression, and their effects are also influenced by environmental factors. Unlike simple Mendelian traits where the impact of individual genes is clear, in quantitative traits, the contribution of each gene is not immediately apparent. However, it was later discovered in the early 1900s that the inheritance of the individual genes responsible for quantitative traits does adhere to the same Mendelian inheritance principles as single genes with distinct alleles.
Herman Nilsson-Ehle. Photo licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
Wheat kernels. Photo by zandland; licensed under CC-SA 3.0
With three independent pairs of genes segregating, each with two alleles, as well as environmental effects acting on kernel color, the F2 progeny would contain 63 plants with varying shades of red kernels and one with white kernels. Linkage among the genes restricts independent assortment, so that the required size of the F2 population becomes larger.
Range of wheat kernel color in an F2 generation. (a) Kernel color depicted by seven discrete classes modeled on segregation of three contributing genes, each exhibiting partial dominance. (b) Kernel color depicted by continuous variation in all seven color classes
Based on a random sample from a genetically mixed population, the distribution of a quantitative trait’s expression approximates a normal or bell curve
Summary of interactions among alleles (within or between loci) defining different types of gene action
Transgressive segregation may occur. These individuals exhibit phenotypes outside the range of those expressed by the parents. Transgressive segregation occurs when progeny contain new combinations of multiple genes with more positive effects or more negative effects for the quantitative trait than found in either parent. One challenge is that strong environmental effects would make it difficult to assess the mean performance in parental plants vs. progeny in order to detect for the presence of any transgressive segregants.
Albinism, such as that exhibited by this deer, is one common effect of pleiotropic mutation. Photo by Paulo Brandao; CC-SA 2.0
Conceptual Basis for Understanding Heritability
Heritability estimates the relative contribution of genetic factors to the phenotypic variability observed in a population. What causes variance among plants and among lines or varieties? Phenotypic variation observed among plants or varieties is due to differences in
The effectiveness with which selection can be expected to take advantage of variability depends on how much of that variability results from genetic differences. Why? Only genetic effects can be transmitted to progeny. Heritability estimates
As mentioned in the introduction of this lesson, central to the understanding of quantitatively inherited traits is the recognition of family resemblance. Two relatives, such as a parent and its offspring, two full or half-siblings, or identical twins, would be expected to be phenotypically more similar to each other than either is to a random individual from a population. Although close relatives may share not only genes (they may also share similar environments for traits that have a large genetic component), resemblance between relatives is expected to increase as closer pairs of relatives are examined because they share more and more genes in common. In this conceptual framework, heritability can be understood as a measure of the extent to which genetic differences in individuals contribute to differences in observed traits.
Individuals that are related genetically would be expected to be more phenotypically similar to each other than to other individuals from a population
For plant breeders, heritability can also be understood in a statistical framework by defining it as the proportion of the phenotypic variance that is explained by genetic variance. Heritability indicates the proportion of the total phenotypic variance attributable to genetic effects, the portion of the variance that is transmittable to offspring. A general formula for calculating heritability is
Heritability depends on the range of typical environments experienced by the population under study (if the environment is fairly uniform, then heritability can be high, but if the range of environmental differences is high, then heritability may be low. Even when heritability is high, environmental factors may influence a characteristic. Heritability does not indicate anything about the degree to which genes determine a trait; instead it indicates the degree to which genes determine variation in a trait.
Characters having low heritabilities are usually highly sensitive to the environment, presenting greater breeding challenges — low heritability traits often require larger populations and more test environments than do characters having high heritabilities for selection and improvement.
Table 4 Average heritability estimates (h2) of maize characters. Average estimates are derived from estimates reported in the literature. The magnitude of these estimates reflects both the complexity of the trait and the number of estimates reported in the literature.
Data from Hallauer and Miranda, 1988, p. 118.
There are two types of heritability: broad-sense and narrow-sense heritability.
Broad sense heritability, H2, estimates heritability on the basis of all genetic effects.
It expresses total genetic variance as a percentage, and does not separate the components of genetic variance such as additive, dominance, and epistatic effects.
Generally, broad-sense heritability is a relatively poor predictor of potential genetic gain or breeding progress. Its usefulness depends on the particular population. Broad-sense heritability is
Narrow-sense heritability, h2, in contrast, expresses the percentage of genetic variance that is caused by additive gene action, VA.
Narrow-sense heritability is always less than or equal to broad-sense heritability because narrow-sense heritability includes only additive effects, whereas broad-sense heritability is based on all genetic effects.
The usefulness of broad- vs. narrow-sense heritability depends on the generation and reproductive system of the particular population. In general, narrow-sense heritability is more useful than broad-sense heritability since only additive gene action can normally be transmitted to progeny. This is, because in systems with sexual reproduction, only gametes (alleles) but not genotypes are transmitted to offspring. In contrast, in case of asexual reproduction, genotypes are transmitted to offspring.
There are two primary approaches to estimate heritability, which involve assessing the contributions of genetic (G), environmental (E), and genetic-environmental interactions (GxE) components. These methods can be used to calculate heritability and are typically derived from analyzing phenotypic variation within a population grown in different environments (across multiple locations and/or years).
Here are the two main approaches:
Both of these approaches aim to estimate heritability by considering the relative contributions of genetics, environment, and their interactions. The choice between these methods often depends on the availability of data and the specific characteristics of the population being studied.
An alternative formula for calculating the regression coefficient, b, is
b = regression coefficient
X = parent values
Y = progeny values
The performance of the progeny is a function of the genetic factors inherited from the parents. (Assume that “parent” means either a random plant or line from a population.) Thus, X, the parent value, is the independent variable, and Y, the progeny value, is the response or dependent variable.
What does the regression coefficient, b, tell us?
If b = 1, then
gene action is completely additive,
negligible environmental effect,
and negligible experimental error.
The smaller the value of b, the less closely the progeny resemble their parent(s), indicating
greater environmental influence on the character,
greater dominance and/or epistatic effects, and/or
greater experimental error.
An analysis of variance will provide estimates of the relative influence of genetics, environment, and experimental error.
The type of heritability and the specific formula used to estimate it depends on the type of progeny evaluated.
The population’s reproductive mode and mating design determine the type of heritability and the formula used to calculate the estimate.
F2 plants are self-pollinated to obtain the F3. All the alleles in the F3 come from the F2 parent. Evaluate the character performance of the F3
Regress the performance of the F3 on the performance of their F2 parents.
The regression coefficient, b, is equal to H2, broad-sense heritability because its genetic variance includes dominance, additive, and epistatic effects.
Since it is difficult to obtain information about gene action (dominance, epistasis, additive) in self-pollinated populations, narrow-sense heritability is a poor predictor of genetic gain and rarely used in these populations. Inbreeding causes an upward bias in the heritability estimate.
Two random F2 plants are mated. Half of the alleles in the F3 come from one parent and half from the other. Evaluate the character performance of the F3.
Determine the mid-parent value of the two parents. Mid-parent value, X = (x1 + x2) /2
Regress the progeny on the mid-parent value. The regression of progeny on the mid-parent value is
Since the progeny have both parents in common, only additive variance is included, so the regression coefficient, b, is equal to narrow-sense heritability.
h2 = b × 100 (1.8.25)
Heritability is not an intrinsic property of a trait or a population. As we’ve seen, it is influenced by:
Heritability can be manipulated by increasing the number of replicates and number of environments sampled (in space and/or time). Genetic variance can be increased by using diverse parents and by increasing the selection intensity. Heritability is only an indicator to guide the breeder in making selections and is not a substitute for other considerations, such as breeding objectives and resource availability.
Estimating Response to Selection
Evolution can be defined as genetic change in one or more inherited trait that takes place over time within a population or group of organisms. Plant breeders can use quantitative genetics to predict the rate and magnitude of genetic change. The amount and type of genetic variation affects how fast evolution can occur if selection is imposed on a phenotype.
The amount that a phenotype changes in one generation is called the selection response, R. The selection response is dependent on two factors—the narrow-sense heritability and the selection differential, S. The selection differential is a measure of the average superiority of individuals selected to be parents of the next generation.
R = h2S (1.8.27)
The above equation is often called the “breeder’s equation”. It shows the key point that response to selection increases when either the heritability of the trait or the strength of the selection increases.
In an experiment, the observed response to selection allows the calculation of an estimate of the narrow-sense heritability, often called the realized heritability. A low h2 (<0.01) occurs when offspring of the selected parents differ very little from the original population, even though there may be a large difference between the population as a whole and the selected parents. Conversely, a high h2 (> 0.6) occurs when progeny of the selected parents differ from the original population almost as much as the selected parents.
In the figure in the next screen, it can be seen that the selection differential (S) in each generation is the difference between the mean of the entire original population and the mean of group of individuals selected to form the next generation. In contrast, the response to selection (R) indicates the differences in population means across generations. The value of R is the difference between the mean of the offspring from the selected parents and the mean of the entire original population:
The proportionate contribution of offspring of an individual to the next generation is referred to as fitness of the individual. Fitness is also sometimes called the adaptive value or selective value. Note in the figure that the non-selected members of the population do not contribute to the next generation and that selection over time reduced the variance of the population.
Artificial selection refers to selective breeding of plants and animals by humans to produce populations with more desirable traits. Artificial selection is typically directional selection because it is applied to individuals at one extreme of the range of variation for the phenotype selected. This type of selection process is also called truncation selection because there is a threshold phenotypic value above which the individuals contribute and below which they do not. In contrast, under natural selection in non-managed populations, other types of selection may occur.
Three main types of selection are generally recognized. All three operate under natural selection in natural populations, whereas under artificial selection via selective breeding by humans only directional selection is common.
Directional selection acts on one extreme of the range of variation for a particular characteristic.
Stabilizing selection works against the extremes in the distribution of the phenotype in the population. An example of this type of selection is human birth weight. Infants of intermediate weight have a much higher survival rate than infants who are either too large or too small.
Disruptive selection favors the extremes and disfavors the middle of the range of the phenotype in the population.
One of the most famous longest-term selection experiments is a study conducted by University of Illinois geneticists who have been selecting maize continuously for over 100 generations since 1896. They have been changing oil and protein content in separate experiments, selecting for either high or low content. In some cases after multiple generations, they have shifted selection from high to low or vice versa.
Figure 17 Responses to 100 generations for high and low oil concentration in maize kernels. Data from Department of Crop Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007.
Because resources are limited, the breeder’s objective is to carry forward as few plants or lines as possible without omitting desirable ones. How does the breeder decide how many and which plants or lines within a population to carry forward to the next generation? The breeder can use heritability estimates to predict the probability that selecting a given percentage of the population or selection intensity, i, will result in progress. The expected progress or gain can be calculated using this formula:
Gc = expected gain or predicted genetic advance from selection per cycle
k = selection intensity — a constant based on the percent selected and obtained from statistical tables (note that some people use hte i symbol instead of k for selection intensity
square root of phenotypic variance (equivalent to standard deviation)h2 = narrow – sense heritability in decimal form (narrow – sense is used for sexually reproduced populations whenever possible, and broad sense heritability, H2, is used for self – pollinating and asexually reproduce populations)Caution: The phenotypic values must exhibit a normal, or bell-curve, distribution for Gc to be valid
179 videos|140 docs
1. What is heritability? |
2. What is the difference between heritable and environmental variation? |
3. How is the inheritance of quantitative traits different from qualitative traits? |
4. What is broad-sense heritability? |
5. How is quantitative genetics relevant in the context of UPSC? |
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