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Revision notes of Advanced GIMP, Information & Computer Technology, Class 10 | Information & Computer Technology (Class 10) - Notes & Video PDF Download

• GIMP is called multi-platform photo manipulation tool. 
• It is covered by the General Public License [GPL] which provides the users with the freedom to access and alter the source code.
• It is available for other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows™ or Apple’s Mac OS X™ (Darwin).
• Features of GIMP are:

→ It can be used as a simple paint program.

→ It can be used as an expert quality photo retouching program.

→ It can be used as an online batch processing system.

→ It can be used as a mass production image producer to develop different models.

→ The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted.

→ It can convert and save files to many file formats such as gif, jpeg, tiff.etc

→ It can load and save animations in a convenient frame as layer format.

→ Virtually unlimited images can be opened at one time.

→ GIMP works with numerous operating systems including Linux, Mac OS and Microsoft Windows.

Tool Box
Revision notes of Advanced GIMP, Information & Computer Technology, Class 10 | Information & Computer Technology (Class 10) - Notes & Video
                Revision notes of Advanced GIMP, Information & Computer Technology, Class 10 | Information & Computer Technology (Class 10) - Notes & Video

• Move tool [M]: The Move Tool is used to move layers, selections, paths or guides of both the objects and the text.
• Align tool [Q]: The Align tool is useful to align the image layers with various image objects.
• Scale tool [Shift + T]: The Scale Tool is used to scale layers, selections or paths (the Object).
• Shear tool [Shift + S]: Shear tool is used to shift one selected part of an image, a layer, a selection or a path to a direction and the other part to the opposite direction.
• Perspective tool: The Perspective Tool is used to view the images in different dimensions, of the active layer content.
• Flip an Image: It creates the mirror image of the photo.
• Rotate an Image: This tool is used to rotate an image in different directions i.e. from horizontal to vertical and vice versa.
• Blend tool [L]: This tool is used to fill the selected area with a gradient blend of the foreground and
background colours by default.
• Blur/Sharpen tool [Shift +U]: This tool is used to blur or sharpen the image using the current brush.
• Smudge tool [S]: The Smudge tool uses the current brush to smudge colours on the active layer or the selection.
• Dodge/Burn tool [Shift + D]: The Dodge tool uses the current brush to lighten the colors in your image. The Burn tool uses the current brush to darken the colors in your image.
• Eraser tool [Shift + E]: This works similar to a classic eraser which helps to erase things.
• Pencil tool [N]: This tool works similar to a real pencil which helps to draw things.
• Paint brush tool [P]:This tool draws brush like strokes and used to create special effects.

Steps to use the tools
• Move Tool (M): Access this tool by:
♠ From the image menu bar Tools → Transform Tools → Move
♠ By clicking on tool icon.
♠ By using the keyboard shortcut M.
→ To use this tool simply click on the canvas and drag the selection to a desired location.
• Move tool options: Access this option by:
♠ Tool options are displayed in a window attached under the Toolbox as soon as you activate a tool.
♠ Windows → Dockable Windows → Tool Options which opens the option window of the selected tool.

→ How to use:
♠ If Move is on “Layer” – Only the current Layer will be moved.
♠ If Move is on “Selection” – The selection’s outline will be moved.
♠ If Move is on “Path” - The mouse pointer turns to a small hand when it goes over a visible path. Move this path by click-and-dragging it

• Align tool: Access this tool by:
♠ From the image-menu, through: Tools → Transform Tools → Align
♠ By clicking on the tool icon in the toolbox,
♠ By using the Q keyboard shortcut.

→ How to use:
♠ By clicking on an element of a layer in the image, you choose the layer which will be moved (with Shift + click, you can choose several layers to be aligned).
• Align tool options: Access this option by:
♠ The options of Align Tool become active when a layer is selected.

→ How to use:
♠ When you click on one of these buttons, you align the selected layer with left edge, horizontal middle, right edge, top edge, vertical middle, or bottom of the target.
• Scale tool [Shift + T]: Access this tool by:
♠ In Menubar, Image → Scale Image
♠ ♠ By using the keyboard shortcut Shift + T.

→ How to use:
♠ Click on Image → Scale Image
♠ Set the width and height and click on scale.
• Shear tool [Shift + S]: Access this tool by:
♠ In the image-menu through: Tools → Transform Tools → Shear,
♠ By clicking the tool icon in Toolbox
♠ By using the Shift+S key combination.

→ Use:
♠ It is used to shift one part of an image, a layer, a selection or a path to a direction and the other part to the opposite direction.
• Perspective tool: Access this tool by:
♠ By clicking the tool icon in Toolbox,
♠ By using the Shift+P key combination.

→ Use:
♠ It is used to change the dimensions of the active layer content, of selection content or of a path.
• Flip an Image: Access this tool by:
♠ Right click on the image and follow the menus Tools → Transform Tools → Flip or use the button on the toolbox.

• Rotate an image: How to use:
♠ Right click on the image, and follow the menus Image → Transforms → Rotate → 90 degrees (or 270 depending on the orientation).

• Blend tool [L]: Access this tool by:
♠ From the image-menu: Tools → Paint Tools → Blend.
♠ By clicking the tool icon.
♠ By clicking on the L keyboard shortcut.

→ How to use:
♠ Select the foreground and background colour of choice.
♠ Fill the colour using bucket tool
♠ Click on blend tool and select the area till where we want to have blend effect.

• Blur/Sharpen tool [Shift +U]: Access this tool by:
♠ From the image-menu: Tools → Paint tools → Blur/Sharpen.
♠ Select it by clicking the tool icon in the Toolbox.
♠ By using the keyboard shortcut Shift+U.

→ How to use:
♠ Set convolve type to switch between blur\sharpen.
♠ Set the rate
♠ Click on the canvas area and keep on dragging the brush until the desired result is obtained.

• Smudge tool [S]: Access this tool by:
♠ Through Tools → Paint Tools → Smudge. in the image menu.
♠ By clicking on the tool icon in Toolbox,
♠ By pressing the S key on keyboard.

→ How to use:
♠ Using Ctrl with Shift, we can constrain the angle between two successive lines to vary by steps of 15°.

• Dodge/Burn tool [Shift + D]: Access this tool by:
♠ From the image-menu: Tools → Paint Tools → Dodge / Burn.
♠ By clicking the tool icon
♠ By using the Shift+D keyboard shortcut.

→ Use:
♠ The Dodge tool uses the current brush to lighten the colours in the image.
♠ The Burn tool uses the current brush to darken the colours in the image.

• In GIMP terminology, each individual transparency is called a layer.
• It provides a variety of effects that change the appearance of the image.
• A new image in Gimp has a single layer. We can add a number of additional layers to add different elements in an image.
• Adding a new layer:
→ Layer menu → select new layer.
→ Enter the information such as name, height, width and transparency for a new layer.
• Renaming a layer:
→ Highlight the layer, right click it
→ Select edit layer attributes, then type in a new name.
• Deleting a layer:
→ Select the layer and press the bin like looking button at the bottom of layers tab.
• Merging a layer:
→ Open both the images as layers.
→ Right-click the layer and select merge down or merge visible option available in the drop-down menu.
(The Merge down option merges the selected layer with the layer right below it, whereas the Merge visible option merges all the visible layers.)
→ Resultant image, after merging the two layers.
• Scaling a layer:
→ In the image menubar through Layer → Scale Layer.
→ It resizes the layer and its contents.
• Duplicating a layer:
→ Click image menu→ Layer → Duplicate Layer, or
→  From the local pop-up menu that you get by right-clicking on the Layer Dialog.

• The Mask is GIMP’s way of showing the full structure of the selection.
• It provides the ability to interact with the selection in new, and substantially ways.
• How to do masking:
→ Click the small outlined button at the lower left of the image window to toggle Quickmask on and off. or Select → Toggle Quickmask, or Shift + Q, to toggle between Quickmask and marching ants mode.
→ By default the mask is shown in red, but you can change this if another mask colour is more convenient.

• Editing a mask:
→ Go to the channels tab, select “quickmask” channel, right-click to open the drop-down menu.
→ Select Edit channel attributes…and change the colour.

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FAQs on Revision notes of Advanced GIMP, Information & Computer Technology, Class 10 - Information & Computer Technology (Class 10) - Notes & Video

1. What is GIMP and how can it be used for advanced image editing?
Ans. GIMP, which stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program, is a free and open-source image editing software. It can be used for advanced editing tasks such as retouching photos, creating digital artwork, and enhancing images with various filters and effects. GIMP provides a wide range of tools and features, including layers, masks, brushes, and selection tools, making it a powerful tool for professional image editing.
2. What are some advanced features in GIMP that can be used for photo retouching?
Ans. GIMP offers several advanced features for photo retouching. Some of these include: - Clone tool: This tool allows users to copy pixels from one area of an image to another, helping to remove blemishes or unwanted elements. - Healing tool: Similar to the clone tool, the healing tool helps to remove imperfections by blending them with the surrounding pixels, resulting in a more seamless retouch. - Curves adjustment: This feature allows users to adjust the brightness and contrast of specific areas in an image, providing more control over the tonal range. - Dodge and Burn tools: These tools enable users to selectively lighten or darken areas of an image, enhancing details and adding depth. - Frequency separation: This technique separates the high-frequency details (such as texture) from the low-frequency color and tone information in an image, allowing precise retouching without affecting overall image quality.
3. Can GIMP be used for creating digital artwork and illustrations?
Ans. Yes, GIMP can be used for creating digital artwork and illustrations. It provides a wide range of tools and features that are essential for digital art creation. Users can utilize brushes, layers, blending modes, and various selection tools to create unique and visually appealing artwork. GIMP also supports tablet pressure sensitivity, allowing artists to have more control and precision while drawing or painting.
4. How can GIMP be used to enhance images with filters and effects?
Ans. GIMP offers a variety of filters and effects that can be applied to images to enhance their appearance. Users can access these filters through the "Filters" menu in the software. Some popular filters include blur, sharpen, color correction, artistic effects, and distortions. These filters can be customized and combined to achieve desired effects. GIMP also supports the use of plugins, which further extends the range of available filters and effects.
5. Is GIMP compatible with popular file formats used in the graphic design industry?
Ans. Yes, GIMP is compatible with popular file formats commonly used in the graphic design industry. It supports file formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and PSD (Adobe Photoshop). This allows users to easily import and edit files created in other software. GIMP also provides options for exporting images in different file formats, ensuring compatibility with various platforms and devices.
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