This chapter "The Historical Background of Indian Constitution" will help you understand about the various events which lead to the development of the constitution, dating back to 1773 to 1950.
Along with that, we would help you familiarize with the following:
➢ Types of Questions which are being asked in UPSC exam.
➢ Why do you need to learn the History of Indian Constitution. What it's importance?
Why do you need to learn this chapter?
As a UPSC Aspirant, you need to understand each aspect of the Constitution and brief about the history that is linked with it. You will become more aware about the Reservations, States formation, Rights of citizens and every other aspect of the Constitution. This chapter will give you the necessary introduction to the base of problems that our constitution wanted to address, which is important for UPSC Prelims & Mains (both).
Have you ever wondered?
Not just these, there were tonnes of events and happenings in the Indian History which set the base of Indian Constitution and all of this is being covered in this chapter.
Brief about the Topics covered in this Chapter
Understanding events & thoughts that went into the preparation of our Constitution that runs our country.
We will also be covering the types of questions which are being asked in the UPSC Prelims exam for a better understanding. Here's a Sample question.
Question: The distribution of powers between the Centre and the States in the Indian Constitution is based on the scheme provided in the________.
(a) Morley-Minto Reforms, 1909
(b) Montagu-Chelmsford Act, 1919
(c) Government of India Act, 1935
(d) Indian Independence Act, 1947
This question was directly asked from this chapter and we would help you understand the tricks to solve such questions which have come either in Prelims, Mains or any other State-exam.
Change in UPSC trends
The trends of the type of questions which are asked in UPSC exam have changed:
EduRev Videos
We recommend watching the EduRev Videos (Recommended by UPSC Experts) for a basic understanding of the chapter. This would help you to get familiar with storyline and develop an idea/overview of the chapter.
Important Tips:
⇒Don't try to memorize everything at first place, you will eventually understand everything.
⇒ Focus more on watching videos, not on making notes. As this should be done at the end of the chapter and also EduRev already covered notes making part for you.
Chapter Videos : We have divided this chapter into 5 parts/videos, below are the links of each of the 5 timelines:
EduRev Notes
Once you are through with the chronology and contents of the videos, you would need to understand the events in details, so we've covered all the events in the form of detailed notes prepared by the Best Teachers of UPSC.
Link to the: EduRev Notes
M Laxmikanth is the Bible for Indian Polity and every UPSC Aspirant must study this book if you really wish to crack the exam. So, to help you to study Laxmikanth quickly, we've provided the gist of the "History of Constitution" chapter from M Laxmikanth.
EduRev Tests
EduRev offers quick tests (20-30 mins) along with the detailed notes and video lectures to help you revise the topic just after you've studied it. These tests helps you check your knowledge instantly and is a great self-improvement tool.
You can also re-attempt these tests for revision or to check your improvement. EduRev offers 5 tests for this Chapter, which covers Static & Dynamic Questions and also questions which have been asked in previous years.
Interesting features of Tests:
(a) Detailed Analysis to help you understand your Strengths & Weaknesses.
(b) Instant solutions/explanations for each questions.
(c) Nation-wide Rankings (you would know where you stand).
Interesting Tip:
These quick tests help you develop the attitude of attempting questions, which is really important for an aspirant preparing to crack the toughest exam in the country. Once you start attempting these regular tests, you will witness yourself becoming more empowered to win the competition.
EduRev's Mindmap
After reading all these sources you also have to properly revise and memorize them, for that you will be mastering this chapter through the Mind-Maps included.
Link to the: Mind Map
EduRev's mind maps are developed keeping in mind the preparation of UPSC civil services Prelims & Mains exam, and the student feedback we have received over the years.
Overview of the Complete Chapter
Here’s a Glimpse of the Chapter: The Videos, Notes & Tests have been arranged as per the feedback of the students & suggestions by teachers. However, you can study as per your requirement, switching between different tabs of Tests, Notes, Videos at the top of the hierarchy.
All the Best! We wish to contribute in the best possible way in your journey to becoming an Officer!
12 videos|63 docs