The stampede on Tuesday at a religious congregation at Hathras in western Uttar Pradesh, claiming over 120 lives, is only the latest in a series of such tragedies in the coun try. There have been at least half-a-dozen such in cidents in the last 20-odd years. In this instance, at least a lakh of people flocked to Fulrai village to listen to an addressby a preacher Suraj Pal, also known as Narayan Sakar Hari or “Bhole Baba”. There are reports that there were over 2.5 lakh participants at the venue, which couldaccommo date no more than 80,000.
Traumatic Asphyxia: The most common cause of death in stampedes, resulting from partial or complete cessation of respiration due to external compression of the thorax and/or upper abdomen.
Other Causes:
Controlled Entry: Ideally, limit the number of people entering a contained space.
Critical Measures:
Importance of Communication:
Effective crowd management, better space design, and vigilant monitoring are essential to prevent stampedes and ensure safety at mass gatherings, particularly during religious events.
39 videos|4375 docs|923 tests
1. What was the tragic event discussed in the article? |
2. What were the factors that led to the tragedy mentioned in the article? |
3. How can similar tragedies be prevented in the future according to the article? |
4. What is the significance of learning from past mistakes, as mentioned in the article? |
5. What role does accountability play in ensuring safety and preventing tragedies, as discussed in the article? |
39 videos|4375 docs|923 tests