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UPSC Daily Current Affairs: 21st June 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly PDF Download

GS-III/Science and Technology


Source: Indian Express

UPSC Daily Current Affairs: 21st June 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

Recently, food safety authorities in Denmark have recalled three types of South Korean spicy instant noodles over possible risks of “acute poisoning” due to high Capsaicin levels.

Capsaicin: An Overview

Source and Composition:

  • Capsaicin is a naturally-occurring botanical irritant found in chili peppers, specifically in the "placenta" (the white membrane to which seeds are attached) of Capsicum genus plants.
  • It can also be synthetically derived for use in pharmaceutical formulations.

Mechanism of Action:

  • Capsaicin binds to TRPV1 receptors located in the nose, mouth, skin, and internal organs of humans.
  • TRPV1 receptors typically detect heat and pain, activating in response to temperature increases.
  • Capsaicin tricks these receptors into reacting as if there's a temperature rise, without an actual increase in temperature.
  • This leads the brain to perceive a burning sensation, causing the familiar pain associated with chili consumption.

Physiological Responses:

  • The body reacts to this perceived heat by trying to cool down:
    • Sweating and red face: Capillaries below the skin dilate, allowing blood to rush to the surface to radiate heat away.
    • Runny nose and teary eyes: The body's attempt to expel the irritating element.
    • Gut cramps and diarrhea: Additional responses to remove the irritant.

Medical Applications:

  • Capsaicin is primarily used as a topical analgesic.
  • Available in various formulations such as creams, liquids, and patches, with different strengths for pain relief.

GS-I/History and Culture

Mudgal Fort

Source: The Hindu

UPSC Daily Current Affairs: 21st June 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

The Mudgal Fort, which stands as a testament to the rich historical and cultural tapestry of Karnataka and India offering a glimpse into the region’s past through its enduring architectural, cultural and historical significance

Mudgal Fort: Key Highlights


  • Situated in the state of Karnataka, India.

Historical Significance:

  • The fort has a history spanning over 1000 years, with connections to several prominent dynasties:
    • Chalukyas
    • Rashtrakutas
    • Deccan Sultanate
    • Vijayanagara Empire
  • Gained prominence under the Bahmani Sultans, who ruled the Deccan Plateau from Gulbarga (now Kalaburagi).
  • Later controlled by the Vijayanagara Empire.
  • Became a significant site of conflict between the Vijayanagara Empire and the Adil Shahi Sultanate following the fragmentation of the Deccan Sultanate into five states.

Strategic Importance:

  • Located at the border between the Adil Shahi and Vijayanagara empires.
  • Witnessed 11 battles between the 14th and 16th centuries.
  • Valued for its strategic position in controlling the Raichur Doab, a fertile and mineral-rich region between the Tungabhadra and Krishna rivers.

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity:

  • Home to 99 inscriptions in various languages: Kannada, Sanskrit, Telugu, Persian, Arabic, and Gujarati.
  • Notable inscriptions include those describing Malik Murad Khan's bravery, a military general under Ibrahim Adil Shah II of Bijapur, who fought against the Vijayanagara Empire between 1590 and 1610.

Architectural Style:

  • Features a mix of architectural styles reflecting the diverse traditions of its inhabitants.
  • Contains significant structures such as:
    • Ranganathaswamy Temple
    • Hussain Alam Dargah
  • These structures share a common wall and compound, symbolizing the coexistence of different cultures and religions.
  • The fort includes several intricately carved gates with strategic defensive placements, with the main entrance on the north side known as Fateh Darwaza.



Source: Times of India

UPSC Daily Current Affairs: 21st June 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

Researchers have discovered a new genus of the Gomphonemoid diatom found in the clean water river of the Eastern Ghats and it has been named Indiconema to value its restricted distribution in the country.

Diatoms: Key Highlights


  • Photosynthetic, single-celled organisms.
  • Microscopic algae forming the base of the aquatic food chain.
  • Indicators of aquatic health due to their sensitivity to water chemistry changes.

Ecological Importance:

  • Major group of algae and a common form of phytoplankton.
  • Habitat: Found in nearly all aquatic environments, including fresh and marine waters.
  • Contribution: Responsible for generating up to 50% of the oxygen produced globally each year.

Cell Structure:

  • Cell walls made of silica.
  • Distinct patterns of tiny holes in their cell walls (frustules) for nutrient absorption and waste expulsion.

Indiconema: Key Facts

Distinctive Features:

  • Differs from others by having a pore field at both the head and foot pole rather than only at the foot pole.


  • Reported from the Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats in India.
  • Shared endemic elements with other groups, such as reptiles, across these two mountain systems.

Taxonomic Relationship:

  • Morphological features suggest Indiconema is sister to Afrocymbella, a genus endemic to East Africa.

GS-III/Science and Technology


Source: The Hindu

UPSC Daily Current Affairs: 21st June 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

Recently, at least 34 people have died, and around 100 others have been hospitalised after consuming hooch, or spurious liquor, in Tamil Nadu’s Kallakurichi.

Hooch: Key Highlights


  • Hooch: A term for poor quality alcohol, derived from the Hoochinoo, a native Alaskan tribe known for producing strong liquor.
  • Unlike branded liquor, hooch is made in crude settings without sophisticated equipment or rigorous quality control.

Production Process:

  • Basic Processes: Fermentation and distillation.


  • Process: Yeast reacts with sugar (from grain, fruits, sugarcane, etc.) to produce a mixture containing alcohol when heated.
  • Limitation: Fermentation can only produce alcohol up to 14-18% ABV (alcohol by volume) because higher alcohol levels become toxic for the yeast.


  • Process: Separates alcohol from the fermented mixture using evaporation and condensation.
  • Mechanism: By heating the mixture to the correct temperature, only the alcohol is separated from water and other remnants.
  • Result: Produces more potent distilled beverages or spirits.

Dangers of Hooch:

  • Methanol Content: The fermented mixture contains methanol, a highly toxic industrial alcohol.
  • Concentration: During distillation, both ethanol and methanol are concentrated. Incorrect distillation can result in high quantities of toxic methanol in the final product.

Effects of Spurious Liquor:

  • Health Risks: Methanol can cause impaired vision, high toxicity, and metabolic acidosis (excessive acid production that kidneys cannot flush out).
  • Treatment:
    • Fomepizole: Intravenous administration is the primary treatment but is expensive and often unavailable.
    • Ethanol and Water: In the absence of fomepizole, a mixture of ethanol and water (1:1 ratio) is administered.
    • Mechanism: Ethanol inhibits the conversion of methanol into toxins and helps flush it out of the body naturally or through dialysis.

GS-II/International Relations

Why the Russia-North Korea pact is a big deal? 

Source: Hindustan Times

UPSC Daily Current Affairs: 21st June 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin concluded his recent visit to Pyongyang with a significant agreement: both Russia and North Korea pledged to provide swift military aid in the event of armed aggression against either nation.

Russia-North Korea Military Pact: Key Highlights

Recent Agreement:

  • Pact Details: Russia and North Korea agreed to provide immediate military aid to each other in the event of armed aggression.

Historical Context

Post-World War II:

  • Soviet Aim: Establish a communist regime in Korea.
  • Military Aid: Significant support to Kim Il Sung during the Korean War.
  • Post-War Support: Continued aid from the USSR and China to North Korea.

1961 Russo-North Korea Treaty:

  • Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance: Included a mutual defense agreement.

Post-Soviet Union Period:

  • Deterioration: Relations soured after the Soviet Union's dissolution in 1991, nullifying the treaty.
  • Early 2000s: Putin's Russia reconnected with North Korea, supporting sanctions against its nuclear program.

Post-2022 Dynamics:

  • Russia's Isolation: Following the invasion of Ukraine, Russia faced international isolation.
  • Alliance Formation: Russia and North Korea strengthened their alliance against the Western liberal order.

The Pact's Provisions

Scope of Cooperation:

  • Wide Range of Issues: Mutual military support and unspecified technological assistance.

Mutual Defense Provision:

  • Article 4: Military and other assistance to be provided without delay in case of armed invasion, in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter and national laws.

Technological Assistance:

  • Significance: Crucial for North Korea, which has nuclear weapons but lacks advanced missile guidance systems and other technologies for long-range nuclear weapons.

Strategic Implications

Direct Threat to South Korea and Japan:

  • Perception: Both countries see the pact as a security threat due to North Korea’s nuclear capabilities and the added Russian security support.

Potential Arms Race:

  • Japan: Reconsidering its pacifist stance and enhancing military capabilities.
  • South Korea: Considering new defense strategies, potentially including arms exports.

Strengthening of US Alliances:

  • Response: South Korea and Japan likely to deepen alliances with the United States.

NATO and Global Security:

  • Concerns: Pact raises alarms among NATO allies and other global stakeholders, prompting reassessments of security strategies.

Nuclear Proliferation Concerns:

  • Advancements: Increased Russia-North Korea collaboration could lead to advancements in North Korea’s nuclear and missile capabilities.

Global Strategic Repercussions:

  • Authoritarian Alignments: The pact sets a precedent for authoritarian regimes aligning against Western liberal orders, influencing geopolitical strategies and alliances beyond Asia.

Way Forward

Enhanced Diplomatic Engagement and Dialogue:

  • Mitigation: Engage in robust diplomatic efforts to mitigate tensions and enhance transparency regarding the intentions behind the Russia-North Korea pact.
  • Multilateral Dialogues: Encourage dialogues involving the United States, South Korea, Japan, and other concerned parties to foster mutual understanding and reduce the likelihood of miscalculation.

Reinforcement of Regional Security Mechanisms:

  • Strengthening Alliances: Bolster existing regional security mechanisms, particularly alliances with the United States, underpinned by treaties such as the Mutual Defense Treaty with Japan and mutual defense commitments with South Korea.

GS-III/Indian Economy

Can GM Crops promise Food Security?

Source: Indian Express

UPSC Daily Current Affairs: 21st June 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

A new “gene revolution” is being promoted as a solution to increasing global food demand and the impact of climate change on agriculture.

World Economic Forum (WEF) on GM Technology

WEF Support for GM Technology:

  • Food Security: Advocates for GM technology to ensure food security for the projected global population of 10 billion by 2050.
  • Research Focus: Emphasizes research into new strains of staple crops like rice, maize, wheat, potato, and cassava to withstand extreme weather and climate-induced diseases.
  • Carbon Capture: Highlights bioengineering technologies that help plants and soils capture and store atmospheric carbon, potentially mitigating climate change.
  • Optimizing Photosynthesis: Projects aimed at improving photosynthesis in crops like maize and rice to enhance yields and reduce atmospheric carbon.

Criticism of Industrial-Scale GMOs:

  • Agro-Industrial System: Critics argue that GM crops sustain an agro-industrial system responsible for significant greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Environmental Impact: Large-scale monocultures of GMOs require substantial artificial fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation, making the system energy-intensive and unsustainable.
  • Market Dominance: Benefits large agro-industrial companies dominating the seed, food, pesticide, and fertilizer markets, raising concerns about sustainability and equity.

Present Scenario

Adoption of GM Crops:

  • US Cropland: Over half of harvested cropland in the US uses genetically modified seeds.
  • Food Insecurity: Despite GM crop proliferation, food insecurity remains widespread, with 250 million people in nearly 60 countries facing crisis-level food insecurity.

Resistance and Regulation:

  • Moratoriums: Successful campaigns, such as in the Philippines, have led to production moratoriums on certain GM crops due to health and ecological concerns.

Non-GM Ecological Crops as a Solution

Resistance to GMOs:

  • Safety and Ecological Impact: Persistent skepticism about the safety and ecological impact of GMOs.
  • Research Support: Non-GM ecological approaches face challenges due to limited research funding, predominantly controlled by large agri-biotech companies.

Benefits of Non-GM Ecological Farming:

  • Biodiversity and Climate Resilience: Ecological, non-GM crops aim to produce toxic-free food and foster biodiverse ecosystems that can resist and mitigate climate change.
  • Development Efforts: Ongoing development of non-GM seed, food, and nutrition systems to address food security in a warming world.

Way Forward

Regulatory Oversight and Support:

  • Enhanced Regulations: Strengthen regulations to ensure the safe development, testing, and deployment of GM crops.
  • Support for Ecological Practices: Increase support for research and development of non-GM ecological farming practices.

Public Awareness and Research Funding:

  • Education Campaigns: Launch public education campaigns to inform communities about the benefits and risks of GM and non-GM crops, fostering informed decision-making.
  • Inclusive Funding: Promote inclusive research funding to support a diverse range of agricultural approaches, balancing GM and non-GM methods.

GS-II/Polity and Governance

What is ‘Blood Money’ in Islamic Law?

Source: Indian Express

UPSC Daily Current Affairs: 21st June 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

The Indian Government has approved the transfer of the sum of $40,000 for preliminary discussions regarding the release of Nimisha Priya from a Yemeni prison.

  • Currently, Priya’s mother is in Yemen, trying to waive her death penalty by paying “blood money” to the murdered man’s family.

Blood Money: An Overview

Definition and Principle:

  • Blood Money (Diyya): Under Islamic law, victims of crimes and their families have a say in the punishment of criminals. In the case of murder, the victim’s family (specifically, heirs) can choose to forgive the murderer in exchange for monetary compensation.
  • Holy Quran: The concept of Diyya is rooted in Islamic teachings.

Applicability of Blood Money

  • Unintentional Homicide (Qatl Khata): Diyya is applicable in cases of accidental death or unintentional homicide.
  • Bodily Injury or Negligence: It also applies to cases of bodily harm or injury caused by negligence or unintentional actions.

Practical Implications of Blood Money

  • Encouragement of Forgiveness: The principle aims to promote the virtue of forgiveness and provide reparative justice to the victim’s family.
  • Negotiation-Based Compensation: The amount of Diyya is not specified in the scriptures and is typically negotiated between the murderer’s family/representatives and the victim’s family.
  • Minimum Compensation: Some Islamic countries have established minimum compensation amounts.

Significance of Blood Money

  • Virtue of Forgiveness: Islam highly encourages forgiveness from the victim’s family, considering it a virtuous act.
  • Prevention of Retaliation (Qisas): Diyya aims to prevent cycles of vengeance or retaliation, which could lead to further social harm or conflict.
  • Promotion of Reconciliation: The principle of blood money fosters reconciliation and mutual understanding between the parties involved.

GS-III/Environment and Biodiversity


Source: Times of India

UPSC Daily Current Affairs: 21st June 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

Kerala is set to construct a ropeway in Sabarimala by compensating the Forests department with alternative land at Chinnakkanal in Idukki.

  • The 2.7-kilometre-long ropeway aims to transport goods from the Pampa base station to the Sabarimala Sannidhanam.
    • Once the land is transferred for compensatory afforestation, an application will be submitted in the PARIVESH portal for clearance from the Ministry of Environment and Forests.
What is PARIVESH Portal?
  • PARIVESH, which stands for Pro-Active and Responsive facilitation by Interactive Virtuous & Environmental Single-window Hub.
  • It is an online portal developed by the Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change.
  • It is designed to streamline and expedite the process of obtaining clearances related to environment, forests, wildlife, and Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) from central, state, and district-level authorities.
  • Purpose and Scope:
    • PARIVESH is intended to enhance efficiency, transparency, and accountability in the clearance processes for environment, forests, wildlife, and CRZ.
    • It aims to reduce the turnaround time for obtaining clearances and improve responsiveness through workflow automation and real-time information availability.
  • Functionality:
    • It serves as a role-based, web-based workflow application where user agencies can submit proposals online for clearances.
    • It operates on a Web Architecture using IIS as an Application Server, .NET framework, and SQL Server as a database server.
Benefits to Users:
  • Allows for online submission and monitoring of compliance reports, including geo-tagged images of sites through a Mobile App, enhancing compliance monitoring.
  • Integrates Geographic Information System (GIS) interface for Appraisal Committees to analyze proposals efficiently.
  • Accessible 24×7 from any PC with internet connectivity, ensuring continuous availability for users across different locations and time zones.

The document UPSC Daily Current Affairs: 21st June 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly is a part of the UPSC Course Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly.
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FAQs on UPSC Daily Current Affairs: 21st June 2024 - Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

1. What is capsaicin and what are its uses?
Ans. Capsaicin is a compound found in chili peppers that gives them their spicy flavor. It is commonly used in pain relief creams and patches due to its ability to numb pain receptors.
2. What is the significance of Mudgal Fort?
Ans. Mudgal Fort is a historical fort located in Karnataka, India. It holds cultural and historical significance as it has been witness to various battles and rulers throughout history.
3. How are diatoms important in the ecosystem?
Ans. Diatoms are a type of algae that play a crucial role in the ecosystem as they are major producers of oxygen and serve as food for many aquatic organisms.
4. What is hooch and why is it illegal in many countries?
Ans. Hooch is a slang term for illegally produced alcohol, often made under unsanitary conditions and without proper regulation. It is illegal in many countries due to health and safety concerns.
5. How does the Russia-North Korea pact impact international relations?
Ans. The Russia-North Korea pact is significant as it could potentially shift the balance of power in the region and impact global politics.
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