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UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 24th April 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly PDF Download


Sea Level Rise

Subject: Geography

Source: The Hindu

UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 24th April 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

A recent study predicts that a significant portion of China's coastal land will submerge under sea level in the next century due to land subsidence and climate change. This poses a threat to millions of inhabitants.


  • The sinking of land in China is primarily caused by rapid urbanization, particularly activities like excessive groundwater extraction and the structural load of buildings. Climate change exacerbates this issue by contributing to rising sea levels.
  • This isn't just a problem for China; globally, between 130 million to half a billion people are at risk of the impacts of rising sea levels, as per a UN report.

Global Sea Level Rise Statistics

  • Since 1880, the global sea level has increased by approximately 8-9 inches (21-24 cm).
  • Alarming trends show that the rate of sea level rise has more than doubled since 1993, currently at 0.17 inches (0.42 cm) per year.
  • From 2022 to 2023, the global average sea level rose by about 0.3 inches (0.76 cm), with a notable spike attributed to the El Niño weather pattern in June 2023.

Impact of Climate Change on Sea Level Rise

  • Global warming plays a central role in the rising sea levels by causing the melting of glaciers and ice sheets, thereby increasing ocean water volume.
  • Additionally, warmer oceans due to global warming lead to thermal expansion, where water expands as it warms, contributing further to rising sea levels.

Significance of Sea Level Rise

  • Sea level rise poses a substantial risk of flooding to coastal areas, impacting cities like Mumbai, Kochi, Chennai, and others as per a 2022 analysis by RMSI.
  • Island nations such as Indonesia are particularly vulnerable, with Jakarta planning to relocate its capital due to flood risks.
  • Higher sea levels intensify storm surges, leading to increased flooding and coastal damage during storms.
  • Furthermore, saltwater intrusion due to rising sea levels contaminates freshwater sources, crucial for agricultural and drinking purposes.


Survey of India (SoI)

Subject: Polity and Governance

Source: The Hindu

UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 24th April 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News? 

The Tamil Nadu State Government objected to the Survey of India (SoI) report regarding the construction of a mega car park project by Kerala in the Mullaperiyar catchment area.

About Survey of India (SoI):

  • It is the National Survey and Mapping Organization of India, operating under the Department of Science and Technology. Established in 1767, it holds the distinction of being the country's oldest scientific department.
  • As the primary mapping agency, the Survey of India plays a crucial role in exploring and mapping the nation's terrain to provide essential base maps for comprehensive development.
  • Initially comprising 5 Directorates in 1950, primarily catering to the mapping requirements of the Defence Forces in specific regions, the department has expanded to 18 Directorates across the country. This expansion aims to offer the necessary map coverage essential for national progress.
  • The expertise of the Survey of India is sought after by various government ministries and organizations for critical tasks like settling international borders, state boundaries, and aiding in the planned development of previously underdeveloped regions.
  • The organization actively contributes to various scientific programs in fields such as geo-physics, remote sensing, and digital data transfers.
  • Survey of India serves as a key advisor to the Government of India on a range of survey-related matters including Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Mapping, and Map Reproduction.
  • Some of the main duties and responsibilities of the Survey of India include:
    • All Geodetic Control, Geodetic, and Geophysical surveys
    • Topographical Control, Surveys, and Mapping within India
    • Mapping and Production of Geographical Maps and Aeronautical Charts
    • Surveys for developmental projects
    • Survey of forests, cantonments, large-scale city surveys, guide maps, cadastral surveys, etc.
    • Survey and Mapping of special maps
    • Demarcation of External Boundaries of India and advice on inter-state boundaries
    • Research and Development in Cartography, Printing, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Topographical Surveys, and Indigenisation
    • Prediction of tides at 44 ports, publication of Tide Tables in advance
    • Scrutiny and certification of external boundaries of India and coastline on maps published by other agencies.

Question for UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 24th April 2024
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What is the primary cause of land subsidence in China's coastal areas?
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Iran-Israel Conflict

Subject: International Relations

Source: Economic Times

UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 24th April 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

Iran launched a significant attack on Israel, deploying over 300 projectiles, including approximately 170 drones, cruise missiles, and over 120 ballistic missiles.


  • Tit-for-tat confrontation between Israel and Iran has sparked concerns about escalation dragging the Middle East into all-out war.

Reasons for Conflict

  • In 2018, Israel celebrated the US withdrawal from Iran's nuclear deal and supported the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani in 2020.
  • Hamas and Houthi attacks escalated tensions, leading to a series of retaliatory strikes.

Recent Developments

  • In April 2024, Iran launched a missile attack on Israel in response to a suspected Israeli strike on Iran's consulate in Syria.
  • Israel's defense forces claimed to have intercepted 99% of the incoming projectiles from Iran, with support from the US, UK, France, and other allies.

Global Impact

  • Concerns about a nuclear-armed Iran being an existential threat to Israel could lead to further military actions.
  • Escalation of tensions could disrupt the supply of crude oil, affecting global markets and increasing inflation.
  • Aviation and shipping sectors could be disrupted, with regional countries closing and reopening airspaces amid uncertainties.

India's Position

  • India faces challenges in balancing relationships with both Iran and Israel, aiming to safeguard its energy security and regional stability.

Proposed Solutions

  • Advocating for a sustainable ceasefire, humanitarian aid, and a two-state solution to achieve long-term peace in the region.
  • Mediation for direct talks between Israel and Iran facilitated by international bodies to build trust and explore common ground.
  • Encouraging adherence to agreements like the JCPOA and promoting regional cooperation to address security concerns and promote stability.
  • Normalization of diplomatic relations, fostering people-to-people exchanges, and addressing underlying issues for peace and reconciliation.

UK Passes Bill to Deport Asylum Seekers to Rwanda

Subject: International Relations

Source: Economic Times

UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 24th April 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

The UK has recently approved a bill permitting the deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda to have their claims assessed.

Reasons for the Bill

  • The significant rise in the number of migrants arriving in the UK via small boats led to the need for such legislation.
  • Criminal organizations were exploiting individuals seeking refuge by charging them exorbitant amounts for transportation.

Key Provisions

  • The House of Lords passed the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill, designating Rwanda as a safe third country.
  • Any asylum seekers entering Britain illegally will now be redirected to Rwanda for processing.

Legal Context

  • The bill aims to bypass a previous Supreme Court ruling by establishing Rwanda as a secure destination.
  • Recent agreements between the UK and Rwanda have reinforced protections for migrants.

UK's Implementation Strategy

  • Previous agreements between UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Rwanda allowed for the transfer of asylum-seekers to Rwanda.
  • Operational procedures included flying undocumented individuals to Rwanda for assessment and potential resettlement.

Criticism and Concerns

  • International bodies like the UNHCR and the ECHR have raised objections to the practice of transferring asylum seekers to other nations.
  • Opposition parties within the UK have criticized the plan, citing its high costs and limited focus.

Question for UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 24th April 2024
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What is the reason behind the UK passing a bill to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda?
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Subject: Environment

Source: Indian Express

UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 24th April 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

The Chipko Movement, which began in the Uttarakhand region of the Himalayas in early 1973, has now reached its 50th anniversary.


The Chipko Movement's persistent efforts and dedication to environmental causes continue to inspire present-day activists.


  • The Chipko Movement, also known as the Chipko Andolan, was a peaceful environmental campaign that originated in Uttarakhand (previously part of Uttar Pradesh) in 1973.
  • The term "Chipko" comes from Hindi and translates to "to hug."
  • During this movement, villagers resorted to hugging trees to prevent them from being felled by loggers.
  • The primary goal was to safeguard the trees of the Himalayan range from the axes of developers and commercial entities.
  • The Chipko Movement is renowned for the extensive involvement of women in forest conservation efforts.
  • It brought about a shift in societal perceptions of women's roles and emphasized their significance in environmental preservation.
  • Sunderlal Bahuguna, a Gandhian and environmental advocate, played a crucial role in the Chipko Movement.
  • He popularized the famous Chipko slogan: "Ecology is permanent economy."

Major Achievements:

  • Rights to Forests: The movement raised awareness about people's entitlement to forests and showcased how grassroots movements could impact policymaking related to ecology and shared natural assets.
  • Ban on Commercial Felling: In 1981, the movement resulted in a prohibition on commercial tree felling on slopes exceeding 30 degrees and altitudes exceeding 1,000 meters above mean sea level (msl).

State of the Climate in Asia 2023

Subject: Environment

Source: Indian Express

UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 24th April 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

According to a World Meteorological Organisation's (WMO) report ('State of the Climate in Asia 2023'), Asia faced the most disasters in the world in 2023.

Key Highlights of the 'State of the Climate in Asia 2023' Report:

  • Number of extreme weather events in Asia: In 2023, there were 79 events associated with extreme weather, climate, and water-related hazards, affecting over 9 million people in the region and causing the direct deaths of over 2,000 individuals.
  • Compared to 2022, the reported disaster events in the region were only two less in 2023.
  • The number of people impacted in 2023 was lower, primarily due to the significant impact of the 2022 Pakistan floods, which had affected over 30 million people.
  • The mean temperature over Asia in 2023 was 0.91°C above the 1991-2020 reference period, marking the second-highest on record. This year saw many regions experiencing extreme heat events, with Japan having its hottest summer on record.
  • Glaciers in High-Mountain Asia have been losing significant mass over the past 40 years at an accelerating rate, with record-breaking high temperatures and drier conditions exacerbating mass loss in 2023.
  • The ocean around Asia has been exhibiting an overall warming trend since 1982, with sea-surface temperature anomalies in the north-west Pacific Ocean reaching record highs in 2023.
  • South-west China faced a drought in 2023 due to below-normal precipitation levels throughout the year.
  • Floods and storms accounted for 80% of hydrometeorological hazards, with Yemen experiencing heavy rainfall leading to widespread floods.
  • Highlights About India:
    • In India, extreme weather events had severe impacts, including heat waves, rainfall-induced floods, glacial lake outbursts, and tropical cyclones.
    • Severe heat waves in April and June 2023 resulted in around 110 deaths due to heatstroke.
    • Flood events in August 2023 caused 25 deaths in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, along with extensive damage to infrastructure and agriculture.
    • The Indian government declared a state of emergency in severely affected areas, initiating rescue and relief operations.
    • The Indian sub-continent experienced six tropical cyclones in 2023, slightly above the average, with notable impacts.
    • A significant glacial lake outburst flood in South Lhonak Lake in Sikkim resulted in over 40 fatalities.

What Needs to be Done?

  • Disaster risk reduction in Asia faces a significant gap in climate projections and tailored products necessary for long-term interventions to address climate change impacts.
  • Currently, less than 50% of WMO Members provide tailored products, indicating a substantial inadequacy in light of the region's vulnerability to climate-related disasters.
  • By 2030, annual losses in Asia due to extreme weather events are projected to exceed USD 160 billion, close to 0.6% of the region's GDP, highlighting the need for urgent advancements in climate mitigation efforts.
  • Efforts should focus on providing tailored support products for long-term strategies, as well as medium and short-term activities to effectively mitigate disaster risks in the region.

Question for UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 24th April 2024
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What is the primary goal of the Chipko Movement?
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Safeguard Measures under World Trade Organization (WTO)

Subject: Economy

Source: Money Control

UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 24th April 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News?

India and some other nations have criticized the EU for deciding against terminating its safeguard measure on imports of certain steel products after carrying out a review.

About Safeguard Measures:

  • Safeguard measures are emergency actions introduced by a country under the WTO Agreement on Safeguards.
  • A WTO member can take safeguard actions to temporarily restrict imports of a product to protect a specific domestic industry from serious injury caused by increased imports.
  • These measures may involve quantitative import restrictions or duty increases exceeding bound rates.
  • They are one of three types of contingent trade protection measures within the WTO, alongside anti-dumping and countervailing measures.

Guiding Principles of the Agreement:

  • Temporary nature of safeguard measures.
  • Imposition only when imports cause or threaten serious injury to a domestic industry.
  • Application on a non-selective basis, generally most-favored-nation (MFN).
  • Progressive liberalization during implementation.
  • Requirement of compensation to affected trade members by the imposing country.

Distinguishing Features:

  • Safeguard measures do not require a finding of unfair practice like anti-dumping and countervailing measures.
  • Definition of "serious injury" as a significant overall impairment in the position of a domestic industry.
  • Examination of all relevant factors affecting the industry to determine serious injury.


Subject: Science and Technology

Source: Frontiners

UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 24th April 2024 | Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

Why in News? 

Screening for blood biomarkers has been suggested as a method to diagnose cancer in its early stages.

About Biomarkers:

  • Biomarkers, also known as Biological Markers, are identifiable physical, chemical, or biological characteristics within the human body that are quantifiable.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) defines biomarkers as any measurement that reflects the interplay between a biological system and a potential hazard, whether chemical, physical, or biological.
  • Experts often refer to biomarkers as molecular markers or signature molecules. They play a crucial role in diagnosing diseases, determining appropriate medications and dosages, as well as in the development of new drugs.
  • Examples of biomarkers include biomolecules like carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, genes, DNA, RNA, platelets, enzymes, and hormones.

Classification of Biomarkers:

  • Based on their source or location:
    • Molecular Biomarkers: Possess biophysical characteristics that enable their detection in biological samples like blood plasma, serum, cerebrospinal fluid, biopsy, and urine.
    • Radiographic Biomarkers: Derived from imaging studies, such as bone mineral density.
    • Histologic Biomarkers: Reflect biochemical or molecular changes in cells, tissues, or fluids, like in the staging and grading of cancers.
    • Physiologic Biomarkers: Measure bodily processes, such as blood pressure, pulse rate, and heart rate.
  • Based on roles/functions:
    • Susceptibility/Risk Biomarkers: Foretell an individual's chances of developing a specific disease in the near or distant future.
    • Diagnostic Biomarkers: Aid in detecting or confirming a particular disease or condition.
    • Prognostic Biomarkers: Predict the likelihood of disease progression or relapse in individuals already diagnosed with a disease.
    • Monitoring Biomarkers: Used to evaluate disease stage, measure drug exposure, and assess exposure to environmental agents.
    • Predictive Biomarkers: Identify individuals with a higher chance of specific outcomes when exposed to particular drugs, assisting in treatment decisions.
    • Pharmacodynamic/Response Biomarkers: Indicate biological responses occurring in patients exposed to certain drugs or environmental agents.

Question for UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 24th April 2024
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What is the purpose of safeguard measures under the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
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FAQs on UPSC Daily Current Affairs- 24th April 2024 - Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly

1. What are the main causes of sea level rise?
Ans. Sea level rise is primarily caused by the thermal expansion of seawater due to climate change and the melting of glaciers and ice sheets.
2. How does the Survey of India (SoI) contribute to the country's development?
Ans. The Survey of India (SoI) plays a crucial role in mapping and surveying the country's land resources, which is essential for infrastructure development, disaster management, and urban planning.
3. What are the historical reasons behind the Iran-Israel conflict?
Ans. The Iran-Israel conflict has deep historical roots, including religious differences, territorial disputes, and geopolitical rivalries in the Middle East.
4. How does the UK's bill to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda impact international refugee policies?
Ans. The UK's decision to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda raises concerns about violating international refugee laws and setting a dangerous precedent for other countries to follow.
5. What were the key outcomes of the Chipko Movement in India?
Ans. The Chipko Movement successfully raised awareness about deforestation and the importance of environmental conservation, leading to the implementation of sustainable forestry practices and policies in India.
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