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Q1: With reference to the history of ancient India, Bhavabhuti, Hastimalla and Kshemeshvara were famous (Ancient History and Art & Culture)
Jain monks
temple architects

UPSC Prelims Previous Year Questions 2021: History | History for UPSC CSE  View Answer

Ans: (b)

  • Bhavabhuti was a famous Indian dramatist, poet and scholar during the 8th century. Hastimalla was a Jain poet in the court of the Solanki rulers. Kshemeshwara was the court poet of Mahipala of Kannauj.

Therefore, option (b) is the correct answer.

Q2: Which one of the following statements is correct? (Ancient History and Art & Culture)
Ajanta Caves lie in the gorge of Waghora river.
Sanchi Stupa lies in the gorge of Chambal river.
Pandu-lena Cave Shrines lie in the gorge of Narmada river.
Amaravati Stupa lies in the gorge of Godavari river.

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Ans: (a)

  • Ajanta is a series of rock-cut caves in the Sahyadri ranges (Western Ghats) on Waghora river near Aurangabad in Maharashtra. There are a total of 29 caves (all Buddhist) of which 25 were used as Viharas or residential caves while 4 were used as Chaitya or prayer halls.

Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

Q3: With reference to Chausath Yogini Temple situated near Morena, consider the following statements: (Ancient History and Art & Culture)

  1. It is a circular temple built during the reign of Kachchhapaghata Dynasty.
  2. It is the only circular temple built in India.
  3. It was meant to promote the Vaishnava cult in the region.
  4. Its design has given rise to a popular belief that it was the inspiration behind the Indian Parliament building.

Which of the statements given above are correct?
1 and 2
2 and 3 only
1 and 4
2, 3 and 4

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Ans: (c)

  • According to an inscription dated to 1323 AD, the Chausath Yogini temple was built by the Kachchhapaghata king Devapala (reigned 1055 – 1075). Hence, statement 1 is correct.
  • The Chausath Yogini Temple is also known as Ekattarso Mahadeva Temple. This temple is so named because of the presence of a multitude of shiva lingas inside its cells. Hence, statements 2 and 3 are not correct.
  • Many of the curious visitors have compared this temple with the Indian Parliament building (Sansad Bhawan) as both are circular in style. Many have drawn conclusions that this temple was the inspiration behind the Sansad Bhawan. Hence, statement 4 is correct.

Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

Q4: Which one of the following ancient towns is well-known for its elaborate system of water harvesting and management by building a series of dams and channelizing water into connected reservoirs? (Ancient History and Art & Culture)

Ans: (a)

  • The city of Dholavira was located on Khadir Beyt in the Rann of Kutch, where there was fresh water and fertile soil. Being the 6th largest of more than 1,000 Harappan sites discovered so far, and occupied for over 1,500 years, Dholavira not only witnesses the entire trajectory of the rise and fall of this early civilization of humankind, but also demonstrates its multifaceted achievements in terms of urban planning, construction techniques, water management, social governance and development, art, manufacturing, trading, and belief system.

Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

Q5: From the decline of Guptas until the rise of Harshavardhana in the early seventh century, which of the following kingdoms were holding power in Northern India? (Ancient History and Art & Culture)

  1. The Guptas of Magadha
  2. The Paramaras of Malwa
  3. The Pushyabhutis of Thanesar
  4. The Maukharis of Kanauj
  5. The Yadavas of Devagiri
  6. The Maitrakas of Valabhi

Select the correct answer using the code given below:
1, 2 and 5 only
1, 3, 4 and 6 only
2, 3, and 4 only
5 and 6 only

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Ans: (b)

  • During 300 to 700 AD, the Gupta kingdom emerged as a great power and achieved the political unification of a large part of the Indian subcontinent. The Puranas mention Magadha, Allahabad and Oudh as the Gupta dominions. Hence, 1 is correct.
  • The decline of the Gupta empire resulted in the emergence of numerous ruling dynasties in different parts of northern India. The prominent among them were the Pushyabhutis of Thanesar, Maukharis of Kanauj and the Maitrakas of Valabhi. Hence, 3, 4 and 6 are correct.
  • The political scene in Peninsular India was no different. South India too witnessed the rise of two important kingdoms under the Chalukyas and the Pallavas respectively during 550–750 AD.
  • The Paramara dynasty ruled Malwa and surrounding areas in west-central India between 9th and 14th centuries. Hence, 2 is not correct.
  • The Yadavas initially ruled as feudatories of the Western Chalukyas. Around the middle of the 12th century, as the Chalukya power waned, the Yadava king Bhillama V declared independence. Hence, 5 is not correct.

Therefore, option (b) is the correct answer.

Q6: Consider the following pairs: (Ancient History and Art & Culture)

UPSC Prelims Previous Year Questions 2021: History | History for UPSC CSE

Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?
(a) 1 only
1 and 2
3 only
2 and 3

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Ans: (d)

  • Chandraketugarh: Major findings of this site include Buddhist stupas and images, decorative designs belonging to Pala period, coins of Gupta and Kushana period, different kinds of beads, terracotta seals, bricks and plaques depicting scenes from Jataka tales and figurines of Sunga, Maurya, Kushana and Gupta periods. Hence, pair 2 is correctly matched.
  • Ganeshwar: Copper artefacts, objects, microliths and pottery were found throughout the deposits. Copper objects included arrowheads, spearheads, fish hooks, bangles and chisels. Hence, pair 3 is correctly matched.

Therefore, option (d) is the correct answer.

Q7: With reference to the history of ancient India, which of the following statements is/are correct  (Ancient History and Art & Culture)

  1. Mitakshara was the civil law for upper castes and Dayabhaga was the civil law for lower castes.
  2. In the Mitakshara system, the sons can claim right to the property during the lifetime of the father, whereas in the Dayabhaga system, it is only after the death of the father that the sons can claim right to the property.
  3. The Mitakshara system deals with the matters related to the property held by male members only of a family, whereas the Dayabhaga system deals with the matters related to the property held by both male and female members of a family.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:
1 and 2 only
2 only
1 and 3 only
3 only

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Ans: (b)

  • Mitakshara and Dayabhaga terms were used to denote regions. It is not related to the caste system. Hence, statement 1 is not correct.
  • The difference between Dayabhaga and Mitakshara is in the basic idea of them. Dayabhaga does not give anyone the right to property before the death of their forefathers whereas Mitakshara gives anyone the right to property just after their birth. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
  • Dayabhaga system prevails in West Bengal and allows both the male and female members of the family to be coparceners. Mitakshara system, on the other hand, prevails all over India except West Bengal and allows only the male members to be coparceners. Hence, statement 3 is not correct.

Therefore, option (b) is the correct answer.

Q8: With reference to India, the terms ‘HaIbi, Ho and Kui’ pertain to.. (Ancient History and Art & Culture)
dance forms of Northwest India
musical instruments
pre-historic cave paintings
tribal languages

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Ans: (d)
Odisha’s tribal language is divided into 3 main language families. They are Austro-Asiatic (Munda), Dravida and Indo-Aryan. Every tribe has its own language and language family. The languages include:

  • Austro-Asiatic: Bhumij, Birhor, Rem (Bonda), Gatah (Didyai), Gutab (Gadaba), Sora(Saora), Gorum (Parenga), Khadia, Juang, Santali, Ho, Mundari, etc.
  • Dravida: Gondi, Kui-Kondh, Kuvi-Kondh, Kisan, Koya, Olari, (Gadaba) Parja, Peng,
  • Kudukh (Oraon) etc.
  • Indo Aryan: Bathudi, Bhuyan, Kurmali, Sounti, Sadri, Kandhan, Aghria, Desia, Jharia, Halbi, Bhatri, Matia, Bhunjia, etc.
  • Out of these languages only 7 have scripts. They are Santali (Olchiki), Saora (Sorang Sampeng), Ho (Warangchiti), Kui (Kui Script), Oraon (Kukhud Tod), Mundari (Bani Hisir), Bhumij (Bhumij Anl). Santali language has been included in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution.

Therefore, option (d) is the correct answer.

Q9: With reference to medieval India, which one of the following is the correct sequence in ascending order in terms of size? (Medieval India)
Paragana – Sarkar – Suba
Sarkar – Paragana – Suba
Suba – Sarkar – Paragana
Paragana – Suba – Sarkar

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Ans: (a)
The Mughals in India had an elaborate administrative setup. The emperor was the head of the central administration aided by different officials like Mir Bakshi, Diwan etc. The empire was divided into provinces called subas. Each suba was divided into sarkar. The local administration was looked after at the level of the pargana (sub- district). Thus, the correct sequence in ascending order in terms of size is Pargana - Sarkar - Suba.
Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

Q10: According to Portuguese writer Nuniz, the women in the Vijayanagara Empire were experts in which of the following areas?

  1. Wrestling
  2. Astrology
  3. Accounting
  4. Soothsaying

Select the correct answer using the code given below: (Medieval India)
1, 2 and 3 only
1, 3 and 4 only
2 and 4 only
1, 2, 3 and 4

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Ans: (d)

  • In Vijayanagara society, women held a high position. Some of them were well-versed in literature and prominent litterateurs. The widows could remarry. Women from the upper castes and nobility were well-educated. Music and dance were a significant part of their education.
  • According to Portuguese writer Nuniz, women were wrestlers, astrologers, accountants, writers and musicians. It was the only empire in Medieval India which employed women in state services. Hence, 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct.

Therefore, option (d) is the correct answer.

Q11: Consider the following statements:

  1. It was during the reign of Iltutmish that Chengiz Khan reached the Indus in pursuit of the fugitive Khwarezm prince.
  2. It was during the reign of Muhammad bin Tughluq that Taimur occupied Multan and
  3. crossed the Indus.
  4. It was during the reign of Deva Raya II of the Vijayanagara Empire that Vasco da Gama reached the coast of Kerala.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (Medieval India)
1 only
1 and 2
3 only
2 and 3

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Ans: (a)

  • In the year 1221, the great Mongol conqueror Chengiz Khan stood victorious at the western bank of the Indus River with 50,000 soldiers, having just defeated Jalal-ad-Din, the Shah of Khwarezm. At that time Northern India was ruled by Shams ud-Din Iltutmish, the third sultan of the Turkic Mamluk dynasty, which was founded by Qutb al- Din Aibak in 1206. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
  • In 1398, Timur invaded India with an aim of destroying the Hindu kings and rulers. Sultan Nasir-ud-din Mahmud Tughluq of the Tughlaq dynasty could not do anything to resist Timur and was easily defeated. Mohammed Bin Tughlaq ruled during 1325-1351 AD. Hence, statement 2 is not correct.
  • Deva Raya II (1422-1446) was the greatest ruler of the Sangama dynasty. Vasco da Gama landed in Calicut in 1498 during the reign of Tuluva Narsa Nayaka in 1498.

Hence, statement 3 is not correct. Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

Q12: Consider the following statements:

  1. The Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms of 1919 recommended granting voting rights to all the women above the age of 21.
  2. The Government of India Act of 1935 gave women reserved seats in the legislature.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (Modern India)
1 only
2 only
Both 1 and 2
Neither 1 nor 2

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Ans: (b)

  • In 1918, Edwin Montagu, the Secretary of State, and Lord Chelmsford, the Viceroy, produced their scheme of constitutional reforms, known as the Montagu-Chelmsford (or Mont-Ford) Reforms, which led to the enactment of the Government of India Act of 1919. The Act introduced reforms at the Central as well as Provincial levels, which also included voting rights for some women, among others. Hence, statement 1 is not correct.
  • The Government of India Act, 1935 extended the principle of communal representation by providing separate electorates for depressed classes (scheduled castes), women and workers. Hence, statement 2 is correct.

Q13: With reference to 8th August, 1942 in Indian history, which one of the following statements is correct? (Modern India)
(a) The Quit India Resolution was adopted by the AICC.
The Viceroy’s Executive Council was expanded to include more Indians.
The Congress ministries resigned in seven provinces.
Cripps proposed an Indian Union with full Dominion Status once the Second World War was over.

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Ans: (a)

  • On 8th August, 1942, Mahatma Gandhi gave the clarion call to end the British rule and launched the Quit India Movement at the session of the All-India Congress Committee in Mumbai. Gandhiji gave the call “Do or Die” in his speech delivered at the Gowalia Tank Maidan, now popularly known as August Kranti Maidan.

Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

Q14: Who among the following is associated with ‘Songs from Prison’, a translation of ancient Indian religious lyrics in English? (Modern India)
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Jawaharlal Nehru
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Sarojini Naidu

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Ans: (c)
"Songs From Prison: Translations Of Indian Lyrics Made In Jail" was the collection of songs and lyrics by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, written during his imprisonment in Yerwada Jail, Poona.
Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

Q15: Who among the following was associated as Secretary with Hindu Female School which later came to be known as Bethune Female School? (Modern India)
Annie Besant
Debendranath Tagore
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Sarojini Naidu

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Ans: (c)
In 1849, the Hindu Female School was founded by J.E.D. Bethune. In 1856, the British Government took charge of the Hindu Female School, and later renamed it as Bethune School. Pandit Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar was made the secretary.
Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

Q16: In the context of Colonial India, Shah Nawaz Khan, Prem Kumar Sehgal and Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon are remembered as.. (Modern India)
leaders of Swadeshi and Boycott Movement
members of the Interim Government in 1946
members of the Drafting Committee in the Constituent Assembly
officers of the Indian National Army

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Ans: (d)
Prem Kumar Sehgal, Shah Nawaz Khan and Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon were the second- tier commanders of the Indian National Army (INA).
Therefore, option (d) is the correct answer.

Q17: With reference to Indian history, which of the following statements is/are correct? (Modern India)

  1. The Nizamat of Arcot emerged out of Hyderabad State.
  2. The Mysore Kingdom emerged out of Vijayanagara Empire.
  3. Rohilkhand Kingdom was formed out of the territories occupied by Ahmad Shah Durrani.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:
1 and 2
2 only
2 and 3
3 only

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Ans: (a)

  • The Nizamat of Carnatic (Arcot) was one of the subas (dependency) of the Mughal Deccan and was under the legal purview of the Nizam of Hyderabad. Later, Arcot emerged from Hyderabad. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
  • A feudatory of the Vijayanagara Empire, the Yadu dynasty contributed significantly to the development of Mysore. After the decline of the Vijayanagara Empire, Mysore became an independent state under the Hindu Wodeyar Dynasty in 1565 AD. In 1761, Hyder Ali overthrew the regaining dynasty in Mysore and established his own control over that state that was succeeded by Tipu Sultan in 1782. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
  • Most of Rohilkhand’s borders were established by Ali Mohammed Khan and largely came into existence as a check to the power of Oudh State. Hence, statement 3 is not correct.

Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

Q18: In the first quarter of seventeenth century, in which of the following was/were the factory/factories of the English East India Company located?  (Modern India)

  1. Broach
  2. Chicacole
  3. Trichinopoly

Select the correct answer using the code given below:
1 only
1 and 2
3 only
2 and 3

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Ans: (a)
In January, 1618, the English factories in the dominions of the Mughal Empire numbered five in all: Agra, Ahmadabad, Burhanpur (in Khandesh), Broach, and Surat. Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.

Q19: With reference to Madanapalle of Andhra Pradesh, which one of the following statements is correct? (Modern India)
Pingali Venkayya designed the tricolour Indian National Flag here.
Pattabhi Sitaramaiah led the Quit India Movement of Andhra region from here.
Rabindranath Tagore translated the National Anthem from Bengali to English here.
Madame Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott set up headquarters of Theosophical Society first here.

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Ans: (c)
The original song 'Jana Gana Mana' (National Anthem) was written in Bengali, but in a Sanskritized dialect known as Sadhu Bhasha. The idea of translating the song from Bengali to English came to Rabindranath Tagore while he was visiting the Besant Theosophical College on the invitation of Irish poet James H. Cousins. He penned down the English translation during his stay at Madanapalle, a small town in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh.

Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

Q20: Consider the following statements:

  1. St. Francis Xavier was one of the founding members of the Jesuit Order.
  2. St. Francis Xavier died in Goa and a church is dedicated to him there.
  3. The Feast of St. Francis Xavier is celebrated in Goa each year.

Which of the statements given above are correct?  (Modern India)
1 and 2 only
2 and 3 only
1 and 3 only
1, 2 and 3

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Ans: (c)

  • The patron saint of missionaries and one of the founders of the Jesuit order, Saint Francis Xavier sought religious converts throughout Asia during the 1500s. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
  • Xavier traveled to Sancian (Shangchuan) Island, near Canton, but was not able to access the mainland because borders had been closed to foreigners. Before he could find a way inside the country, illness incapacitated Xavier. He died on the island on December 3, 1552, at the age of 46. His body was then taken to Goa. Hence, statement 2 is not correct.
  • Each year, 3rd December, marks the anniversary of St. Francis Xavier’s death, when thousands gather at the Basilica of Bom Jesus. This annual festival, known as the Feast of St. Francis Xavier or Lord of Goa Festival, is the biggest of all the Christian festivals in Goa celebrated each year. Hence, statement 3 is correct.

Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

The document UPSC Prelims Previous Year Questions 2021: History | History for UPSC CSE is a part of the UPSC Course History for UPSC CSE.
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FAQs on UPSC Prelims Previous Year Questions 2021: History - History for UPSC CSE

1. What is the significance of UPSC Prelims in the selection process for government jobs?
Ans. UPSC Prelims is the first stage of the selection process for various government jobs in India. It consists of two objective-type papers - General Studies Paper I and CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test). The marks obtained in the Prelims are not counted for the final selection but are considered for qualifying for the UPSC Main examination.
2. How can I prepare for the History section of UPSC Prelims?
Ans. To prepare for the History section of UPSC Prelims, candidates should focus on important topics such as ancient, medieval, and modern Indian history. They should study NCERT books from class 6 to 12 for a strong foundation. Additionally, referring to standard reference books like Bipin Chandra's "India's Struggle for Independence" and RS Sharma's "Ancient and Medieval India" can be helpful. Regular practice of solving previous year question papers and mock tests is also recommended.
3. What are the major topics to cover in Indian History for UPSC Prelims?
Ans. The major topics to cover in Indian History for UPSC Prelims include: - Ancient India: Indus Valley Civilization, Vedic Period, Mauryan Empire, Gupta Empire, etc. - Medieval India: Delhi Sultanate, Mughal Empire, Vijayanagara Empire, Bhakti and Sufi movements, etc. - Modern India: British rule and the freedom struggle, socio-religious movements, constitutional development, post-independence India, etc.
4. Is it necessary to memorize dates and specific events in Indian History for UPSC Prelims?
Ans. While it is important to have a general understanding of the chronological sequence of events in Indian History, it is not necessary to memorize specific dates for UPSC Prelims. The focus should be on understanding the broader themes, causes, and consequences of historical events. It is more important to develop a conceptual understanding of the subject rather than rote memorization.
5. Are there any online resources or websites for UPSC Prelims History preparation?
Ans. Yes, there are several online resources and websites that can be helpful for UPSC Prelims History preparation. Some popular ones include: - NCERT textbooks available for free on the NCERT website. - Websites like ClearIAS, Mrunal, and StudyIQ that provide free study materials, video lectures, and mock tests. - Online platforms like Unacademy and BYJU'S that offer comprehensive courses specifically designed for UPSC preparation.
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