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Waterborne Illnesses Video Lecture | Civil Engineering Optional Notes for UPSC

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FAQs on Waterborne Illnesses Video Lecture - Civil Engineering Optional Notes for UPSC

1. What are waterborne illnesses?
Ans. Waterborne illnesses are diseases caused by drinking contaminated water, which may contain harmful bacteria, viruses, or parasites. These illnesses can lead to symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and fever.
2. How do waterborne illnesses spread?
Ans. Waterborne illnesses spread through the ingestion of contaminated water. This can happen when water sources are contaminated with fecal matter containing harmful pathogens, which can then infect individuals who consume the contaminated water.
3. What are some common examples of waterborne illnesses?
Ans. Some common examples of waterborne illnesses include cholera, giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis, and norovirus infection. These illnesses can vary in severity and can cause a range of symptoms from mild to severe.
4. How can waterborne illnesses be prevented?
Ans. Waterborne illnesses can be prevented by ensuring that drinking water is properly treated and purified before consumption. It is also important to practice good hygiene, such as washing hands regularly and avoiding drinking water from unsafe sources.
5. What are the symptoms of waterborne illnesses?
Ans. Symptoms of waterborne illnesses can vary depending on the specific illness, but common symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps, and fever. In severe cases, waterborne illnesses can lead to dehydration and other complications.
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