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Weekly Current Affairs (1st to 7th January 2024) | Current Affairs: Daily, Weekly & Monthly - CLAT PDF Download

India and Mauritius to Jointly Build and Launch Small Satellite

India has signed an agreement with Mauritius to jointly develop a small satellite, which will be launched by ISRO in early 2024. The cooperation will be between ISRO and Mauritius Research and Innovation Council (MRIC).

Satellite Development and Launch Timeline

  • Realization of the satellite through participation of Indian industries is expected within 15 months. The total estimated project cost is Rs 20 crores borne by India.

Benefits to India

  • The joint satellite project will ensure continued Mauritian government support for ISRO’s critical ground tracking station located in the island country. This station aids India’s launch missions.
  • Additionally, MRIC agreeing to provide their ground infrastructure for ISRO’s future small satellite projects signals widened scope of bilateral space collaboration.

Background on Partnership

  • India set up the Mauritius ground tracking station back in 1986 to assist its satellite and launcher missions. The current cooperation is guided by a 2009 country-level agreement on space.

About MRIC

  • The Mauritius Research and Innovation Council (MRIC) constitutes the apex advisory body on matters related to research, innovation and development in the country.
  • Legally constituted in 2019 via the MRIC Act, the council is mandated to steer the research ecosystem, spur innovation and boost industry-academic links.
  • The Act outlines objectives like coordinating need-driven research, fostering entrepreneurship culture, aligning advanced technologies to industry requirements and promoting commercialisation of R&D outputs.
  • By synergizing players and priorities, MRIC aims to catalyze innovation-led growth to improve economic and social welfare. collaborations like the joint satellite with ISRO aid building technological capacities.
  • So through its charter and activities, the council strives to bolster Mauritius’ research environment and steering it towards national developmental priorities for boosting prosperity.

New Antibiotic Compound Effective Against Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in Trials

Antibiotic resistance arises when disease-causing bacteria mutate and evolve over time to evade the effects of commonly used antibiotic drugs. This global public health crisis has accelerated with misuse of antibiotics, enabling bacterial strains like Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) to emerge that don’t respond to multiple drugs currently available.

Understanding the Crisis

  • According to WHO estimates, nearly 5 million annual deaths worldwide may be linked to such untreatable antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Common infections becoming increasingly difficult or impossible to cure is an immense health as well as socio-economic challenge. Research to develop new drugs is vital.

Discovery of Zosurabalpin Compound

  • In a promising development, an international research team has created a new class of antibiotics showing effectiveness against the resistant CRAB bacteria. This drug candidate called zosurabalpin passed initial lab studies and animal testing, exhibiting potential as a future treatment option.

How CRAB Bacteria Exhibit Resistance

  • CRAB belongs to a gram-negative category, which have an outer lipopolysaccharide (LPS) membrane layer protecting internal structures. This LPS armor acts as a barrier stopping most antibiotics from penetrating inside the bacterial cells to act on molecular targets.

Zosurabalpin’s Novel Mechanism of Action

  • The new drug compound works by preventing the transporter system responsible for moving LPS components to the outer membrane surface from functioning. By doing so, it thwarts LPS accumulation around CRAB cells, compromising their protective shielding.

Promising Advance for a Growing Threat

  • With antibiotic-resistant superbugs on the rise, zosurabalpin represents an innovative tactic to get around stubborn bacterial defense strategies that eliminate standard antibiotic effectiveness. Ongoing human trials will further assess clinical applications.
  • However, researchers also caution continuous mutations might enable eventual resistance against zosurabalpin too which requires proactive scrutiny even as therapy development proceeds.

Understanding and Attacking Bacterial Weak Spots

  • An accompanying study delved deeper into the method by which the new antibiotic class succeeds in breaching the fortress-like defenses of resistant bacteria. The research shows these compounds disable the LPS transporter complex through a unique approach.
  • By revealing the precise proteins that can be effectively targeted, the findings advance knowledge on maneuvering around bacteria’s sneaky protection mechanisms. This paves way for design of improved tactics using molecular innovations to hit at their weaknesses for combating dangerous infections.

CSIR-CRRI’s REJUPAVE Technology Deployed in Arunachal Pradesh

  • India’s premier road construction agency, Border Roads Organization (BRO) has utilized an indigenous road construction technology called “REJUPAVE” developed by CSIR-Central Road Research Institute (CSIR-CRRI), part of the Ministry of Science and Technology. REJUPAVE allows the construction of high altitude bituminous roads under low and sub-zero temperatures.
  • This innovative technology was recently implemented by BRO to construct parts of the world’s highest Sela Road Tunnel and the LGG-Damteng-Yangste (LDY) road near the China border in Arunachal Pradesh.

Issues In Construction of High-Altitude Bituminous Roads

  • Construction and maintenance of high-altitude bituminous roads under the low and sub-zero temperatures in Arunachal Pradesh has always been a challenge for Border Roads Organization. Most bituminous road construction grinds to a halt or faces delays during the winter months. The production of hot bituminous mix for paving requires heating to 160-170°C in the hot mix plant. Additionally, the mix must remain sufficiently hot during transport to the work site for proper compaction and durability. But the increased travel time down hilly roads often causes the mix to cool too rapidly before paving can begin.

How REJUPAVE Overcomes Winter Road Construction Challenges?

  • REJUPAVE utilizes several innovations to overcome the difficulties posed by frigid conditions.
  • First, it increases the heat retention properties of bituminous mix by coating the aggregate mix with special hydrocarbon-based additives. This allows the mix to stay workably hot even during extended transportation times from the hot mix plant to distant work sites.
  • Second, it allows a unique construction sequence called Pre-Fab paving where a base layer is paved and allowed to completely cool and set prior to overlaying with the top hot bituminous layer.
  • Finally, it utilizes special dominant stone skeleton gradations which have better resistance to deformation under rolling/compaction at relatively cold temperatures, allowing for easier placement and compaction.

Successful Deployments & Benefits

  • REJUPAVE’s successful use by BRO in Arunachal Pradesh helped accelerate critical strategic road projects that get hampered during 6-month long winters. It also delivered superior long-term road performance by overcoming challenges caused by steep gradients, adverse weather, and sub-zero temperatures.
  • Wider adoption of this cost-effective indigenous technology developed by Indian scientists has the potential to transform construction schedules for strategic infrastructure along northern borders. This can bolster all-weather connectivity for defense forces and border populations while reducing dependence on foreign solutions.

Law Commission Looks into Synchronization of Local and National Elections

India held simultaneous national and state assembly elections from 1952 until 1967. However, due to early dissolution of Lok Sabha and state assemblies over the years, the elections drifted and are now held at different times. Holding separate elections leads to significant expenditure. Hence, proposals have been made to again conduct simultaneous polls.

The Law Commission’s Expanding Scope

  • The 22nd Law Commission is examining the feasibility of synchronizing not just Lok Sabha and state polls but also local body elections. As per media reports, Commission chairman Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi said this expands the scope, adding complexity. A panel headed by former President Ram Nath Kovind is also looking into modalities. The Law Commission is yet to finalize its report.

Ideas Under Consideration

Some ideas under consideration include:

  • Having a fixed 5-year term for all elections irrespective of early dissolution of government
  • In case no caretaker government can be formed, necessitating midterm polls, the new government will only serve the remaining tenure
  • Holding assembly polls scheduled for a year on the same date, then syncing with next Lok Sabha polls
  • The aim is to give voters a chance to elect new representatives before combining state and national polls.

Past Recommendations and Concerns

  • In the past, bodies like parliamentary panels, NITI Aayog and past Law Commissions have supported simultaneous elections but also flagged legal and logistical difficulties. Main counterarguments include:
    • Additional costs due to constitutional amendments needed
    • Spreading election resources like EVMs and officials simultaneously over the country
    • Perception of undermining federalism and democracy
  • There are also political arguments both in favor and against the proposal. Synchronizing the complex mesh of local, state and parliamentary elections involves multiple legal and logistical challenges. Concerns around costs, feasibility and impact on democratic processes have stalled past attempts. It remains to be seen if the expanded scope proposed now gets wider political consensus.

Tamil Nadu’s Semiconductor and Advanced Electronics Policy

The Tamil Nadu government will unveil a dedicated policy for semiconductors and advanced electronics at its January 7-8 Global Investors Meet, aiming to transition into higher value addition.

What Are Semiconductors?

  • Semiconductors are a class of crystalline metallc solids having electrical conductivity between that of a pure conductor and insulator.
  • Silicon is the most common semiconductor material used. But compounds like gallium arsenide are also deployed.

Key Properties and Applications

Semiconductors unique electrical properties enable controlling current flow, which can be modulated by external stimuli like heat, light or electric fields. This permits them to amplify signals or switch between on-off states.

Such capabilities have resulted in their widespread usage for:

  • Miniaturized and efficient electronic component manufacturing like diodes, transistors and integrated circuits
  • Optoelectronic devices including sensors, solar panels, LEDs and laser diodes

High power electrical applications

  • Their varied applicability stemming from adaptability to purpose has made semiconductors integral for modern computing, telecommunication, industrial, medical, aerospace/defense and consumer electronics.

Evolving Beyond Hardware Assembly

  • Chief Minister Stalin will launch the framework outlining attractive incentives for semiconductor and strategic electronics firms to complement existing device assemblers like Apple suppliers. The aim here is to boost critically important chip design/fabrication capabilities beyond lower-end electronics manufacturing currently dominated by Tamil Nadu.

Builds on Established Prowess

  • The state already assembled Apple iPhones concurrently with China last year at suppliers like Foxconn. With 3 big contract manufacturers operational, 2022 exports crossed $5.4 billion – nearly double that of second-ranked Uttar Pradesh. Attracting higher-end manufacturers leverages Tamil Nadu’s lead while creating quality local jobs. Foxconn itself is investing Rs 1,600 crore into component production.

Holistic Vision

  • The upcoming policy reportedly sets targets for advanced electronics contribution, facilitation schemes, and ecosystem conditions needed.
  • Flaunting unmatched engineering graduate numbers and electronics skill sets, the state enjoys advantages in transitioning towards integrated R&D and fabrication bases.

Wider Perspective

  • The intent aligns with India’s geopolitically crucial $10 billion semiconductor mission approved last month. Dovetailing state level developments to national priorities also allows optimal resource utilization.
  • The government is also roping global industry experts to enrich insight exchange and inspire youth towards high-technology careers.

Pakistan: Proposed Acquisition of J-31 Chinese Stealth Fighters

As per media reports, Pakistan is in talks with China to acquire the J-31 stealth fighter aircraft, which bears similarities to American-made F-35 and F-22 jets. If acquired, these new fighters could replace older F-16s in Pakistan’s fleet.

Pakistan’s Existing Fleet

  • The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) already operates Chinese-made JF-17 Thunder fighter jets, jointly manufactured in Pakistan. It also acquired 25 J-10C Vigorous Dragon aircraft in 2022 to counter India’s purchase of 36 French Rafale jets. The potential addition of the J-31 stealth fighter would further strengthen PAF’s capabilities.

Details of the J-31 Aircraft

  • The J-31 is still under development by China and not yet inducted into the Chinese air force. It is designed as a smaller stealth fighter, possibly for naval operations on aircraft carriers. While issues have plagued some Chinese-made aircraft models, China continues production to compete with the US and showcase its aviation prowess.

India’s Stealth Fighter Development

  • In contrast to Pakistan’s potential J-31 acquisition, India does not currently operate any stealth fighters. It is developing an indigenous stealth fighter jet, the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), likely to be inducted only by 2030. Other estimates indicate 60-70% of China’s air force fleet comprises 4th and 5th generation fighters.

Impact on Regional Power Dynamics

  • Acquiring advanced J-31 stealth fighters may help Pakistan compensate for uncertainty over future US military assistance. It would qualitatively boost PAF capabilities despite not drastically altering numerical strength relative to India. India is also trying to modernize its air fleet with more 4th and 5th generation fighters.
  • The J-31 purchase, along with other Chinese jets, signals Pakistan’s pursuit of long-term air power by reducing reliance on US supplies. Nonetheless, as of 2024, India maintains an advantage in terms of indigenous stealth fighter development.

India Joins Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO)

India has formally signed up for the Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) – an ambitious multinational initiative to build the world’s largest radio telescope spanning over a square kilometer.

What is the SKAO?

  • The SKAO is not one instrument but a vast collection of thousands of telescope antennas at sites in South Africa and Australia. These will interconnect as a single giant telescope array.
  • It will enable astronomers to probe celestial phenomena out to extreme distances, advancing cosmic understanding.

India’s Past Involvement and Contributions

  • Indian scientists have participated in SKAO’s development for decades via the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA) in Pune and other institutes.
  • A key contribution is the advanced ‘Telescope Manager’ software designed by NCRA on an international group. This neural network will control and optimize observations.
  • The software skills leverage India’s expertise running the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT), the world’s largest of its kind, also located near Pune.

Why it Matters

  • Joining SKAO allows India a front-row seat in decoding mysteries of the universe through ultra-sensitive technology.
  • Findings can enrich knowledge regarding galaxy evolution, stars, black holes and more while opening up new research directions.

Global Collaboration

  • The mega-science project brings together over 15 countries spanning science, engineering and industry.
  • It fosters high-value skills exchange and pushes technical boundaries for peaceful global advancement.
  • By rallying top experts worldwide, SKAO signifies scientific comity rising above geopolitics for unlocking the cosmos using cutting-edge infrastructure.

India to End Free Movement Regime Permitting Border Crossing Into Myanmar

The Indian government has decided to terminate the Free Movement Regime (FMR) allowing visa-free 16-kilometer entry into each other’s territory for people living along the India-Myanmar border. Advanced fencing will be erected to fully seal the porous frontier.

What is the FMR?

  • The FMR, in place since 2018, lets tribes inhabiting both sides travel up to 16 km across the border without visas based on annual border passes. It aimed to strengthen cultural ties.

Misuse of FMR Provisions

  • Insurgent groups leveraged the relaxed rules to stage attacks and escape arrests by crossing over.
  • The porous nature also enabled unchecked immigration, narcotics and gold smuggling.

Previous Demands for Closure

  • Last September, Manipur’s Chief Minister urged ending the FMR to control unauthorized entry, echoing wider anxieties. The state itself has initiated a citizens’ register exercise to identify lawful residents.

Securing the Frontier

  • The 1,600 km India-Myanmar boundary traverses four Indian states. Barely 10 km of non-mountainous segments are currently fenced.
  • But the entire stretch will now be sealed over 4.5 years using advanced surveillance systems.
  • It expands on recent moves to block unregulated cross-border movement through militancy-hit regions.
  • The termination though shrinks community exchange rampant for centuries before geopolitical realities intervened.

Balancing Security and Interests

  • The government has possibly judged threats outweighing FMR benefits under the facade of cordial bilateral ties. With huge infrastructure planned, rational border management appears the thrust – blocking free access while still pursuing strategic Act East goals.

NEDFi Sanctions Over ₹750 Crores for 5,300 Northeast Projects

North Eastern Development Finance Corporation (NEDFi) has provided funding of ₹766 crore to around 5,338 enterprises across sectors in northeast India between January-November 2023.

Overall Role

  • NEDFi facilitates industrial and services projects in the Northeast by offering financial assistance and advisory services.
  • t thus catalyzes ground-level socioeconomic development in the region.

Key Initiatives

  • ₹547 crore disbursed at concessional interest rates to micro and small businesses
  • ₹41 crore credit extended via microfinance institutions
  • ₹53 crore direct micro lending to benefit over 9 lakh individuals
  • ₹98 crore venture capital commitments to 67 startups
  • The interventions prioritize affordable credit access, entrepreneurship and livelihoods.

Women Empowerment

  • Notably, over 90% microfinance beneficiaries are women. Over 5,000 borrowers have received funds.
  • This enables income generation and financial inclusion for marginalized sections.


  • NEDFi joined the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (MDoNER) in setting up a ₹100 crore North East Venture Fund to incubate regional startups.
  • It also partners with banks, microcredit organisations and NGOs for last-mile delivery to remote areas.

India Extends Auto PLI Scheme Tenure, Offers More Flexibility

The Production Linked Incentive (PLI) program for the automobile sector has been extended by one year through March 2028. Simultaneously, amended rules provide added clarity and concessions to approved applicants.

Revised Incentives Timeline

Initially envisaged for five years starting 2023-24, incentives will now be available in:

  • 2023-24: Investment year
  • 2024-25 to 2027-28: Five consecutive years of disbursement against sales thresholds
  • The extension allows companies more time to leverage the PLI fund of Rs 25,938 crore for boosting domestic manufacturing and exports.

Relaxed Eligibility Norms

  • If participants fail to meet the year-on-year growth criteria for payouts in any given fiscal, they remain eligible for the next year’s incentives if targets are achieved then.
  • This protects serious investors who prioritized upfront capacity installation.
  • Moreover, meeting targets for five of the six years is adequate for obtaining subsidies overall.


  • The moves signal the government’s adaptive support for strategic sectors like autos even amid economic uncertainties.
  • Enhancing PLI duration and introducing reasonable safeguards boosts industry confidence while ensuring rigorous monitoring of public funds.
  • By providing policy stability coupled with pragmatic concessions, India aims to consolidate its positioning in global automotive supply chains.

Vice Admiral Kiran Deshmukh Takes Charge as Indian Navy’s Chief of Material

On January 1st, Vice Admiral Kiran Deshmukh assumed duties as the Chief of Material of the Indian Navy. He took over from Vice Admiral Sandeep Naithani, who retired following 39 years of praiseworthy service spearheading the Navy’s maintenance efforts.

Key Background Points

  • Vice Admiral Deshmukh graduated as an Engineer Officer from Mumbai’s VJTI university in 1986. He holds a Master’s in Engineering and is an alumnus of the Defence Services Staff College.
  • The Admiral has served in various technical and staff roles involving ships, dockyards, headquarters and trial commands during his extensive naval journey.

Significant Contributions

  • As the Controller of Warship Production and Acquisition earlier, Vice Admiral Deshmukh oversaw critical milestones like the commissioning of India’s first indigenous aircraft carrier and light combat aircraft’s maiden launch from it. He was also instrumental in the construction and induction of several frontline battleships and submarines.


  • The naval engineer has been decorated with the Vishisht Seva Medal and Ati Vishisht Seva Medal for navigating the Navy towards self-reliance through his outstanding leadership.

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FAQs on Weekly Current Affairs (1st to 7th January 2024) - Current Affairs: Daily, Weekly & Monthly - CLAT

1. What is the significance of the joint satellite project between India and Mauritius?
Ans. The joint satellite project between India and Mauritius is significant as it signifies collaboration between the two countries in the field of space technology. It will allow for the building and launching of a small satellite, which can be utilized for various purposes such as communication, weather monitoring, and navigation.
2. What is the new antibiotic compound effective against in the trials?
Ans. The new antibiotic compound has been found to be effective against Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in trials. This is a significant development as Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii is a type of bacteria that is resistant to many commonly used antibiotics, making it difficult to treat infections caused by it.
3. What is CSIR-CRRI's REJUPAVE technology and where has it been deployed?
Ans. CSIR-CRRI's REJUPAVE technology is a technology developed by the Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). It is used for the construction of roads using waste plastic. This technology has been deployed in Arunachal Pradesh, allowing for the construction of environmentally friendly and durable roads.
4. What is the focus of the Law Commission's investigation on synchronization of elections?
Ans. The Law Commission is investigating the synchronization of local and national elections. This means aligning the schedules of elections at the local level (such as municipal elections) with the schedules of elections at the national level (such as parliamentary elections). The aim is to streamline the electoral process and reduce the frequency of elections, which can be costly and disruptive.
5. What is Tamil Nadu's Semiconductor and Advanced Electronics Policy?
Ans. Tamil Nadu's Semiconductor and Advanced Electronics Policy is a policy aimed at promoting the growth of the semiconductor and advanced electronics industry in the state. The policy focuses on attracting investments, creating infrastructure, and providing incentives to companies operating in this sector. It aims to position Tamil Nadu as a leading hub for semiconductor manufacturing and research.
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