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Study Material for CLAT Syllabus

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Why students choose EduRev for their CLAT Exam 4.6 (150K+ ratings)
Why students choose EduRev for their CLAT Exam
4.6 (150K+ ratings)

What is CLAT Exam?

CLAT full form is Common Law Admission Test. CLAT Exam is a widely recognized and respected entrance examination for law programs in India. By doing well in the exam, you can gain admission to a top law school and enhance your career prospects. CLAT Exam allows you to apply to multiple law schools with a single application, saving you time and effort.
If you wish to gain an in-depth understanding of the CLAT Exam, it is highly encouraged that you read through this article titled "About CLAT Exam."

What is CLAT Exam Syllabus & Pattern?

CLAT consists of a total of 5 sections. It will be conducted offline in pen-paper mode.
The question paper has questions from subjects such as English, CLAT Legal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, CLAT Quantitative Aptitude, CLAT Current Affairs, and General Knowledge. The recent CLAT Exam pattern includes 150 passage-based MCQs for a total of 150 marks.

Check in detail about CLAT Exam Syllabus & Pattern through the doc: Complete Section Wise Syllabus of CLAT Exam

How to prepare for CLAT Exam with EduRev App?

Here is a list of things that EduRev App provides in its CLAT Study Material, which gives you the right direction, provides you the best CLAT online coaching, and makes sure that you study what actually matters for CLAT Exam.

1. Subjectwise Preparation for CLAT: Legal Aptitude for CLAT, English, Quant, Current Affairs, Logical Reasoning
2. CLAT Previous Year Papers with Answer
3. Passage Based Questions for CLAT
4. Topic wise tests, Mock tests, Section wise questions
5. How to Prepare for CLAT

Important Links for CLAT

CLAT Study Material on EduRev

Current Affairs & General Knowledge

English for CLAT

Legal Reasoning for CLAT

Quantitative Techniques for CLAT

Logical Reasoning for CLAT

CLAT Past Year Papers (2008-2022)

Mock Test Series for CLAT

How to Study for CLAT

Daily Hindu Analysis: Video Summaries for CLAT

Constitution of India: Laxmikanth

Laxmikanth for Indian Polity: Summaries, MCQs & videos

Passage Based Questions for CLAT Preparation

Crash Course for CLAT

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  

Q.1. How can I prepare for CLAT Exam at home?

You can prepare for CLAT Exam, easily at home through EduRev Infinity Package for CLAT 

  • EduRev Infinity Package for CLAT is a comprehensive learning package for students preparing for CLAT. The package includes video lectures, study notes, practice questions, current affairs & general knowledge, and many other resources to help you prepare for CLAT Exam at home.
  • Familiarize yourself with the exam format and structure by reviewing past CLAT question papers and sample test materials available in EduRev Infinity Package for CLAT.
  • Create a study schedule and stick to it, focusing on the areas where you need the most improvement.
  • Develop strong reading comprehension skills by regularly reading newspapers, magazines, and other materials. Use flashcards and other mnemonic devices to memorize important information.

Q.2. Is 1 month preparation enough for CLAT Exam?

1 month of preparation may be challenging to achieve a good score in the CLAT Exam. The CLAT Exam requires a significant amount of knowledge and practice, and one month may not be sufficient to cover all the topics and practice enough. It is recommended to start preparing well in advance, ideally at least 6 months before the exam, to have the necessary time to cover all the topics and practice enough.

Q.3. What should I study for CLAT exam?

The CLAT UG Exam tests the candidate's knowledge in five main areas: English, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Legal Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Techniques. To prepare for the exam, it is recommended to study: English grammar and vocabulary, reading comprehension, legal principles and terms, current events and general knowledge, logical reasoning and analytical ability, and quantitative techniques.

Q.4. Is CLAT exam difficult?

The CLAT Exam is considered to be a challenging and competitive exam as it tests a wide range of knowledge and skills. It requires a good understanding of legal principles, strong analytical and logical reasoning skills, as well as a broad knowledge of current events and general knowledge. It also tests your proficiency in English language. It's a test of your aptitude and knowledge, if you have prepared well, it would be less difficult.

Q.5. Which are some of the best books for CLAT Preparation?

Some of the best books for CLAT Preparation include Word Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis, "Legal Aptitude for the CLAT and LLB Exams" by Arihant Experts, "Objective English for Competitive Examinations" by Hari Mohan Prasad.

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