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Weekly Current Affairs (28th August to 3rd September 2023) | Current Affairs: Daily, Weekly & Monthly - CLAT PDF Download

Table of contents
ISRO's Pragyan Rover Begins Lunar Surface Exploration in Chandrayaan-3 Mission
Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) Index Surpasses Positive Threshold: Implications for Monsoons and Regional Rainfall
NAMASTE Scheme: India's Initiative to Ensure Safety and Dignity for Sanitation Workers
Supreme Court Upholds "Self-Respect" Marriages Under Hindu Marriage Act Section 7(A)
Global Law Enforcement Agencies Unite for Operation Duck Hunt: Dismantling the QakBot Malware Network
Global IndiaAI 2023: Uniting AI Leaders and Innovators to Shape the Future
July 2023 Economic Review: Food Price Trends, Inflation Concerns, and Capex Growth
65th Ramon Magsaysay Awards 2023 Winners: Honoring Exceptional Asian Leaders
ISRO Successfully Launches Aditya L1 Mission to Study the Sun's Atmosphere and Solar Wind

ISRO's Pragyan Rover Begins Lunar Surface Exploration in Chandrayaan-3 Mission

Rover Introduction:

  • A rover is a specialized vehicle designed for exploring the surfaces of planets or moons.

Chandrayaan-3 Mission:

  • ISRO, the Indian Space Research Organisation, has successfully deployed its lunar rover, known as Pragyan, as part of the Chandrayaan-3 mission.
  • The name "Pragyan" is derived from Sanskrit, meaning "wisdom."

Mission Objective:

  • Pragyan is tasked with conducting on-site chemical analyses of the lunar surface while traversing the highlands near the Moon's south pole.

Scientific Instruments:

  • Pragyan is equipped with two important scientific instruments:
  • APXS (Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer): Used for determining the elemental composition of the lunar surface.
  • LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope): Conducts experiments to ascertain the elemental composition of elements like magnesium and aluminum in lunar soil and rocks around the landing site.

Navigation Cameras:

  • Pragyan Rover is equipped with two Navigation cameras, NAVCAM-Left and NAVCAM-Right, positioned at the front of the rover.
  • These cameras play a crucial role in path planning and obstacle avoidance, ensuring a safe path for the rover by detecting and avoiding obstacles, rocks, and pits.

Path Planning and Vision:

  • These Navigation cameras act like the "eyes" of the rover, enabling it to plan its route and avoid potential hazards on the lunar terrain.
  • The rover's movement is guided by path planning based on stereo images captured by the Navcams.

Mission Duration:

  • Pragyan has a mission lifespan of one lunar day, which roughly equals 14 Earth days.
  • This period is dedicated to fulfilling the rover's scientific objectives on the lunar surface.

Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) Index Surpasses Positive Threshold: Implications for Monsoons and Regional Rainfall

IOD Phenomenon Overview:

  • The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) index has exceeded the positive threshold, according to a report from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.
  • IOD is an atmospheric and oceanic phenomenon in the Indian Ocean characterized by variations in sea-surface temperatures. It's defined as the temperature difference between the eastern (Bay of Bengal) and western (Arabian Sea) Indian Ocean.
  • The Indian monsoon season's behavior is influenced not only by El Niño and La Niña but also by phenomena like the IOD.

Cause of IOD:

  • IOD results from temperature disparities in the Indian Ocean, which lead to pressure differences and the flow of winds between the eastern and western regions of the Indian Ocean.

IOD Seasonality:

  • IOD typically develops in the equatorial Indian Ocean from April to May, reaching its peak in October.

Positive vs. Negative IOD:

  • A positive IOD contributes to increased rainfall along the African coastline and over the Indian subcontinent, while it tends to suppress rainfall in regions like Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and Australia. The effects are reversed during a negative IOD event.

Rainfall Deficit in India:

  • India has experienced a cumulative precipitation of 824 mm since the beginning of the southwest monsoon season on June 1. This marks a 19% deficit compared to the average rainfall for the same period, which stands at 1016.1 mm.

IOD's Impact on Monsoon Timing:

  • While most models suggest that the positive IOD is likely to persist from September through November, by this time, India's southwest monsoon season would have concluded.
  • However, there is potential for the northeast monsoon season in South India, which occurs from October to December, to receive a boost in early rains if the positive IOD continues to influence weather patterns during that period.

NAMASTE Scheme: India's Initiative to Ensure Safety and Dignity for Sanitation Workers

NAMASTE Scheme Overview:
The Government of India has launched the National Action for Mechanised Sanitation Ecosystem (NAMASTE) scheme with the goal of preventing fatalities among Sewers and Septic Tank Workers (SSWs) and promoting the mechanization of sanitation cleaning operations to enhance worker safety.

Government Initiators:
NAMASTE was jointly initiated by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJE) and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA).

The primary objectives of the scheme are:

  • Eliminating hazardous cleaning practices.
  • Preventing deaths of sewer and septic tank workers.
  • Ensuring the safety and dignity of sanitation workers.

Scheme Details:

  • NAMASTE is categorized as a Central Sector Scheme.
  • It replaces the Self-Employment Scheme for the Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers (SRMS), which was launched in 2007.
  • The scheme aims to be implemented across all 4800+ Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in the country over a three-year period, concluding in 2025-26.

Key Outcomes:

NAMASTE's key outcomes include:

  • Zero fatalities in sanitation work in India.
  • Performance of all sanitation work by skilled workers.
  • Ensuring sanitation workers do not come in direct contact with human fecal matter.
  • Collectivization of sanitation workers into Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and empowering them to manage sanitation enterprises.
  • Providing alternative livelihood options for Sewer and Septic Tank sanitation workers (SSWs).
  • Strengthening supervisory and monitoring systems at national, state, and ULB levels to enforce and oversee safe sanitation work practices.

Supreme Court Upholds "Self-Respect" Marriages Under Hindu Marriage Act Section 7(A)

Overview of the Supreme Court Decision:
The recent decision by the Supreme Court has overturned a 2014 ruling by the Madras High Court, confirming that advocates can solemnize "self-respect" marriages under Section 7(A) of the Hindu Marriage Act.

Section 7(A) Provision:

  • Section 7(A) of the Hindu Marriage Act recognizes marriages among Hindus, conducted in the presence of relatives or friends, without the need for traditional rituals or priests.
  • This legal recognition aligns with the Tamil Nadu government's efforts to simplify weddings, eliminating the requirement for priests and traditional customs.

Public Declaration and Validity:

  • The Supreme Court's verdict, exemplified in cases like "Ilavarasan v. Superintendent of Police," underscores that a public declaration of marital status is not a prerequisite for validity.
  • This legal stance represents a significant step towards modernizing marriage laws, respecting individual choices, and expanding the interpretation of valid marriages within Hindu law.

Modern Approach and Evolving Norms:

  • Section 7-A reflects a contemporary approach that accommodates marriages among Hindus, conducted in the presence of relatives or friends, without traditional rituals or priests.
  • This approach aligns with evolving societal norms and individual preferences, highlighting the importance of acknowledging diverse forms of Hindu marriages.

Global Law Enforcement Agencies Unite for Operation Duck Hunt: Dismantling the QakBot Malware Network

Operation Duck Hunt Overview:
In a synchronized international effort known as Operation Duck Hunt, law enforcement agencies from the United States, France, Germany, Latvia, Romania, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom have successfully dismantled the QakBot malware network.

QakBot Malware Background:

  • QakBot is a well-known Windows malware family with a notorious history, having compromised over 700,000 computers worldwide.
  • The malware has been involved in financial fraud and the distribution of ransomware.

Cryptocurrency Seizure:
As a result of Operation Duck Hunt, authorities have seized more than $8.6 million in cryptocurrency profits that were obtained through illicit activities linked to QakBot.

Facilitation of Ransomware:

  • QakBot played a significant role in the propagation of major ransomware families, including Conti, ProLock, and REvil.
  • The collaborative effort, with technical support from cybersecurity company Zscaler, successfully neutralized the botnet traffic, preventing further harm and damage.

Continuing Battle Against Cybercrime:

  • This operation follows a similar takedown of the Emotet malware network in 2020, underlining the ongoing struggle to dismantle cybercriminal infrastructures.
  • It demonstrates the dedication of law enforcement agencies and cybersecurity experts to combat cyber threats and protect digital ecosystems.

Global IndiaAI 2023: Uniting AI Leaders and Innovators to Shape the Future

Global IndiaAI 2023 Overview:
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is gearing up to host the Global IndiaAI 2023 conference in October, providing a platform for global discussions on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Conference Objectives:

  • Global IndiaAI 2023 aims to convene key players in the AI domain, including researchers, startups, and investors, from India and around the world.
  • Topics of discussion will encompass a wide range of AI areas, including Next Generation Learning, Foundational AI models, AI's applications in healthcare, governance, electric vehicles, research trends, computing systems, investment opportunities, and nurturing AI talent.

Steering the conference is Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Union Minister of State for Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, Electronics & IT, with a vision to influence the future of AI across various sectors.

Showcasing India's AI Initiatives:

  • The event will serve as a platform to showcase India's AI initiatives, such as DI Bhashini, India Datasets Program, and the FutureSkills program.
  • It is poised to become a significant annual fixture in the global AI industry, facilitating collaboration and progress in the field.

Monthly Economic Review for July 2023 Overview:
The Union Finance Ministry has released its monthly economic review for July 2023, providing insights into key economic developments.

Food Price Trends:

  • The review highlights recent fluctuations in food prices, attributing them to a combination of global and domestic factors. Events such as Russia terminating the Black Sea Grain deal and domestic issues like the white fly disease and uneven monsoons have influenced food prices.
  • The government has taken steps to control food prices, and it anticipates that prices will stabilize with the arrival of new supplies. For example, tomato prices are expected to decrease by the end of August or early September, and increased imports of tur dal are expected to alleviate pulse prices.

Inflation Concerns:
Inflation remains a concern, driven by global uncertainties and local factors. Close monitoring and coordination between the government and the Reserve Bank of India are emphasized to manage inflation effectively.

Capex Growth:

  • Measures taken by the central government to boost capital expenditure have also spurred state governments to increase their capex spending. State-level capex has risen by 74.3% year-on-year in Q1 FY24, while central government capex increased by 59.1% during the same quarter.
  • The enhanced provision for capital expenditure is leading to increased private sector investment, as evidenced by economic indicators and industry reports.

Drivers of Growth:

  • Domestic consumption and investment demand are expected to remain key drivers of economic growth.
  • The government has been actively working to promote private sector investment, including through schemes like the Production-linked Incentive (PLI) scheme.
  • New-age sectors, such as green hydrogen, semiconductors, wearables, and solar modules, are anticipated to account for a significant portion of capital expenditure between FY13 and FY27, contributing to economic growth.

65th Ramon Magsaysay Awards 2023 Winners: Honoring Exceptional Asian Leaders

Ramon Magsaysay Award Overview:

  • The Ramon Magsaysay Award, often regarded as the 'Nobel Prize of Asia,' is a prestigious accolade that recognizes individuals who exhibit exceptional spirit and influential leadership.
  • 2023 Awardees:
  • In the 65th edition of the Ramon Magsaysay Awards, four outstanding individuals from Asia were honored with this esteemed recognition. They join the esteemed ranks of previous laureates, which include luminaries like Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, Mother Teresa, Dalai Lama, Satyajit Ray, and many others.

Awardees List:

  • Korvi Rakshand (Bangladesh): Recognized for his notable contributions and leadership in Bangladesh.
  • Eugenio Lemos (Timor-Leste): Honored for his impactful work and leadership in Timor-Leste.
  • Miriam Coronel-Ferrer (Philippines): Acknowledged for her outstanding contributions to society in the Philippines.
  • Dr. Ravi Kannan R. (India): Celebrated for his remarkable achievements and leadership in India.

Award Prizes:

  • Each recipient of the Ramon Magsaysay Award is presented with a certificate, a medallion featuring the likeness of the late President Ramon Magsaysay, and a cash prize of USD 50,000.
  • These awardees exemplify the spirit of the Ramon Magsaysay Award by making significant positive impacts in their respective fields and communities, furthering the legacy of this prestigious honor.

ISRO Successfully Launches Aditya L1 Mission to Study the Sun's Atmosphere and Solar Wind

Aditya L1 Mission Overview:
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) achieved a successful launch of the Aditya L1 mission on September 2, 2023, at 11:50 AM IST from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, India. This mission marks India's first dedicated solar mission, aimed at studying the Sun's atmosphere, including the chromosphere and corona, as well as the solar wind and its interactions with Earth's atmosphere.

Aditya L1 Spacecraft:

  • The Aditya L1 spacecraft, weighing 1.5 tons, is equipped with seven payloads designed to study the Sun's atmosphere using various methods, including remote sensing and in-situ measurements.
  • It will be positioned in a halo orbit around the Sun-Earth Lagrange Point 1 (L1), located approximately 1.5 million kilometers from Earth.
  • The mission is expected to have a duration of five years, during which it will gather crucial data about the Sun, enhancing our understanding of its behavior and its impact on Earth.

Key Payloads:

  • Visible Emission Line Coronagraph (VELC): This payload will capture images of the solar corona in the visible light spectrum, aiding the study of its structure and dynamics.
  • Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT): SUIT will provide ultraviolet images of the solar chromosphere and transition region, contributing to the understanding of their heating and dynamics.
  • Solar Low Energy X-ray Spectrometer (SoLEXS): This payload will measure the solar X-ray spectrum, facilitating the study of solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and the solar atmosphere's physics.
  • High Energy L1 Orbiting X-ray Spectrometer (HEL1OS): HEL1OS will measure high-energy solar X-rays, aiding the study of solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and particle acceleration in the solar atmosphere.
  • Plasma Analyser Package For Aditya (PAPA): PAPA will measure solar wind plasma properties such as density, temperature, and composition, contributing to the study of solar wind and its interaction with Earth's magnetosphere.

Aditya Solar Wind Particle Experiment (ASPEX): ASPEX will measure energetic particles in the solar wind, including their energy, charge, and mass, providing insights into particle acceleration in the solar atmosphere and their effects on Earth's atmosphere and environment.

Significance and Inspiration:

  • The mission is named after Aditya, the Hindu god of the Sun, reflecting its focus on solar research.
  • The Aditya L1 spacecraft, approximately the size of a refrigerator, carries advanced instruments to unravel the mysteries of the Sun, contributing to scientific knowledge and space exploration efforts.
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