UPSC Exam  >  UPSC Notes  >  Monthly Yojana & Kurukshetra Magazine (English)  >  Yojana Magazine December 2022 - 1

Yojana Magazine December 2022 - 1 | Monthly Yojana & Kurukshetra Magazine (English) - UPSC PDF Download

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 Page 1

Re-structuring Urban Galaxies 
Dr Balkrishna Doshi
Central Vista Redevelopment Project 
Dr Bimal Patel
Development of Historic City Centres 
Ratish Nanda
Brihadeeshwara Temple – A Stand-Alone Marvel 
Madhusudhanan Kalaichelvan
Revisiting ‘Brutalist’ Architecture 
Dr Manjari Chakraborty
Page 2

Re-structuring Urban Galaxies 
Dr Balkrishna Doshi
Central Vista Redevelopment Project 
Dr Bimal Patel
Development of Historic City Centres 
Ratish Nanda
Brihadeeshwara Temple – A Stand-Alone Marvel 
Madhusudhanan Kalaichelvan
Revisiting ‘Brutalist’ Architecture 
Dr Manjari Chakraborty
December 2022
No. 12
Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 56
uPCOMInG Issue : MIlleT s
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 14
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, 
Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
sPeCIal ar TICles
GAlAxiE s 
Dr Balkrishna Doshi ..........................7
dr Bimal Patel ................................11
dEVEl OPMEnT Of His TORic  
ciTy cEnTRE s 
Ratish nanda .................................19
sTATUE Of UniTy 
Prof dr P s n Rao,  
Prof dr Anil dewan ........................ 35
UniVER sAl PUBlic dE siGns 
dr jithendran s .............................. 43
And WEll-BEinG 
dr Raja singh ................................. 47
Chief eDitoR 
shuChIT a Cha TurvedI
Ahmedabad: sumanben A Machhar , Bengaluru: 
BK Kiranmai, Bhubaneswar: itishree singh Rathaur , 
chennai: sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: Maruf Alam, 
Hyderabad: Krishna Vandana P , jalandhar: Gagandeep 
Kaur devgan, Kolkata: Khurshid Mallick, Mumbai: 
Umesh Ujgare: Thiruvananthapuram: Roy chacko.
JoiNt DiReC toR , PRoDuC tioN 
d k C hrudhaIna Th
CoveR DesigN
BIndu verMa
Yojana (English): Room no. 647, soochna Bhawan, 
cGO complex, lodhi Road, new delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal Address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
journals Unit, Publications division, Room n o. 
779, soochna Bhawan, cGO complex, lodhi 
Road, n ew delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
re Gulars
DEvELOPMENT ROADMAP – Kartavya Path ......................................................... 16
MANN KI BAAT – Kabaad se Jugaad ....................................................................... 32
OUR BOOKS –  kishore dot Com .............................................................................. 38
                 Interpreting Geometries— Flooring of Rashtrapati Bhavan ...... cover-iii
dO YOu knO w? Earthquake-Resistant Construction ............................................ 40
G20 – India’s G20 Presidency: Significance & Opportunities .................................. 51
A sTAnd-Al On E MARVEl 
Madhusudhanan Kalaichelvan ...... 23
REVisiTin G ‘BRUTAlis T’ 
dr Manjari chakraborty ................. 29
Page 3

Re-structuring Urban Galaxies 
Dr Balkrishna Doshi
Central Vista Redevelopment Project 
Dr Bimal Patel
Development of Historic City Centres 
Ratish Nanda
Brihadeeshwara Temple – A Stand-Alone Marvel 
Madhusudhanan Kalaichelvan
Revisiting ‘Brutalist’ Architecture 
Dr Manjari Chakraborty
December 2022
No. 12
Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 56
uPCOMInG Issue : MIlleT s
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 14
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, 
Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
sPeCIal ar TICles
GAlAxiE s 
Dr Balkrishna Doshi ..........................7
dr Bimal Patel ................................11
dEVEl OPMEnT Of His TORic  
ciTy cEnTRE s 
Ratish nanda .................................19
sTATUE Of UniTy 
Prof dr P s n Rao,  
Prof dr Anil dewan ........................ 35
UniVER sAl PUBlic dE siGns 
dr jithendran s .............................. 43
And WEll-BEinG 
dr Raja singh ................................. 47
Chief eDitoR 
shuChIT a Cha TurvedI
Ahmedabad: sumanben A Machhar , Bengaluru: 
BK Kiranmai, Bhubaneswar: itishree singh Rathaur , 
chennai: sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: Maruf Alam, 
Hyderabad: Krishna Vandana P , jalandhar: Gagandeep 
Kaur devgan, Kolkata: Khurshid Mallick, Mumbai: 
Umesh Ujgare: Thiruvananthapuram: Roy chacko.
JoiNt DiReC toR , PRoDuC tioN 
d k C hrudhaIna Th
CoveR DesigN
BIndu verMa
Yojana (English): Room no. 647, soochna Bhawan, 
cGO complex, lodhi Road, new delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal Address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
journals Unit, Publications division, Room n o. 
779, soochna Bhawan, cGO complex, lodhi 
Road, n ew delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
re Gulars
DEvELOPMENT ROADMAP – Kartavya Path ......................................................... 16
MANN KI BAAT – Kabaad se Jugaad ....................................................................... 32
OUR BOOKS –  kishore dot Com .............................................................................. 38
                 Interpreting Geometries— Flooring of Rashtrapati Bhavan ...... cover-iii
dO YOu knO w? Earthquake-Resistant Construction ............................................ 40
G20 – India’s G20 Presidency: Significance & Opportunities .................................. 51
A sTAnd-Al On E MARVEl 
Madhusudhanan Kalaichelvan ...... 23
REVisiTin G ‘BRUTAlis T’ 
dr Manjari chakraborty ................. 29
4 YOJANA   December 2022
Issue on Tribal India
I am a regular reader of Yojana. The articles in the July 
issue were very helpful and informative. I enjoyed reading 
them. With useful facts and figures, every author presented 
the tribe-development continuum. I am very grateful to the 
editor for this marvelous and collectible issue. The editorial 
was also on point. I thank the whole team of Yojana for 
their consistent dedication and hard work.
– Prabhat Kumar Mishra 
Uttar Pradesh
Promoting Indigenous Medicinal Plants
Respected Editorial Team, I am grateful for the 
October issue on Our Ecosystem. I would like to send 
my regards to the editorial team, for publishing a 
specific section on the North Eastern Region through 
the article titled, ‘Indigenous Bio-resources of the 
NE Region.’ While the article provided good insights 
on the medicinal plant species of the region and the 
conservation techniques, it also reminded me of the 
fact that from a very young age, I was introduced with 
these very medicinal plants specifically mentioned in 
the article as these plants were very much part of our 
daily consumption practices. I believe that community 
awareness on the importance of such medicinal plants 
may also further the conservation process as most 
indigenous communities use such medicinal plants. 
It is interesting how our elders without any scientific 
knowledge have long known the importance of these 
medicinal plants and made it a part of our daily 
consumption practices. 
– Lukumoni Sonowal 
New Delhi
Useful for Civil Services Aspirants
All aspirants for every competitive exam look for 
resources to tackle current affairs for which they search 
for every corner of books and resources available in the 
market and social platforms. But I believe selection and 
quality of material matter a lot and it is not easy to find 
out. But going through Yojana editorials, I say that it 
is a must read. It is helping me a lot to cover current 
affairs. As it is the real essence of current affairs related 
to government policies etc., so, civil services aspirants 
and others who are preparing for competitive exams 
should make use of this. 
– Nikhil Y adav 
Uttar Pradesh
Managing Water Resources
Both the articles ‘Water Governance’ and ‘Our Water 
Heroes’ in the October issue gain utmost importance at a 
time when the monsoon woes this year have been causing 
ample anxiety, especially to agrarian communities. This 
indicates that we have to manage our water resources with 
professionalism since no one is aware of the water shortage 
during the ensuing summer. We must learn the value of 
natural resources.
– Susheela B. R. Ramanna  
Epitome of Knowledge
Your monthly magazine is amazing, wonderfully 
blended with authentic data and analysis because of the 
way you make each topic easy-to-read and one can retain 
these for longer periods of time. Your content is full of 
insights and one can trace what is going on in our country 
in general and those who are preparing for civil services, 
in particular, will gain heavily. Your every edition is the 
epitome of knowledge enhancement. Thank you for such 
an amazing journal. 
– Shubham Kumar  
Subscribing Y ojana
I have been reading Yojana for the past nine months. 
Subscribing and reading Yojana was one of the best 
decisions of my life. It has helped me to expand and 
acquire relevant knowledge on various topics. Every 
article helps create a deeper understanding of the issues 
rather than surface-level knowledge. Thank you for being 
instrumental in my UPSC preparation. 
– Anjana R 
Page 4

Re-structuring Urban Galaxies 
Dr Balkrishna Doshi
Central Vista Redevelopment Project 
Dr Bimal Patel
Development of Historic City Centres 
Ratish Nanda
Brihadeeshwara Temple – A Stand-Alone Marvel 
Madhusudhanan Kalaichelvan
Revisiting ‘Brutalist’ Architecture 
Dr Manjari Chakraborty
December 2022
No. 12
Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 56
uPCOMInG Issue : MIlleT s
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 14
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, 
Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
sPeCIal ar TICles
GAlAxiE s 
Dr Balkrishna Doshi ..........................7
dr Bimal Patel ................................11
dEVEl OPMEnT Of His TORic  
ciTy cEnTRE s 
Ratish nanda .................................19
sTATUE Of UniTy 
Prof dr P s n Rao,  
Prof dr Anil dewan ........................ 35
UniVER sAl PUBlic dE siGns 
dr jithendran s .............................. 43
And WEll-BEinG 
dr Raja singh ................................. 47
Chief eDitoR 
shuChIT a Cha TurvedI
Ahmedabad: sumanben A Machhar , Bengaluru: 
BK Kiranmai, Bhubaneswar: itishree singh Rathaur , 
chennai: sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: Maruf Alam, 
Hyderabad: Krishna Vandana P , jalandhar: Gagandeep 
Kaur devgan, Kolkata: Khurshid Mallick, Mumbai: 
Umesh Ujgare: Thiruvananthapuram: Roy chacko.
JoiNt DiReC toR , PRoDuC tioN 
d k C hrudhaIna Th
CoveR DesigN
BIndu verMa
Yojana (English): Room no. 647, soochna Bhawan, 
cGO complex, lodhi Road, new delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal Address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
journals Unit, Publications division, Room n o. 
779, soochna Bhawan, cGO complex, lodhi 
Road, n ew delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
re Gulars
DEvELOPMENT ROADMAP – Kartavya Path ......................................................... 16
MANN KI BAAT – Kabaad se Jugaad ....................................................................... 32
OUR BOOKS –  kishore dot Com .............................................................................. 38
                 Interpreting Geometries— Flooring of Rashtrapati Bhavan ...... cover-iii
dO YOu knO w? Earthquake-Resistant Construction ............................................ 40
G20 – India’s G20 Presidency: Significance & Opportunities .................................. 51
A sTAnd-Al On E MARVEl 
Madhusudhanan Kalaichelvan ...... 23
REVisiTin G ‘BRUTAlis T’ 
dr Manjari chakraborty ................. 29
4 YOJANA   December 2022
Issue on Tribal India
I am a regular reader of Yojana. The articles in the July 
issue were very helpful and informative. I enjoyed reading 
them. With useful facts and figures, every author presented 
the tribe-development continuum. I am very grateful to the 
editor for this marvelous and collectible issue. The editorial 
was also on point. I thank the whole team of Yojana for 
their consistent dedication and hard work.
– Prabhat Kumar Mishra 
Uttar Pradesh
Promoting Indigenous Medicinal Plants
Respected Editorial Team, I am grateful for the 
October issue on Our Ecosystem. I would like to send 
my regards to the editorial team, for publishing a 
specific section on the North Eastern Region through 
the article titled, ‘Indigenous Bio-resources of the 
NE Region.’ While the article provided good insights 
on the medicinal plant species of the region and the 
conservation techniques, it also reminded me of the 
fact that from a very young age, I was introduced with 
these very medicinal plants specifically mentioned in 
the article as these plants were very much part of our 
daily consumption practices. I believe that community 
awareness on the importance of such medicinal plants 
may also further the conservation process as most 
indigenous communities use such medicinal plants. 
It is interesting how our elders without any scientific 
knowledge have long known the importance of these 
medicinal plants and made it a part of our daily 
consumption practices. 
– Lukumoni Sonowal 
New Delhi
Useful for Civil Services Aspirants
All aspirants for every competitive exam look for 
resources to tackle current affairs for which they search 
for every corner of books and resources available in the 
market and social platforms. But I believe selection and 
quality of material matter a lot and it is not easy to find 
out. But going through Yojana editorials, I say that it 
is a must read. It is helping me a lot to cover current 
affairs. As it is the real essence of current affairs related 
to government policies etc., so, civil services aspirants 
and others who are preparing for competitive exams 
should make use of this. 
– Nikhil Y adav 
Uttar Pradesh
Managing Water Resources
Both the articles ‘Water Governance’ and ‘Our Water 
Heroes’ in the October issue gain utmost importance at a 
time when the monsoon woes this year have been causing 
ample anxiety, especially to agrarian communities. This 
indicates that we have to manage our water resources with 
professionalism since no one is aware of the water shortage 
during the ensuing summer. We must learn the value of 
natural resources.
– Susheela B. R. Ramanna  
Epitome of Knowledge
Your monthly magazine is amazing, wonderfully 
blended with authentic data and analysis because of the 
way you make each topic easy-to-read and one can retain 
these for longer periods of time. Your content is full of 
insights and one can trace what is going on in our country 
in general and those who are preparing for civil services, 
in particular, will gain heavily. Your every edition is the 
epitome of knowledge enhancement. Thank you for such 
an amazing journal. 
– Shubham Kumar  
Subscribing Y ojana
I have been reading Yojana for the past nine months. 
Subscribing and reading Yojana was one of the best 
decisions of my life. It has helped me to expand and 
acquire relevant knowledge on various topics. Every 
article helps create a deeper understanding of the issues 
rather than surface-level knowledge. Thank you for being 
instrumental in my UPSC preparation. 
– Anjana R 
YOJANA   December 2022 5
Monumental Marvels
rchitecture defines a space. It is the body and 
soul that forms the identity of a building, 
locality, town, city, or nation. Places are often 
associated with the surrounding monuments, 
iconic buildings, landscapes, places of worship, 
and even the bylanes. For any enthusiast, merely 
taking a bus ride or a stroll in the old and new parts 
of a city can be a diverse experience. From older 
minimalist designs to lavish glass-tinted buildings, 
from chowkhats and jharokhas to façades, from high-
rises to small houses with grand courtyards, and from 
heritage or art deco to planned townships, there is so 
much to see and explore. And, if the places are an 
amalgamation of old and new, consider cities like 
Varanasi or Delhi, then it is a double delight. Each unique style, building materials used, 
patterns, and overall vibes reflect the unique stories of the era they would have been built 
in. They also tell us a lot about the needs, and aesthetic and design senses of the people who 
would have owned or built them. 
The same goes for a country. Its iconic buildings or structures are the ones that make a 
mark on the travellers who come from far and wide. They are mostly used as representational 
images of the country on the internet and in publications. Such is the monumental importance 
of architecture. 
Through this issue of Yojana, we have tried to understand the vision and perspectives 
behind the iconic works done in the field of architecture and where they stand today. 
Eminent professionals have shared their valuable viewpoints and insights into making of 
these architectural marvels from brick and mortar. They have also dwelled upon how urban 
spaces are shaping up in modern times and what challenges of development lie ahead of us in 
the light of sustainability, rising population, and changing demographics and lifestyles. Also, 
how people around can be engaged and made a part of these processes and stories through 
active participation and community building.
India is at the cusp of transformation on various fronts. This includes redefining 
the identity that the nation has been associated with through its colonial past. The same 
is envisioned in the recent redevelopment projects including at the Central Vista in the 
capital city of New Delhi. There have been multiple iconic developments in this regard 
coinciding with the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav that instill pride among the people including 
the Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya, Kartavya Path, and Statue of Unity. 
We are hopeful that this issue of Yojana will encourage its readers to venture out with an 
appreciative eye for detail, explore these marvels of architecture and design that are around 
us and discover the stories behind them.                                                                                ?
“...But a few understand that building is a great symbol we live in our minds, and existence 
is the attempt to bring that life into physical reality, to state it in gesture and form. For the 
man who understands this, a house he owns is a statement of his life.”
? Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
Page 5

Re-structuring Urban Galaxies 
Dr Balkrishna Doshi
Central Vista Redevelopment Project 
Dr Bimal Patel
Development of Historic City Centres 
Ratish Nanda
Brihadeeshwara Temple – A Stand-Alone Marvel 
Madhusudhanan Kalaichelvan
Revisiting ‘Brutalist’ Architecture 
Dr Manjari Chakraborty
December 2022
No. 12
Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 56
uPCOMInG Issue : MIlleT s
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 14
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, 
Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
sPeCIal ar TICles
GAlAxiE s 
Dr Balkrishna Doshi ..........................7
dr Bimal Patel ................................11
dEVEl OPMEnT Of His TORic  
ciTy cEnTRE s 
Ratish nanda .................................19
sTATUE Of UniTy 
Prof dr P s n Rao,  
Prof dr Anil dewan ........................ 35
UniVER sAl PUBlic dE siGns 
dr jithendran s .............................. 43
And WEll-BEinG 
dr Raja singh ................................. 47
Chief eDitoR 
shuChIT a Cha TurvedI
Ahmedabad: sumanben A Machhar , Bengaluru: 
BK Kiranmai, Bhubaneswar: itishree singh Rathaur , 
chennai: sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: Maruf Alam, 
Hyderabad: Krishna Vandana P , jalandhar: Gagandeep 
Kaur devgan, Kolkata: Khurshid Mallick, Mumbai: 
Umesh Ujgare: Thiruvananthapuram: Roy chacko.
JoiNt DiReC toR , PRoDuC tioN 
d k C hrudhaIna Th
CoveR DesigN
BIndu verMa
Yojana (English): Room no. 647, soochna Bhawan, 
cGO complex, lodhi Road, new delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
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re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
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Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal Address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
journals Unit, Publications division, Room n o. 
779, soochna Bhawan, cGO complex, lodhi 
Road, n ew delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
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journals	only	aft er	this	period.
re Gulars
DEvELOPMENT ROADMAP – Kartavya Path ......................................................... 16
MANN KI BAAT – Kabaad se Jugaad ....................................................................... 32
OUR BOOKS –  kishore dot Com .............................................................................. 38
                 Interpreting Geometries— Flooring of Rashtrapati Bhavan ...... cover-iii
dO YOu knO w? Earthquake-Resistant Construction ............................................ 40
G20 – India’s G20 Presidency: Significance & Opportunities .................................. 51
A sTAnd-Al On E MARVEl 
Madhusudhanan Kalaichelvan ...... 23
REVisiTin G ‘BRUTAlis T’ 
dr Manjari chakraborty ................. 29
4 YOJANA   December 2022
Issue on Tribal India
I am a regular reader of Yojana. The articles in the July 
issue were very helpful and informative. I enjoyed reading 
them. With useful facts and figures, every author presented 
the tribe-development continuum. I am very grateful to the 
editor for this marvelous and collectible issue. The editorial 
was also on point. I thank the whole team of Yojana for 
their consistent dedication and hard work.
– Prabhat Kumar Mishra 
Uttar Pradesh
Promoting Indigenous Medicinal Plants
Respected Editorial Team, I am grateful for the 
October issue on Our Ecosystem. I would like to send 
my regards to the editorial team, for publishing a 
specific section on the North Eastern Region through 
the article titled, ‘Indigenous Bio-resources of the 
NE Region.’ While the article provided good insights 
on the medicinal plant species of the region and the 
conservation techniques, it also reminded me of the 
fact that from a very young age, I was introduced with 
these very medicinal plants specifically mentioned in 
the article as these plants were very much part of our 
daily consumption practices. I believe that community 
awareness on the importance of such medicinal plants 
may also further the conservation process as most 
indigenous communities use such medicinal plants. 
It is interesting how our elders without any scientific 
knowledge have long known the importance of these 
medicinal plants and made it a part of our daily 
consumption practices. 
– Lukumoni Sonowal 
New Delhi
Useful for Civil Services Aspirants
All aspirants for every competitive exam look for 
resources to tackle current affairs for which they search 
for every corner of books and resources available in the 
market and social platforms. But I believe selection and 
quality of material matter a lot and it is not easy to find 
out. But going through Yojana editorials, I say that it 
is a must read. It is helping me a lot to cover current 
affairs. As it is the real essence of current affairs related 
to government policies etc., so, civil services aspirants 
and others who are preparing for competitive exams 
should make use of this. 
– Nikhil Y adav 
Uttar Pradesh
Managing Water Resources
Both the articles ‘Water Governance’ and ‘Our Water 
Heroes’ in the October issue gain utmost importance at a 
time when the monsoon woes this year have been causing 
ample anxiety, especially to agrarian communities. This 
indicates that we have to manage our water resources with 
professionalism since no one is aware of the water shortage 
during the ensuing summer. We must learn the value of 
natural resources.
– Susheela B. R. Ramanna  
Epitome of Knowledge
Your monthly magazine is amazing, wonderfully 
blended with authentic data and analysis because of the 
way you make each topic easy-to-read and one can retain 
these for longer periods of time. Your content is full of 
insights and one can trace what is going on in our country 
in general and those who are preparing for civil services, 
in particular, will gain heavily. Your every edition is the 
epitome of knowledge enhancement. Thank you for such 
an amazing journal. 
– Shubham Kumar  
Subscribing Y ojana
I have been reading Yojana for the past nine months. 
Subscribing and reading Yojana was one of the best 
decisions of my life. It has helped me to expand and 
acquire relevant knowledge on various topics. Every 
article helps create a deeper understanding of the issues 
rather than surface-level knowledge. Thank you for being 
instrumental in my UPSC preparation. 
– Anjana R 
YOJANA   December 2022 5
Monumental Marvels
rchitecture defines a space. It is the body and 
soul that forms the identity of a building, 
locality, town, city, or nation. Places are often 
associated with the surrounding monuments, 
iconic buildings, landscapes, places of worship, 
and even the bylanes. For any enthusiast, merely 
taking a bus ride or a stroll in the old and new parts 
of a city can be a diverse experience. From older 
minimalist designs to lavish glass-tinted buildings, 
from chowkhats and jharokhas to façades, from high-
rises to small houses with grand courtyards, and from 
heritage or art deco to planned townships, there is so 
much to see and explore. And, if the places are an 
amalgamation of old and new, consider cities like 
Varanasi or Delhi, then it is a double delight. Each unique style, building materials used, 
patterns, and overall vibes reflect the unique stories of the era they would have been built 
in. They also tell us a lot about the needs, and aesthetic and design senses of the people who 
would have owned or built them. 
The same goes for a country. Its iconic buildings or structures are the ones that make a 
mark on the travellers who come from far and wide. They are mostly used as representational 
images of the country on the internet and in publications. Such is the monumental importance 
of architecture. 
Through this issue of Yojana, we have tried to understand the vision and perspectives 
behind the iconic works done in the field of architecture and where they stand today. 
Eminent professionals have shared their valuable viewpoints and insights into making of 
these architectural marvels from brick and mortar. They have also dwelled upon how urban 
spaces are shaping up in modern times and what challenges of development lie ahead of us in 
the light of sustainability, rising population, and changing demographics and lifestyles. Also, 
how people around can be engaged and made a part of these processes and stories through 
active participation and community building.
India is at the cusp of transformation on various fronts. This includes redefining 
the identity that the nation has been associated with through its colonial past. The same 
is envisioned in the recent redevelopment projects including at the Central Vista in the 
capital city of New Delhi. There have been multiple iconic developments in this regard 
coinciding with the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav that instill pride among the people including 
the Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya, Kartavya Path, and Statue of Unity. 
We are hopeful that this issue of Yojana will encourage its readers to venture out with an 
appreciative eye for detail, explore these marvels of architecture and design that are around 
us and discover the stories behind them.                                                                                ?
“...But a few understand that building is a great symbol we live in our minds, and existence 
is the attempt to bring that life into physical reality, to state it in gesture and form. For the 
man who understands this, a house he owns is a statement of his life.”
? Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
YOJANA   December 2022 7
here is a great talk nowadays about sustainable 
development in Indian cities and towns. 
However, we need to understand this fully 
and see how these goals can trigger other 
developments without harming the region or the lifestyle. 
For me, sustainability ensures long-lasting development 
without becoming unduly centralised– similar to a biological 
order, therefore, we should consider a way that replicates and 
triggers the creation of another similar or mutated unit. For 
example, an elephant or a human being, or 
even an ant, after maturity, does not grow 
beyond its ‘ultimate’ size– if it does, it 
automatically gets destroyed, succumbing 
to external pressures by internal failure. I 
am reminded of the large dinosaurs of the 
Jurassic Age. 
Likewise, we need to review our 
present mega-cities and metropolises. 
By improving their infrastructure, we 
will surely improve their functioning, but 
we may not upgrade the quality of life. 
Besides, due to our development focus of 
concentrating around one place/city, all the 
institutions and employment opportunities, 
we are denuding the smaller towns in 
the region of their small-scale crafts and 
industries, and encouraging migration and 
Re-structuring Urban Galaxies
Dr Balkrishna Doshi
The author is the first Indian architect who was awarded the Pritzker Prize, along with the Padma Bhushan, the Padma Shri, and other 
international accolades. In a long and illustrious career spanning over seven decades, Dr Doshi has completed more than 100 projects, 
many of which are iconic public institutions that include IIM Bangalore, IIM Udaipur, the National Institute of Fashion Technology, 
New Delhi, the Tagore Memorial Hall in Ahmedabad, the IFFCO Township of Kalol, and Amdavad di Gufa. Email:
Wide panoramic view of Mumbai city
overburdening the mega-cities– which will eventually get 
crushed under their own burden of management, complexity, 
and affordability. Expansion means larger distances, and 
more time and energy to commute for living, working, or 
cultivating the mind and the spirit.
Expanding mega-cities today can only afford to sell 
branded and mass-produced goods to greater numbers, 
which needs larger centralised production centres, industrial 
complexes, the greater network of transport facilities, large 
When we see the map of India, we realise a unique characteristic – there is a hierarchical network 
of dots of varied sizes with names of large metropolises, cities, and towns. They appear like  
‘urban galaxies’ – with naturally developed scales between entities, interconnected and located 
within easy reach. Further exploration suggests that these networks have their unique lifestyles, 
unique pattern of habitat based on local resources, climate, and available characteristics of 
land. The connections and the spread of the developments appear like a ‘biological’ growth, with 
adaptation, mutation and replication after a certain growth tipping point that are essential for 
sustenance and preservation. These multi-nodal conglomerates expand infinitely absorbing 
smaller entities on the way and obliterating their strengths.
Read More
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FAQs on Yojana Magazine December 2022 - 1 - Monthly Yojana & Kurukshetra Magazine (English) - UPSC

1. What is the significance of Yojana Magazine in December 2022?
Ans. Yojana Magazine in December 2022 is significant as it covers important socio-economic and political issues relevant to that period. It provides in-depth analysis, expert opinions, and policy insights that help readers understand and stay updated on the current affairs of India.
2. What are the key topics covered in Yojana Magazine December 2022?
Ans. Yojana Magazine in December 2022 covers a range of topics such as government schemes, economic development, social issues, education, health, environment, and international relations. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of various dimensions of India's progress and challenges.
3. How can I access Yojana Magazine December 2022?
Ans. Yojana Magazine can be accessed through various means. It is available in both print and digital formats. The print edition can be purchased from local bookstores or subscribed to through the official Yojana website. The digital edition can be downloaded from the official website or accessed through the Yojana app.
4. Is Yojana Magazine December 2022 beneficial for competitive exams?
Ans. Yes, Yojana Magazine in December 2022 can be highly beneficial for competitive exams. It provides comprehensive coverage of current affairs and important topics that are frequently asked in various exams, including UPSC, SSC, and state-level exams. Reading and analyzing the magazine can help candidates stay updated and enhance their knowledge.
5. Can I refer to Yojana Magazine December 2022 for general knowledge purposes?
Ans. Absolutely! Yojana Magazine in December 2022 is an excellent source for enhancing general knowledge. It covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to India's socio-economic and political landscape. By reading and understanding the articles, readers can gain valuable insights and stay informed about the key issues shaping the country.
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