UPSC Exam  >  UPSC Notes  >  Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly  >  Yojana Magazine July 2023 - 1

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 Page 1

Strategic Diversification of Cooperatives  
and Business Competitiveness 
Dr Manisha Paliwal
empowering a griculture Credit 
Cooperatives through Digitisation 
Anshu Singh
to prosperity leaD artiCle
Sahakar se Samriddhi  
From planning to realisation 
Amit ShAh Special iSSue
JUly  2023 a Devel Opment mOnthly
Page 2

Strategic Diversification of Cooperatives  
and Business Competitiveness 
Dr Manisha Paliwal
empowering a griculture Credit 
Cooperatives through Digitisation 
Anshu Singh
to prosperity leaD artiCle
Sahakar se Samriddhi  
From planning to realisation 
Amit ShAh Special iSSue
JUly  2023 a Devel Opment mOnthly
What is a Cooperation?
The concept of Cooperation envisages a group of persons having one or more common economic 
needs, who voluntarily agree to pool their resources-both human and material, and use them for mutual 
benefit through an enterprise managed by them on democratic lines.
Cooperation is a form of economic organisation based on certain values of life. It is a voluntary 
and democratic association of human beings, based on equality of control, opportunity and equity of 
distribution. Further, it stands for the promotion of the common interests of producers and consumers. 
All economic concerns run for profit and profit making is their sole objective. But, Cooperation renders 
services to its members without the sole intention of making profits.
What are the Constitutional provisions for a Cooperative Society?
i) Article 19(1)(c) of the 
Constitution of India states 
that - All citizens shall have 
the right to form associations 
or unions [or co-operative 
ii) Directive Principles of State 
Policy 43B- Promotion of 
cooperative societies — The 
State shall endeavour to 
promote voluntary formation, 
autonomous functioning, 
democratic control and 
professional management of 
cooperative societies.
iii) Part IXB of the Constitution 
of India grants constitutional 
status to cooperative societies 
and contains provisions for 
their democratic functioning. 
What is a Cooperative Society?
An autonomous open and 
voluntary association of persons 
of the weaker section of the society, to meet their common socio-economic and cultural needs and 
aspiration through a jointly owned and democratic control enterprise in accordance with the cooperative 
values and principles.
What is national Cooperative Database?
The primary goal and purpose of building National Cooperative Database is to have Information 
based Decision Support System. 
y y Taking the cooperatives movement in the country to a new level by strengthening grassroots-level 
reach and coordination of activities across sectors.
y y Promoting cooperatives-based inclusive and sustainable model of economic development. 
y y Easing operational processes.                                                                                                                                     ?
Source: Ministry of Cooperation
Cooperatives BasiCs: F aQs
 DO yOU KnOW ?
Page 3

Strategic Diversification of Cooperatives  
and Business Competitiveness 
Dr Manisha Paliwal
empowering a griculture Credit 
Cooperatives through Digitisation 
Anshu Singh
to prosperity leaD artiCle
Sahakar se Samriddhi  
From planning to realisation 
Amit ShAh Special iSSue
JUly  2023 a Devel Opment mOnthly
What is a Cooperation?
The concept of Cooperation envisages a group of persons having one or more common economic 
needs, who voluntarily agree to pool their resources-both human and material, and use them for mutual 
benefit through an enterprise managed by them on democratic lines.
Cooperation is a form of economic organisation based on certain values of life. It is a voluntary 
and democratic association of human beings, based on equality of control, opportunity and equity of 
distribution. Further, it stands for the promotion of the common interests of producers and consumers. 
All economic concerns run for profit and profit making is their sole objective. But, Cooperation renders 
services to its members without the sole intention of making profits.
What are the Constitutional provisions for a Cooperative Society?
i) Article 19(1)(c) of the 
Constitution of India states 
that - All citizens shall have 
the right to form associations 
or unions [or co-operative 
ii) Directive Principles of State 
Policy 43B- Promotion of 
cooperative societies — The 
State shall endeavour to 
promote voluntary formation, 
autonomous functioning, 
democratic control and 
professional management of 
cooperative societies.
iii) Part IXB of the Constitution 
of India grants constitutional 
status to cooperative societies 
and contains provisions for 
their democratic functioning. 
What is a Cooperative Society?
An autonomous open and 
voluntary association of persons 
of the weaker section of the society, to meet their common socio-economic and cultural needs and 
aspiration through a jointly owned and democratic control enterprise in accordance with the cooperative 
values and principles.
What is national Cooperative Database?
The primary goal and purpose of building National Cooperative Database is to have Information 
based Decision Support System. 
y y Taking the cooperatives movement in the country to a new level by strengthening grassroots-level 
reach and coordination of activities across sectors.
y y Promoting cooperatives-based inclusive and sustainable model of economic development. 
y y Easing operational processes.                                                                                                                                     ?
Source: Ministry of Cooperation
Cooperatives BasiCs: F aQs
 DO yOU KnOW ?
July 2023
No. 07
A DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda @DPD_India  I  @YojanaJournal @publicationsdivision @dpd_india
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 84
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 35
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, 
Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
strategic DiversiFication  
oF cooperatives anD  
Business competitiveness 
Dr Manisha Paliwal
LeaD articLe sahakar se samriDDhi 
From pLanning to 
AmIT shAh speciaL articLe empowering agricuLture 
creDit cooperatives through 
Anshu Singh
DeveLopment pathways For 
non-creDit cooperatives 
Dr Ishita G Tripathy 
Nitisha Mann 
cooperative entrepreneurships 
For economic DeveLopment 
Sagar Kisan Wadkar
atmanirBhar Bharat  
through cooperatives 
Dina Nath Thakur
innovation anD technoLogy For 
Future-reaDy cooperatives 
Prof Harekrishna Misra
Fishery cooperatives 
a BLue ocean For economic 
B K Mishra
one pacs one Drone 
transForming cooperative 
sector through technoLogy 
Sachin Kumar
regenerative agri-suppLy  
chain management 
Sneha Kumari
Chief editor 
manogyan rani paL
shuchita chaturveDi OUr repreSentativeS 
Ahmedabad: Sumanben A Machhar, Bengaluru: 
Yashwant Shehnai, Bhubaneswar: Itishree Singh 
Rathaur, Chennai: Sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: 
Maruf Alam, Hyderabad: Krishna Vandana  
P , Jalandhar: Gagandeep Kaur Devgan, Kolkata: 
Sumita Chakraborty, Mumbai: Sangeeta Godbole, 
Thiruvananthapuram: Sudha S Namboothiry.
D K C hruDhAInATh CovEr DESIgN
BInDu VermA
Yojana (English): Room No. 647, Soochna Bhawan, 
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of Information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal Address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
Journals Unit, Publications Division, Room No. 
779, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi 
Road, New Delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
re GuLArs
Do you know ? 
cooperatives Basics: FaQs
DeveLopment roaDmap 
worLD’s Largest grain storage pLan
AzAdI kA AMrIt MAhOtSAv Special iSSue
Page 4

Strategic Diversification of Cooperatives  
and Business Competitiveness 
Dr Manisha Paliwal
empowering a griculture Credit 
Cooperatives through Digitisation 
Anshu Singh
to prosperity leaD artiCle
Sahakar se Samriddhi  
From planning to realisation 
Amit ShAh Special iSSue
JUly  2023 a Devel Opment mOnthly
What is a Cooperation?
The concept of Cooperation envisages a group of persons having one or more common economic 
needs, who voluntarily agree to pool their resources-both human and material, and use them for mutual 
benefit through an enterprise managed by them on democratic lines.
Cooperation is a form of economic organisation based on certain values of life. It is a voluntary 
and democratic association of human beings, based on equality of control, opportunity and equity of 
distribution. Further, it stands for the promotion of the common interests of producers and consumers. 
All economic concerns run for profit and profit making is their sole objective. But, Cooperation renders 
services to its members without the sole intention of making profits.
What are the Constitutional provisions for a Cooperative Society?
i) Article 19(1)(c) of the 
Constitution of India states 
that - All citizens shall have 
the right to form associations 
or unions [or co-operative 
ii) Directive Principles of State 
Policy 43B- Promotion of 
cooperative societies — The 
State shall endeavour to 
promote voluntary formation, 
autonomous functioning, 
democratic control and 
professional management of 
cooperative societies.
iii) Part IXB of the Constitution 
of India grants constitutional 
status to cooperative societies 
and contains provisions for 
their democratic functioning. 
What is a Cooperative Society?
An autonomous open and 
voluntary association of persons 
of the weaker section of the society, to meet their common socio-economic and cultural needs and 
aspiration through a jointly owned and democratic control enterprise in accordance with the cooperative 
values and principles.
What is national Cooperative Database?
The primary goal and purpose of building National Cooperative Database is to have Information 
based Decision Support System. 
y y Taking the cooperatives movement in the country to a new level by strengthening grassroots-level 
reach and coordination of activities across sectors.
y y Promoting cooperatives-based inclusive and sustainable model of economic development. 
y y Easing operational processes.                                                                                                                                     ?
Source: Ministry of Cooperation
Cooperatives BasiCs: F aQs
 DO yOU KnOW ?
July 2023
No. 07
A DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda @DPD_India  I  @YojanaJournal @publicationsdivision @dpd_india
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 84
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 35
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, 
Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
strategic DiversiFication  
oF cooperatives anD  
Business competitiveness 
Dr Manisha Paliwal
LeaD articLe sahakar se samriDDhi 
From pLanning to 
AmIT shAh speciaL articLe empowering agricuLture 
creDit cooperatives through 
Anshu Singh
DeveLopment pathways For 
non-creDit cooperatives 
Dr Ishita G Tripathy 
Nitisha Mann 
cooperative entrepreneurships 
For economic DeveLopment 
Sagar Kisan Wadkar
atmanirBhar Bharat  
through cooperatives 
Dina Nath Thakur
innovation anD technoLogy For 
Future-reaDy cooperatives 
Prof Harekrishna Misra
Fishery cooperatives 
a BLue ocean For economic 
B K Mishra
one pacs one Drone 
transForming cooperative 
sector through technoLogy 
Sachin Kumar
regenerative agri-suppLy  
chain management 
Sneha Kumari
Chief editor 
manogyan rani paL
shuchita chaturveDi OUr repreSentativeS 
Ahmedabad: Sumanben A Machhar, Bengaluru: 
Yashwant Shehnai, Bhubaneswar: Itishree Singh 
Rathaur, Chennai: Sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: 
Maruf Alam, Hyderabad: Krishna Vandana  
P , Jalandhar: Gagandeep Kaur Devgan, Kolkata: 
Sumita Chakraborty, Mumbai: Sangeeta Godbole, 
Thiruvananthapuram: Sudha S Namboothiry.
D K C hruDhAInATh CovEr DESIgN
BInDu VermA
Yojana (English): Room No. 647, Soochna Bhawan, 
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of Information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal Address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
Journals Unit, Publications Division, Room No. 
779, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi 
Road, New Delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
re GuLArs
Do you know ? 
cooperatives Basics: FaQs
DeveLopment roaDmap 
worLD’s Largest grain storage pLan
AzAdI kA AMrIt MAhOtSAv Special iSSue
4 July 2023
a h olistic issue on health 
I am writing this just after reading Yojana’s 
June ‘23 issue in one go. This was so fascinating 
and informative that I couldn't resist reading it 
in more than one sitting and writing to you. The 
issue of 'Health and its management through 
yoga and good dietary practice' pointed out a 
very important, serious, and compelling problem 
of today's generation. Almost everybody has 
some medical or mental problems (some may 
have unresolved conflicts within, which may not 
be to the degree of disease but harmful to health 
in the long run) that may vary in severity, but few 
people understand how to cope with this. All your 
information was dealt with the depth of both 
physical and mental health issues, in addition 
to spiritual health. I suggest readers to read this 
issue of June month twice to deeply understand 
its holistic and good intended message. Thank you 
for this fantastic issue and helping humanity as a 
whole. one last thing, the last chapter on g andhi 
Ji was the live validation and proof of all your 
information. Thank you again.
– a noop Sharma, uttar Pradesh
mindfulness & meditation
The Special article of June 2023 by Padma 
Bhushan laureate is really touching the life inside 
a life. It is reminding me of Swami vivekananda 
and Lord Buddha. What a lively article it is- full of 
joy, peace, harmony with the soul, and a situation 
of perfect bliss. Moreover, one can realise the true 
extremely r ich Content
I have been reading the ‘Yojana’ regularly for a while. May I say that it is meticulously researched,  
well-compiled publication, and extremely rich in content. Kindly accept my deep compliments.
– l t Gen r aj Shukla 
PvSM, YSM, SM (r etd.) 
Member, uPSC
essence of life with meditation. Thank you from the 
– Kiran, uttar Pradesh
a ncient Wisdom
As a student, I am always excited for the new 
edition of Yojana magazine. The June 2023 edition 
gave me a holistic understanding of India's rich 
ancient wisdom of health and what the government 
is doing to promote it. This edition also provided 
some beneficial tips for a healthy lifestyle. 
– naresh Kumar meena
Suggested t opic
I have been a reader of Yojana English since my 
college days. I am now working on IPr-related matter. 
I shall be grateful if Team Yojana will shed light on IPr 
activity by publishing this topic as techade in May 
2023. With best regards.
– Barun Sinha, Kolkata
india as t ech vishwaguru
‘Yojana‘ May 2023 issue of ‘Techade’ was very 
informative and illuminating. This issue sheds 
light on the technological advancement of India. 
It also envisages the role of the government in 
imbibing and encouraging innovation in the field of 
Information and Technology. Articles are instructive 
and informative. The editorial is also heart-touching. 
Sincerely, thanks to Yojana team for their honest 
efforts and dedication. 
– a tish Kumar Dash, o disha 
Page 5

Strategic Diversification of Cooperatives  
and Business Competitiveness 
Dr Manisha Paliwal
empowering a griculture Credit 
Cooperatives through Digitisation 
Anshu Singh
to prosperity leaD artiCle
Sahakar se Samriddhi  
From planning to realisation 
Amit ShAh Special iSSue
JUly  2023 a Devel Opment mOnthly
What is a Cooperation?
The concept of Cooperation envisages a group of persons having one or more common economic 
needs, who voluntarily agree to pool their resources-both human and material, and use them for mutual 
benefit through an enterprise managed by them on democratic lines.
Cooperation is a form of economic organisation based on certain values of life. It is a voluntary 
and democratic association of human beings, based on equality of control, opportunity and equity of 
distribution. Further, it stands for the promotion of the common interests of producers and consumers. 
All economic concerns run for profit and profit making is their sole objective. But, Cooperation renders 
services to its members without the sole intention of making profits.
What are the Constitutional provisions for a Cooperative Society?
i) Article 19(1)(c) of the 
Constitution of India states 
that - All citizens shall have 
the right to form associations 
or unions [or co-operative 
ii) Directive Principles of State 
Policy 43B- Promotion of 
cooperative societies — The 
State shall endeavour to 
promote voluntary formation, 
autonomous functioning, 
democratic control and 
professional management of 
cooperative societies.
iii) Part IXB of the Constitution 
of India grants constitutional 
status to cooperative societies 
and contains provisions for 
their democratic functioning. 
What is a Cooperative Society?
An autonomous open and 
voluntary association of persons 
of the weaker section of the society, to meet their common socio-economic and cultural needs and 
aspiration through a jointly owned and democratic control enterprise in accordance with the cooperative 
values and principles.
What is national Cooperative Database?
The primary goal and purpose of building National Cooperative Database is to have Information 
based Decision Support System. 
y y Taking the cooperatives movement in the country to a new level by strengthening grassroots-level 
reach and coordination of activities across sectors.
y y Promoting cooperatives-based inclusive and sustainable model of economic development. 
y y Easing operational processes.                                                                                                                                     ?
Source: Ministry of Cooperation
Cooperatives BasiCs: F aQs
 DO yOU KnOW ?
July 2023
No. 07
A DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda @DPD_India  I  @YojanaJournal @publicationsdivision @dpd_india
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 84
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 35
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, 
Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
strategic DiversiFication  
oF cooperatives anD  
Business competitiveness 
Dr Manisha Paliwal
LeaD articLe sahakar se samriDDhi 
From pLanning to 
AmIT shAh speciaL articLe empowering agricuLture 
creDit cooperatives through 
Anshu Singh
DeveLopment pathways For 
non-creDit cooperatives 
Dr Ishita G Tripathy 
Nitisha Mann 
cooperative entrepreneurships 
For economic DeveLopment 
Sagar Kisan Wadkar
atmanirBhar Bharat  
through cooperatives 
Dina Nath Thakur
innovation anD technoLogy For 
Future-reaDy cooperatives 
Prof Harekrishna Misra
Fishery cooperatives 
a BLue ocean For economic 
B K Mishra
one pacs one Drone 
transForming cooperative 
sector through technoLogy 
Sachin Kumar
regenerative agri-suppLy  
chain management 
Sneha Kumari
Chief editor 
manogyan rani paL
shuchita chaturveDi OUr repreSentativeS 
Ahmedabad: Sumanben A Machhar, Bengaluru: 
Yashwant Shehnai, Bhubaneswar: Itishree Singh 
Rathaur, Chennai: Sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: 
Maruf Alam, Hyderabad: Krishna Vandana  
P , Jalandhar: Gagandeep Kaur Devgan, Kolkata: 
Sumita Chakraborty, Mumbai: Sangeeta Godbole, 
Thiruvananthapuram: Sudha S Namboothiry.
D K C hruDhAInATh CovEr DESIgN
BInDu VermA
Yojana (English): Room No. 647, Soochna Bhawan, 
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of Information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal Address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
Journals Unit, Publications Division, Room No. 
779, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi 
Road, New Delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
re GuLArs
Do you know ? 
cooperatives Basics: FaQs
DeveLopment roaDmap 
worLD’s Largest grain storage pLan
AzAdI kA AMrIt MAhOtSAv Special iSSue
4 July 2023
a h olistic issue on health 
I am writing this just after reading Yojana’s 
June ‘23 issue in one go. This was so fascinating 
and informative that I couldn't resist reading it 
in more than one sitting and writing to you. The 
issue of 'Health and its management through 
yoga and good dietary practice' pointed out a 
very important, serious, and compelling problem 
of today's generation. Almost everybody has 
some medical or mental problems (some may 
have unresolved conflicts within, which may not 
be to the degree of disease but harmful to health 
in the long run) that may vary in severity, but few 
people understand how to cope with this. All your 
information was dealt with the depth of both 
physical and mental health issues, in addition 
to spiritual health. I suggest readers to read this 
issue of June month twice to deeply understand 
its holistic and good intended message. Thank you 
for this fantastic issue and helping humanity as a 
whole. one last thing, the last chapter on g andhi 
Ji was the live validation and proof of all your 
information. Thank you again.
– a noop Sharma, uttar Pradesh
mindfulness & meditation
The Special article of June 2023 by Padma 
Bhushan laureate is really touching the life inside 
a life. It is reminding me of Swami vivekananda 
and Lord Buddha. What a lively article it is- full of 
joy, peace, harmony with the soul, and a situation 
of perfect bliss. Moreover, one can realise the true 
extremely r ich Content
I have been reading the ‘Yojana’ regularly for a while. May I say that it is meticulously researched,  
well-compiled publication, and extremely rich in content. Kindly accept my deep compliments.
– l t Gen r aj Shukla 
PvSM, YSM, SM (r etd.) 
Member, uPSC
essence of life with meditation. Thank you from the 
– Kiran, uttar Pradesh
a ncient Wisdom
As a student, I am always excited for the new 
edition of Yojana magazine. The June 2023 edition 
gave me a holistic understanding of India's rich 
ancient wisdom of health and what the government 
is doing to promote it. This edition also provided 
some beneficial tips for a healthy lifestyle. 
– naresh Kumar meena
Suggested t opic
I have been a reader of Yojana English since my 
college days. I am now working on IPr-related matter. 
I shall be grateful if Team Yojana will shed light on IPr 
activity by publishing this topic as techade in May 
2023. With best regards.
– Barun Sinha, Kolkata
india as t ech vishwaguru
‘Yojana‘ May 2023 issue of ‘Techade’ was very 
informative and illuminating. This issue sheds 
light on the technological advancement of India. 
It also envisages the role of the government in 
imbibing and encouraging innovation in the field of 
Information and Technology. Articles are instructive 
and informative. The editorial is also heart-touching. 
Sincerely, thanks to Yojana team for their honest 
efforts and dedication. 
– a tish Kumar Dash, o disha 
5 July 2023
Nurturing Cooperatives
anthan, a crowd-sourced Hindi movie released in 1976, showcased 
the power of cooperatives probably for the first time on the silver 
screen. Here, dairy cooperatives were at the centre stage of a mostly 
agrarian society. Khadi cooperatives and Shri Mahila griha udyog were 
some other popular cooperatives that touched households of those times 
and empowered women. Cooperatives are grassroot institutions with 
democratic governance formed for the common interests of society. It is 
aimed at the socio-economic upliftment of the community and providing 
market for their products. This is truly a model based on cooperation, 
collective gain, and building social capital. 
Despite the fact that these cooperatives have operated and sustained 
since their inception more than a century ago, the overall picture was 
not particularly appealing. on 6 July 2021, when a separate ‘Ministry of 
Cooperation’ (MoC) was created by the union government with the 
purpose of attaining the goal of ‘Sahakar se Samriddhi’, it was a historic 
decision to further develop cooperatives as a true people-based movement reaching up to the grassroots. 
This was seen as a massive step towards bolstering the nation’s cooperative movement and recognising the 
power of our cooperatives, which place people before capital and operate as people-centric businesses. This Ministry 
provides a separate administrative, legal, and policy framework to support the development of cooperatives and 
make them more competitive. Such an alteration in structure is the need of the hour to transform cooperatives into 
a viable and thriving business model in the existing socio-economic environment. Since inception, the Ministry has 
been successful in obtaining approval for significant policies, including bringing cooperative societies on the g eM 
platform, computerisation of Primary Agriculture Credit Societies (PACS), strengthening multi-state cooperative 
societies, etc., with the aim of boosting cooperative development efforts. Not only this, MoC has also actively 
collaborated with stakeholders in gathering, compiling, analysing, and resolving a variety of problems and concerns 
to improve the business climate for the cooperative sector, streamlining processes for ‘Ease of Doing Business’ . 
r ecent measures have been seen as concrete steps towards further strengthening the cooperative sector. 
The ‘World’s Largest grain Storage Plan’ in the Cooperative Sector is in the pipeline through the convergence 
of various schemes. The decision to form three multi-state cooperative societies for Seed, organic, and Export 
will provide fresh momentum to the cooperative sector. Also, plans to establish viable PACS in each uncovered 
panchayat, viable dairy cooperatives in each uncovered panchayat/village and fishery cooperatives in each 
coastal panchayat/village as well as panchayat/village having large water bodies have been formulated, as well 
as reinforcing existing PACS/dairy/fishery cooperatives through the convergence of various schemes of Ministry 
of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying by leveraging the ‘Whole-of-government’ approach.
Cooperatives played a significant role in developing an economic model for rural development. The 
establishment of MoC, a reviving step by the government will certainly bring transparency and expand the 
reach of cooperatives to the grassroots across the country. This issue of Yojana intends to be a part of an 
extensive discussion about this revolution in the cooperative sector and its indispensable role in the country’s 
development. We hope the insights from subject experts will broaden the understanding of our readers about 
the capacity of cooperatives to bring together communities while promoting self-reliance.                                      ?
“Cooperation is a great medium for the self-sufficiency of the village,  
it has the energy of Atmanirbhar Bharat.”
- Prime Minister Narendra Modi
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