UPSC Exam  >  UPSC Notes  >  Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis: Daily, Weekly & Monthly  >  Yojana Magazine November 2023 - 1

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 Page 1

Lead aRTICLe
G20 : For the Planet,  
PeoPle, Peace and  
Amit Abh K Ant
india’s risinG inFluence: 
G20 summit Puts india  
on the World sta Ge
hArsh V ArdhAn shringl A
november 2023 a develoP ment monthly 
Page 2

Lead aRTICLe
G20 : For the Planet,  
PeoPle, Peace and  
Amit Abh K Ant
india’s risinG inFluence: 
G20 summit Puts india  
on the World sta Ge
hArsh V ArdhAn shringl A
november 2023 a develoP ment monthly 
November 2023
No. 11
A DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda @DPD_India I @YojanaJournal @publicationsdivision @dpd_india
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 64
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 51
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, 
Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
Lead aRTICLe
G20 : FoR The pLaneT,  
peopLe, peaCe and  
Amitabh Kant
IndIa’S RISInG InFLuenCe  
G20 SummIT puTS IndIa  
on The WoRLd STaGe 
Harsh Vardhan Shringla
Chief editor 
manoGyan RanI paL
ShuChITa ChaTuRvedI
our rePresentatives 
Ahmedabad: Sumanben A Machhar, Bengaluru: 
Yashwant Shehnai, Bhubaneswar: Itishree Singh 
Rathaur, Chennai: Sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: 
Maruf Alam, Hyderabad: Krishna Vandana  
P , Jalandhar: Gagandeep Kaur Devgan, Kolkata: 
Sumita Chakraborty, Mumbai: Sangeeta Godbole, 
Thiruvananthapuram: Sudha S Namboothiry.
Joint Director, ProDuction 
D K C hruDhaIna Th c over Design
BInDu Verma
Yojana (English): Room No. 647, Soochna Bhawan, 
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of Information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
suBsCrIPTIOn/GrIeV anCes
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
Journals Unit, Publications Division, Room No. 
779, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi 
Road, New Delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
9 16
suBsCrIPTIOn-reLa TeD DeTaILs : Page 6
GReen deveLopmenT paCT 
Roadmap To a SuSTaInabLe FuTuRe 
Leena Nandan 
deSIGnInG a CIRCuLaR  
eConomy WoRLd 
Atul Bagai
& pubLIC paRTICIpaTIon 
Akash Tripathi
buILdInG SaFeTy, SeCuRITy, 
ReSILIenCe, and TRuST In The 
dIGITaL eConomy 
Abhishek Singh
ReSponSIbLe uSe oF aI  
bRIdGInG InnovaTIon  
and eThICS 
Dr Sameer Patil, 
Shimona Mohan
eneRGy TRanSITIon In IndIa 
Bhupinder Singh Bhalla
pRoF mS SWamInaThan
Page 3

Lead aRTICLe
G20 : For the Planet,  
PeoPle, Peace and  
Amit Abh K Ant
india’s risinG inFluence: 
G20 summit Puts india  
on the World sta Ge
hArsh V ArdhAn shringl A
november 2023 a develoP ment monthly 
November 2023
No. 11
A DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda @DPD_India I @YojanaJournal @publicationsdivision @dpd_india
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 64
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 51
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, 
Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
Lead aRTICLe
G20 : FoR The pLaneT,  
peopLe, peaCe and  
Amitabh Kant
IndIa’S RISInG InFLuenCe  
G20 SummIT puTS IndIa  
on The WoRLd STaGe 
Harsh Vardhan Shringla
Chief editor 
manoGyan RanI paL
ShuChITa ChaTuRvedI
our rePresentatives 
Ahmedabad: Sumanben A Machhar, Bengaluru: 
Yashwant Shehnai, Bhubaneswar: Itishree Singh 
Rathaur, Chennai: Sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: 
Maruf Alam, Hyderabad: Krishna Vandana  
P , Jalandhar: Gagandeep Kaur Devgan, Kolkata: 
Sumita Chakraborty, Mumbai: Sangeeta Godbole, 
Thiruvananthapuram: Sudha S Namboothiry.
Joint Director, ProDuction 
D K C hruDhaIna Th c over Design
BInDu Verma
Yojana (English): Room No. 647, Soochna Bhawan, 
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of Information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
suBsCrIPTIOn/GrIeV anCes
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
Journals Unit, Publications Division, Room No. 
779, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi 
Road, New Delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
9 16
suBsCrIPTIOn-reLa TeD DeTaILs : Page 6
GReen deveLopmenT paCT 
Roadmap To a SuSTaInabLe FuTuRe 
Leena Nandan 
deSIGnInG a CIRCuLaR  
eConomy WoRLd 
Atul Bagai
& pubLIC paRTICIpaTIon 
Akash Tripathi
buILdInG SaFeTy, SeCuRITy, 
ReSILIenCe, and TRuST In The 
dIGITaL eConomy 
Abhishek Singh
ReSponSIbLe uSe oF aI  
bRIdGInG InnovaTIon  
and eThICS 
Dr Sameer Patil, 
Shimona Mohan
eneRGy TRanSITIon In IndIa 
Bhupinder Singh Bhalla
pRoF mS SWamInaThan
YOjaNa YEarENdEr SPECIal 4 November 2023
Knowledge enrichment source
i have been a regular reader of Yojana for the 
past 3 years, and i am delighted to share that i have 
gained so much knowledge from Yojana. every 
month, it provides the latest and most important 
content to the readers, and it becomes more helpful 
for the students who are preparing for competitive 
exams. t he government schemes, data, and various 
topics in different fields make it more interesting 
to read. t he clear and lucrative photos in the book 
make it more attractive to read. Yojana covered 
every aspect of issues with immense detail this 
o ctober; be it all parts of infrastructure, whether it 
is rail, road, agriculture, etc. t hank you, t eam Yojana, 
for bringing important topics to the attention of 
– r icha r ai 
Lucknow, uP 
c onnectivity drives development
the october issue of 'Yojana'  with articles  
'PM vishwakarma' and ‘PM gatishakti national 
Master Plan’ were well-written and easy to 
understand. the editorial 'time-speed-scale' 
presents a bird's-eye view of what's in store in the 
pages of the magazine. PM gatishakti holds the 
promise of driving india into a new era of growth and 
connectivity is absolutely correct. infrastructure is 
not just a mode of transportation but a pathway 
to achieving growth and prosperity. Article  ‘r oad 
infrastructure getting smarter’ with sub-heads 
'creation of nHAi, phenomenal growth of nHs, 
faster development of expressways, Fastag, and 
PPP mode’ gave the reader an insightful reading. 
Write up 'r ail infrastructure' with rail tourism and  
vande Bharat express trains covered, in detail, the 
indian r ailways. establishing 'unity Malls' in each 
state to promote oDoP and earmarking rs 5000 
crore to construct the malls is  unique in itself and 
will no  doubt foster economic development. All 
three articles relating to space were fascinating. t o 
sum up, infrastructure enables trade and powers 
– Pratap nayak 
Bhubaneswar, o disha
india’s infrastructure progress
t he october issue of 'Yojana' on infrastructure 
was highly insightful. this issue shows how india 
is achieving its development path. the articles 
on 'unity Mall' by Dr sajjan singh Yadav were 
interesting. Also, articles on space, road, rail, 
port, and agri-infrastructure were insightful and 
knowledgeable. As a regular reader of Yojana, 
i request that you bring up a separate issue on 
'telecom infrastructure’. thanks, team Yojana for 
bringing such a great issue back to back. 
– md Wahid s arwar 
infrastructure insights
t he o ctober 2023 issue of the Yojana provided 
us with comprehensive knowledge of the 
infrastructure of india. it gave a complete insight 
into india's infrastructure development. the 
articles on 'voyage to study the earth’s sun', 'space 
infrastructure' , 'r oad infrastructure getting smarter' , 
and especially the articles on 'g20 global startup 
ecosystem' were very insightful and interesting. 
t his issue was very useful for civil service aspirants. i 
request that you please bring up a separate issue on 
‘women empowerment'. thank you, team Yojana, 
for this issue on infrastructure. 
– s aniya s arwar 
Page 4

Lead aRTICLe
G20 : For the Planet,  
PeoPle, Peace and  
Amit Abh K Ant
india’s risinG inFluence: 
G20 summit Puts india  
on the World sta Ge
hArsh V ArdhAn shringl A
november 2023 a develoP ment monthly 
November 2023
No. 11
A DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda @DPD_India I @YojanaJournal @publicationsdivision @dpd_india
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 64
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 51
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, 
Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
Lead aRTICLe
G20 : FoR The pLaneT,  
peopLe, peaCe and  
Amitabh Kant
IndIa’S RISInG InFLuenCe  
G20 SummIT puTS IndIa  
on The WoRLd STaGe 
Harsh Vardhan Shringla
Chief editor 
manoGyan RanI paL
ShuChITa ChaTuRvedI
our rePresentatives 
Ahmedabad: Sumanben A Machhar, Bengaluru: 
Yashwant Shehnai, Bhubaneswar: Itishree Singh 
Rathaur, Chennai: Sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: 
Maruf Alam, Hyderabad: Krishna Vandana  
P , Jalandhar: Gagandeep Kaur Devgan, Kolkata: 
Sumita Chakraborty, Mumbai: Sangeeta Godbole, 
Thiruvananthapuram: Sudha S Namboothiry.
Joint Director, ProDuction 
D K C hruDhaIna Th c over Design
BInDu Verma
Yojana (English): Room No. 647, Soochna Bhawan, 
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of Information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
suBsCrIPTIOn/GrIeV anCes
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
Journals Unit, Publications Division, Room No. 
779, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi 
Road, New Delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
9 16
suBsCrIPTIOn-reLa TeD DeTaILs : Page 6
GReen deveLopmenT paCT 
Roadmap To a SuSTaInabLe FuTuRe 
Leena Nandan 
deSIGnInG a CIRCuLaR  
eConomy WoRLd 
Atul Bagai
& pubLIC paRTICIpaTIon 
Akash Tripathi
buILdInG SaFeTy, SeCuRITy, 
ReSILIenCe, and TRuST In The 
dIGITaL eConomy 
Abhishek Singh
ReSponSIbLe uSe oF aI  
bRIdGInG InnovaTIon  
and eThICS 
Dr Sameer Patil, 
Shimona Mohan
eneRGy TRanSITIon In IndIa 
Bhupinder Singh Bhalla
pRoF mS SWamInaThan
YOjaNa YEarENdEr SPECIal 4 November 2023
Knowledge enrichment source
i have been a regular reader of Yojana for the 
past 3 years, and i am delighted to share that i have 
gained so much knowledge from Yojana. every 
month, it provides the latest and most important 
content to the readers, and it becomes more helpful 
for the students who are preparing for competitive 
exams. t he government schemes, data, and various 
topics in different fields make it more interesting 
to read. t he clear and lucrative photos in the book 
make it more attractive to read. Yojana covered 
every aspect of issues with immense detail this 
o ctober; be it all parts of infrastructure, whether it 
is rail, road, agriculture, etc. t hank you, t eam Yojana, 
for bringing important topics to the attention of 
– r icha r ai 
Lucknow, uP 
c onnectivity drives development
the october issue of 'Yojana'  with articles  
'PM vishwakarma' and ‘PM gatishakti national 
Master Plan’ were well-written and easy to 
understand. the editorial 'time-speed-scale' 
presents a bird's-eye view of what's in store in the 
pages of the magazine. PM gatishakti holds the 
promise of driving india into a new era of growth and 
connectivity is absolutely correct. infrastructure is 
not just a mode of transportation but a pathway 
to achieving growth and prosperity. Article  ‘r oad 
infrastructure getting smarter’ with sub-heads 
'creation of nHAi, phenomenal growth of nHs, 
faster development of expressways, Fastag, and 
PPP mode’ gave the reader an insightful reading. 
Write up 'r ail infrastructure' with rail tourism and  
vande Bharat express trains covered, in detail, the 
indian r ailways. establishing 'unity Malls' in each 
state to promote oDoP and earmarking rs 5000 
crore to construct the malls is  unique in itself and 
will no  doubt foster economic development. All 
three articles relating to space were fascinating. t o 
sum up, infrastructure enables trade and powers 
– Pratap nayak 
Bhubaneswar, o disha
india’s infrastructure progress
t he october issue of 'Yojana' on infrastructure 
was highly insightful. this issue shows how india 
is achieving its development path. the articles 
on 'unity Mall' by Dr sajjan singh Yadav were 
interesting. Also, articles on space, road, rail, 
port, and agri-infrastructure were insightful and 
knowledgeable. As a regular reader of Yojana, 
i request that you bring up a separate issue on 
'telecom infrastructure’. thanks, team Yojana for 
bringing such a great issue back to back. 
– md Wahid s arwar 
infrastructure insights
t he o ctober 2023 issue of the Yojana provided 
us with comprehensive knowledge of the 
infrastructure of india. it gave a complete insight 
into india's infrastructure development. the 
articles on 'voyage to study the earth’s sun', 'space 
infrastructure' , 'r oad infrastructure getting smarter' , 
and especially the articles on 'g20 global startup 
ecosystem' were very insightful and interesting. 
t his issue was very useful for civil service aspirants. i 
request that you please bring up a separate issue on 
‘women empowerment'. thank you, team Yojana, 
for this issue on infrastructure. 
– s aniya s arwar 
5 November 2023
Yojana Classics
ClassiC s Yojana Classics 
is a collectible series on various 
thematic areas, crafted from select 
works published in the popular 
development monthly since 1957. This 
book takes its readers on an enriching 
journey of the Art, Culture & Heritage 
of India. It is a quintessential collection 
for students, art and culture enthusiasts, 
academicians, and for anyone with an 
eye for the magic that happens when art 
is expressed through words.
ClassiC s Publications Division
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Government of India
Price :  ` 205.00
ClassiC s Yojana Classics 
is a collectible series on various 
thematic areas, crafted from select 
works published in the popular 
development monthly since 1957. This 
book takes its readers on an enriching 
journey of the Art, Culture & Heritage 
of India. It is a quintessential collection 
for students, art and culture enthusiasts, 
academicians, and for anyone with an 
eye for the magic that happens when art 
is expressed through words.
ClassiC s Publications Division
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Government of India
Price :  ` 205.00
visit :
Page 5

Lead aRTICLe
G20 : For the Planet,  
PeoPle, Peace and  
Amit Abh K Ant
india’s risinG inFluence: 
G20 summit Puts india  
on the World sta Ge
hArsh V ArdhAn shringl A
november 2023 a develoP ment monthly 
November 2023
No. 11
A DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda @DPD_India I @YojanaJournal @publicationsdivision @dpd_india
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 64
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 51
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, 
Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
Lead aRTICLe
G20 : FoR The pLaneT,  
peopLe, peaCe and  
Amitabh Kant
IndIa’S RISInG InFLuenCe  
G20 SummIT puTS IndIa  
on The WoRLd STaGe 
Harsh Vardhan Shringla
Chief editor 
manoGyan RanI paL
ShuChITa ChaTuRvedI
our rePresentatives 
Ahmedabad: Sumanben A Machhar, Bengaluru: 
Yashwant Shehnai, Bhubaneswar: Itishree Singh 
Rathaur, Chennai: Sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: 
Maruf Alam, Hyderabad: Krishna Vandana  
P , Jalandhar: Gagandeep Kaur Devgan, Kolkata: 
Sumita Chakraborty, Mumbai: Sangeeta Godbole, 
Thiruvananthapuram: Sudha S Namboothiry.
Joint Director, ProDuction 
D K C hruDhaIna Th c over Design
BInDu Verma
Yojana (English): Room No. 647, Soochna Bhawan, 
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of Information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
suBsCrIPTIOn/GrIeV anCes
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
Journals Unit, Publications Division, Room No. 
779, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi 
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9 16
suBsCrIPTIOn-reLa TeD DeTaILs : Page 6
GReen deveLopmenT paCT 
Roadmap To a SuSTaInabLe FuTuRe 
Leena Nandan 
deSIGnInG a CIRCuLaR  
eConomy WoRLd 
Atul Bagai
& pubLIC paRTICIpaTIon 
Akash Tripathi
buILdInG SaFeTy, SeCuRITy, 
ReSILIenCe, and TRuST In The 
dIGITaL eConomy 
Abhishek Singh
ReSponSIbLe uSe oF aI  
bRIdGInG InnovaTIon  
and eThICS 
Dr Sameer Patil, 
Shimona Mohan
eneRGy TRanSITIon In IndIa 
Bhupinder Singh Bhalla
pRoF mS SWamInaThan
YOjaNa YEarENdEr SPECIal 4 November 2023
Knowledge enrichment source
i have been a regular reader of Yojana for the 
past 3 years, and i am delighted to share that i have 
gained so much knowledge from Yojana. every 
month, it provides the latest and most important 
content to the readers, and it becomes more helpful 
for the students who are preparing for competitive 
exams. t he government schemes, data, and various 
topics in different fields make it more interesting 
to read. t he clear and lucrative photos in the book 
make it more attractive to read. Yojana covered 
every aspect of issues with immense detail this 
o ctober; be it all parts of infrastructure, whether it 
is rail, road, agriculture, etc. t hank you, t eam Yojana, 
for bringing important topics to the attention of 
– r icha r ai 
Lucknow, uP 
c onnectivity drives development
the october issue of 'Yojana'  with articles  
'PM vishwakarma' and ‘PM gatishakti national 
Master Plan’ were well-written and easy to 
understand. the editorial 'time-speed-scale' 
presents a bird's-eye view of what's in store in the 
pages of the magazine. PM gatishakti holds the 
promise of driving india into a new era of growth and 
connectivity is absolutely correct. infrastructure is 
not just a mode of transportation but a pathway 
to achieving growth and prosperity. Article  ‘r oad 
infrastructure getting smarter’ with sub-heads 
'creation of nHAi, phenomenal growth of nHs, 
faster development of expressways, Fastag, and 
PPP mode’ gave the reader an insightful reading. 
Write up 'r ail infrastructure' with rail tourism and  
vande Bharat express trains covered, in detail, the 
indian r ailways. establishing 'unity Malls' in each 
state to promote oDoP and earmarking rs 5000 
crore to construct the malls is  unique in itself and 
will no  doubt foster economic development. All 
three articles relating to space were fascinating. t o 
sum up, infrastructure enables trade and powers 
– Pratap nayak 
Bhubaneswar, o disha
india’s infrastructure progress
t he october issue of 'Yojana' on infrastructure 
was highly insightful. this issue shows how india 
is achieving its development path. the articles 
on 'unity Mall' by Dr sajjan singh Yadav were 
interesting. Also, articles on space, road, rail, 
port, and agri-infrastructure were insightful and 
knowledgeable. As a regular reader of Yojana, 
i request that you bring up a separate issue on 
'telecom infrastructure’. thanks, team Yojana for 
bringing such a great issue back to back. 
– md Wahid s arwar 
infrastructure insights
t he o ctober 2023 issue of the Yojana provided 
us with comprehensive knowledge of the 
infrastructure of india. it gave a complete insight 
into india's infrastructure development. the 
articles on 'voyage to study the earth’s sun', 'space 
infrastructure' , 'r oad infrastructure getting smarter' , 
and especially the articles on 'g20 global startup 
ecosystem' were very insightful and interesting. 
t his issue was very useful for civil service aspirants. i 
request that you please bring up a separate issue on 
‘women empowerment'. thank you, team Yojana, 
for this issue on infrastructure. 
– s aniya s arwar 
5 November 2023
Yojana Classics
ClassiC s Yojana Classics 
is a collectible series on various 
thematic areas, crafted from select 
works published in the popular 
development monthly since 1957. This 
book takes its readers on an enriching 
journey of the Art, Culture & Heritage 
of India. It is a quintessential collection 
for students, art and culture enthusiasts, 
academicians, and for anyone with an 
eye for the magic that happens when art 
is expressed through words.
ClassiC s Publications Division
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Government of India
Price :  ` 205.00
ClassiC s Yojana Classics 
is a collectible series on various 
thematic areas, crafted from select 
works published in the popular 
development monthly since 1957. This 
book takes its readers on an enriching 
journey of the Art, Culture & Heritage 
of India. It is a quintessential collection 
for students, art and culture enthusiasts, 
academicians, and for anyone with an 
eye for the magic that happens when art 
is expressed through words.
ClassiC s Publications Division
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Government of India
Price :  ` 205.00
visit :
7 November 2023
Pro-People, Pro-Planet
he world, as we see it today, is marred with conflicts, displacements, 
climate change, natural disasters, calamities, diseases, financial 
uncertainty, and inequality. global challenges like these, affect the 
vulnerable, including children and women the most. in this defining 
phase, the world needs concrete action and sustained cooperation to 
minimise human suffering and establish an order towards the well-being 
and prosperity of all. various stakeholders, including decision-makers, 
global communities, international organisations, governments, and civil 
societies, are expected to collaborate to build a better future for the 
people and the planet.
Against this backdrop, india assumed the g20 Presidency, which was 
considered to be a transformative moment with the potential to hold 
answers and provide direction to several pressing international problems. 
true to the spirit of ‘one earth, one Family, one Future’, the new Delhi 
Leader’s Declaration that came out of the g20 summit clearly stated 
action points and directives towards an affirmative resolve.
in the last eight decades post the World War, global order has seen dramatic changes due to economic growth, 
decolonisation, technological progress, better health and infrastructure, reforms in various sectors, and deeper 
international cooperation. the need for multilateralism to adequately address contemporary and inter-connected 
global challenges of the 21
 century is being felt more than ever today. t he international development finance system 
needs to be further strengthened for more inclusive and equitable growth, with a continued focus on maximising 
development impact for vulnerable sections and low- and middle-income countries.
Making the world more inclusive with the equal participation of all stakeholders including the global s outh was 
a major thrust area of the presidency. t he inclusion of the African union as a permanent member of g20 is expected 
to address its concerns, aspirations, and participation in international partnerships. t he vision to create the india-
Middle east-europe economic c orridor (iMec ) as a network of highways, railroads, and waterways for transportation 
aims to foster integration between Asia, the Arabian gulf, and europe, and advance economic development. With 
india’s commitment to sustainable development, the g20 leaders adopted the green Development Pact which 
demonstrated their collective commitment to addressing crucial matters related to climate change. Along with 
this, the global Biofuel Alliance was formed in the spirit of constructive collaboration that characterised india’s 
With the g20 presidency handed over to Brazil, the world looks forward to building on the foundation laid during 
the indian presidency. under india’s leadership, inclusive development, digital infrastructure, and sustainability were 
addressed, emphasising a human-centric approach. t he new Delhi Leaders’ Declaration covers many different facets 
of human-centered development and leaves no one behind. it stressed gender equality and women-led development 
through gender-inclusive economic and social empowerment. the g20’s dedication to women’s emancipation is 
further demonstrated by the creation of the new Women’s Working group. 
As this historic g20 presidency concludes, it is essential to reflect on the multifaceted impact it had on the nation. 
t his issue of Yojana aims to provide a comprehensive view from the subject experts of the influence that i ndia’s g20 
presidency has had across various sectors, from economic and environmental to diplomatic, technological, and social. 
t he legacy of this presidency must continue to shape the world’s policies, partnerships, and action with a pro-people 
and pro-planet approach, keeping in mind a defining statement from the new Delhi Leaders’ Declaration that was, 
‘Today’s era must not be of war’.  ?
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