Novels Exam  >  Novels Notes  >  Atlas Shrugged - Summary, Themes and Characters  >  Philip Rearden - Characters, Atlas Shrugged

Philip Rearden - Characters, Atlas Shrugged | Atlas Shrugged - Summary, Themes and Characters - Novels PDF Download

Hank's younger brother shows us exactly what's wrong with the idea of being your "brother's keeper." Philip mooches off Hank then bites the hand that feeds him. He wants free handouts and shows no thanks or even basic kindness and respect in return:

"By the way, Henry," Philip added, "do you mind if I ask you to have Miss Ives give me the money in cash?" Rearden turned back to him, puzzled. "You see, Friends of Global Progress are a very progressive group and they have always maintained that you represent the blackest element of social retrogression in the country, so it would embarrass us, you know, to have your name on our list of contributors, because somebody might accuse us of being in the pay of Hank Rearden." (

This guy is shameless. Philip has completely bought in to the intellectual and moral system of the looters and his life is ultimately pathetic. He remains on the fringes of the looter power system and seems to spend his time asking Hank for handouts, insulting Hank, and reciting ridiculous ideology at parties.

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