Definition of Control system (CS): It is a system by means of which any quantity of interest in a machine or mechanism is controlled (maintained or altered) in accordance with the desired manner. Control systems can be characterized mathematically by Transfer function' or 'State model'. Transfer function is defined as the ratio of Laplace Transform (LT) of output to that of input assuming that initial conditions are zero. Transfer function is also obtained as Laplace transform of the impulse response of the system.
For any arbitrary input r(t), output c(t) of control system can be obtained as below,
r(t) = L-1 (R (s)) = L-1 (T (s) . R (s))= L-1 (T(s)) * r(t)
Where L and L-1 are forward and inverse Laplace transform operators and * is convolution operator.
Classification of Control Systems
Open-Loop Control System
Closed-Loop Control System (Feedback Control Systems): Closed-Loop control systems can be classified as positive and negative feedback (f/b) control systems. In a closed-loop control system, the output has an effect on control action through a feedback.
Let T(s) be the overall transfer function of the closed-loop control system, then
Here negative sign in denominator is considered for positive feedback and vice versa.
G(S)H(S) → Open loop transfer function
Error transfer function =
Effect of Feedback
Signal Flow Graphs (SFG): A signal flow graph is a graphical representation of portraying the input-output relationships between the variables of a set of linear algebraic equations. Also following are the basic properties of signal flow graphs.
Mason's Gain Formula:
The general gain formula is, T =
Where T = Overall gain between yin and yout
yout = output node variable
Yin = input node variable
N = total number of forward paths
Pk = gain of the kth forward path
Δ = determinant of the graph =
= 1 - (sum of all individual loop gains) + (sum of gain products of all possible combinations of two non- touching loops) - (sum of the gain products of all possible combinations of three non- touching loops) + .... = gain product of the mth possible combination of V non-touching loops
Δk = that part of the signal flow graph which is non-touching with the kth forward path
Introduction: Whenever an input signal or excitation is given to a system, the response or output of the system with respect to time is known as time response of the system. The time response of a control system is divided into two parts namely, transient and steady state response.
Total response of a system = transient response + steady state response (or C (t) — Ctr (t) + Css(t))
Where C(t) is overall response of the system,
Ctr(t) is transient response component of the system and
Css(t) is steady state response component of the system
Following are salient characteristics of transient response of a control system.
Following are the salient properties of steady state response of a control system.
Time Response of a First Order Control System: A first order control system is one for which the highest power of 's' in the denominator of its transfer function is equal to 1. Thus a first order control system is expressed by a transfer function,
Time Response of a First Order Control System Subjected to Unit Step Input Function:
As the input is a unit step function, r(t) = u(t) and R(s) = 1/s
Output is given by c(t) = (1 - e-t/T) u(t)
The error is given by e(t) = r(t) - c(t) = e-t/T. u(t)
The steady state error
Time Response of a First Order Control System Subjected to Unit Ramp Input Function:
As the input is a unit ramp function, r(t) = t.u(t) and R(s) = 1 / s2
Output is given as c (t) = (t - T + Te -t/T) u(t)
The error is given by e(t) = r(t) - c(t) = T - Te-t/T) u(t)
The steady state error is
From above we see that the output velocity matches with the input velocity but lags behind the input by time T and a positional error of T units exists in the system.
Time Response of A First Order Control System Subjected to Unit Impulse Input Function:
The error is given by e(t) = r(t) - c(t)
The steady state error is
Time Response of Second Order Control System:
A second order control system is one for which the highest power 's' in the denominator of its transfer function is equal to 2. A general expression for the T.F. of a second order control system is given by,
Characteristic Equation: The characteristic equation of a second order control system is given by
The roots are s =
Here ωn is called natural frequency of oscillations, is called damped frequency of oscillations,
is called damping ratio and affects damping and
is called damping factor or damping coefficient.
Based on roots of characteristic equation, following can be highlighted.
Time Response of a Second Order Control System Subjected to Unit Step Input Function: where
The steady state error is
Here the time constant T = and Speed of the system
Transient Response Specification of Second Order Under-Damped Control System:
The time response of an under damped control system exhibits damped oscillations prior to reaching steady state.
Time Response of The Higher Order System And Error Constants:
Steady state error,
Using Final value theorem, ess = Lims→0 s E(s)
But C(s) = E(s) G(s) ⇒ E(s) =
Type and Order of System: For the open-loop transfer function,
Let kp = Lims→0 G(s) = Position error constant
Let kv = Lims→0 s G(s) = Velocity error constant
Let ka = Lims→0 s2 G(s) = Acceleration error constant
Introduction: Any system is said to be a stable system, if the output of the system is bounded for a bounded input (stability in BIBO sense) and also in the absence of the input, output should tend to zero (asymptotic stability).
Based on above discussion, systems are classified as below,
Depending on the location of poles for a control system, stability of the system can be characterized in following ways.
Absolute Stability Analysis: Absolute stability analysis is by the qualitative analysis of stability and is determined by location of roots of characteristic equation in s-plane.
Relative Stability Analysis: The relative stability can be specified by requiring that all the roots of the characteristic equation be more negative than a certain value, i.e. all the roots must lie to the left of the line; s = - σ1, (σ1 > 0). The characteristic equation of the system under study is modified by shifting the origin of the s - plane to s = - σ1 i.e. by substitution s = z - σ1. If the new characteristic equation in z satisfies the Routh criterion, it implies that all the roots of the original characteristic equation are more negative than - σ1.
Also if it is required to find out number of roots of characteristic equation between the lines S = σ2 and S = -σ2 perform Routh analysis by putting S = z - σ1, and find out number of roots to right of S = -σ1. Similarly find out number of roots to the right of S = σ2. The difference between above two numbers gives the number of roots of characteristic equation between S = -σ1 and 5 = -σ2.
Routh-Hurwitz Criterion: The Routh-Hurwitz criterion represents a method of determining the location of poles of polynomial with constant real coefficient with respect to the left half and the right half of the s- plane. Routh-Hurwitz criterion mainly gives a flexibility to determine the stability of the closed loop control system without actually solving for poles.
F(s) = a0sn + a1sn-1 + a2sn-2 ............ + an-1S + an = 0
If any power of s is missing in the characteristic equation, it indicates that there is at least one root with positive real part, hence the system is unstable. If the characteristic equation contains only odd or even powers of s, then roots are purely imaginary. Thus, the system will have sustained oscillations in output response. Also when Routh - Hurwitz criterion is applied, following difficulties can be faced.
Difficulty 1: When the first term in any row of the Routh array is zero while rest of the row has at least one non-zero term.
Difficulty 2: When all the elements in any one row of the Routh array are zero.
Introduction: Root locus is a locus of poles of transfer function of a closed loop control system when the variable parameter is varied from 0 to ∞. Depending on nature of variable parameter and range of variation, root locus can be classified as below.
Characteristic equation of above system is 1 + G(S)•H(S) = 0. Usually while plotting root locus, a forward path gain, K which is inherently present in G(S) is considered as independent variable and roots of characteristic equation are considered as dependent variables. Any root of 1 + G(S)H(S) = 0 satisfies following two conditions,
Rules for the Construction of Root Locus (RL): Let P be the number of open-loop poles and Z be the number of open - loop zeroes of a control system. Then the following are the salient features for construction of root locus plot.
Frequency Domain Specifications: Consider a dosed - loop control system of open - loop transfer function G(S) and feed - back transfer function, H(S). If the system has negative feedback, the overall transfer function is given by M(S) =
The plot of |M(Jω)| with respect to ω is shown in figure below.
The response falls by 3 dB at frequency ωc, from its low frequency value, called cut-off frequency and the frequency range 0 to ωc is called the bandwidth of the system. The resonant peak, Mr occurs at resonance frequency ωr. The bandwidth is defined as the frequency at which the magnitude gain of frequency response plot reduces to 1/√2 = 0.707 (i.e. 3 db) of its low frequency value.
for a second order control system.
Polar Plot: Consider a control system of transfer function G(s). The sinusoidal transfer function G(jω) is a complex function which is given as,
G(jω) = Re [G(jω)] +j lm [G(jω)] (or) G(jω) = |G(jω)| ∠G(jω) = M ∠∅ Where M = |G(Jω)| and ∅ = ∠G(Jω))
G(jω) may be represented as a phasor of magnitude M and phase angle ∅. As the input frequency ω is varied from 0 to ∞, the magnitude M and phase angle ∅ change and hence the tip of the phasor G(jω) traces a locus in the complex plane, which is known as polar plot.
Consider a transfer function which consists of P poles and Z zeroes.
Special Cases of LTI Control Systems
Minimum Phase System
If G(S) has no poles and zeroes in the R.H.S of S-plane, then the system is called "minimum phase system'. As zeroes are also on left half on s-plane, inverse system of a minimum phase system is also stable.
Non Minimum Phase System:
If G(S) has at least one pole or zero in the R.H.S of S plane, then system is called non-minimum phase system. Also the inverse system of a non-minimum phase system is unstable.
All Pass System:
If G(S) has symmetric poles and zeroes about the about the imaginary axis, then system is called "All pass system".
Also |G(jw)l = K; ∀ω where K is a constant.
Linear Phase System:
A system is called linear phase if plot of ∠G(Jω) with respect to to is linear.
∴ where K is a constant.
Nyquist Plot & Nyquist Stability Criteria:
Nyquist criterion is helpful to identify the presence of roots in a specified region based on polar plot of G(S).H(S). Thus, Nyquist stability analysis is more generalized than Routh criterion. By inspection of polar plot of G(S).H(S) more information is obtained than the stability of the control system.
If N is the number of encirclements of G(s).H(s) around (-1 + j0) in counter-clockwise direction, then
N = P+ - Z+
Where P+ is number of open loop poles with +ve real part and Z+ is number of close-loop poles with +ve real part
Tips for Getting Nyquist Plot:
Gain Margin: The gain margin is a factor by which the gain of a stable system can be increased to bring the system on the verge of instability. If the phase cross-over frequency is denoted by ωc, and the magnitude of G(jω) H(jω) at
ω = ωc is |G(jωc)H(jωc)|. The gain margin is given by
Phase Margin: The phase margin of a stable system is the amount of additional phase lag required to bring the system to the point of instability. Phase margin is given as,
PM = 180° + ∠G(Jωg)H(Jωg) where ωg is gain crossover frequency.
Bode Plots: Given open - loop transfer function of a dosed - loop control system as G(S) H(S), the stability of the control system can also be determined based on its sinusoidal frequency response (obtained by substituting S = Jω). The quantities, M = 20 log10 |G(Jω)H(Jω)| (in dB) and phase, ∅ = ∠G(Jω)H(Jω) (in degrees) are plotted with respect to frequency on logarithmic scale (log10ω) in rectangular axes. The plot obtained above is called "Bode plot". G.M and PM can be found out from Bode plots, thus relative stability of closed loop control system can be assessed.
Bode Plots of K:
Bode Plots of :
Bode Magnitude Plot of :
Bode Plot of (1 + ST)
Bode Magnitude Plot of Second Order Control System:
Bode magnitude plot of any open-loop transfer function G(s) H(s) can be found out by superimposing individual magnitude plots of basic pole and zero terms. However phase response can be found out as usual by substituting S = Jω.
M & N Circles
Constant Magnitude Loci: M-Cirdes:
The constant magnitude contours are known as M-circles. M-circles are used to determine the magnitude response of a close-loop system using open-loop transfer function. It is applicable only for unity feedback systems.
The above Eq. represents a family of circles with center at and radius as
On a particular circle the value of M (magnitude of close-loop transfer function) is constant, therefore these circles are called M-circles.
Constant Phase Angles Lod: N-Circles: The constant phase angle contours are known as N-circles. N-circles are used to determine the phase response of a close-loop system using open-loop transfer function.
For different values of N, above equation represents a family of circles with center at x = -1/2, y = 1/2N and radius as On a particular circle, the value of N or the value of phase angle of the closed-loop transfer function is constant; therefore, these circles are called N-circles.
Nichol's Chart: The transformation of constant - M and constant - N circles to log-magnitude and phase angle coordinates is known as the Nichols chart.
Introduction: Many a times, performance of a control system may not be upto the expectation, in which case the performance of the same can be improved by controllers or compensating networks.
Compensating Network
Phase Lag Compensator: A compensator having the characteristic of a lag network is called a lag compensator. Hence, the poles of this network should be closer to origin than zeroes.
General form of lag compensator,
Frequency of maximum phase lag,
∴ Maximum lag angle,
Phase Lead compensator: A compensator having the characteristics of a lead network is called a lead compensator. Lead compensator has zero placed more closer to origin than a pole.
General form of transfer function of lead compensator, Gc(s) =
Frequency of maximum phase lead,
Comparison of Phase Lag And Phase Lead Compensators:
Phase Lag - Lead Compensator: A compensator having the characteristics of lag -lead network is called a lag - lead compensator.
The transfer function of lag - lead compensator, where β> 1, 0 < α < 1 and αβ = l
Feedback Compensation: In this method, the compensating element is introduced in feedback path of a control system as shown.
After compensation, overall open-loop transfer function = G(S) • (1 + SKt)
Depending on nature of G(S) and Kt, damping of response can be controlled.
Controllers: A closed loop control system tries to achieve the target output because of the feedback signal.. Many a times, the output response achieved is not smooth and also may have steady state error. Thus, the transient and steady state response can be improved by using a control action of transfer function Gc(s) as shown in figure below.
Proportional Controller: Transfer function of a proportional controller is given as, Gc(s) = Kp. Proportional controller is usually an amplifier with gain Kp. It is used to vary the transient response of the control system. One cannot determine the steady state response by changing Kp. Steady state response depends on the type of the system. However, maximum overshoot is increased in this case.
Integral Controller: Transfer function of a Integral controller is given as, Gc(s) = K1/s. It is used to decrease the steady state error by increasing the type of the system. However, stability decreases in this case.
Derivative Controller: Transfer function of a derivative controller is given as, Gc(s) = KD. s. It is used to increase the stability of the system by adding zeros, steady state error increases, as type of the system decreases in this case.
Proportional + Integral (PI) Controller: Transfer function of PI controller is given as, Gc(s) = (Kp + K1/s). It is used to decrease the steady state error without effecting stability,, as a pole at origin and a zero are added. In P+1 controller, order of a system increases, i.e. it converts a second order system to third order.
Proportional + Derivative (PD) Controller: Transfer function of a PD controller is given as, Gc(s) = (KD.s + Kp). It is used to increase the stability without effecting the steady state error. Here type of the system is not changed and a zero is added.
Proportional + Integral + Derivative (PID) Controller: Transfer function of a PID controller is given as, Gc(s) = (Kp + K1/s + KD. s) = It is used to decrease the steady state error and to increase the stability as one pole at origin and two zeros are added. One zero compensates the pole and other zero will increase the stability. Hence response is faster and highly accurate.
Introduction: The analysis of control system, carried out till now using transfer function approach etc, assumes that system is initially at rest and system is single input single output (SISO) type. Hence the state-space approach is used to overcome above disadvantages and this approach is performed by writing differential equation in time domain and by suitably choosing state variables.
Advantages of State Variable Analysis:
Here u1(t) and u2(t) are inputs, x1(t) and x2(t) are state variables, y1(t) and y2(t) are outputs.
State Space Representation: Consider a differential equation,
State-space representation of above is obtained as below,
Let x(t) = x1 and
In matrix form,
Here x1(t) and x2(t) are called state variables. The n dimensional state variables are elements of n dimensional space called state space.
State Variable: The smallest set of variables, which determine the state of the dynamic system, are called the state variables.
State: It is the smallest set of state variables, the knowledge of these variable at t = t0 together with the input completely determines the behavior of the system for any time t > t0.
State Equation: Consider a system described as below,
State - space model can be described as below based on above state equation.
Where X(t) = State vector,
dX/dt = Rate of change of state vector,
U(t) = input vector,
A = System matrix or Evolution matrix
B = Control matrix
Output Equation: For the system described above, let the output equations be
By representing these in matrix form,
y(t) is output vector,
C is observation matrix
D is transmission matrix
Different State - Space Representations
Direct Decomposition: In direct decomposition, the matrix A is of Bash's phase variable form as below,
If λ1,λ2 ,....λn are eigen values of A, eigen vector matrix, P can be represented as.
Cascade Decomposition: Here given system is converted into multiple systems in cascade and direct decomposition is performed to each of these sub-systems.
Parallel Decomposition: Here the given system transfer function is split into partial fractions first and by considering direct decomposition of each of the sub-system (partial fraction terms) in parallel, parallel decomposition can be performed.
State Transition Matrix: The transition matrix is defined as a matrix that satisfies the linear homogeneous state equation.
For t ≥ 0,
Here is called state transition matrix.
Properties of the State Transition Matrix: The state transition matrix ∅(t) possesses the following properties
Time Response: Given a state space representation of a control system, the time response for any generic input and initial conditions contains the following.
Zero Input Response: Only initial conditions are considered and input is considered to be zero.
X(t) = ∅(t) X (0)
Zero State Response: Only input functions are considered and initial conditions are zero.
Total Response: Total response can be described as,
Transfer Matrix of System: Consider a MIMO described by,
X' = AX + BU
Y = CX + DU
Transfer matrix of system is given as G (s) = C(SI - A)-1 B + D
Controllability of Linear Systems: A system is said to be controllable, if there exists an input to transfer the state of system from any given initial state X(ti) to any final state X(tf) in a finite time (tf - ti) ≥ 0. The condition of controllability depends on the coefficient matrices A and 13 of the system.
Kalman Test for Controllability: For the system to be completely state controllable, it is necessary and sufficient that the following matrix Qc has a rank n, where n is order of A.
Qc = [ B : A B : A2B : ........... An-1B]
For the system to be controllable, rank of Qc should be n or |Qc|≠0.
Observability of Linear Systems: A system is said to be observable if it's possible to get information about state variables from the measurements of the output and input.
Kalman Test for Observability: For the system to be completely observable, it is necessary and sufficient that the following composite matrix Qo has a rank of n, where n is order of A.
Qo = [CT : ATCT : (AT)2CT : ........ (AT)n-1CT].
For the system to be observable, rank of Qo should be n or |Q0| ≠ 0.
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