Q.1. What kind of climate is found in India?
Q.2. Which is the most remarkable feature of the cold weather season over northern plains?
Q.3. What ideas justify that how temperature varies from place to place and season to season in our country?
Q.4. In which state houses are built on stilts?
Q.5. Will you interpret the climatic conditions, as the monsoon retreat?
Q.6. Which parts of India receive heavy rainfall, moderate rainfall, low rainfall and scanty rainfall
Q.7. What is extreme climate?
Q.8. What does the word ‘Monsoon’ imply?
Q.9. How do Jet Streams influence the climate of India?
Q.10. From where the western cyclonic disturbance originate in winter?
Q.11. What are the factors which affect the climate of an area?
Q.12. Evaluate spread of monsoon over the Indian sub-continent from Kerala to Jammu and Kashmir.
Q.13. What is Southern Oscillation?
Q.14. How does the latitude affect the climate of an area?
Q.15. What are the features of hot weather season in India?
Q.16. What is the weather conditions of an area for a long period of time called?
Q.17. India lies in which climatic region? Explain.
Q.18. How far it is correct to say that both the pressure and the wind conditions over India are unique? What information would you use to support your answer?
Q.19. Give two examples of precipitation.
Q.20. “Transition period from hot rainy season to dry winter conditions linked with the occurrence of cyclonic depression over Andaman Sea.” Explain.
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