NEET Exam  >  NEET Notes  >  How to Fill NEET UG OMR Answer Sheet 2025?

How to Fill NEET UG OMR Answer Sheet 2025? PDF Download

NEET 2023 OMR Sheet: Important Dates

The important dates pertaining to the NEET 2023 OMR Sheet are as follows:



NEET 2023 Exam

May 7, 2023

Release of NEET Answer Key 2023

May/ June 2023

Challenging Provisional NEET Answer Key 2023

June 2023

NEET 2023 OMR Sheet Availability

June 2023

Challenge NEET 2023 Response Sheet

June 2023

Publication of Final Answer Key

June 2023

Declaration of NEET 2023 Result

June 2023

Commencement of NEET Counselling Process 2023

To be Announced

Details to be Filled on NEET OMR Sheet

Before marking answers on the NEET OMR sheet, candidates will have to fill in some important details using a Blue or Black Ball Point Pen Only. The OMR Sheet will have two sides - the front side and the backside. The front side will have all the important instructions. Before filling out the OMR sheet, go through the guidelines so that you do miss out on the important details. Check out the other important details to be filled in on the sheet:

  • NEET Roll Number in Numerals (as mentioned on NEET admit card)
  • NEET Roll Number in Words (running hand)
  • Name of the Candidate (in capital letters)
  • Father's Name (in capital letters)
  • NTA NEET Exam Centre Number
  • Centre of Examination (in running hand)

Steps to Fill the OMR Sheet

Filling the OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) Sheet for the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) can be a daunting task for students. However, with the right guidance and understanding of the process, it can be done easily and accurately. 

How to Fill NEET UG OMR Answer Sheet 2025?

In this EduRev document, we will provide a detailed step-by-step guide on how to fill NEET OMR Sheet, along with relevant images to assist you in the process.
How to Fill NEET UG OMR Answer Sheet 2025?

Step 1: Obtain the NEET OMR Sheet

The first step in filling the NEET OMR Sheet is to obtain the sheet itself. The OMR Sheet will be provided to you by the examination center along with a test booklet and a pencil. Ensure that you have received the correct OMR Sheet for the NEET examination, as it is a crucial document for your examination.
OMR SheetOMR Sheet

Step 2: Understand the format of the OMR Sheet

  • Before you begin filling the NEET UG OMR Sheet, it is important that you understand the format of the sheet. The OMR Sheet has several sections, including the student's personal details, the test booklet details, and the section for answering the multiple-choice questions. The sheet also has a grid pattern of dark circles and corresponding numbers, which you will need to fill in.

When it comes to NEET preparation, the EduRev Infinity Package is a great option to consider. It provides comprehensive coverage of all subjects, including Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, as well as online tests, mock tests, detailed notes, video lectures, and a complete course on NCERTs.

Things to take care of:

  • Before Filling OMR Sheet, the Candidate should remember one thing that OMR Sheets are evaluated by computer software. This software is very sensitive and can only read properly filled blue/black coloured bubbles. Do not tamper or scratch the OMR Sheet. Only provide the required information in the NEET UG OMR Sheet.

Do not tamper or scratch the OMR sheetDo not tamper or scratch the OMR sheet

Step 3: Fill in Personal Details

Specific spaces or boxes are provided in the OMR Sheets to fill the required information like Roll Number, Test Booklet No. and Test Booklet Code and do not write anything else on the NEET UG OMR Sheets or do not make any specific symbol or sign. This can lead to the rejection of the OMR Sheet.

  • The candidate has a 10 digit Roll Number. The correct way to fill the Roll Number is mentioned in the following example. Roll Number will be mentioned in the Admit Card.

Fill in the respective roll numbers in the same way as shown aboveFill in the respective roll numbers in the same way as shown above

  • In the OMR Sheet, write the Candidate’s Name, Father’s Name, and Mother’s Name (in running handwriting) in the Name column as given in the following box.

How to Fill NEET UG OMR Answer Sheet 2025?

Step 4: Fill in Test Booklet Details

The next section of the OMR Sheet is for test booklet details. This includes the test booklet number, the set of questions, and the language of the test booklet. Once again, make sure to fill in all the details accurately.
How to Fill NEET UG OMR Answer Sheet 2025?

Step 5: Mark your Answers

The test is of 3 hours 20 minutes duration and the Test Booklet contains 200 multiple-choice questions (four options with a single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Botany and Zoology). 50 questions in each subject are divided into two Sections (A and B) as per details given below:

Section A shall consist of 35 (Thirty-five) Questions in each subject (Question No. – 001 to 035, 051 to 085, 101 to 135, and 151 to 185). All questions are compulsory.
Section B shall consist of 15 (Fifteen) questions in each subject (Question No. – 036 to 050, 086 to 100, 136 to 150, and 186 to 200). In Section B, a candidate needs to attempt any 10 (Ten) questions out of 15 (Fifteen) in each subject.

  • The most important section of the OMR Sheet is the section for answering the multiple-choice questions. This section has a grid pattern of dark circles, corresponding to the question numbers. To mark your answers, you will need to use a blue/black pen to darken the circle corresponding to your answer choice.
  • Do not fill in more than one option for any of the questions because there is only one answer, which is the most appropriate for all the questions.

Do not fill more than one option for any questionDo not fill more than one option for any question

Step 6: Fill the other Particulars after filling Answers

  • The candidates are required to sign with time (in running handwriting) in the declaration column.

How to Fill NEET UG OMR Answer Sheet 2025?

  • Make sure that the CODE printed on the OMR Answer Sheet is the same as that on the Test Booklet. In case of discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet.
  • In case of any discrepancy for a particular language, only the English version will be considered as the final version.

Step 7: Review Your Answers

After you have finished marking your answers, it is important that you review your answers to ensure that you have marked the correct circles for all questions. Make sure that you have not left any questions unanswered, and that your marks are dark and clean.

Step 8: Submit Your OMR Sheet

Once you have reviewed your answers and are satisfied that you have filled in the OMR Sheet correctly, you can submit your Sheet to the examination center. It is important to note that once you have submitted your OMR Sheet, you will not be able to make any changes to it, so make sure that you have filled it in correctly before submitting it.

EduRev Infinity Package for NEET is an amazing resource for students studying for the exam. It includes a full set of course materials, including study guides, video lectures, detailed notes, practice tests and mock tests to help you prepare for your exams. All of this makes it a great option for NEET preparation.

What are the Don'ts while filling an OMR Sheet?

1. Never fill the bubble just after answering each question: This method of taking the exam is time consuming and can cause a lack of focus, as you have to go back and forth between the question paper and OMR Sheet to answer each question.

2. Don't fill the bubbles in a row WITHOUT checking the question number: Many students often make mistakes when bubbling in an answer sheet as they are presented with the questions in a row. For example, after bubbling in the wrong option for 10-20 questions, they may realize their mistake. To prevent this, it is important to check the question number and option number before filling the bubble.

3. Many a times the examiner tricks you with options: The question is asking what the net resistance of a given circuit is, and the options are:
(1). 2 
(2). 3 
(3). 4 
(4). 1
The correct answer is 3 ohm; however, it is option (2), which means users must be careful and bubble (2) in their OMR. A mistake could be costly, so caution is advised.

4. Never fill the whole OMR at last. It takes around at least 18–22 minutes to fill 180 questions in an OMR (wrt NEET). This process also leads to loss of concentration when you are done with half of the OMR and it also leads to pain in your wrist and fingers.

  • The most suitable approach for filling an OMR with the least amount of mistakes is to do it subject wise. Once you are done with one topic, mark the bubbles for that subject and then proceed to the next one.
  • When filling out an OMR answer sheet, it is most accurate to mark each answer by placing a dot in the corresponding bubble instead of filling the bubble in directly. If you make a mistake, the dot will not be recognized by the scanner, allowing you to quickly go back and fill in the correct bubble.
    Example: You completed Chemistry first starting from Question no. 46 to 90 and you realised in question no. 70 mistakenly you have put a dot on option (1) which is wrong. You immediately put dot on correct option (according to you) Option (3).
    How to Fill NEET UG OMR Answer Sheet 2025?You can avoid getting a negative score by quickly picking the correct answer to a multiple choice question: Option 3.
    How to Fill NEET UG OMR Answer Sheet 2025?

10 Main Reasons Why OMR Sheet is Rejected

Here are some of the reasons why an OMR Sheet is rejected:

  1. Not filling the set ID: This is a serious error if the candidate forgets to fill the set ID. OMR reader does not know which answer sheet series it is. This would result in the missing OMR Sheet. 
  2. Multiple answers marked: If more than one answer is provided for a single question, the OMR reader will mark it as incorrect and there could be a possibility of a penalty being applied.
  3. Half-filled Bubble: OMR is unable to evaluate the half-filled bubble. Then it would be treated as no entry or not attempted. 
  4. Marking outside the bubble: The OMR is unable to read the answer if the answer is written outside the bubble. 
  5. Stray marks on the OMR Sheet: These marks misalign the OMR reader as it is not aligned in the horizontal bar. This might result in not reading the answer sheet completely. 
  6. Signature outside the box: It is similar to stary marks. The OMR reader will not be able to recognize the answers marked on the sheet. 
  7. Name box not filled: It would record an incorrect name. 
  8. Roll no. filled incorrectly: It will record an incorrect roll number. 
  9. Rough work on OMR: This will lead to a problem in reading the OMR Sheet and it would create confusion in analysis. 
  10. Using ink-based pen: Using an ink pen can tamper with the sheet and it would lead to problems in assessing the sheet. 

How to Download NEET 2023 OMR Sheet

Aspirants must follow these steps to download the NTA NEET OMR sheet 2023 once they are available:

  • Click on the official link for ‘NEET OMR Sheet PDF Download’
  • Enter the login credentials – NEET Application no. and Password
  • Click on the tab saying ‘View/Challenge OMR Sheet’
  • Verify the NEET question paper code and other details in the answer sheet

How to Challenge NEET 2023 OMR Sheet and Recorded Responses?

The process to challenge the NEET 2021 OMR Sheet are as follows:

  • Visit
  • Log in with your application number and password and submit
  • Click on the tab- Select OMR Challenge
  • You will see 180 questions and click on the Selection Questions for which you wish to challenge the recorded response.
  • If you wish to challenge you may choose the options provided in the ‘Candidate's claim’ column.
  • After selecting the desired question you wish to challenge, submit the same.
  • You will see a screen displaying your challenges
  • Click on the ‘Final Submit’ button
  • Click on ‘Go for Payment’
  • Select a mode of payment and pay your processing fee of INR 200/- for each question challenged.
  • After the payment of fees, print the NEET 2023 OMR Challenge Receipt.
  • In case the challenge is found correct the processing fee will be refunded in the same account.

NEET 2023 OMR Sheet – Payment

The payment details for NEET 2023 OMR Sheet challenge are tabulated below for the reference of candidates:



Payable Amount

INR 200/- per question

Payment Mode

Online – through Credit/Debit card/Net Banking




In conclusion, filling the NEET OMR Sheet can seem like a daunting task at first, but with the right guidance and understanding of the process, it can be done easily and accurately. By following the steps outlined in this article, along with the relevant images, you will be able to fill in the OMR Sheet correctly and increase your chances of success in the NEET examination.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on How to fill NEET OMR Sheet?

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How to Fill NEET UG OMR Answer Sheet 2025?
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How to mark responses in NEET 2025 OMR Sheet?

Candidates will have to mark responses in the NEET 2025 OMR Sheet with a ballpoint pen (black or blue) only. The pen will be provided at the NEET exam centre.

How do I fill in the personal details on the OMR Sheet?

You should fill in your personal details, such as your name, date of birth, and the test center code, in the designated fields on the OMR Sheet. Make sure that you fill in the details legibly and accurately, as these will be used to identify you and match your answers with the ones on the answer key.

How do I fill in the test booklet details on the OMR Sheet?

You will be provided with a test booklet at the test center, and you will need to fill in the details of the test booklet, such as the subject code, medium of question paper, and the test booklet series, in the designated fields on the OMR Sheet. Make sure that you fill in the details legibly and accurately, as these will be used to match your answers with the correct test booklet.

How do I mark my answers on the OMR Sheet?

You will need to use a black or blue ballpoint pen to mark your answers on the OMR Sheet. Each question will have four options, denoted by the letters A, B, C, and D. You should shade the bubble corresponding to the option you choose as your answer. Make sure that you mark only one bubble for each question, and that you shade the bubble completely, as any incompletely shaded or multiple bubbles will be considered as an incorrect answer.

How do I make sure that my OMR Sheet is filled correctly?

You should check your NEET OMR Sheet for any errors or mistakes before submitting it at the test center. Make sure that all the fields are filled in legibly and accurately, and that all the bubbles are shaded completely. If you find any errors or mistakes, you should inform the invigilator and get them corrected before submitting your OMR Sheet.

How does the OMR Sheet is evaluated?

The OMR Sheet is evaluated by a machine, which reads the bubbles shaded by the candidate. It marks the bubble which is fully shaded by the pen for each question, if the bubble is not fully shaded it consider as incorrect. Therefore It's really important that candidate shades the bubble fully.

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Are there any pen restrictions for shading the OMR Sheet?

Yes, Only black or blue ballpoint pen are allowed to use while shading the OMR Sheet. Candidate should not use pencil or ink pen.

Will I be able to take my OMR Sheet home?

No, the OMR Sheet is collected by the invigilator and they are not returned to the candidates after the test.

Can I make changes on the OMR Sheet after the test?

No, once the test is over, candidates are not allowed to make any changes or corrections to their OMR Sheet, that is the final submission.

Is whitener allowed in the NEET 2025 OMR Sheet?

No, whiteners are not allowed in NEET OMR Sheets. Students are advised not to use whiteners to correct errors as that may disrupt the scanning and evaluation procedures.

What happens if I mark two options in NEET OMR Sheet?

 In case a candidate selects multiple options for the same question while filling up NEET OMR Sheet, then no marks are rewarded for that particular question.

How can I challenge the OMR response sheet in NEET 2025?

To challenge the OMR response sheet, candidates will have to log in using the link available provided on the NEET official website (to be released after the exams are conducted). They can tally their answers with the official NEET Answer key 2025 to analyze their performance and challenge the questions available in OMR Sheet. An amount of INR 200/- will need to be paid each time a question is challenged. Candidates can download the sheet for future reference.

The document How to Fill NEET UG OMR Answer Sheet 2025? is a part of NEET category.
All you need of NEET at this link: NEET
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FAQs on How to Fill NEET UG OMR Answer Sheet 2025?

1. What are the important dates for NEET 2023?
Ans. The important dates for NEET 2023 are yet to be announced by the National Testing Agency (NTA). Aspirants are advised to regularly check the official website for updates.
2. What details need to be filled on the NEET OMR sheet?
Ans. The details that need to be filled on the NEET OMR sheet include personal information such as name, roll number, and contact details. Additionally, test booklet details, such as the booklet code, need to be filled.
3. How can I obtain the NEET OMR sheet?
Ans. The NEET OMR sheet will be provided to the candidates at the examination center on the day of the exam. It is important to handle the OMR sheet carefully and avoid any damage to it.
4. How do I mark my answers on the NEET OMR sheet?
Ans. To mark your answers on the NEET OMR sheet, you need to use a black or blue ballpoint pen. Completely darken the circle corresponding to your chosen answer. Be cautious while marking the answers as any ambiguity or incomplete marking may lead to incorrect evaluation.
5. Can I review my answers after filling the NEET OMR sheet?
Ans. Yes, you can review your answers after filling the NEET OMR sheet. It is advised to utilize the last few minutes of the examination to review your answers and make any necessary changes or corrections if required.
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