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Class 10 Science Chapter 10 HOTS Questions - Human Eye and Colourful World

Q1: A person is able to see objects clearly only when these are lying at distance between 50 cm and 300 cm from his eye.
(i) What kind of defect of vision he is suffering from ?
(ii) What kind of lenses will he required to increase his range of vision from 25 cm to infinity ? Explain briefly.

(i) For a normal eye, the near point is at 25 cm and the far point is at infinity from the eye. The given person cannot see object clearly either closer to the eye or far away from the eye. So, he is suffering horn both myopia and hypermetropia.
(ii) A bi-focal lens consisting of a concave lens and convex lens of suitable focal lengths will be required to correct the defects and to increase his range or vision from 25 cm to infinity. In a bi-focal lens, upper portion is concave which corrects distant vision and lower portion is convex which corrects near vision.

Q2: A student finds the writing on the black board as blurred and unclear when sitting on the last desk in a classroom. He however, sees it clearly when sitting on the front desk at an approximate distance of 2 m from the black board.
(i) Draw ray diagrams to illustrate the formation of image of the black board writing by his eye-lens when he is seated at the last desk and front desk.
(ii) Name the kind of lens that would help him to see clearly even when he is seated at the last desk. Draw a ray diagram to illustrate how this lens helps him to see clearly.

(i) Formation of image of the black board writing by the eye-lens of the student sitting at the last desk is shown in figure.
Class 10 Science Chapter 10 HOTS Questions - Human Eye and Colourful World

Formation of image of the black board writing by the eye-lens of the student sitting at the front-desk is shown in figure.
Class 10 Science Chapter 10 HOTS Questions - Human Eye and Colourful World

(ii) Student is suffering from Myopia, so his eye defect can be corrected by using a concave lens as shown in figure.
Class 10 Science Chapter 10 HOTS Questions - Human Eye and Colourful World

Q3: A student finds the writing on the black board as blurred and unclear while sitting on the front desk in a classroom of a big size. He however, sees it clearly while sitting on the last desk of the classroom.
(i) Draw ray diagrams to illustrate the formation of image of the black board writing by his eye-lens 
when he is seated at the front desk and last desk.
(ii) Name the defect, the eye of the student is suffering from?
(iii) Name the type of lens that would enable him to see the black board writing clearly, when seated on the front desk.
(iv) Draw a ray diagram to illustrate how this lens helps him to see clearly.
(i) Formation of image of black board writing by the eye-lens of the student sitting on the front desk is shown in figure.
Class 10 Science Chapter 10 HOTS Questions - Human Eye and Colourful World

Formation of the image of the black board writing by the eye-lens of the student sitting on the last desk is shown in figure.
Class 10 Science Chapter 10 HOTS Questions - Human Eye and Colourful World

(ii) Student’s eye suffers from hypermetropia or long sightedness as he is able to see far off object clearly but unable to see near object clearly.
(iii) Convex lens of suitable focal length.
Class 10 Science Chapter 10 HOTS Questions - Human Eye and Colourful World

Q4: A 14-years old student is not able to see clearly the questions written on a black board placed at a distance of 5 m from him.
(i) Name the defect of vision, he is suffering from.
(ii) With the help of labelled ray diagram show how this defect can be corrected.
(iii) Name the type of lens used to correct this defect.
(iv) State two causes of this defect.
(i) Student is suffering from Myopia or short-sightedness
(ii) For ray diagram,
Class 10 Science Chapter 10 HOTS Questions - Human Eye and Colourful World(iii) Concave lens of suitable focal length is used to correct this defect.
(iv) It is due to

  • elongation of the eye ball,
  • excessive curvature of the cornea.

Q5: A beam of white light falling on a glass prism gets split up into seven colours marked 1 to 7 as shown in the diagram. A student makes the following statements about the spectrum observed on the screen.
(i) The colours at position marked 3 and 5 are similar to the colour of the sky and the core of a hard boiled egg respectively. Is the statement made by the student correct or incorrect ? Justify.
(ii) Which two positions correspond closely to the colour of a solution of potassium permanganate Danger or stop signal lights?

Class 10 Science Chapter 10 HOTS Questions - Human Eye and Colourful World

(i) The colours at positions 3 and 5 are yellow and blue respectively. On the other hand, student has identified them as blue (i.e colour of sky) and yellow (colour of the core of a hard boiled egg) respectively. Hence, the statement is incorrect.
(ii) Position 7 is the position of violet colour, which corresponds to the colour of a solution of potassium permanganate.
Position 1 is the position of red colour, which corresponds to the colour of ‘danger’ or stop signal lights.

Q6: A glass prims is able to produce a spectrum when white light passes through it but a glass slab does not produce any spectrum. Explain. Why is it so ?
Ans: When white light enters the glass slab, dispersion of light takes place. The angle of refraction for violet colour is more than for red colour on entering the glass slab. But all colours of light return to the original direction of propagation while refracting from other side of the glass slab and thus white light emerges out of the glass slab. Hence, glass slab does not produce any spectrum.

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FAQs on Class 10 Science Chapter 10 HOTS Questions - Human Eye and Colourful World

1. What are the main parts of the human eye and their functions?
Ans.The main parts of the human eye include the cornea, lens, iris, pupil, retina, and optic nerve. The cornea helps to focus light, the lens adjusts the focus for near or distant objects, the iris controls the size of the pupil to regulate light entry, the pupil is the opening that lets light in, the retina converts light into neural signals, and the optic nerve transmits these signals to the brain for visual processing.
2. How does the human eye perceive color?
Ans.The human eye perceives color through specialized cells in the retina called cones. There are three types of cones sensitive to different wavelengths of light: short (blue), medium (green), and long (red). The brain combines the signals from these cones to create the perception of various colors based on the intensity and combination of light hitting the cones.
3. What is the role of the lens in the human eye?
Ans.The lens of the human eye plays a crucial role in focusing light onto the retina. It changes shape to adjust focus for objects at different distances, a process known as accommodation. When looking at nearby objects, the lens becomes thicker, while it flattens for distant objects, ensuring that clear images are formed on the retina.
4. Why do we see different colors in objects?
Ans.Objects appear in different colors due to the way they reflect, absorb, or transmit light. A surface that reflects certain wavelengths of light will appear to have the color corresponding to those wavelengths. For example, a red apple reflects red light and absorbs other colors, making it appear red to our eyes.
5. What is the significance of the retina in vision?
Ans.The retina is significant in vision because it contains photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) that detect light and convert it into electrical signals. Rods are responsible for vision in low light, while cones enable color vision in bright light. The retina processes these signals and sends them via the optic nerve to the brain, where they are interpreted as visual images.
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