Table of contents |
Thallus Organization and Reproductive Pattern in Fungi |
Vegetative Thallus Organisation |
Reproduction in Fungi |
Structure and Reproduction in Lichen |
Reproduction |
The vegetative structures in most fungi, except for unicellular ones, consist of a network of fine filaments known as mycelium. Each individual filament is referred to as a hypha (plural: hyphae). In many fungi, the thallus (the fungal body) is divided into a vegetative region responsible for nutrient absorption and a reproductive region. Such thalli are called eucarpic. In contrast, some fungi lack this differentiation, and after a phase of vegetative growth, the entire thallus transforms into reproductive structures. These thalli are termed holocarpic, as seen in organisms like Synchytrium and Olpidium.
The mycelium represents the vegetative phase of a fungus and originates from a spore. Hyphae can be either branched or unbranched and exhibit a wide range of sizes, varying from a few microns to several meters in length. Hyphal thickness can range from 0.5 µ to 100 µ. Typically, hyphae are colorless, but in some species, they may have various colors due to differences in reserve food materials or pigments.
Each hypha is composed of an outer thin wall and a cavity filled with or lined by protoplasm. Different groups of fungi exhibit variations in hyphal structure. Oomycetes and Zygomycetes generally have non-septate hyphae (lacking crosswalls or septa), whereas Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, and Deuteromycetes have septate hyphae (with crosswalls). In aseptate hyphae, numerous nuclei are dispersed throughout the cytoplasm, and this type of vegetative structure is termed coenocytic.
In septate fungi (Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes), septa have a single central pore (or occasionally more) that allows the passage of cytoplasm, organelles, and even nuclei from one cell to another. Despite the presence of septa, these fungi can be considered coenocytic organisms. Ascomycetes have a simple pore in the middle of the crosswall, while Basidiomycetes have a more complex structure known as the dolipore.
In aseptate hyphae, septa form when reproductive structures are delimited or when a wall is developed to seal off damaged areas of the hypha. Within septate or cellular hyphae, individual hyphal cells may contain one nucleus (uninucleate), two nuclei (binucleate), or many nuclei (multinucleate). A hyphal cell with genetically identical haploid nuclei is termed monokaryotic, whereas cells containing two genetically different but compatible haploid nuclei are called dikaryotic.
Basidiomycetes exhibit two phases in their life cycle: a monokaryotic phase in which hyphal cells are uninucleate, and a dikaryotic phase in which cells are binucleate. The corresponding mycelium stages are referred to as monokaryotic mycelium and dikaryotic mycelium, which are also known as primary and secondary mycelium, respectively.
The vegetative cells of most fungi possess a well-defined cell wall made primarily of chitin, while some may also contain cellulose. Slime molds are an exception as they lack a cell wall. The hyphal wall is composed of layers of microfibrils of chitin and cellulose distributed within an amorphous matrix. In the majority of fungi, chitin is the predominant component of the cell wall. In certain fungi, like oomycetes, cellulose makes up the majority of the cell wall, while in others, the cell wall consists of both chitin and cellulose. Additional substances, such as glucan, have also been identified in fungal cell walls.
Slime molds have a vegetative body composed of a slimy mass of naked protoplasm without an external wall.
Within the cell wall lies the protoplast, which is surrounded by the plasmalemma (cytoplasmic membrane) containing ergosterol (not cholesterol or phytosterol as in animals or plants). Cellular inclusions in fungi include endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, mitochondria, vacuoles, and nuclei. Fungal endoplasmic reticulum consists of two parallel unit membranes, while ribosomes are dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. Mitochondria in fungi resemble those in other organisms. Vacuoles in fungal cells are large and evident.
Fungal cells possess lomasomes, membrane-bound tubules or vesicles found between the plasmalemma and the cell wall, although their function remains unknown. Dictyosomes, which are typically rare, have been reported in oomycetes.
All fungi are eukaryotic, meaning they possess a nucleus enclosed by a double membrane. Fungal nuclei are small, typically ranging from 2–3 µm in diameter, while those in plants and animals are larger (at least 5–8 µm). Fungal nuclei are separated by a porous double membrane. During mitotic nuclear division, the nuclear envelope may constrict in the middle to separate two sister nuclei, a process known as karyochorisis. Chromatin in fungi is generally uniform, with limited differentiation into euchromatin and heterochromatin. In some fungi like yeast and Neurospora, chromosomes do not condense and become visible during mitosis.
Mitosis in fungi can vary widely depending on the species. In some fungi, including slime molds and non-filamentous fungi, the spindle forms inside the nucleus, which remains distinct, as the nuclear envelope does not break down as in plants and animals. Instead, it constricts to separate the two daughter nuclei.
Fungal mycelium is typically a tangled mass of hyphae growing on or within a substrate. In certain fungi, such as Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes, hyphae can organize into loosely or compactly woven structures known as hyphal strands. Two types of hyphal strands exist: prosenchyma (loosely woven) and pseudoparenchyma (closely packed with short cells). Hyphal cells from different strands may fuse through a process called anastomosis, forming a three-dimensional network of hyphae. Anastomosis facilitates the development of specialized structures like sclerotia, fruiting structures (stromata or sporocarps), and rhizomorphs.
Sclerotia are tough, often rounded resting bodies composed of pseudoparenchyma and are capable of surviving adverse conditions. Stromata are complex, organized structures found in ascomycetes and basidiomycetes fungi, where spores are produced sexually. Rhizomorphs are elongated, root-like strands that facilitate perennation and vegetative propagation, primarily in Basidiomycetes.
It's important to note that fungal cells and structures exhibit considerable diversity among different species and groups within the fungal kingdom.
The reproduction in fungi takes place by following three methods:
Fungal reproduction occurs through several methods:
(a) Fragmentation: In numerous fungi, the vegetative body breaks into one or more fragments, each of which can develop into a new individual when favorable conditions are present.
(b) Oidia: Some fungi produce small, rounded, or oval segments known as oidia when their hyphae break apart. Each oidium acts as an accessory spore and can germinate to form a new individual under suitable conditions.
(c) Chlamydospores: In certain fungi, specific cells within the hyphae develop thick walls and become chlamydospores. These are resting spores that can remain viable for extended periods. Chlamydospores are formed singly or in chains, either at the tips or along the length of the hyphae. When favorable conditions return, each chlamydospore can germinate to establish a new mycelium. Examples of fungi employing this method include Pythium, Mucor, and Fusarium.
(d) Fission: Unicellular fungi like yeasts reproduce vegetatively by splitting the vegetative cell into two equal daughter cells, followed by a constriction. Each daughter cell then matures into a new vegetative cell.
(e) Budding: In some fungi, such as yeasts, vegetative reproduction occurs through budding. The vegetative cell produces a small outgrowth called a bud, which eventually separates from the mother cell through constriction, forming a new cell. In some yeasts, multiple buds may form simultaneously and remain together, creating a chain of buds. This chain resembles mycelium and is referred to as pseudomycelium.
(f) Sclerotia: Many fungi produce sclerotia, which are durable, resistant structures. Each sclerotium is typically round and consists of outer thick-walled cells forming the rind, as well as inner parenchyma cells. Sclerotia can endure unfavorable conditions and, once favorable conditions return, they can germinate to produce vegetative hyphae, initiating new fungal growth.
Asexual reproduction in fungi primarily occurs through the formation of spores, which are the most common types of reproductive units. These spores are typically small, usually unicellular, and are generated from the parent fungus without involving sexual processes. In some fungi, like Alternaria, the spores can be multicellular. Asexual spores, also known as mitospores, can be categorized into two main types based on their formation: sporangiospores and conidia.
Sporangiospores: These spores are produced internally within specialized sac-like structures called sporangia. Sporangia are typically found on specialized hyphae known as sporangiophores. Depending on their motility, sporangiospores can be further divided into two subtypes:
Zoospores: These are motile sporangiospores produced in zoosporangia. They can move using flagella and are found in fungi like Saprolegnia, Pythium, and Phytophthora (Refer to Figure 5.7 C). Zoospores can possess one or two flagella with distinct characteristics (Refer to Figure 5.7 D).
Aplanospores: Aplanospores are non-motile sporangiospores formed endogenously. Fungi such as Mucor and Rhizopus produce aplanospores (Refer to Figure 5.7 A and G). These are unicellular spores dispersed by wind currents.
Conidia: In fungi belonging to the groups Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, and Deuteromycetes, asexual reproduction involves the production of non-motile spores called conidia. Conidia are typically formed externally at the tips of regular vegetative hyphae or specialized hyphae called conidiophores (Refer to Figure 5.7 I and J). These conidia can be present individually (e.g., Pythium, Phytophthora) or in chains (e.g., Aspergillus, Penicillium). Conidiophores may either be separate from each other or grouped together to create complex structures like ascervuli, pycnidia, synnemata, and sporodochia.
Asexual Reproduction: While many fungi primarily reproduce sexually, the members of mitosporic fungi, also known as Deuteromycetes or fungi imperfecti, lack known or observed sexual stages. In sexual reproduction in fungi, two nuclei of different parentage fuse together, and this fusion can occur in various forms, including motile or non-motile gametes, gametangia, or somatic cells of the thallus.
Homothallic and Heterothallic: Fungi can be homothallic, meaning they produce both male and female gametangia on the same mycelium and are capable of self-fertilization. In homothallic fungi, gametangia may either be clearly distinct as male and female structures (antheridia and oogonia) or morphologically similar and sexually undifferentiated.
In contrast, heterothallic fungi separate the sexes into different individuals:
Three Phases of Sexual Reproduction: Sexual reproduction in fungi occurs in three distinct phases that happen sequentially: plasmogamy, karyogamy, and meiosis.
Sex Cells and Gametangia: The two merging protoplasts are known as sex cells or gametes, and they are produced within specialized structures in the thallus called gametangia.
Isogamy: When the fusing gametes are morphologically identical, they are termed isogametes, and the fertilization process is referred to as isogamous. Isogametes can be flagellate (planogametes) or non-flagellate (aplanogametes).
Heterogamy: Heterogamous fungi produce different-sized and structured gametes. There are two subtypes:
Methods of Plasmogamy: The fusion of compatible nuclei through plasmogamy can happen through several methods:
Gametangial Contact: In this method, male and female gametangia come into direct contact with each other, allowing the male nucleus (or nuclei) to be transferred into the female gametangium through a pore or fertilization tubes.
Gametangial Copulation: Gametangial copulation involves the fusion of the entire contents of two gametangia through a pore or by dissolving contact walls, resulting in the formation of a common cell.
Spermatisation: Some fungi produce non-motile male cells called spermatia, which are carried by various means (e.g., wind, water, insects) to female gametangia, receptive hyphae, or somatic hyphae. These spermatia then transfer their contents into the receptive structure, forming a dikaryotic cell.
Somatogamy: In higher fungi where sex organs are absent, sexual reproduction occurs through somatogamy. This involves the anastomosis (fusion) of somatic hyphae that contain nuclei of different parentage.
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Structure and Reproduction Fungi & Lichens
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Lichens can be categorized into three primary morphological groups based on their overall appearance: crustose, foliose, and fruticose lichen thalli.
The simplest form of lichen thallus features loosely organized fungal hyphae and an algal component growing as powdery patches and is known as leprose lichen.
[The figure illustrates different forms of lichens: A—Crustose lichen (Haematomma sp.) growing on rock. B—Crustose lichen (Graphis scripta). C—Foliose lichen (Parmelia sp.) growing on bark; the dark cup-shaped structures are the apothecia (fruiting bodies). D—Fruticose lichen (Cladonia sp.) growing erect on the ground. E—Fruticose lichen (Usnea sp.) showing branched epiphytic thallus and disc-like apothecia.]
Two primary types of lichen thalli can be identified based on their internal structure. In certain lichens, the fungi and photobionts (usually algae) are not restricted to a specific layer but are dispersed randomly throughout the thallus. This structural arrangement is termed "homiomerous."
The majority of lichens fall under the category of "heteromerous" or stratified thalli. In heteromerous lichens, the algal cells are organized into distinct layers.
These lichens exhibit internal differentiation into four main layers, as follows (see Figure 7.3):
(a) Upper Cortex: This layer consists of densely woven fungal hyphae with thick walls, often containing abundant gelatinous material. Interstitial spaces are typically absent in this layer.
(b) Algal Layer: In this layer, algal cells are surrounded by loosely packed fungal hyphae with thin cell walls.
(c) Medulla: Comprising the bulk of the thallus, the medulla consists of loosely packed fungal hyphae with thick cell walls.
(d) Lower Cortex: In some lichens, especially those with foliose forms (leaf-like), there may be a lower cortex composed of closely packed, dark-colored hyphae. This layer gives rise to rhizinae, specialized structures for attachment and nutrient absorption.
[Figure 7.3 illustrates the internal structure of lichen thalli.]
Lichens reproduce asexually and sexually.
It takes place by the following methods:
The method of sexual reproduction in lichens is contingent upon the specific type of fungus present in the lichen. Generally, the fungal component is an ascomycete, and as a result, ascocarps are produced. However, the reproductive capability of the photobiont is notably diminished in the lichenized state.
Types of Ascocarps: The ascocarp can assume the form of either an apothecium or a perithecium. In the case of an apothecium, its typical structure includes a layer of fertile tissues referred to as the hymenium or thecium. This hymenium comprises sterile, thread-like hyphae known as paraphyses, which are interspersed among sac-like structures called asci. These asci contain the ascospores.
[Figure 7.5 C provides an illustration of the apothecium's structure.]
Typically, each ascus (the sac-like structure) contains eight ascospores, although there may occasionally be one or two ascospores. Below the hymenium lies a layer of loosely packed fungal hyphae called the hypothecium or subhymenium.
Ascospore Germination and New Thallus Formation: The ascospores undergo germination to give rise to hyphal branches. When these branches make contact with a suitable algal cell, they initiate the development of a new lichen thallus.
Following are some physiological features of the composite lichen which suggest as to how they are adapted to the habitats in which they grow.
The precise nature of the relationship between the two partners in a lichen association remains a subject of extensive debate and is not yet fully comprehended.
While it is relatively straightforward to isolate the majority of lichen algae (or cyanobacteria) and fungi into pure cultures, reconstituting lichens from these isolated partners has proven to be exceptionally challenging. In recent years, some associations have been created that resemble lichen structures, but they have not exhibited the distinctive characteristics of lichen bodies. Nevertheless, it has become evident that the most favorable conditions for lichen resynthesis involve an extremely nutrient-poor growth medium, a suitable substrate like rock, wood, or soil (rather than agar), and periodic, gradual cycles of drying and rehydration in the cultures.
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