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The French in India | History Optional for UPSC (Notes) PDF Download

French Arrival in India

The French in India | History Optional for UPSC (Notes)

  • The French were the last European nation to arrive in India with the aim of trade.
  • Under King Louis XIV, his minister Colbert established the Compagnie des Indes Orientales (French East India Company) in 1664, with the king's strong support.
  • The Company received a 50-year monopoly on French trade in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The French king also granted the company perpetual rights for the island of Madagascar and any other territories it could conquer.
  • The Company invested heavily in attempting to revive the Madagascar colonies, but with little success. In 1667, an expedition led by Francois Caron was sent to India, establishing a factory in Surat.
  • A Persian named Mercara, who was part of Caron's team, founded another French factory in Masulipatnam in 1669 after obtaining permission from the Sultan of Golconda.
  • In 1673, the French received permission from Shaista Khan, the Mughal Subahdar of Bengal, to set up a township at Chandernagore near Calcutta.

Pondicherry—Nerve Centre of French Power in India:

  • In 1673, the governor of Valikondapuram, under the Bijapur Sultan, granted the French a site for a settlement.
  • Pondicherry was founded in 1674.
  • The French company established factories in other parts of India, especially along the coast.
  • Important trading centers included Mahe,Karaikal,Balasore, and Qasim Bazar.
  • After taking charge of Pondicherry in 1674, Francois Martin developed it into a significant center, becoming the French stronghold in India.

Early Setbacks to the French East India Company: The French position in India faced challenges due to the war between the Dutch and the French.

  • With support from the English since the 1688 Revolution, the Dutch captured Pondicherry in 1693.
  • The Treaty of Ryswick in September 1697 restored Pondicherry to the French.
  • Under Francois Martin's leadership, Pondicherry prospered and became the French's most important settlement in India.
  • However, the French faced difficulties again during the War of Spanish Succession in Europe, leading to the abandonment of factories in Surat,Masulipatnam, and Bantam in the early 18th century.
  • The French in India suffered another blow with the death of Francois Martin on December 31, 1706.
  • Reorganization of the French Company: In 1720, the French company was reorganized as the 'Perpetual Company of the Indies', regaining its strength.
  • Additionally, French India was supported by French possessions in Mauritius and Reunion in the southern Indian Ocean.

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Which French settlement became the most important stronghold for the French in India?
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FAQs on The French in India - History Optional for UPSC (Notes)

1. Quelles étaient les principales motivations de l'arrivée française en Inde ?
Ans. Les principales motivations de l'arrivée française en Inde incluaient le désir de commerce, l'expansion coloniale et la recherche de nouvelles ressources. Les Français voulaient établir des comptoirs commerciaux pour rivaliser avec les Britanniques et les Néerlandais dans le commerce des épices, du café et du thé.
2. Quels étaient les principaux comptoirs français en Inde ?
Ans. Les principaux comptoirs français en Inde comprenaient Pondichéry, Chandannagar, Karikal, Mahe et Yanaon. Pondichéry, en particulier, est devenu le centre administratif et commercial des possessions françaises en Inde.
3. Comment la présence française a-t-elle influencé la culture locale en Inde ?
Ans. La présence française en Inde a eu une influence significative sur la culture locale, notamment dans des domaines comme la gastronomie, l'architecture et la langue. Des éléments de la cuisine française ont été intégrés à la cuisine locale, et l'architecture coloniale française est encore visible dans des villes comme Pondichéry.
4. Quel rôle la Compagnie des Indes orientales française a-t-elle joué en Inde ?
Ans. La Compagnie des Indes orientales française, fondée au XVIIe siècle, a joué un rôle crucial dans l'établissement de la domination française en Inde. Elle a supervisé le commerce, la colonisation et l'administration des territoires français, tout en menant des conflits avec d'autres puissances coloniales, notamment la Grande-Bretagne.
5. Quelles étaient les conséquences des guerres franco-britanniques en Inde ?
Ans. Les guerres franco-britanniques, notamment la guerre de Sept Ans, ont eu des conséquences majeures, entraînant un déclin de l'influence française en Inde. À l'issue de ces conflits, la France a dû céder de nombreux territoires à la Grande-Bretagne, réduisant ainsi sa présence coloniale dans le pays.
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